Khizr Khan claims his ‘travel privileges are being reviewed


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
God bless his son, but papa is a sore loser...
Khizr Khan claims his ‘travel privileges are being reviewed.’
March 10, 2017

Michael Cutler

Khizr Khan first rose to national prominence when he verbally attacked Donald Trump during the Democratic National Convention stating that Trump had sacrificed nothing and questioned whether Trump had ever read the Constitution. We will discuss the Constitution at the conclusion of my commentary.

Khan is a Harvard educated lawyer whose son Humayun Khan, a captain in the U.S. Army died in Iraq in 2004. He had graduated from the University of Virginia.

Khizr Khan has accused President Trump of discriminating against Muslims and once again, made headlines when Ramsay Talks, the speakers bureau who purportedly had arranged a speaking engagement in Toronto for Khan, posted a notice that a March 7 speaking event was cancelled blaming a purported notification that his “travel privileges are being reviewed”:


Khan Job?
Yup. The CBP already debunked his claim since they don't ever notify any single person of travel restrictions.

He seemed to backtrack on his claim by going into "no comment" mode.

He helps Muslims circumvent the normal process of immigration and gets them in through a loophole program. He lied his ass off at the DNC while waiving his pocket Constitution around. He failed to open it and read any part of it that limits the President's authority on immigration or any part that says we must allow anyone into our nation.
He's a Dem shill and a liar, can't trust anything he says. A real piece of shit, so naturally a Dem hero.
I do not like Khizr. His foray into the public eye----via ATTACK on Trump ----
was obnoxious with malice aforethought. He is the personification of
I don't know who moved this thread here, BIASED, so sad...

March 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

There was a time when you couldn't turn on cable news without the Khandashians being on every channel and whining about how mean Trump was. Then, with the news circus having moved on, Khizr Khan went too far. He tried to pull a scam that even the left-wing media couldn't quite swallow. The media was happy to report on assorted people being detained for various reasons. But there was a limit.

It started when Khizr Khan canceled an event in Canada. (Try saying that four times fast.) This was the explanation given.



Even most of the media did a double take. What did "travel privileges" being reviewed mean?


So now Khan has finally "cleared up" matters.


So to summarize... Khan chose not to travel to Canada. No "travel privileges" were ever being reviewed. He continues to blame President Trump for his decision and supposed Islamophobia, but he could have just said in the first place that he doesn't want to deal with border hassles. Instead, this raises the possibility that Khan wanted to pull out of an engagement and rather than be honest, he tried to blame his decision on Trump.

Khizr Khan Lied About Not Being Allowed to Leave the Country

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