Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Are you suggesting that Joe top up the reserve NOW, while prices are still so high???? Since prices are coming down, shouldn't he wait until prices and production have normalized, and they refill the strategic reserves at the lower prices?

Given the amount of oil it will take to refill those strategic reserves, doesn't it risk seeing prices rise again, to take that much oil out of the marketplace to refill those reserves?
of course not, he should never have drained it in the first place.
not solely, prices at the pump are subject to a very complicated set of circumstances. draining the reserves for political gain was an act of treason.

Technically it's why it was created. For emergency situations. One will consider $5 gas an economic emergency and I suppose others wouldn't.
Technically it's why it was created. For emergency situations. One will consider $5 gas an economic emergency and I suppose others wouldn't.
$5 gas isn’t a national emergency.
Why don't you post growth rates in Federal Spending under the past several administrations so we can confirm that?
What does that have to do with anything? Congress spends the money, not administrations, and sometimes money spent is due to things beyond our control, such as Covid or recessions, etc. Sounds to me like you want to cherry pick facts to suit your agenda.
I took Econ 101 and know that you don’t increase government spending, thus pumping more money into the economy, while the Fed is trying to tighten the money supply by raising rates.

Biden and the Dems are FIGHTING the Fed’s attempt to bring down inflation. They want to make everything so expensive that people have to go on government assistance. It’s all about the votes.
The your Econ 101 will tell you that what Trump was doing was madness...

You can disagree with how Biden is trying to fix it but Trump handed him an economy which was setup with
  • Contracting
  • High Inflation
  • High Spedning
  • High Borrowing
Trump was meant to contract spending in a boom and increase taxes... Then Biden would have the option to do the opposite when the recession comes... I think that was all in Econ 101...
What does that have to do with anything? Congress spends the money, not administrations, and sometimes money spent is due to things beyond our control, such as Covid or recessions, etc. Sounds to me like you want to cherry pick facts to suit your agenda.
Sounds to me like you can't do the math.

And probably don't know where to find the data.

The Executive Branch determines fiscal can look it up.
You're quite analytical.

Do you know how much was contributed, respectively, by the last 3 Administrations?

9 Trillion under Obama, 7.8 Trillion under Trump and I'm not 100% positive what Biden has rung up so far but he is still running it up.

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