Kerry found his medals


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
John Kerry attended King Charle's coronation...

.......There were some, however, who did pick Kerry out in the crowd and noted something interesting about his appearance. Dressed in a suit, the former Secretary of State was weighed down with service medals from the United States military...the medals he previously was publicly proud to discard as a show of his allegedly strongly held convictions.

You see, back in 1971, a much-younger John Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC News.


Kerry reminds me of one of those North Korean generals
John Kerry attended King Charle's coronation...

.......There were some, however, who did pick Kerry out in the crowd and noted something interesting about his appearance. Dressed in a suit, the former Secretary of State was weighed down with service medals from the United States military...the medals he previously was publicly proud to discard as a show of his allegedly strongly held convictions.

You see, back in 1971, a much-younger John Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC News.

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Kerry reminds me of one of those North Korean generals
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Those medals on the North Koreans are participation medals.

As for Kerry, just a typical democrat with a yarn. They are dime a dozen.
John Kerry attended King Charle's coronation...

.......There were some, however, who did pick Kerry out in the crowd and noted something interesting about his appearance. Dressed in a suit, the former Secretary of State was weighed down with service medals from the United States military...the medals he previously was publicly proud to discard as a show of his allegedly strongly held convictions.

You see, back in 1971, a much-younger John Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC News.

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Kerry reminds me of one of those North Korean generals
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Well, he is a whiny twat you know.
WASHINGTON – A startling new book charges that John Kerry accidentally “wounded himself in the buttocks” in Vietnam with a grenade he exploded, then lied to get a medal by saying he had received the injury rescuing one of his crewmen.

The explosive new book, “Unfit for Command,” was released yesterday by Regnery Publishing and presents the biggest challenge yet to Kerry’s decorated war record.

Based on the accounts of numerous vets, the book claims Kerry’s rescue under fire of Jim Rassman – an action that earned Kerry his third Purple Heart and a Bronze Star – didn’t happen the way the Democratic nominee claims.

Larry Thurlow, the skipper of a boat trailing Kerry’s, says in the book that he saw Kerry suffer a buttocks wound earlier that day in 1969 when he was hit by fragments from his own grenade while trying to destroy a Viet Cong rice cache.

“He dishonestly transferred the time and cause of the injury to coincide with the [boat rescue] action later in the day and claimed that the cause of the injury was the mine exploding during the action,” the book claims.

Kerry wants to be a war hero and an anti-war protester at the same time.
John Kerry attended King Charle's coronation...

.......There were some, however, who did pick Kerry out in the crowd and noted something interesting about his appearance. Dressed in a suit, the former Secretary of State was weighed down with service medals from the United States military...the medals he previously was publicly proud to discard as a show of his allegedly strongly held convictions.

You see, back in 1971, a much-younger John Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC News.

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Kerry reminds me of one of those North Korean generals
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I wonder if all those medals are a last line of defense in case Kim Jung gets pissed and opens fire on them?
John Kerry attended King Charle's coronation...

.......There were some, however, who did pick Kerry out in the crowd and noted something interesting about his appearance. Dressed in a suit, the former Secretary of State was weighed down with service medals from the United States military...the medals he previously was publicly proud to discard as a show of his allegedly strongly held convictions.

You see, back in 1971, a much-younger John Kerry told WRC-TV on November 6, 1971, that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC News.

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Kerry reminds me of one of those North Korean generals
View attachment 783583

Such a focus on a non issue. As always.
WASHINGTON – A startling new book charges that John Kerry accidentally “wounded himself in the buttocks” in Vietnam with a grenade he exploded, then lied to get a medal by saying he had received the injury rescuing one of his crewmen.

The explosive new book, “Unfit for Command,” was released yesterday by Regnery Publishing and presents the biggest challenge yet to Kerry’s decorated war record.

Based on the accounts of numerous vets, the book claims Kerry’s rescue under fire of Jim Rassman – an action that earned Kerry his third Purple Heart and a Bronze Star – didn’t happen the way the Democratic nominee claims.

Larry Thurlow, the skipper of a boat trailing Kerry’s, says in the book that he saw Kerry suffer a buttocks wound earlier that day in 1969 when he was hit by fragments from his own grenade while trying to destroy a Viet Cong rice cache.

“He dishonestly transferred the time and cause of the injury to coincide with the [boat rescue] action later in the day and claimed that the cause of the injury was the mine exploding during the action,” the book claims.

Kerry wants to be a war hero and an anti-war protester at the same time.
He is both. He was there. He saw that the men were dying without need as the government would not put an end to the war. That is when he became against that war.

Keep up with the subject.
Those medals on the North Koreans are participation medals.

As for Kerry, just a typical democrat with a yarn. They are dime a dozen.
Well, you know.. Prince Charles usually wears a bunch of medals too. Kerry was probably just trying to look like many of the pompous British royals and nobles attending. Pathetic, an American doing that to fit in at a British ceremony.
He is both. He was there. He saw that the men were dying without need as the government would not put an end to the war. That is when he became against that war.

Keep up with the subject.
He volunteered for the naval academy to get military credentials for a political career. Then he got assigned to a destroyer that was kept in blue water far from combat. Then he volunteered for Swift Boats when they were being used offshore inspecting civilian sampans as part of Operation Market Time, unfortunately for him, the Navy decided to move the Swifts inshore to support the river monitors and PBRs on the larger rivers. This put him in danger, so he ginned up a combat record for political gain. When he returned to the states he saw that being anti-war had political advantages so he changed from the “hero track” to the “protestor track” and claimed to be anti-war. He always was a phony.
Kerry never said that he grew away his medals. He said he only threw away the ribbons. Military people know that is a distinction without a difference.

Kerry is a punk.
He volunteered for the naval academy to get military credentials for a political career. Then he got assigned to a destroyer that was kept in blue water far from combat. Then he volunteered for Swift Boats when they were being used offshore inspecting civilian sampans as part of Operation Market Time, unfortunately for him, the Navy decided to move the Swifts inshore to support the river monitors and PBRs on the larger rivers. This put him in danger, so he ginned up a combat record for political gain. When he returned to the states he saw that being anti-war had political advantages so he changed from the “hero track” to the “protestor track” and claimed to be anti-war. He always was a phony.
Kerry did not attend or graduate from the Naval Academy.
He volunteered for the naval academy to get military credentials for a political career. Then he got assigned to a destroyer that was kept in blue water far from combat. Then he volunteered for Swift Boats when they were being used offshore inspecting civilian sampans as part of Operation Market Time, unfortunately for him, the Navy decided to move the Swifts inshore to support the river monitors and PBRs on the larger rivers. This put him in danger, so he ginned up a combat record for political gain. When he returned to the states he saw that being anti-war had political advantages so he changed from the “hero track” to the “protestor track” and claimed to be anti-war. He always was a phony.
[Calling John Kerry a phony is like Donald Trump calling John McCain "Not A war hero" ]

John Kerry was wounded in his first significant combat action, when he volunteered for a special mission on 2 December1968:
Kerry earned his second Purple Heart while returning from a PCF mission up the Bo De River on 20 February 1969:

Kerry earned his Silver Star on 28 February 1969, when he beached his craft and jumped off it with an M-16 rifle in hand to chase and shoot a guerrilla who was running into position to launch a B-40 rocket at Kerry's boat. Contrary to the account quoted above, Kerry did not shoot a "Charlie" who had "fired at the boat and missed," whose "rocket launcher was empty," and who was "already dead or dying" after being "knocked down with a .50 caliber round." Kerry's boat had been hit by a rocket fired by someone else — the guerrilla in question was still armed with a live B-40 and had only been clipped in the leg; when the guerrilla got up to run, Kerry assumed he was getting into position to launch a rocket and shot him:

(full article online)

[Calling John Kerry a phony is like Donald Trump calling John McCain "Not A war hero" ]

John Kerry was wounded in his first significant combat action, when he volunteered for a special mission on 2 December1968:
Kerry earned his second Purple Heart while returning from a PCF mission up the Bo De River on 20 February 1969:

Kerry earned his Silver Star on 28 February 1969, when he beached his craft and jumped off it with an M-16 rifle in hand to chase and shoot a guerrilla who was running into position to launch a B-40 rocket at Kerry's boat. Contrary to the account quoted above, Kerry did not shoot a "Charlie" who had "fired at the boat and missed," whose "rocket launcher was empty," and who was "already dead or dying" after being "knocked down with a .50 caliber round." Kerry's boat had been hit by a rocket fired by someone else — the guerrilla in question was still armed with a live B-40 and had only been clipped in the leg; when the guerrilla got up to run, Kerry assumed he was getting into position to launch a rocket and shot him:

(full article online)

Kerry is a fraud and a punk. Every former military person knows this.

Trump diversions are stupid
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Kerry did not attend or graduate from the Naval Academy.

Commission and training​

On February 18, 1966, John Kerry enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve.[1] He began his active duty military service on August 19, 1966. After completing sixteen weeks of Officer Candidate School at the U.S. Naval Training Center in Newport, Rhode Island, he received his commission on December 16, 1966.

On January 3, 1967, Kerry began a ten-week Officer Damage Control Course at the Naval Schools Command on Treasure Island, California. On March 22, 1967, he reported to the U.S. Fleet Anti-Air Warfare Training Center for training as a Combat Information Center Watch Officer.


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