Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week investigators got the transcripts of Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. They show a pattern of shockingly light sentences and a sickening hostility toward anti-child porn laws. I'm not exaggerating one bit. The transcripts destroy the dishonest liberal "fact-checks" that white-washed her record as "pretty mainstream."

This lady has no business sitting on a traffic court, much less the U.S. Supreme Court. But, thanks to the Democrats, she's now a Supreme Court justice.

Yes you are exaggerating. Andrew McCarthy opposes her nomination, but he calls these accusations demagoguery

".The Missouri senator pointed to Brown’s record on cases involving child pornography, accusing her record of going “beyond soft on crime” and “endangering our children.” McCarthy published a Sunday op-ed for the National Review arguing that Hawley’s allegations were “meritless to the point of demagoguery.”

“What Hawley has done is conflate all of the offenses that are under the category of sex offender and suggest that she’s soft on all of that stuff, and I don’t think the case is there for that,” he continued. “I think what she was dealing with were cases at the bottom of the system and she’s hardly the only judge that has had a problem with that.”

McCarthy argued in his piece that Hawley “misleadingly” used the term “sex offender” too broadly since there is a major distinction between those consuming and producing child pornography. He also defended Jackson’s push to scrap minimum mandatory sentences for first-time consumers of child porn.

“Judge Jackson’s views on this matter are not only mainstream; they are correct in my view,” McCarthy wrote. “But other than the fact that Congress wanted to look as though it was being tough on porn, there’s no good reason for the mandatory minimum in question — and it’s unjust in many instances.”
No, her record does not match those of other judges. Go read the transcripts. Or, first read the NY Post's detailed article on the transcripts, and then read the transcripts. Liberals lied through teeth about her sickening record on this issue.

You are the liar. You are using this to hide your racism. There are 6 members of the current Supreme Court who ignore the Constitution even when it is in black and white. The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate elections. That is what the Voting Rights Act does. Yet 6 members of the Supreme Court ignore this. Also apparently whatever Republicans want, they get. This is a highly partisan Supreme Court that ignores precedents.
You dip shits might actually have a modicum of credibility if you would stop your moronic labeling of everything and everyone who you don't like as pedophiles, Marxists , Anti Americans, and Devil Worshipers. Try dealing with logic and facts. Oh never mind. That is asking way to much of you and your ilk.

How else are we supposed to label conduct that very clearly constitutes either directly abusing children's in a sexual manner, or grooming them to be easier prey for those who would thus abuse them?
Leave the kids alone!

That's what sane, decent people have been trying to tell your kind.

Keep your sick, depraved perversions away from children. We mean it.

The backlash is coming against your kind, and it is going to be violent and deadly, if it has to be.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children, if you don't want to suffer the consequences.
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That's what sane, decent people have been trying to tell your kind.

Keep your sick, depraved perversions away from children. We mean it.

The backlash is coming against your kind, and it is going to be violent and deadly, if it has to be.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away form children, if you don't want to suffer the consequences.
Watch that shit Bobby Boy!! You are on thin ice!
So, if you identify as a woman, but can't define what a woman is, then you are....??

You kinda have to know what a woman is to be able to identify as one.

The idea that one can “identify as a woman” is part of the same madness that refuses to define what a woman is.

One either •IS• a woman or else •IS NOT• a woman, and the distinction is one of hard, unchangeable biology, and not of how anyone claims to “identify”.
Watch that shit Bobby Boy!! You are on thin ice!
Nice try.

Her record matches those of the three judges approved by Josh Hawley.

Why is Josh Hawley soft on pedophiles?

What sentence would Judge Brown-Jackson give Matt Gaetz?

Meaningless tu quoque.

That there are other judges who are soft on pedophiles does not excuse this one for so being. What it also does not excuse is allowing those other soft-on-pedophile judges to remain in office. They all should be removed, but that's another problem, that is not in any way rationally addressed by elevating one soft-on-pedophiles judge to the nation's highest court.
Dennis Hastert-like.

Hastert is a piece of shit. Criminally-convicted as such.

Are you seriously expecting any of us on the right to defend him, the way that you filth on the left wrong defend and support similar pieces of shit on your side?

That's the huge, and very meaningful difference between us on the right and you on the left wrong; subhuman pieces of shit of all kinds occasionally show up on both sides, but we on the right have no tolerance for it, and will repudiate any of our own who turn out to be such, while you on the left wrong defend and embrace yours.
And that will not change the fact that Judge Jackson will be sitting on the highest court in the land. Nor will it change the fact that, for the first time in our history, the majority of the SCOTUS justices are not white men.

I think that will bother you longer than republican victories in November will bother me.

It's quite telling that you think that the demographic composition of the court is more important than its integrity.
Skin color? Only 2 of the current justices are people of color.

As far as Supreme Court justices, neither skin color nor gender matters to me.

Then why did you think it necessary to mention…?

Nor will it change the fact that, for the first time in our history, the majority of the SCOTUS justices are not white men.

It seems to me that, as is not at all unusual for you, that you are speaking with a forked tongue.

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