Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors

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A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Today is the second day in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist charged with murdering seven newborn babies and one young woman in a botched abortion due to overdose of anesthesia. Gosnell killed the babies with scissors after they had been born – and he wasn’t the only one.

Adrienne Moton, a former employee of Gosnell, testified for the prosecution. CBS Philadelphia reported her testimony:

"Adrienne Moton broke down several times as she recounted her work at the clinic.

Untrained, she says, she was doing ultrasounds and administering anesthesia within months. And eventually, she has admitted, she snipped the necks of ‘a good ten’ fetuses.”

His Lawyers response?

[B"This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia…It's a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell."][/B]

Kermit Gosnell on Trial for Abortion "House of Horrors" | SBA-List

Big Abortion at its finest.
Today is the second day in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist charged with murdering seven newborn babies and one young woman in a botched abortion due to overdose of anesthesia. Gosnell killed the babies with scissors after they had been born – and he wasn’t the only one.

Adrienne Moton, a former employee of Gosnell, testified for the prosecution. CBS Philadelphia reported her testimony:

"Adrienne Moton broke down several times as she recounted her work at the clinic.

Untrained, she says, she was doing ultrasounds and administering anesthesia within months. And eventually, she has admitted, she snipped the necks of ‘a good ten’ fetuses.”

untrained staff to treat patients, conduct medical tests, and administer medications without supervision. Even more alarmingly, Gosnell instructed unlicensed workers to sedate patients with dangerous drugs in his absence... In addition, he regularly performed abortions beyond the 24-week limit prescribed by law. As a result, viable babies were born. Gosnell killed them by plunging scissors into their spinal cords. He taught his staff to do the same.

This trial begs the question: where was the Pennsylvania Department of Health? According to the Grand Jury report, Gosnell’s clinic had not been inspected for more than 17 years.

The article reads to me like he broke the law on several levels, from unlicensed workers to health code violations and performing abortions past term limits according to the law.
Only a liberal would think this was a wise plan. Just goes to show they don't really care about the welfare of the mother.

After 1993…the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions. (pg. 12)
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

What do expect a defense lawyer to do? Get up in court and say, "My client is guilty as hell?" They wouldn't be lawyers very long if they did.

They're stretching to make a defense and I doubt very seriously if the jury will buy it.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Just yesterday you stated that you would have killed the conjoined twins referenced in that other thread after they were born, still alive, and you called it a "mercy killing", and now you're stating that this doctor committed murder because it was still alive.

Seriously woman, just what drugs are you on?:cuckoo:

And, if you're not on drugs, then you need some serious psychological help.
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Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)
If the charges against him are true, he belongs in prison.

And I say this as someone who totally believes in a woman's right to choose, too.
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

Blame the abortion rights people who didnt want to apply outpaitent clinic standards to abortion clinics because they feared the regulations would be used to "hinder abortion access."

Its funny that progressives are in favor of regulating the crap out of everything, except abortions of course.
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

Blame the abortion rights people who didnt want to apply outpaitent clinic standards to abortion clinics because they feared the regulations would be used to "hinder abortion access."

Its funny that progressives are in favor of regulating the crap out of everything, except abortions of course.

Oh, I agree, the unregulated nature of the abortion industry is a large problem. Has been for a long time.

Unfortunately, those regulations should be crafted by doctors, not religious fanatics. So instead of doctors establshing a standard of care, like they did everywhere else, the religious fanatics put regulations in so onerous the courts really had no choice but to strike them down because there was no medical reason for them.
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

Blame the abortion rights people who didnt want to apply outpaitent clinic standards to abortion clinics because they feared the regulations would be used to "hinder abortion access."

Its funny that progressives are in favor of regulating the crap out of everything, except abortions of course.

Oh, I agree, the unregulated nature of the abortion industry is a large problem. Has been for a long time.

Unfortunately, those regulations should be crafted by doctors, not religious fanatics. So instead of doctors establshing a standard of care, like they did everywhere else, the religious fanatics put regulations in so onerous the courts really had no choice but to strike them down because there was no medical reason for them.

So that is what happened specifcally in Pennsylvania? I know that happens down South, but is that true in this case specifically?
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

What!!!??? Abortions are not health care,they take a life.

Now your attempt at once again ,a stupid illogical jab at the right,just show your blind stupidity.

The guy is a criminal,that took advantage of every angle he could to maximize his profits,nothing to do anything else.
The guy didn't perform abortions. He delivered a live baby and THEN killed it while it was still alive. That is murder. I don't know how his lawyers could say he should go free, that he did nothing wrong - do they think it should be okay for a so called doctor to do what he did?

You are out of your mind!!
What a horror. A nightmare. Glad he''s been stopped and hope he rots in prison. Better yet, how about the death sentence for him.
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

Absolutely correct.

If the radical religious right gets their way, this will be the norm across the country, just as it used to be.

Idiots. They're so full of hate for human beings, they would just love to have this happen everywhere.
Gosnell is a quack and idiot and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

But he's the product of what the right wing boasts about- the best health care for those who can afford it and shitty health care for the poor. (As opposed to good health care for everyone like every other advanced country does it.)

What!!!??? Abortions are not health care,they take a life.

Now your attempt at once again ,a stupid illogical jab at the right,just show your blind stupidity.

The guy is a criminal,that took advantage of every angle he could to maximize his profits,nothing to do anything else.

Fetuses aren't a life. Sorry. They just aren't. They can't survive outside the womb.

And again, if they women got proper birth control or access to professional/timely abortion, they wouldn't go to a bottom feeder like Gosnell.
The allegations about the death of a patient due to anesthesia misuse is probably the main focus of the prosecution. Killing a full term baby on the table that slipped out of the stupid abortionist's hands rather than (legally) stabbing it in the back of the neck while it is inches away from birth is a fine line that the state probably won't want to approach.
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