Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week investigators got the transcripts of Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. They show a pattern of shockingly light sentences and a sickening hostility toward anti-child porn laws. I'm not exaggerating one bit. The transcripts destroy the dishonest liberal "fact-checks" that white-washed her record as "pretty mainstream."

This lady has no business sitting on a traffic court, much less the U.S. Supreme Court. But, thanks to the Democrats, she's now a Supreme Court justice.

"shockingly light sentences"??? So, it's the lawmakers who allow these "shockingly light sentences" that are to blame then?

oh yea, what about her record puts her on the left?
You are a racist. As for Ketanji, not knowing what a woman is for one. She is funded by the far left. She rubber stamped light sentencing for Pedos.

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And what I said in the post you quoted was not racism. I simply said you would be more upset and for longer about the SCOTUS than I would be about the November elections.

Judging by the ranting post you put up, I am 100% right.
No. You're a fucking moron. You know damn well you were implying racism when I never mentioned skin color. Any normal person would be upset at light sentences for pedos. Not you lefturd though....
Prove where that poster supports lighter sentences for where he said that.
STFU troll. All you leftards here are supporting light sentences for pedos by your support for this moron who doesn't know what a woman is. Hurts when your own standards get used against you doesn't it?
"shockingly light sentences"??? So, it's the lawmakers who allow these "shockingly light sentences" that are to blame then?
No, Judges have discretion in sentencing. Judges who truly consider the law do not always rubber stamp the prosecution. Ketanji has a history of that. Her skin color is of no concern for me.
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Nice try.

Her record matches those of the three judges approved by Josh Hawley.

Why is Josh Hawley soft on pedophiles?

What sentence would Judge Brown-Jackson give Matt Gaetz?
If you g5000 were given a seat would you approve of such soft sentences.
Check the laws retard.

The laws are just not sure. Some say they are adults at 18 yet we do not let them drink or smoke or gamble at that age so really we are basically saying they are not adults.

Interesting also that you need laws to define things for you.
The laws are just not sure. Some say they are adults at 18 yet we do not let them drink or smoke or gamble at that age so really we are basically saying they are not adults.

Interesting also that you need laws to define things for you.
You are one illiterate fuck. You’re the one who needs the definition of woman, adult, female. All things a grade schooler can answer. Not surprising you need help with that. I don’t need any help defining those words.
Yet you are incapable of doing so.

That says a lot about you
You are continuing to show what a stupid, illiterate fuck you are. I already defined those things asshole. Just because you’re too stupid to understand simple things, you have to lash out and make yourself look dumber than usual. Fuck off you stolen valor POS troll.
I already defined those things asshole.

You did no such thing.

Why are you always so angry?

It is bad for your health to wake up in such a way.

You need to learn to enjoy life and not always be so angry.

You are going to drop over dead one day and I would be sad to lose your comedic input on the forum.
Of course they are. I suspect God will strike them all dead and turn them into pillars of salt.
Lightning will reign down like shards of glass, rivers will run with blood from those evil atheist judges.
And when it happens all you godbotherers will rise in unison, rejoicing in prayer and throw your babies bodily into the air.
Triumphalism indeed. I can't wait. Dickhead.
God will separate The EVIL from The Righteous. You won't be going anywhere but the eternal flaming pit.
Your god, the antichrist is coming, and you will bow down and worship him if you don't come to your senses.
Once you do that, your eternal fate in the lake of fire is sealed.
But you are probably ok with that, because doubtful AntiChrist does mean tweets.
You are a racist. As for Ketanji, not knowing what a woman is for one. She is funded by the far left. She rubber stamped light sentencing for Pedos.

Andrew C. McCarthy, a conservative writer and former federal prosecutor: “It is not soft on porn to call for sensible line-drawing,” he wrote in a column for National Review. “Plenty of hard-nosed prosecutors and Republican-appointed judges have long believed that this mandatory minimum is too draconian.”

In fact, three Republican-appointed judges served on the commission with Judge Jackson when the recommendations were released: Judge William H. Pryor Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, Judge Ricardo Hinojosa of the Southern District of Texas and Judge Dabney Friedrich, who was appointed to the District Court for the District of Columbia by President Donald J. Trump.

so all those rules on minimum sentencing for kiddypr0n are with a group of other judges, which ketanji was only one member of.

Aren't republicans the ones who's trying to push a child marriage bill in Tennessee?
who have Gaetz still in their party.
and Boebert married to one.
That is easy. A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman. Now are you enlightened? I doubt it
Wow! I like your warped, asinine way of thinking. By using your delusional thought process, I am now a multi-millionaire just because I have decided to identify as one. My first business of the day is to go out and buy the company you work for and fire your dumb ass.
Oh go fuck yourself.
I dont give a flying fuck about Russia or the Ukraine.
Both are sketchy as hell.
No, the two sides are not alike, and only a staunch fascist cocksucker would pretend they are.

Who made up the fake dossier on Trump and Russia? That would be you. Who paid for the supposed dirt on Trump when they tried to slander him,you thats who.
Is there any idiot conspiracy theory you haven't fallen for? Apparently not. You're one stupid fasicst. Your masters consider you to be a very, very useful idiot.

And who was hunter the molester working for again? That would be the Ukraine.
"Anyone I don't like is a pedophile"
-- Q-tards and other fascist filth.

I've never encountered a habitual pedo-accuser who wasn't Nazi trash. It's their go-to way to dehumanize jews/liberals. Calling your opponents pedos is like screaming "Sieg Heil!". It's currently one way in which Nazis identify themselves to other Nazis.
Wow! I like your warped, asinine way of thinking. By using your delusional thought process, I am now a multi-millionaire just because I have decided to identify as one. My first business of the day is to go out and buy the company you work for and fire your dumb ass.
Thank you for clearly illustrating what the problem here is. It's your inability to understand the meaning of words and concepts. The word in question here is "identify" as in, believing that one is a woman. You have confused "identify" with "pretend" either deliberately or out of ignorance of the fact that transwomen are not pretending
Andrew C. McCarthy, a conservative writer and former federal prosecutor: “It is not soft on porn to call for sensible line-drawing,” he wrote in a column for National Review. “Plenty of hard-nosed prosecutors and Republican-appointed judges have long believed that this mandatory minimum is too draconian.”

In fact, three Republican-appointed judges served on the commission with Judge Jackson when the recommendations were released: Judge William H. Pryor Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, Judge Ricardo Hinojosa of the Southern District of Texas and Judge Dabney Friedrich, who was appointed to the District Court for the District of Columbia by President Donald J. Trump.

so all those rules on minimum sentencing for kiddypr0n are with a group of other judges, which ketanji was only one member of.

Aren't republicans the ones who's trying to push a child marriage bill in Tennessee?
who have Gaetz still in their party.
and Boebert married to one.
I really don't care what persons from any party say, looking at and collecting child porn is sickening. Ketanji says that "As it currently stands, the way that the law is written, the way that Congress has directed the Sentencing Commision, appears to be not consistent with how these crimes are committed, and there is extreme disparity." Now, I ask you, is it the Supreme Court that should be second guessing the representatives of We The People? I understand that Ketanji thinks the sentencing guidelines are draconian but it's not up to her make up her own sentences for perps based on her view that the internet makes it easier to get child porn images. She defended herself by saying:

"She also said that precedent with sentencing in child pornography cases are outdated because they derive from a time when there wasn't the internet and it was based on the volume of images offenders would receive in the mail."

IMO, that is a ludicrous defense of her lenient sentencing.

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