Key inflation gauge rises 3.6% from a year ago to tie biggest jump since 1991

Oh Look.

A"debt scold" who never said squat when the Republicans were blowing up the debt (and providing little in return besides tax cuts for wealthy donors)
Oh Look.

A"debt scold" who never said squat when the Republicans were blowing up the debt (and providing little in return besides tax cuts for wealthy donors)
Again, the Federal government is out of control

The GOP held hands with the DNC recently to pass all their spending sprees.

They all are heroin addicts that need an intervention.

They are unable to help themselves, let alone helping us

Just look at how the Federal government is treating Americans in Afghanistan after spending trillions there.

That's right, they are all left behind to die.
Again, the Federal government is out of control

The GOP held hands with the DNC recently to pass all their spending sprees.

They all are heroin addicts that need an intervention.

They are unable to help themselves or even us for that matter.
So you scolded Trump and Ryan when THEY were blowing up the debt?


You are in denial.

It's time to face some facts. The US government has the largest debt in the history of the world. They have been spending money at an ever exponentially increasing rate with no end in sight. Every year it seems they find new ways of increasing that spending

The US Federal government is out of control. We are led by a group of extremists that will destroy us fiscally.

Like a heroin addict, the US federal government either needs an intervention or just let them destroy themselves.

That is, assuming it is not too late already

All of that was true going into historic low interest rates we've had for over a decade now, so clearly your reasoning has proven itself a bad predictor thus far.

And wtf does any of this have to do with your assertion that personal credit card bails supposedly coming next?
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There were FOUR years "through the early 90s" with inflation over 4%

From '75 through '81 inflation was near or above 10%

What I said stands.

3.6% is higher than we're used to but is in no way "hyperinflation"

Thanks for posting the chart that illustrates my point

Yeah but that's not what you said, so why do you want to play pretend? Plus you're wrong. Again, 5.4 inflation June & August 2021.

Yeah but that's not what you said,
WTF are you talking about?

Of course it was.

As far as taking a month or two of numbers and extrapolating them...yea well...get back to me when you have more than DAYS

And oh by the way...July was 3.6%. You just proved that inflation is coming down
WTF are you talking about?

Of course it was.

As far as taking a month or two of numbers and extrapolating them...yea well...get back to me when you have more than DAYS

And oh by the way...July was 3.6%. You just proved that inflation is coming down

Add coward to liar. Can you dig any deeper?
Yeah but that's not what you said, so why do you want to play pretend? Plus you're wrong. Again, 5.4 inflation June & August 2021.

You do understand that these are annualized numbers right? Just because inflation was 5% annualized for a few months doesn't mean that's what will be for the year
You do understand that these are annualized numbers right? Just because inflation was 5% annualized for a few months doesn't mean that's what will be for the year

Sure do:
What was going on in July 2020 dope?

Gas prices were at rock bottom

Think that might have contributed to that 1% July number from last year?

Think the crazy price of lumber due to the pandemic might be contributing to the current number?

THANK GOD lumber has mostly gone back down. I was paying 9 dollars for one 2x4 earlier this year. Now it's down to around 3 bucks.
Sadly hamburger & chicken are still near double from a year ago here

Every food item is up. Shopping Saturday after checking out I realized I'm spending much more. That 3% adds up
What was going on in July 2020 dope?

Gas prices were at rock bottom

Think that might have contributed to that 1% July number from last year?

Think the crazy price of lumber due to the pandemic might be contributing to the current number?

Real gas prices are still below 2016. Food prices will continue to rise because of global warming.

I won't say I'm a fan of Bidens energy and spending plans.
Check out the misery index. Trump's was in a bitch'n look at it.........

2021XidenDemDem10.77 & Rising
Sure do:

Hmm I wonder what was going on last July...oh yea that's right we were barely inflating at 1% take an average 2 year Julys and it's only 3% annualized growth over 2019 July
I did my monthly food shopping today.
I usually wait until a few days before the beginning of the month when the SNAP locusts descend upon the grocery stores.
That way the lines are short and the shelves well supplied.
There were two lumpenproletariat Americans in front of me with less than 10 items between them. Checkout was a breeze!
I love inflation!
Thanks, Sippy Cup!!

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