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Kerry shows true self

Psycho actually posted a new thread that indicates just how 'uneducated' many of our troops are, here is a link to an American hero, someone you should know and keep in your prayers:


The fact of the matter is that all military officers MUST have a college degree and senior enlisted MUST have some college to get promoted (at least they do in the Army) or they don't get promoted...if they don't get promoted they get booted out.

I am sure that ALL soldiers have a bad day at times, especially in a war zone; frustration, and even depression are bound to strike occassionally. Hard to describe to those who haven't been in that situation. The fact that this particular soldier expressed his frustration in e-mails is more a vent than a condemnation of his own commitment.
The fact of the matter is that all military officers MUST have a college degree and senior enlisted MUST have some college to get promoted (at least they do in the Army) or they don't get promoted...if they don't get promoted they get booted out.

I am sure that ALL soldiers have a bad day at times, especially in a war zone; frustration, and even depression are bound to strike occassionally. Hard to describe to those who haven't been in that situation. The fact that this particular soldier expressed his frustration in e-mails is more a vent than a condemnation of his own commitment.

Exactly what his family and friends were saying. Psycho either can't read or he thinks everyone else are as prejudiced as him in hitting and reading a link. ;)
John Kerry - what a guy.

I never cared much for Kerry, but its pretty obvious that it was a clumsy swipe at Bush.

Anyway it should generate 2-3 days of breathing room for the GOP, which I am sure they are thankful for.

That was no swipe at Bush... that was a direct insult to the US military. the man has trouble concealing his contempt for soldiers; he has a history of trying to denigrate members of the military...he has a history of accusing them of all kinds of things!
I never cared much for Kerry, but its pretty obvious that it was a clumsy swipe at Bush.

Anyway it should generate 2-3 days of breathing room for the GOP, which I am sure they are thankful for.

2-3 days? Heh, Kerry may have single handedly lost the elections for the Democrats. This may be the "October surprise" the Republicans were hoping for. This is a liberal showing his true colors. This elitist, disparaging remark of our troops by one of the top leaders of the liberal party and his refusal to apologize may be hopefully just enough to rally the Republican base.
Interesting post, links at site:

October 31, 2006
Bush Slams Kerry Over Troop Comments


By making himself an issue, did Sen. John Kerry do the GOP a favor by giving them an issue to motivate their base? (Independents may not care, but the base hates Kerry... hates him.)

If Kerry is happy to let America know that he's not going to take sleights, are Democrats happy to have Kerry in the spotlight seven days before the election?

Couldn't Kerry have taken care of this imbroglio by admitting that he mangled his words?

Is it smart for any Democrat right now to take the spotlight? Shouldn't the Dems want to keep the spotlight solely and totally on Bush and Iraq?

Does Kerry know how and when to pick his battles? Should Kerry respond to every ant bite with a gun?

Does Kerry have to respond to every Republican who picks on him... even at the expense of Democratic message unity?

Do Republicans really believe that Kerry wasn't talking about Pres. Bush? (We believe that Kerry was referring to Bush because he's used a similar formulation in our presence before and quite clearly meant to call Bush a dummy.)

Aren't Republicans being a bit intellectually dishonest by taking Kerry out of context?

How many news cycles will this cost the Democrats?

Do independents associate Kerry with “strength?”

Will bloggers -- smart and pragmatic -- come to Kerry's defense?

Will the media treat Kerry fairly enough to report on his comments fairly?

Do Republicans want to refight '04 about Iraq?

Here's what Pres. Bush is supposed to say this afternoon:

.....I cannot tell you how proud I am to be the Commander-in-Chief of such incredibly brave men and women who have volunteered to wear the uniform of the United State s. And even in the midst of a heated campaign season, there are still some things we should all be able to agree on – and one of the most important is that every one of our troops deserves our gratitude – and respect. Yesterday Democrat Senator John Kerry was speaking to a group of young people in California, and gave them this advice, quote: “You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t you get stuck in Iraq.”

The Senator’s suggestion that the men and women of our military are somehow uneducated is insulting and shameful. Our troops did not enlist because they did not study hard in school or do their homework. The men and women who serve in our all-volunteer Armed Forces are plenty smart and are serving because they are patriots – and Senator Kerry owes them an apology.

Whatever party you belong to, whatever you think about the war in Iraq, we should all agree that our troops deserve our unwavering support. And when it comes to supporting our men and women in uniform, I don’t have any doubt where Mac Collins is going to land. He is a strong supporter of the military. And he knows what I know: Any time you have American troops in harm’s way, they have the right to expect the full support of the American government.​

I think Kerry helped the GOP as much as Iraq problems have hurt it.
From someone like CSM, that has served. Yea, links:

Kerry’s botched joke

No kidding. John Kerry is now claiming his insult at the expense of American soldiers was “a botched joke” aimed at the President.

Sheesh. Kerry is stuck on Vietnam, almost as stuck on Vietnam as he is stuck on his own self-absorbed, narcissistic bio-mass.

Instapundit has the background.

Kerry insulted America’s defenders.
When I heard the statement on the radio this morning I thought “Yeah, that’s right, run through the damn Winter Soldier put-downs once again.” (That was his movement in 1971-72, when he accused US troops of war crimes.) No, this insult wasn’t at the level of the Winter Soldier accusations, but Kerry’s “joke” plays into the Left’s view of US troops– we’re all stupid, comparatively uneducated, and in need of rescue by…by John Kerry. He’s nuanced, see?

I’m listening to his latest statement (1:30 or so CST) and it is a re-hash of The Great Litany of leftish accusations. Reaction as I listen– this guy knows he made a mistake and he’s pedaling fast. Wait– now he says he is a real man. Yeah, he basically said he’s a real man. (Get a transcript!) If he’s a real man, he has the chance to prove it. Senator Kerry needs to debate his Swift Boat veteran critics. Man to man. Now. Not later.

In the spare space of 24 hours Kerry has resurrected the Vietnam Syndrome –at least his and the left wing of the Democratic Party’s Vietnam (loser’s) Syndrome. This is stupid but particularly stupid in the last week of a national election. Doubly stupid in the midst of a long, grinding war.
Kerry is trapped, in an odd sort of amber. He’s stuck on stupid and stuck in the past simultaneously. John Kerry, the stegosaurus of American politics. (Okay, I’m unfair to stegosaurs, they had backbones and spikes on their tails– but the drawing at the link is cute.)

Why didn’t Senator Kerry just apologize? “I’m sorry for what I said. I meant to crack a joke and it came out sounding like an insult to US troops. Forgive me. We owe our defenders so much.”

But we know why.

Still, an apology like that would have been politically savvy.
I had no trouble understanding what he said. He has been making these kind of remarks since he "served" in Viet Nam...I firmly believe that his old habits just came creeping out and he couldn't help himself.

Yep, I think that is what Bay was implying. :salute:
John Kerry is like the energizer bunny....The gift that keeps on giving....

Their all back peddling so fast now, I can smell the smoke from the tricycle tires, all the way up here.....;)
The fact of the matter is that all military officers MUST have a college degree and senior enlisted MUST have some college to get promoted (at least they do in the Army) or they don't get promoted...if they don't get promoted they get booted out.

I am sure that ALL soldiers have a bad day at times, especially in a war zone; frustration, and even depression are bound to strike occassionally. Hard to describe to those who haven't been in that situation. The fact that this particular soldier expressed his frustration in e-mails is more a vent than a condemnation of his own commitment.

An email to the Corner that backs up what you say:


Subject: Kerry's Tone-Deafness [Rich Lowry]

I’ll bet Senator Clinton absolutely loves watching her potential ’08 rival shoot himself in the foot.

BTW, I’m another National Merit Scholar serving in the active duty military. I missed 4 questions on the SATs. But the real insult to my intelligence came when Senator Kerry tried to pretend he was talking about Bush.​

Posted at 5:26 PM
What Kerry and the 'determined democrats' will never get, we and our military do know the price, which is high. The difference is we do understand it. One of my sons is seriously considering enlisting when he finishes school:


I can't speak for everyone that is conservative, but I'd never consider visiting Washington DC without going to Arlington. I'd never consider driving past Gettysburg without stopping to pay my respects. Same on Memorial Day, it's imperative to recognize the sacrifice of so many young, so very young, men and women.
Here is a link:


Obviously, no soldier is going to take a pass on 100 promotion points.

I've no doubt about anything you say. I'm (obviously) a big believer in education, but recognize that not everyone with a degree is 'intelligent', nor is everyone without one, 'ignorant or lazy'. Some of the smartest people I know, have a high school degree or less, but have intelligence and more importantly leadership qualities that have taken them or will take them far.
I've no doubt about anything you say. I'm (obviously) a big believer in education, but recognize that not everyone with a degree is 'intelligent', nor is everyone without one, 'ignorant or lazy'. Some of the smartest people I know, have a high school degree or less, but have intelligence and more importantly leadership qualities that have taken them or will take them far.

It occurs to me that the other side of what Kerry said is that if you are stupid and lazy and ignore education you can be President! That's quite an implication, especially given that the person he considers "dumb" beat is butt in national elections! That says a lot about what he thinks of over half the American citizenry too!

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