Kevin Costner In 13 days - the cuban missile crisis

Get vaccinated
That wont save you from a lifetime of servitude to baby hitlers on the left

As long as libs can find any new cases of the chinese disease they will continue to demand lockdowns, masks, and 3rd, 4th or 5th booster shots

Public fear is giving them too much power to ever give it up
As Paul Harvey used to say, "the rest of the story" is that JFK's incredible blunder in illegally authorizing the CIA to recruit an illegal Cuban invasion army and then abandoning them at the Bay of Pigs led the Russians to (correctly) assume that the U.S. was led by a dilettante who didn't have a clue.
I cannot agree with Turtlesoup in post #33

but I do agree with your claim that the soviets thought kennedy was weak

That wont save you from a lifetime of servitude to baby hitlers on the left

As long as libs can find any new cases of the chinese disease they will continue to demand lockdowns, masks, and 3rd, 4th or 5th booster shots

Public fear is giving them too much power to ever give it up
I didn't get vaccinated because someone told me to. I did it because its the right thing to do.
The difference between you and I is one of culture. The Cherokee elder, Stan Rushworth, said it best when he said "The difference between a Western settler mindset of, I have rights and an indigenous mindset of I have an obligation.” Instead of thinking that I am born with rights, I choose to think that I was born with obligations to serve past, present, and future generations, and the planet herself.”
I didn't get vaccinated because someone told me to. I did it because its the right thing to do.
The difference between you and I is one of culture. The Cherokee elder, Stan Rushworth, said it best when he said "The difference between a Western settler mindset of, I have rights and an indigenous mindset of I have an obligation.” Instead of thinking that I am born with rights, I choose to think that I was born with obligations to serve past, present, and future generations, and the planet herself.”
So you exist only to serve the needs of the tribe?

You and Stan make ideal communists
Wanting freedom for millions of people and the end of one of the worlds most oppression regimes indicates I have mental problems.
To ignore the needless death of millions is not rational
Actually, the soviets won that confrontation as we removed our missiles from Turkey in exchange for the soviets removing missiles from Cuba, which was the Soviet objective all along.

Our missiles in Turkey were obsolete and going to be pulled out anyway. We got something for nothing.
Lt. John Kennedy was dismissed from the Navy Intel community after allegations of fraternization with a German spy. His term on the PT boats was lack luster except for the fact that his Boat was the only one to have been run over by an enemy ship. JFK was facing a Navy court martial when his father used his Hollywood connection and hired a novelist to rewrite the JFK incident into a heroic episode called "PT 109" and the rest is history (or Hollywood history).

Navy Intel community? You watch too many movies or read alternative history novels.
uh huh.

Prove it.
How? I am not disclosing my personally identifiable information to you or anyone else.

If the weapons are fired from the surface at air targets, you would be correct.

I have an easier one for you. Show me your source that says airbursts have very little fallout.

Remember that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both airbursts. No fallout from those two?

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