Key witness pleads the 5th in Russia investigation

At the committee she would've been under oath. She refused to do that, the same as taking the 5th.
It was partisan stunt and good for her seeing through it and telling the Repubs to go take a fat shit for themselves.
cause we need to investigate right? I've been listening to it for nine months. now you don't want it investigate. what a hoot. knee slappen fun from the left as always.
Who says we don't want to investigate?

Democrats are all about the investigation.

Remember- it is a Republican- and Trump ally who has demanded immunity before he will testify.

What is he hiding?
probably something on obummer. but hey, who's counting.
You need more caps. You really do.

YOU HATE TRUTH and when I bust Dems here for being STOOOOOOPID.
The only person you have made look stupid is yourself. You keep this thread that confirmed you as a liar going for page after page. That is stupid. The longer you keep it going the more members will check it out and discover what a liar you are. You should quit now, while you are behind.
Problem for the LEFT - the person refusing to testify is SUSAN RICE....

Trump on Susan Rice not testifying: 'Not good!'

Keep on investigating, lefties. The more you investigate, the more truth about what a corrupt bunch of treasonous whores your party is comes out...
Guy just admit that you are stupid and lied when you started this thread...
You have absolutely no source that she plead the 5th because she didn't, see how simple it is to dispel your bullshit???

Now let's be factual as to why she correctly refused to take part in the Republican dog and pony deflection attempt:

In a letter declining the invitation to testify, Rice’s lawyer cited a procedural objection: The Democratic ranking member of the subcommittee, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, had not agreed to the invitation, and in fact opposed it. Such disagreement between chairs and ranking members on invitations is unusual. The letter complained about two aspects of the invitation: first, that it was unusual for a former presidential adviser to testify, and second, that the invitation came on short notice, well after the hearing was scheduled and other witnesses called.

“Notwithstanding the significance of these concerns, Ambassador Rice is prepared to assist Congressional inquiries into Russian election interference because of the important national interests at stake, provided they are conducted in a bipartisan manner, and as appropriate, in classified session,” the letter states. But after Whitehouse informed Rice that he had not agreed, she changed her mind. “Under these circumstances, Ambassador Rice respectfully declines Senator Graham’s invitation to testify.”

I understand you people don't like facts but at least try a little harder with your lies...
trump refused to release his taxes
He didn't need to - Rachel 'Madcow' told the world on her TV show that Trump pays his taxes. (Thanks, dear!)
he leaked that himself
Then he released his tax records. So you can shut up about it.
Nope, he has not.
If it proved he didn't pay taxes, you would think different, quit being a hypocrite.
At the committee she would've been under oath. She refused to do that, the same as taking the 5th.

Difference is she is laughing at the Republican only request. If she was under oath and asked a question she could respond by refusing to answer citing the Constitution.
trump refused to release his taxes
He didn't need to - Rachel 'Madcow' told the world on her TV show that Trump pays his taxes. (Thanks, dear!)
he leaked that himself
Then he released his tax records. So you can shut up about it.
Nope, he has not.
If it proved he didn't pay taxes, you would think different, quit being a hypocrite.
What is he hiding?
me telling you to fuck off is not me preserving my right to remain silent

Dems think Dems are above the law.

And it is racist./sexist etc not to think that...
What law did Susan Rice break?
we're waiting on that. wait until the subpoena comes out. the House committee can indict? (You guys are really weak on the Constitution and the powers of each of the branches)
At the committee she would've been under oath. She refused to do that, the same as taking the 5th.

Difference is she is laughing at the Republican only request. If she was under oath and asked a question she could respond by refusing to answer citing the Constitution.
the subpoena is coming, she'll get her opportunity. the repubs wanted to know if she'd volunteer her story. so, the 5th is right around the corner. semantics is what you're discussing now.
He didn't need to - Rachel 'Madcow' told the world on her TV show that Trump pays his taxes. (Thanks, dear!)
he leaked that himself
Then he released his tax records. So you can shut up about it.
Nope, he has not.
If it proved he didn't pay taxes, you would think different, quit being a hypocrite.
What is he hiding?
nothing. it showed he paid quite a lot. why?

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