Kick Pacific Coast States Out of America

Protectionist; how could you say such a thing? Us folks out here in eastern Washington(Americans) have tried(still trying) to get our own state that would be named "LIBERTY". The divide would be @ the Cascade mountain range, west would be the statist left pagans of Washington state & east of the Cascade Mtn. range would be the state of Liberty(Constitutionalists). The city of Spokane in the future state of Liberty would most likely become Liberty's, state Capital.

Eastern Oregon is taking it one step further as the folks in eastern Oregon desire to be "absorbed" into what would be called the "GREATER STATE OF IDAHO". For me I DO SUPPORT THIS PROPOSAL that eastern Oregonians back in number. I too advance this same proposal for eastern Washington as I would rather be associated with the folks of Greater Idaho(finest folks on the planet) than be just a neighboring/supporting state to the state of Greater Idaho. There are some advantages to the current state of Idaho, a future state of Eastern Oregon & also a future Liberty state remining independent of each other, but that's a different topic for another time.

Protectionist, both eastern Washingtonians & ESPECIALLY EASTERN OREGOIANS are pushing to dump the statist left coasties but the statist left coasties hang on to us "easterners" like we farmers/ranchers etc. are their saviors(actually we are as we feed them). Not all folks in Washington state & Oregon state are of the statist left religion, believe me!

Below link not related to the above; it's the every day unsung heroes that give me hope in humanity!

mission in life like thank God for our BIG hearted but unsung heroes!!!

The problem is, as longs the states of Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington (as it is now) remain they way they are, they drag down the whole rest of the USA.
We really ned to get rid of th Pacific coast states > Hawaii, Washington. Oregon, and California. These states are outdoor insane asylums. Just GET RID OF THEM.

Hopefully, when Trump gets re-elected, we'll have a Republican president, Senate, House, and Supreme Court. Then, it will be prime time to get rid of these moronic, lunatic states. That should be the first order of business, And with 30 foot unclimbable walls on their borders. Alligator moats on the American side.

LOL Are you going to wave a magic wand and try to make them all go away? You don't have any power (or powers). :rolleyes:
and there is a word for people that hate America so much they want to break up the country.....the word is CHUMP.....
and there is a word for people who hate the country so much that they want to keep Democrats in it >> bottom feeders

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