Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Money ... Money ... and more Money ... eh.Which brings us to a very
relevant topic.How Trump did what he said.Donated his Presidential salary
to a select Charity each Fiscal calendar.Not a word is written about it or
made mention of.Mainly because Conservatives don't act that way.
Even though Trump is a perennial boaster.Loves to brag.
But he did what he said.And now his nemesis' want him
put in jail for Life.I mean,how many Potus gave their salary to charity.
The Biden's are notorious Cheapskates.Maybe at best 2 % of their
yearly income gets donated to Charity.
So I don't wanna hear squat about Salary or Money.
The Best America has to offer are those who Love this
Country regardless of what they make.The Worst are those that
even when they do make huge oddles of money are even
less American.Like Dave Ramsey says ... Making more money for
the really rich only makes them what they were { asshole wealthy }
only more so.
You or I DO NOT know the answer to that question.
Maybe he donated it because he is a BILLIONAIRE, and did not need a few hundred thousand, Nice?
Or maybe he figured it would be a tax disadvantage. WE seem to look for things that discredit those we do not like.
And try and find positives for those we do like.
Would we better off if our quest was demanding a large measure of honesty in ALL are politicians?
No matter what political party they belonged too.
The economy was shut down..........bring back those good times..........
rather amazing isn’t it? times were better in a global pandemic then after two years of xiden and a dem congress

but this is nothing new…obama and a a dem congress his first two years too…total disaster
i just told you

yes, there was a global pandemic, and now folks weren’t back to work in those jobs he created…meanwhile trump keep cost low…a far better economy…even during a pandemic
Are these your words?

hahah i know it doesn’t mean depending on putin
Now stop acting the fool and tell me what it DOES mean.

a far better economy…even during a pandemic

Because the economy was contracting and fewer people were working?

You aren't very bright.
Are these your words?

hahah i know it doesn’t mean depending on putin
Now stop acting the fool and tell me what it DOES mean.

Because the economy was contracting and fewer people were working?

You aren't very bright.
yeah…what part of not being dependent on Putin don’t you get?

yes the economy was far better even then compared to two years of xiden and a dembot congress
Because you’re obviously an imbecile. Your puny intellect embarrasses you in every thread you participate in.
So you hiss...

What "informs" your confidence in your intellect?

I assure you, if you want to turns this into a contest of literacy, I will skin you.
yeah…what part of not being dependent on Putin don’t you get?

yes the economy was far better even then compared to two years of xiden and a dembot congress

Is it, or is it not, the definition of Energy Independence?

You and the Ordinal Property are clearly estranged.
YES we are a mess, believing that one major political party has all the best answers, and the other party has zero good answers.
A complete impossibility.
Makes zero sense.
Dumb people are not made brilliant because of political affiliation.
And HONEST smart people know that working with others can create & unite.
Both parties are bad but most democratic policies throw gasoline on the inflation fire. But, yes, the reckless spending both parties do helps increase inflation. Democrats don't stop there though.
not being dependent on others is the definition of independence…duh
First of all, that's's about total energy production and consumption expressed in btu's. Meaningless, because we don't consume individual energy categories in the exact proportion that we produce them. It only means something to Slack Jawed FOX Nursing Cretins
First of all, that's's about total energy production and consumption expressed in btu's. Meaningless, because we don't consume individual energy categories in the exact proportion that we produce them. It only means something to Slack Jawed FOX Nursing Cretins
yes fox viewers generally don’t like being dependent on Putin like you dembot cultist
Both parties are bad but most democratic policies throw gasoline on the inflation fire. But, yes, the reckless spending both parties do helps increase inflation. Democrats don't stop there though.
Why don't you post growth rates in Federal Spending under the past several administrations so we can confirm that?
One more time....

Grifty was also buying oil from Pootie.

Agreeing to output cuts benefitted Pootie.

You're an imbecile.
we have bought oil from russia in some amounts since the cold war ended. with that said gas prices are high according to dems because putin’s war. granted they weren’t high in 2014, or when we were in the cold war…

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