Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance

You are dismissed. If you were capable of an honest debate i would have one with you, but you have thoroughly proven that you are a liar. I have no need or desire to debate dishonest people. Now kick rocks, newb scrub.
How do you survive in the real world? I mean it. People like you believe Trump even though it's obvious (and verifiable) that he lies to everyone all the time, constantly and consistently. Hell, last week after Trump's 'performance' on CNN, a woman named June commented that she believed Trump because "he's an honorable man." I kid you not. Since when is a person honorable if and when he lies all the time? After all, lying is the antithesis of being honorable. For the life of me, I can't understand how any adult can be that dense.

So I tell the truth, and you think I'm a liar? Your powers of perception are so lacking that you would be statistically better off if you just flipped a coin as the basis of making your decisions about people.
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You are saying Biden is an honorable man?
I don't know Joe Biden. So, I can't make any kind of evaluation of his character. However, as of this point in time, I have seen no credible evidence that Joe Biden is a dishonorable man. Having said that, I've seen several boat loads of evidence that Trump is a dishonorable man to the core of his being.
I don't know Joe Biden. So, I can't make any kind of evaluation of his character. However, as of this point in time, I have seen no credible evidence that Joe Biden is a dishonorable man. Having said that, I've seen several boat loads of evidence that Trump is a dishonorable man to the core of his being.
I was basing my comment on your analysis of Trump and His penchant for lying. It fits Biden to a Tee also.
Comer isnt the guy with the authority to give "whistleblower status". Are you under the impression that a whistleblower is a person who merely makes an unsubstationated claim? You are an ignorant fool. :laugh:

Comer has been claiming he has evidence and whistleblowers since November of last year. So far he has zilch. It's a joke. Don't you get it? The big reveal was last Wednesday and he didn't have anything.
Comer has been claiming he has evidence and whistleblowers since November of last year. So far he has zilch. It's a joke. Don't you get it? The big reveal was last Wednesday and he didn't have anything.
So you are a consiracy theorist? Take your meds, weirdo. :laugh:
Not at all. Comer says he has evidence and whistleblowers for months, but he's produced nothing.
Why would he produce his whistleblower right now? Are you aware of how investigations work?
Why would he produce his whistleblower right now? Are you aware of how investigations work?

Comer's whistleblower is hiding in Cyprus because the Israeli authorities are trying to find him. He's an arms dealer.
Comer's whistleblower is hiding in Cyprus because the Israeli authorities are trying to find him. He's an arms dealer.
Damn, an arms dealer was making deals with the Biden's? That is not good news for our corrupt president.
Are you aware that one of the banks that Biden used is in Cyprus?

Wilbur Ross was head of Bank of Cyprus. That's Russian money. Trump borrowed from them. Trump made Wilbur Ross his secretary of commerce.

Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance​

14 May 2023 ~~ By Bonchie

As RedState previously reported, Rep. James Comer and other Republicans in both the House and Senate are currently in the midst of an investigation into an alleged bribery scheme involving the Biden family. Specifically, the FBI is in possession of a 1023 form that includes supposed evidence and witness testimony to that effect.
But while the FBI has not denied that they have the form, they have attempted to stonewall, claiming confidentiality concerns. Now, another roadblock has appeared. According to Comer, some witnesses have gone missing while others are in jail, and the FBI is refusing to assist in locating them.
That was said on Fox News on Sunday, and Jonathan Turley summarized Comer’s remarks.

I look at this two ways. One, I’m sure Comer is telling the truth about what’s in the 1023 form, and the fact that the FBI wants to try to jump through hoops to not release it only testifies to that further. The informant in question obviously has a name, and the fact that they’ve gone missing is extremely suspicious. I’m not so much suggesting someone pulled a Hillary Clinton here as I’m suggesting intimidation is at play, and that’s what Comer seems to be saying. He goes on to say that he knows who is intimidating these witnesses from within the White House and that he will be “dealing” with the situation.
Fortunately, Democrats have set the precedent of impeachment and pursuing criminal charges after a president leaves office. They’ve also set the precedent that executive privilege simply doesn’t apply to former officeholders if the current president says it doesn’t. If Republicans win in 2024, they shouldn’t let this go. They should move full speed ahead, and make Democrats play by the rules they set.

The DoJ and Stasi/FBI acts like it is not subject to any Congressional oversight.
They hide behind the thin veil of not wanting to reveal "sources and methods" when in reality they don't want to make such revelations public since they are likely unlawful. "Sources" are often paid Fed plants, and "methods" are likely contrary to the Constitution. Crooked as a corkscrew.
Since when does the Stasi/FBI decline to help find someone who's been reported missing?
When was the last time they refused to mount a national search for someone?
So now the Biden administration as created a secret police and people are disappearing in the middle of the night. How much longer America, how much longer? The Tree liberty is very thirsty for tyrants..

Wilbur Ross was head of Bank of Cyprus. That's Russian money. Trump borrowed from them. Trump made Wilbur Ross his secretary of commerce.
Trumps dealings with that bank werent connected to corruption, so im not sure what rellevance that fact has to this discussion.

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