Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance

My favorite part of the whole thing is we have been told since before the election that Biden is a brain dead moron that cannot tie his own shoes.

Now we are being told he is a diabolical criminal mastermind that has been running a crime family for 50 plus years without ever getting caught.

Seems it cannot be both.
Biden was a Senator for almost 36 full years when he was tapped by Obama to be his VP. Everybody should understand that campaigns do a deep dive investigation on every prospective VP running mate to ferret out any potential problems that could derail the campaign, and that would naturally include a lifetime of banking records. And if they found any indication that Biden was living beyond his means (having a lifestyle above and beyond his verifiable income), he never would have been on the 2008 ticket.

So youre saying that 9 Biden family members DIDNT get paid by China?
I have no idea. Neither do you. You just blindly believe it without any supporting evidence. However, unlike Trump, Biden has released his taxes. Would he do that if he had something to hide?
While the senility might be new, we are told he has always been a moron. We are told he cannot do anything without fucking it up, yet now we find out he is a criminal mastermind going back to his days in the Senate.
He is a moron. Everyone is shocked by how reckless they were with this scheme. The ONLY reason he wasnt caught sooner is because he had people within the FBI and DOJ covering for him.
I have no idea. Neither do you. You just blindly believe it without any supporting evidence. However, unlike Trump, Biden has released his taxes. Would he do that if he had something to hide?
I know for a fact that they received the money. They have the bank records. :cuckoo:
He is a moron. Everyone is shocked by how reckless they were with this scheme. The ONLY reason he wasnt caught sooner is because he had people within the FBI and DOJ covering for him.

Why would the FBI/DOJ cover for some junior senator from Delaware?
I have no idea. Neither do you. You just blindly believe it without any supporting evidence. However, unlike Trump, Biden has released his taxes. Would he do that if he had something to hide?
They are committing tax fraud as well, which is why these things arent popping up in their tax returns.
His senility is a somewhat recent discovery. He wasnt like this when he was Obamas VP, when he set up this bribery scheme. Its weird that you are suggesting that he was senile in 2008.
You thilnk a VP could set up a bribery scheme that wouldn't be detected early on?
No, but the democrats in Congress have them. Do you hear those dems saying the evidence doesnt exist? :laugh:

I have not heard them mention them at all. They do not even acknowledge that they maybe they do not.
I have not heard them mention them at all. They do not even acknowledge that they maybe they do not.
Dont you find that to be revealing? Comer says they have them, but they dont say a word about it. They arent saying he didnt give the records to them and they dont say that he is lying about whats on those records.

Why are you playing stupid? Do you honestly think anyone reading this is going to find your arguments compelling?
Dont you find that to be revealing? Comer says they have them, but they dont say a word about it. They arent saying he didnt give the records to them and they dont say that he is lying about whats on those records.

Not at all. By saying they do not exist they just make this the focus and they want the US people focused on other things.

Why are you playing stupid? Do you honestly think this is a winning strategy? Do you think anyone reading this is going to find your arguments compelling?

On this forum? Are you fucking kidding me? If a Dem told you that the grass was green you would call them a liar and insist it was not.

Nobody comes to a forum like this to have their mind changed, you all come here to have like minded people tell you how smart and right you are about everything.
Explosive information like that would spread like a prairie fire. It certainly wouldn't be a secret for years.
EVERYONE knew about it. The god damn FBI had an informant detailing his criminal operation in 2018, but no investigation was done.
Not at all. By saying they do not exist they just make this the focus and they want the US people focused on other things.

On this forum? Are you fucking kidding me? If a Dem told you that the grass was green you would call them a liar and insist it was not.

Nobody comes to a forum like this to have their mind changed, you all come here to have like minded people tell you how smart and right you are about everything.
Since when do dems let the GOP make up lies about giving them bank records that show the Bidens are getting bribes, but they dont push back at all? They DONT use the opportunity to make the GOP look like lying weirdos?

Why are you making these weak as fuck arguments? It makes you look like an imbecile. :dunno:
EVERYONE knew about it. The god damn FBI had an informant detailing his criminal operation in 2018, but no investigation was done.
Everyone knew about it, but it never came out before the 2020 election? Don't you find that hard to believe?
Not at all. By saying they do not exist they just make this the focus and they want the US people focused on other things.

On this forum? Are you fucking kidding me? If a Dem told you that the grass was green you would call them a liar and insist it was not.

Nobody comes to a forum like this to have their mind changed, you all come here to have like minded people tell you how smart and right you are about everything.
That isnt a very good defense of your weird attempt to convince people that these bank records dont exist. Are you aware that there are also redacted version of these records online? Are those all fakes too? :laugh:
Why are you making these weak as fuck arguments? It makes you look like an imbecile.

I am not making an argument at all. I am pointing out you have not seen the things you claim exist. The rest is just spin on your part to avoid admitting that you just accept they all exist because your beloved party told you so

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