Kevin Costner In 13 days - the cuban missile crisis

I didn't get vaccinated because someone told me to. I did it because its the right thing to do.
The difference between you and I is one of culture. The Cherokee elder, Stan Rushworth, said it best when he said "The difference between a Western settler mindset of, I have rights and an indigenous mindset of I have an obligation.” Instead of thinking that I am born with rights, I choose to think that I was born with obligations to serve past, present, and future generations, and the planet herself.”
I got vaxxed and came down with a bad case of the chicom bio attack shortly thereafter. The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission and is counterproductive for some.
Your obligations should be rooted in logic. You don’t shoot yourself in the foot in order to honor previous generations. That results in extinction. You need to progress.
I got vaxxed and came down with a bad case of the chicom bio attack shortly thereafter. The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission and is counterproductive for some.
Your obligations should be rooted in logic. You don’t shoot yourself in the foot in order to honor previous generations. That results in extinction. You need to progress.
Logic, you say? I am 63 years old. For the last 62 years either me or someone I know got sick during the winter. That was until last year. Last year was the first year that no one I know got a sickness of any kind. The flu, a cold, the sniffles. Nothing. It was also the first winter where everyone was wearing masks and avoiding crowds. Logic would say that those two things prevented people from getting sick. As far as the vaccine goes anyone with at least half a brain knows its not a cure. It doesn't prevent you from getting Covid. What it does do is lessens the chances of getting it and if you do get it it'll be less severe.
My obligations are not to honor previous generations but to help protect future generations.
I cannot agree with Turtlesoup in post #33

but I do agree with your claim that the soviets thought kennedy was weak

JFK lived in a bubble created by the fawning media. It was Camelot for God's sake. How could anyone criticize the new US royalty? JFK's speech to the German people while the "Wall" was being constructed by the Russians was vapid and meaningless and insulting to the Germans but it was met with a rousing cheer in the media. That's the way the system worked. It's no secret that JFK's peculiar A.G. brother spent his time plotting how to assassinate the leader, Castro, of a sovereign nation. The media didn't flinch even when JFK authorized the CIA to invade a freaking foreign country. The CIA welcomed a freaking traitor who abandoned his post and renounced his citizenship back to the U.S. with his KGB bride and lost track of the little weasel who went by the name of Lee Oswald. What were they thinking? It did 't matter if nothing made sense during the JFK years but the media justified it so it wasn't discussed and the media writes the history books.
JFK lived in a bubble created by the fawning media. It was Camelot for God's sake. How could anyone criticize the new US royalty? JFK's speech to the German people while the "Wall" was being constructed by the Russians was vapid and meaningless and insulting to the Germans but it was met with a rousing cheer in the media. That's the way the system worked. It's no secret that JFK's peculiar A.G. brother spent his time plotting how to assassinate the leader, Castro, of a sovereign nation. The media didn't flinch even when JFK authorized the CIA to invade a freaking foreign country. The CIA welcomed a freaking traitor who abandoned his post and renounced his citizenship back to the U.S. with his KGB bride and lost track of the little weasel who went by the name of Lee Oswald. What were they thinking? It did 't matter if nothing made sense during the JFK years but the media justified it so it wasn't discussed and the media writes the history books.
In fairness almost all of the prep for the Bay of Pigs invasion had taken place before JFK took office.

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