Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

No I refuse to be afraid of stupid shit. If some one is grooming your child or your grandchildren while you're standing right there then there is a fucking problem with you. Keep an eye on your kid or grandchildren like your supposed to they will be fine. I got to ride roller coasters and other rides at the amusement parks they should to. They don't give two shits about a greeting or Trump or Biden they just wanna be kids. I will allow them to be kids and keep a damn eye on them. You wanna be a duck and sit them in corner and not let them so anything because some pos politicians wanna scare the shit out ya be my guest but leave me and mine the he'll out of it. Same goes for the damn bubble wrap moms also. They get be guns at 8 and shot guns 11. And no I ain't afraid of damn micky mouse.

Watch what they do not what they say.
There's plenty of info out there on disney and their rush to normalize pedo causes.
Watch what they do not what they say.
There's plenty of info out there on disney and their rush to normalize pedo causes.
Lol, OK. Mucky mouse is out ta get ya now. Who the fuck is NOT out to get there buddy? All of sudden mucky mouse is dangerous, schools are s grand conspiracy every damn thing is a grand conspiracy. Talk about paranoid. Take your fear mongering and put it where the sun don't shine. Tell me what is safe there dumb duck.
You just refuse to admit it because of politics.
It's a sad day when people will accept this kind of behavior just so they dont hurt their party.
Some, like Ichabod, auditioning to be the poster boy for Godwin's Law, was so driven by hyper-partisan zealotry and fanatical demonization, that he sputtered laughably outrageous nonsense:

[Ichabod appeared on Fox on Wednesday to talk about his opposition to Ketanji Brown Jackson joining the Supreme Court... But apparently his most recent attack on Jackson—wherein he suggested she would have defended the Nazis on trial for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg—even gave Fox News some pause. Yes, Fox!

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“You made some news yesterday with a comment that you made about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson that I wanted to ask you about, regarding her defense when she was a federal public defender of Guantanamo Bay inmates,” anchor John Roberts said. “Again, she was in the federal public defenders office at that point, she says she didn’t get to pick and choose her clients—this really is a matter of due process—and I’m wondering why make that link between Judge Jackson and the Nazis and the Nuremberg trial?”
To this, Cotton noted that Jackson also defended one of the detainees in private practice. Which he apparently thought was a shrewd point that was going to get Roberts to say something along the lines of “Oh, okay, I didn’t realize that, yeah, it’s definitely reasonable to say she’d side with the perpetrators of the Holocaust then. Thank you for bringing that to our attention, Tom.”
Instead, Roberts again basically asked the senator what his problem was. “Right. So you don’t think it was a bridge too far to make the link with Nuremberg and Nazis?” Roberts asked.
The left made clear they don't object to pedophilia. Their votes for Biden prove it.
You dip shits might actually have a modicum of credibility if you would stop your moronic labeling of everything and everyone who you don't like as pedophiles, Marxists , Anti Americans, and Devil Worshipers. Try dealing with logic and facts. Oh never mind. That is asking way to much of you and your ilk.
You dip shits might actually have a modicum of credibility if you would stop your moronic labeling of everything and everyone who you don't like as pedophiles, Marxists , Anti Americans, and Devil Worshipers. Try dealing with logic and facts. Oh never mind. That is asking way to much of you and your ilk.
Oh my gosh. You should look inward to your own party, and the labeling they themselves do.
Lol, OK. Mucky mouse is out ta get ya now. Who the fuck is NOT out to get there buddy? All of sudden mucky mouse is dangerous, schools are s grand conspiracy every damn thing is a grand conspiracy. Talk about paranoid. Take your fear mongering and put it where the sun don't shine. Tell me what is safe there dumb duck.

Go ahead and bury your head to avoid the truth.

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