Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance

I've watched and listened for years as conservatives have trotted out one conspiracy theory after another which all turned out to be flops. Remember the one where Obama was really born in Kenya? Then there's all the QAnon craziness. And we're still living with Trump's stolen election nonsense. And conservatives trot behind these conspiracy theories like rats to the music of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. It's an old story, and you guys never learn your lesson. Hell, even a pet dog learns after only one encounter with a skunk. The dog doesn't need more than one lesson.
So EVERYTHING is a conspiracy if its negative about Dems? It doesnt matter how much evidence there is, its ALL a conspiracy? Well thats sure convenient. :cuckoo:
Don't know.
You would know if you researched it. The truth is, you do know its real. ^ This is merely the best dishonest defense that you can muster. That isnt going to work in the real world. The courts arent going to agree with you.
So EVERYTHING is a conspiracy if its negative about Dems? It doesnt matter how much evidence there is, its ALL a conspiracy? Well thats sure convenient. :cuckoo:
Thirty years of listening (on and off) to conservative talk radio, and almost twenty-five years of reading conservative message boards, and conservative blogs, and phony conservative news sites, and the recently successfully sued Fox News (more lawsuits are coming, boys and girls) all paint an accurate picture of American conservatives as a group that embraces conspiracy theories because what is and isn't true doesn't matter to them and is not important to them. It's sad, and it's pathetic, but it's an accurate portrait of conservatives in America.
Thirty years of listening (on and off) to conservative talk radio, and almost twenty-five years of reading conservative message boards, and conservative blogs, and phony conservative news sites, and the recently successfully sued Fox News (more lawsuits are coming, boys and girls) all paint an accurate picture of American conservatives as a group that embraces conspiracy theories because what is and isn't true doesn't matter to them and is not important to them. It's sad, and it's pathetic, but it's an accurate portrait of conservatives in America.
So you reject all legitimate evidence now? Thats a pretty stupid way to live.
You would know if you researched it. The truth is, you do know its real. ^ This is merely the best dishonest defense that you can muster. That isnt going to work in the real world. The courts arent going to agree with you.
No. It means I don't know; but thanks for telling me what I know.

So there was an informant who was said to give information to someone and that person files a whistleblower report based on the informants information and now the informant who gave the information is supposedly missing.

So not only is the informant "missing" but the supposed whistleblower's information was based on hearsay.

FFS, you have to be pretty gullible to believe this shit.

Do you ever feel like you are being taken advantage of? Like maybe just a tiny part of the back of your head?
Up to this point, I haven't seen anything legitimate. I've heard different people make unsubstantiated claims. Nothing more.
Are the democrats in Congress saying these bank records dont exist? They have them, they have scoured over all of them. Are they saying it isnt true?
No. It means I don't know; but thanks for telling me what I know.

So there was an informant who was said to give information to someone and that person files a whistleblower report based on the informants information and now the informant who gave the information is supposedly missing.

So not only is the informant "missing" but the supposed whistleblower's information was based on hearsay.

FFS, you have to be pretty gullible to believe this shit.

Do you ever feel like you are being taken advantage of? Like maybe just a tiny part of the back of your head?
Im about 2 seconds away from putting you on ignore. You arent defending your statements. Youre just throwing shit all the wall and hoping that i respond to it. You are wasting my time. If you respond to any more posts of mine today, including this one, i will permanently put you on ignore.
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No. It means I don't know; but thanks for telling me what I know.

So there was an informant who was said to give information to someone and that person files a whistleblower report based on the informants information and now the informant who gave the information is supposedly missing.

So not only is the informant "missing" but the supposed whistleblower's information was based on hearsay.

FFS, you have to be pretty gullible to believe this shit.

Do you ever feel like you are being taken advantage of? Like maybe just a tiny part of the back of your head?
Calling them gullible is too kind. I prefer the word stupid.
I'm betting the odds based on years and years of experience of hearing one phony story after another that conservatives trot out, only to move on to the next phony story when the latest one didn't pan out.
Then you arent capable of determining what is and isnt true. You see the world through a lense of extreme bias and you disregard anything negative about democrats. You are a dishonest person and a TERRIBLE debater.
Then you arent capable of determining what is and isnt true. You see the world through a lense of extreme bias and you disregard anything negative about democrats. You are a dishonest person and a TERRIBLE debater.
No. I already stated in another thread that I didn't know if there was anything to the story, but I was betting that it was untrue due to the conservatives' penchant for trotting out stories that turn out to be little more than fiction. I also said that it wouldn't necessarily surprise me if Hunter did something unethical or even illegal, but I doubted that Joe was involved in any way.

And what happens. Comer has been exposed as a man who has made serious accusations on camera against the President with no evidence to back it up.
Then you arent capable of determining what is and isnt true. You see the world through a lense of extreme bias and you disregard anything negative about democrats. You are a dishonest person and a TERRIBLE debater.
I've learned from years of experience. Apparently, you have not. Honestly, I don't know how conservatives can survive in the world when they embrace one untruth after another, seemingly without ever having a eureka moment.
All we need is just 10-15% of Dems to finally recognize this puke the Bidens are spewing and he’s gone next election
So EVERYTHING is a conspiracy if its negative about Dems? It doesnt matter how much evidence there is, its ALL a conspiracy? Well thats sure convenient. :cuckoo:
They feel “conspiracy” is an effective dismissive term.
It isn’t-it’s deflective and thinkers see through that
Im about 2 seconds away from putting you on ignore. You arent defending your statements. Youre just throwing shit all the wall and hoping that i respond to it. You are wasting my time. If you respond to any more posts of mine today, including this one, i will permanently put you on ignore.

Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance​

14 May 2023 ~~ By Bonchie

As RedState previously reported, Rep. James Comer and other Republicans in both the House and Senate are currently in the midst of an investigation into an alleged bribery scheme involving the Biden family. Specifically, the FBI is in possession of a 1023 form that includes supposed evidence and witness testimony to that effect.
But while the FBI has not denied that they have the form, they have attempted to stonewall, claiming confidentiality concerns. Now, another roadblock has appeared. According to Comer, some witnesses have gone missing while others are in jail, and the FBI is refusing to assist in locating them.
That was said on Fox News on Sunday, and Jonathan Turley summarized Comer’s remarks.

I look at this two ways. One, I’m sure Comer is telling the truth about what’s in the 1023 form, and the fact that the FBI wants to try to jump through hoops to not release it only testifies to that further. The informant in question obviously has a name, and the fact that they’ve gone missing is extremely suspicious. I’m not so much suggesting someone pulled a Hillary Clinton here as I’m suggesting intimidation is at play, and that’s what Comer seems to be saying. He goes on to say that he knows who is intimidating these witnesses from within the White House and that he will be “dealing” with the situation.
Fortunately, Democrats have set the precedent of impeachment and pursuing criminal charges after a president leaves office. They’ve also set the precedent that executive privilege simply doesn’t apply to former officeholders if the current president says it doesn’t. If Republicans win in 2024, they shouldn’t let this go. They should move full speed ahead, and make Democrats play by the rules they set.

The DoJ and Stasi/FBI acts like it is not subject to any Congressional oversight.
They hide behind the thin veil of not wanting to reveal "sources and methods" when in reality they don't want to make such revelations public since they are likely unlawful. "Sources" are often paid Fed plants, and "methods" are likely contrary to the Constitution. Crooked as a corkscrew.
Since when does the Stasi/FBI decline to help find someone who's been reported missing?
When was the last time they refused to mount a national search for someone?
So now the Biden administration as created a secret police and people are disappearing in the middle of the night. How much longer America, how much longer? The Tree liberty is very thirsty for tyrants..

What 'bribery scheme'?

Remember, y'all have zero evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal.

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