Kid Rock confirms Michigan senate run

In the northern latitudes something must be effecting mature sensibilities.

Kid Rock as United States Senator? Anyone else remember Gov. Jessi Ventura of Minnesota?

C'mon southerners! Step up and show us just how crazy you can be too! HoneyBooBoo for Congress!
Ummm hello libs voted in a SNL comedian. You guys lost the right to criticize.
In the northern latitudes something must be effecting mature sensibilities.

Kid Rock as United States Senator? Anyone else remember Gov. Jessi Ventura of Minnesota?

C'mon southerners! Step up and show us just how crazy you can be too! HoneyBooBoo for Congress!
Ummm hello libs voted in a SNL comedian. You guys lost the right to criticize.

Hypocrites will quickly say " that doesn't count" lmao. gawd they're sickening.

And low brow culture makes its face shown again. I weep for the future if this is the apex of political thought.

Not elite enough for you? When did we get to the point that we put politicians on such high pedestals that we don't think anyone else could do their jobs?

I'm no fan of Kid Rock but he is no different than anyone elected. Common sense could fix a lot of our problems. Something that politicians place on the back burner.
Ummm hello libs voted in a SNL comedian. You guys lost the right to criticize.

Senator Franken is one of the best and brightest senators to ever have served. Thus, we lose nothing, and gain the right to brag. After all, liberals never said a celebrity shouldn't run for office. We just say corrupt moron celebrities shouldn't run for office. You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites, it just makes you liars.

So, what drives all this weepy Franken-hatred? Butthurt -- the same factor that drives everything a conservatives does. The modern Republican party is a cult of butthurt.
The election will show how lil' Jimmy rocked n rolled Debbie the Giant in off year election. Kiss the Kid's ass quickly demmiegods, you might get a pucker.
Oh look KID ROCK is getting a does of how MSM FKN LIES..............imagine that. and yet trendy moron liberals can not see whatsoever how those who want this COUNTRY FREE ARE ATTACKED by the very bitches who HATE THIS COUNTRY ...............better known as LEFTIST DEMOCRATIC TRENDY LIBERALS..


Once again the press is wrong. First of all, I’ve got 15 days from my announcement to file paperwork with the FEC! Second, I’m not signed to Warner Bros!!! - which simple fact-checking would have revealed. I have recently worked out a unique deal with BMG, Broken Bow, CAA and Live Nation to release music ON MY TERMS. Like politicians write books during their campaigns, I'm planning on putting out music during mine and IT ALL STARTS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. It's not a hoax, it's a strategy and marketing 101! No plans for an album or anything else that has been the usual norm in the music business OR politics…..and…..

Senator Stabenow and I do share a love of music, although probably not the same kind. I concede she is better at playing politics than I am so I'll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS and letting politicians like her know that We the People are sick and tired of their bullshit!

“I am the captain now.”
#fakenews #kidrockforsenate #kidrock #podunk#greatestshowonearth

Kid Rock
Just goes from bad to worst. I am sure the Pubs will vote for the creep. They don't care, as long as Stabenow is ousted. Time to release his porn movie.

Well, you guys elected a clown like Franken, so I guess it's tit for tat.
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

Here's a hint It's only American to you liberals as long as it all goes your ways. Anyone else can go to tell and gets just what you do and half the other assholes on here. They all spew the same bs, ................Sit back and watch all the ANTI AMERICAN asshats spew the same lines. They aren't hard to spot on our side.
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

Here's a hint It's only American to you liberals as long as it all goes your ways. Anyone else can go to tell and gets just what you do and half the other assholes on here. They all spew the same bs, ................Sit back and watch all the ANTI AMERICAN asshats spew the same lines. They aren't hard to spot on our side.
What is the Conservative attitude when things don't go their way? Peace, love and brotherhood?

For the record, I've never stooped so low as to say Conservatives are not Americans. I have never contended that there is a "real America" and parts of this nation are not.
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

If you the anti american liberal were so American then half the asses WOULDN'T be doing the following ( Which is ANTI AMERICAN" )

* Why are so many liberals hostile to religion? Because religion sets rules and tells people that if they break those rules, they’re sinning! That keeps people from doing things that make them feel good and telling people that they’re sinning makes them feel bad.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to the troops? Because the troops tend to be conservative (evil) and because they’re out killing people and breaking things (which would make most liberals feel like bad people).

* Why are so many liberals unpatriotic? It makes liberals feel morally superior to rant about what’s wrong with their own country. Plus, as an added bonus, people from other nations agree with them and that makes them feel good as well.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the government? With liberals, it’s not about whether something works or not, it’s about how it makes them feel.

So, they can look at the IRS, post office, airport security, FEMA, and ICE and then say, “These are the same people we want handling our health care” — because it’s about making themselves feel good that they got people insured, not about getting the best system of health care for everyone.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the UN? See the previous answer and apply it on a global scale. The UN may be corrupt, anti-American, and utterly incompetent, but it makes liberals feel good to think that they’re sending money to the poor in some godforsaken country (sure, it’s not their money and almost all the money may be wasted or stolen, but it’s the thought that counts).

* Why are liberals so hostile to successful people who don’t happen to be celebrities, trial lawyers, or big donors to the Democratic Party? Again, this is another great opportunity for them to feel morally superior. They can feel like good people because they want to give money to the poor — granted, not their money, but rich people’s money. The rich have so much and the poor have so little, so why shouldn’t liberals take it from them and then pat themselves on the back for their compassion?

Once you understand the basics of how liberals think, you can understand everything that they do. Granted, there will be a few exceptions, but if the vast herd of liberals is doing something that doesn’t seem to fit the template, it’s either because there’s money or sex involved, they’re doing what they have to do to win politically, they’re taking that position because they refuse to be on the same side as conservatives, or there’s something going on you don’t know about and it’s not really an exception.

You’ve heard of the Dog Whisperer, right? Well, congrats, because after reading this column, you are now a “liberal whisperer” and you understand everything you need to know about the way that liberals think.

Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

Here's a hint It's only American to you liberals as long as it all goes your ways. Anyone else can go to tell and gets just what you do and half the other assholes on here. They all spew the same bs, ................Sit back and watch all the ANTI AMERICAN asshats spew the same lines. They aren't hard to spot on our side.
What is the Conservative attitude when things don't go their way? Peace, love and brotherhood?

For the record, I've never stooped so low as to say Conservatives are not Americans. I have never contended that there is a "real America" and parts of this nation are not.

What do modern leftism (American liberalism) and communism have in common? Both are godless and egalitarian, but liberalism has “evolved.” Communists wanted to kill off capitalism, for example, but liberals know it must be preserved—in a highly taxed and regulated form. It must be permitted to create sufficient wealth to redistribute to favored groups—single mothers, minorities, college professors—if the system is to keep Democrats in office. Liberals want market outcomes to be “predictable.” Appeals to envy and blame heaped on the rich can also be used as a bludgeon, as Obama has shown.

Liberalism: Tom Bethell's Observations of Anti-Americanism Liberals

WHEN people think as leftist radical like ANTIFA, BLM, etc they are Trump haters Duuuuhhhh and what do they go around doing setting fires, burning things down, hitting women, pepper spraying women...
So Uhmmm you can't deny they are TRUMP haters , and yet they think they are the All American patriot Mmmmk.
Musician Kid Rock has announced his bid for the U.S. Senate in Michigan.

In a tweet Wednesday, Rock, whose birth name is Robert James Ritchie, wrote that the website “” was real and to stay
Kid Rock Confirms Michigan Senate Run

Well another American that doesn't want to see our Country go under . That's how we take our Country back from a bunch of freaks who want a communist nation.

I thought he was packing up his things and heading out west. :dunno:
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

If you the anti american liberal were so American then half the asses WOULDN'T be doing the following ( Which is ANTI AMERICAN" )

* Why are so many liberals hostile to religion? Because religion sets rules and tells people that if they break those rules, they’re sinning! That keeps people from doing things that make them feel good and telling people that they’re sinning makes them feel bad.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to the troops? Because the troops tend to be conservative (evil) and because they’re out killing people and breaking things (which would make most liberals feel like bad people).

* Why are so many liberals unpatriotic? It makes liberals feel morally superior to rant about what’s wrong with their own country. Plus, as an added bonus, people from other nations agree with them and that makes them feel good as well.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the government? With liberals, it’s not about whether something works or not, it’s about how it makes them feel.

So, they can look at the IRS, post office, airport security, FEMA, and ICE and then say, “These are the same people we want handling our health care” — because it’s about making themselves feel good that they got people insured, not about getting the best system of health care for everyone.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the UN? See the previous answer and apply it on a global scale. The UN may be corrupt, anti-American, and utterly incompetent, but it makes liberals feel good to think that they’re sending money to the poor in some godforsaken country (sure, it’s not their money and almost all the money may be wasted or stolen, but it’s the thought that counts).

* Why are liberals so hostile to successful people who don’t happen to be celebrities, trial lawyers, or big donors to the Democratic Party? Again, this is another great opportunity for them to feel morally superior. They can feel like good people because they want to give money to the poor — granted, not their money, but rich people’s money. The rich have so much and the poor have so little, so why shouldn’t liberals take it from them and then pat themselves on the back for their compassion?

Once you understand the basics of how liberals think, you can understand everything that they do. Granted, there will be a few exceptions, but if the vast herd of liberals is doing something that doesn’t seem to fit the template, it’s either because there’s money or sex involved, they’re doing what they have to do to win politically, they’re taking that position because they refuse to be on the same side as conservatives, or there’s something going on you don’t know about and it’s not really an exception.

You’ve heard of the Dog Whisperer, right? Well, congrats, because after reading this column, you are now a “liberal whisperer” and you understand everything you need to know about the way that liberals think.

Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I'm Liberal and Christian. But I do not expect my fellow Americans to conform to my belief in Jesus Christ. I appreciate the first amendment and would no sooner impose a religious template on our politics than impose a moral template on you.

I'm Liberal and I appreciate our armed forces. The men and women, and their families deployed here at home and around the world deserve our respect and support. That said, I do not support every move made to put them in harm's way. The use of our military might should be made judiciously, responsibly and never ever without purpose.

I'm Liberal and I not only fly a flag everyday, but vote in every election, pay my taxes on time and hold my country in nothing but the highest esteem. Patriotism is not the exclusive province of Conservatives. If you truly care about this country, you will stop using a yardstick of patriotism to measure the worthiness of its citizens. It cheapens patriotism and further divides our citizenry one against the other.

I'm Liberal and I have confidence in our government. This government won two world wars, landed a man on the moon, developed a public school system assuring education to all American, provides medical and economic security to senior citizens and the indigent. All things to be proud of and maintain confidence in what we can do rather than cynicism about what we cannot.

I'm Liberal and I realize that, while the United Nations may be flawed, it did prevent the Cold War from becoming hot. It has provided medical care for the poorest people on earth. It feeds the world's hungry and does its best to protect the world's most vulnerable.

I'm Liberal and I do not resent successful people. Unless those people exploit the workers and communities responsible for their wealth. There's no justification for a CEO making 450 times the wage of his average employee.

Now, I wrote this post while you cut and pasted yours. Do you have any original thoughts, or are all your thoughts provided for you?
I just want American's in office, not liberals
Here's a hint: Liberals are Americans too.

Here's a hint It's only American to you liberals as long as it all goes your ways. Anyone else can go to tell and gets just what you do and half the other assholes on here. They all spew the same bs, ................Sit back and watch all the ANTI AMERICAN asshats spew the same lines. They aren't hard to spot on our side.
What is the Conservative attitude when things don't go their way? Peace, love and brotherhood?

For the record, I've never stooped so low as to say Conservatives are not Americans. I have never contended that there is a "real America" and parts of this nation are not.

What do modern leftism (American liberalism) and communism have in common? Both are godless and egalitarian, but liberalism has “evolved.” Communists wanted to kill off capitalism, for example, but liberals know it must be preserved—in a highly taxed and regulated form. It must be permitted to create sufficient wealth to redistribute to favored groups—single mothers, minorities, college professors—if the system is to keep Democrats in office. Liberals want market outcomes to be “predictable.” Appeals to envy and blame heaped on the rich can also be used as a bludgeon, as Obama has shown.

Liberalism: Tom Bethell's Observations of Anti-Americanism Liberals

WHEN people think as leftist radical like ANTIFA, BLM, etc they are Trump haters Duuuuhhhh and what do they go around doing setting fires, burning things down, hitting women, pepper spraying women...
So Uhmmm you can't deny they are TRUMP haters , and yet they think they are the All American patriot Mmmmk.
I happen to be against fascism and I believe that Black lives do matter. Those who are for facism or believe that Black lives do not matter are Americans in name only.

And, yes indeed I hate Trump. Well, let me put it this way. I have no respect for Trump because he shows such little respect himself.
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Trump hating morons don't even know what FACISM even is............


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