Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

God will separate The EVIL from The Righteous. You won't be going anywhere but the eternal flaming pit.
There is no god so let's clear that up first. How arrogant are you to suggest you know my destination and punishment? You don't. It's just the same old religious threat you all belch when you cannot prove anything. You sanctimonious arseholes think you rule the world. You don't.
Your god, the antichrist is coming, and you will bow down and worship him if you don't come to your senses.
Oh really? Says who? Fuck your god and all associated with it. Let him strike me dead. See how good the prick is now.
Once you do that, your eternal fate in the lake of fire is sealed.
I'm trembling. I can't wait to spend eternity amongst thieves, religious charlatans, sinners, drug addicts and nymphomaniacs. I can't imagine spending eternity with a bunch of hypocritical gidbotherers, mumbling players and kicking a ghosts filthy feet forever. Enjoy you eternity wowser.
But you are probably ok with that, because doubtful AntiChrist does mean tweets.

You bet I am because I know its all bullshit. Dickheads like you think you deserve another life but you idiots were lucky to be born once. How arrogant are you people?
You did no such thing.

Why are you always so angry?

It is bad for your health to wake up in such a way.

You need to learn to enjoy life and not always be so angry.

You are going to drop over dead one day and I would be sad to lose your comedic input on the forum.
Real parents tend to be angry at “judges” who coddle pedos. I also have low tolerance for idiots like you. I do enjoy life. Laughing at leftards who suddenly have forgotten what women are. Knowing that conservative governors are protecting children makes you angry. Other states now following Florida’s lead. Parents finally telling you people ENOUGH. Leave our kids alone.
There is no god so let's clear that up first. How arrogant are you to suggest you know my destination and punishment? You don't. It's just the same old religious threat you all belch when you cannot prove anything. You sanctimonious arseholes think you rule the world. You don't.

Oh really? Says who? Fuck your god and all associated with it. Let him strike me dead. See how good the prick is now.

I'm trembling. I can't wait to spend eternity amongst thieves, religious charlatans, sinners, drug addicts and nymphomaniacs. I can't imagine spending eternity with a bunch of hypocritical gidbotherers, mumbling players and kicking a ghosts filthy feet forever. Enjoy you eternity wowser.

You bet I am because I know its all bullshit. Dickheads like you think you deserve another life but you idiots were lucky to be born once. How arrogant are you people?
Mock God all you want, Hell was created for such EVIL. When you finally make it to Hell it will be too late for you to beg God to let you out. Now is the time to change your ways. Repent!

Homosexuality and Gender Fluidity, Transgenderism are Mortal Sins. Stop supporting it, and if you are doing it, beg God to forgive you.
Find Jesus and Find Eternal Life.
Mock God all you want, Hell was created for such EVIL. When you finally make it to Hell it will be too late for you to beg God to let you out. Now is the time to change your ways. Repent!
You DO rave on with some shit. Grow up fool.
Homosexuality and Gender Fluidity, Transgenderism are Mortal Sins.

do you mean those sins invented by religion to punish the recalcitrants?
Is paedophilia by priests a mortal sin also? Fuck off godbotherer.
Stop supporting it, and if you are doing it, beg God to forgive you.
Find Jesus and Find Eternal Life.
I would rather suck wet diarrhoea out of a dead chinamans arse than suck up to your silly god.
Take your rubbish to schools and brain wash little kids. Teach them to go to church and get their rings enlarged by your almighty priests and pastors.
Continue to let your wife take contraceptives against the wishes of the church.

Continue to support paedophilia in the churches purely by attending.

Chew on that you idiot.
You DO rave on with some shit. Grow up fool.

do you mean those sins invented by religion to punish the recalcitrants?
Is paedophilia by priests a mortal sin also? Fuck off godbotherer.

I would rather suck wet diarrhoea out of a dead chinamans arse than suck up to your silly god.
Take your rubbish to schools and brain wash little kids. Teach them to go to church and get their rings enlarged by your almighty priests and pastors.
Continue to let your wife take contraceptives against the wishes of the church.

Continue to support paedophilia in the churches purely by attending.

Chew on that you idiot.
Anyone going to a church & supports Pedophilia and Homosexuality will also go to Hell right with you. Especially priests and pastors.

God is no respecter of persons. Calling yourself a Christian and not actually believing in Christ and trying to live a Christ like life, still gets you tossed in to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
Anyone going to a church & supports Pedophilia and Homosexuality will also go to Hell right with you. Especially priests and pastors.

Well why don't you report it to executive? Because you're frightened you mightn't get to heaven if you do.
God is no respecter of persons.

There is no god nor do you know what he thinks. He certainly didn't show any respect to the thousands he ordered the slaughter if in the old testament.
Calling yourself a Christian and not actually believing in Christ and trying to live a Christ like life, still gets you tossed in to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
I am not calling my self a Christian. I was born a theist like you but you got infected by your parents nit long after. The drugs of the church have been feeding you placebos ever since to ward off those evil spirits called "the truth".
Youve been conned son. Keep your ignorant beliefs to yourself.
Real parents tend to be angry at “judges” who coddle pedos. I also have low tolerance for idiots like you. I do enjoy life. Laughing at leftards who suddenly have forgotten what women are. Knowing that conservative governors are protecting children makes you angry. Other states now following Florida’s lead. Parents finally telling you people ENOUGH. Leave our kids alone.

I am not angry at all, you are the one that is about to burst a blood vessel with your every post on here. They are all filled with hate and personal attacks.

As for me, I find it entertaining as hell, you and your type of post are what make this place so damn fun.
I really don't care what persons from any party say, looking at and collecting child porn is sickening. Ketanji says that "As it currently stands, the way that the law is written, the way that Congress has directed the Sentencing Commision, appears to be not consistent with how these crimes are committed, and there is extreme disparity." Now, I ask you, is it the Supreme Court that should be second guessing the representatives of We The People? I understand that Ketanji thinks the sentencing guidelines are draconian but it's not up to her make up her own sentences for perps based on her view that the internet makes it easier to get child porn images. She defended herself by saying:

"She also said that precedent with sentencing in child pornography cases are outdated because they derive from a time when there wasn't the internet and it was based on the volume of images offenders would receive in the mail."

IMO, that is a ludicrous defense of her lenient sentencing.

manufactued outrage.
You dip shits might actually have a modicum of credibility if you would stop your moronic labeling of everything and everyone who you don't like as pedophiles, Marxists , Anti Americans, and Devil Worshipers. Try dealing with logic and facts. Oh never mind. That is asking way to much of you and your ilk.
I don't give a shit if accurate labels hurt your feelings.
They’re also in line with anachronistic statues written before the internet, when child porn was hardcopy analogue.

Any blame should be directed at Congress for failing to amend the law to reflect the manner in which the crimes are committed today.
No, you asshole, any blame should be directed to the pedos who make and consume child porn.

It's entirely fucked up that I have to point that out.

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