Kerry: 'News should not report terrorism so people don't know what's going on'

That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.
Does Kerry also support less media coverage when a high profile terrorist is killed or attack prevented? It's the medias job to cover both the positive and negative not just what makes the administration of moment look good.
The news does a terrible job. Whenever there's breaking terror reports they are straight up wrong ! Dallas shooting was reported that there were like 2-4 guys . Wrong . They had that photo of the one dude wh the rifle . Wrong !
That's the problem when you try to rush shit on live TV and you have 24 hours of "news" you need to fill so you use any old crap.

The number of people and events that should never have been reported on is simply astounding. Most of it would barely count as trivia.
A Muslim who had contacted Al Qaeida, called himself a soldier of Allah, threatened to behead fellow officers for refusing to convert, killing fellow soldiers while yelling Allah Akbar....'NOT tertorism'.

Betty, get your lips off Barry's ass when you type.
Does Kerry also support less media coverage when a high profile terrorist is killed or attack prevented? It's the medias job to cover both the positive and negative not just what makes the administration of moment look good.
Killing terrorists you report. Terrorists killing you don't.
Obama bringing terrorists here who kill Americans, Obama failing to keep us safe, no reporting. Got it.
A Muslim who had contacted Al Qaeida, called himself a soldier of Allah, threatened to behead fellow officers for refusing to convert, killing fellow soldiers while yelling Allah Akbar....'NOT tertorism'.

Betty, get your lips off Barry's ass when you type.

Her head is up her own ass, obozo's ass is in her heart.

So much for 'most transparent evuh'. And his ass-kissers plead, 'Lie to us...keep us in the dark!'

A Muslim who had contacted Al Qaeida, called himself a soldier of Allah, threatened to behead fellow officers for refusing to convert, killing fellow soldiers while yelling Allah Akbar....'NOT tertorism'.

Betty, get your lips off Barry's ass when you type.
Nuts always have an excuse. He could have said it was because Jesus told him to. Stop feeding the machine just because you wet the bed over terrorism.

Real terrorism is bin Laden. He waits, he plans, he organizes, he trains people, he raises funds, he publishes his thinking, and he has others kill very dramatically in large numbers - he's not some nutter with a gun who thinks God will reward him in Heaven.
That's tight, Betty - keep tgat head buried in the sand so you can ignore the facts. I see it's pointless to continue with you. We will just have to agree to disagree.

Have a good night.
That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.

Wrong again, he was shot by an armed security guard. He lived.
Obama bringing terrorists here who kill Americans, Obama failing to keep us safe, no reporting. Got it.
The last mass killing was by a guy born here. You don't have a leg to stand on blaming Obama. You might as well blame the NRA.
Does Kerry also support less media coverage when a high profile terrorist is killed or attack prevented? It's the medias job to cover both the positive and negative not just what makes the administration of moment look good.
Killing terrorists you report. Terrorists killing you don't.
That's what is done by propagandist not journalist.
That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.

Wrong again, he was shot by an armed security guard. He lived.
I must have been thinking of someone else. How ironic, shot by a security guard after many killed, and he lived. Now there's God in action for you. Or more specifically, no God in action. Don't seek justice in this world, you'll never find any.
That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.

Wrong again, he was shot by an armed security guard. He lived.
I must have been thinking of someone else. How ironic, shot by a security guard after many killed, and he lived. Now there's God in action for you. Or more specifically, no God in action. Don't seek justice in this world, you'll never find any.

Sure there is, he paralyzed and will be in a wheel chair till we kill him.
That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.

Wrong again, he was shot by an armed security guard. He lived.
I must have been thinking of someone else. How ironic, shot by a security guard after many killed, and he lived. Now there's God in action for you. Or more specifically, no God in action. Don't seek justice in this world, you'll never find any.

Sure there is, he paralyzed and will be in a wheel chair till we kill him.
A man in a wheelchair being taken care of for life versus all the people he killed? That ain't nothin' like justice, Tex.
Does Kerry also support less media coverage when a high profile terrorist is killed or attack prevented? It's the medias job to cover both the positive and negative not just what makes the administration of moment look good.
Killing terrorists you report. Terrorists killing you don't.
That's what is done by propagandist not journalist.
War is hell. You are at war, right?
Being at war does not justify lying to the public. In WW2 starting with the battle of Midway the Japan's leaders lied to the people about how the war was going until B 29s started bombing Tokyo it didn't help them. Plus there are far to many media outlets today to try and censor stuff like this all you do is take a bad situation and make it look worse by trying to hide it.
Most Transparent Adminostration Evuh wants to hide truth from the public...

Would definitely help Barry and Hillary, who have aided and abetted terrorists and brought them here.

John Kerry: Media should cover terrorism less so people don’t ‘know what’s going on’ - Hot Air

Yep, treat people like mushrooms, keep'em in the dark and feed'em shit, that's the regressive way. Can't have the media actually reporting news, especially when it puts the regime in an unfavorable light.
The was Bush, not showing our dead soldiers being unloaded. The terrorists want media coverage so don't give it to them. Such a strategy works. It becomes pointless to blow up innocents when it isn't reported so, it stops.

There's also a way to end something like a plane hijacking. Blow the damn thing to pieces killing your own and the hijackers with it. Pretty soon no more hijackings.

You have our hostages? Well gee, that's a shame because in ten minutes all of you are dead. The message gets out quick. The top two you report, and televise live.
There's a difference between honoring our dead heroes and hiding the fact that 12 Americans were murdered by a terrorist Barry or Hillary brought into the country.
You mean the 12 killed by their co-worker and his wife, at a workplace event? Guns in America, hardly terrorism.
Yeah, 'workplace violence' Ft. Hood.

Which FT HOOD shooting? There were two.
That WAS terrorism.
That was a hired gun, doing what we trained him to do only against the wrong people. Islam was just his excuse for losing it. Military gun control sure bit them on the ass that time. If I remember right he was killed by a cop.

Wrong again, he was shot by an armed security guard. He lived.
I must have been thinking of someone else. How ironic, shot by a security guard after many killed, and he lived. Now there's God in action for you. Or more specifically, no God in action. Don't seek justice in this world, you'll never find any.

Sure there is, he paralyzed and will be in a wheel chair till we kill him.
A man in a wheelchair being taken care of for life versus all the people he killed? That ain't nothin' like justice, Tex.

He's already been sentenced to death by a military court, he will sit in his little chair until that day arrives.

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