Kid Rock responds to Al Sharpton's Confederate flag demand

Does the right have any celebrities who aren't washed up has beens trying for one more shot at being popular? At least Kid Rock didn't brag about crapping his pants........At least I don't think he did.
Who sells more tickets for appearing? You BullDung OR the "kid"?

I hear Kid rock draws almost as much crowd as Gahliger or Carrot Top

Ouch, now that's hitting them where it hurts. Galigher? LOL Is he still alive?
why should he? Al Sharpton didn't say anything about that white girl getting killed by an illegal.
Can you Imagine that slime Sharpton has visited the white house over 60 times?

And you didn't even get to vote for him.

he's has some nerve. People better start standing to him
Important note: Kid Rock is from Romeo, Michigan. (Hell, one of his biggest hits even mentions that!)
Ok I liked Kid Rock before, even more so now:cool:

“Please Tell The People Who Are Protesting to Kiss My ass”

Al Sharpton wants music star Kid Rock to stop using the historic Confederate battle flag. Sharpton even went so far as to have his National Action Network organization officially demand Kid Rock immediately stop depicting the flag in any and every way.

Megyn Kelly discussed this on her show last night. At some point during the discussion Kid Rock actually sent in a statement. The statement was short and to the point.

Kid Rock? He's about as popular as Turd Nugent. Their opinions are ignored. But it makes you feel good so go with it skippy.
then why is the scum Al Sharpton worried about him :dunno:
Ok I liked Kid Rock before, even more so now:cool:

“Please Tell The People Who Are Protesting to Kiss My ass”

Al Sharpton wants music star Kid Rock to stop using the historic Confederate battle flag. Sharpton even went so far as to have his National Action Network organization officially demand Kid Rock immediately stop depicting the flag in any and every way.

Megyn Kelly discussed this on her show last night. At some point during the discussion Kid Rock actually sent in a statement. The statement was short and to the point.

Liberty News Kid Rock Responds to Al Sharpton s Demand that he Stop Using Confederate Flag in Typical Kid Rock Style Press Release VIDEO
Kid Rock is a private individual.... He can look stupid all he wants.
How this once great nation ever came to be governed by a semi-Negro Marxist/Communist with no birth certificate is beyond me.
I cannot understand that racist tag that seems to linger over RWrs.
Ok I liked Kid Rock before, even more so now:cool:

“Please Tell The People Who Are Protesting to Kiss My ass”

Al Sharpton wants music star Kid Rock to stop using the historic Confederate battle flag. Sharpton even went so far as to have his National Action Network organization officially demand Kid Rock immediately stop depicting the flag in any and every way.

Megyn Kelly discussed this on her show last night. At some point during the discussion Kid Rock actually sent in a statement. The statement was short and to the point.

Liberty News Kid Rock Responds to Al Sharpton s Demand that he Stop Using Confederate Flag in Typical Kid Rock Style Press Release VIDEO
Kid Rock is a private individual.... He can look stupid all he wants.
Looks kinda cool if you ask me ...Maybe you should pose somewhere with your gay flag:thup:
Interesting that the liberal left equates sexual activity with being black and somehow that is ignored by blacks. What's up with that? Biden shows his true colors with his "put you all back in chains." And again silence from the liberal left.

Of course, once again, the left can't just get something done they have to rub it in the face of everyone. Forced Compliance to their will or nothing.

Look the flag represents a lot of things and one of those things is rebellion against the USofA. So take the flag down on public property and leave it at that. But that isn't good enough for the left they have to use the issue for their own self gratification and a taunt. Then they wonder why some folks hate their guts. Not me I just don't understand them. I don't understand how they preach compassion and unity but the act in such an opposite manner.
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You know even with me being a proud Southerner,I never gave the Confederate Battle Flag a lot of thought.
Now I do...thanks liberals.

All this shows with this flag is how the Democrats are EMPTY of anything good except stirring HATE and CHOAS on us. which they have done NOW for the whole time Obama's been in office

and we are PAYING this congressidiots to stand up there and WAIL ABOUT some frkken flag. and their base doesn't care. but then they WAIL how money is being wasted investigating one of our Ambassadors being killed UNDER this Democrat administration
You know even with me being a proud Southerner,I never gave the Confederate Battle Flag a lot of thought.
Now I do...thanks liberals.

All this shows with this flag is how the Democrats are EMPTY of anything good except stirring HATE and CHOAS on us. which they have done NOW for the whole time Obama's been in office

and we are PAYING this congressidiots to stand up there and WAIL ABOUT some frkken flag. and their base doesn't care. but then they WAIL how money is being wasted investigating one of our Ambassadors being killed UNDER this Democrat administration

They use issues like the confederate flag as a deflection, while they continue to destroy the country from within:mad:
this is what I'm talking about. we are PAYING THESE freaks for this kind of dog and pony show. we need to CUT this congress down to size and ban this band of hoodlums who has taken over our Congress and OUR Whitehouse .

the last time these idiots all wore HOODIES


House Democrats Stage Political Stunt With Confederate Flag


by Charlie Spiering9 Jul 2015345

House Democrats today prominently featured the confederate flag during their floor speeches, displaying an image of the flag on a large placard and then denouncing it.
Democrats used the spending bill to fund the Interior Department as a way to force the flag issue on Republicans – after inserting several anti-confederate flag amendments to disrupt Republican support for the bill.

ALL of it here
House Democrats Stage Political Stunt With Confederate Flag - Breitbart

pulled the bill before a scheduled vote after Republicans protested that Democrats were using it as a political football over the Confederate flag.

“The Republicans in the House of Representatives are voting down any discussion even of battle flags, Confederate battle flags and the Capitol of the United States,” said House Minority Leader

, calling it a “matter of values, of principle, of who we are as Americans.”
Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Progressives have the minds of five-year-olds.

really ?? they are that intelligent ?

i would rate their intelligence on a level of the "La Cucaracha"

cockroach for the libertards. :up:

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