Kids of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents

There you have the con perspective.

Our kids are assholes to them and are not worth our effects.

No, its that just spending more money does not take care of the root problem, which is parents need to be involved. Certain immigrant parents are on average, far more concerned about thier childs education, and the results show.

And I dont get the "kids are assholes" line from conservative pundits, I get it from my friends who are teachers. american born kids with american born parents are on average, far more rude, uncooperative and disruptive then children of immigrant parents. They complain to an american born parent about thier kid, they get flack back, they compain to an immigrant parent about their kid, the immigrant parent handles it.

My friends experiences is mostly with SE asian and eastern european immigrant parents.

You teach the kids you have.

if you dont you are doomed as a country.

what the right does is blame the kids and blame the teachers.

We once had great schools and it can happen again.

It will never happen when you are too cheap to effect the real change.

NOTHING like this changes without a capital investment.

Not one Corp hads EVER effected these kinds of big changes within their organisation without a capital investment yet you fools insist our school system should do it while stripping them of the power to effect any real change.

You people live in crazytown.

And throwing more money willy nilly at a flawed system is somehow sane? People by me pay $10-20k a year in property taxes, with most of that going to education. That doesnt count state and federal subsidies from income taxes. Spending even MORE money will help?

The infrastructure is there, what is needed is a twofold approach to education reform. the first is to get parents, all parents involved somehow in thier childs education. The second is to give up on the concept of every child getting 12 years of academic education, and retool education paths into trades. Accept the fact that not everyone needs to go to college, and get people into thier career path sooner.
Yeap just repeting we cant do it.

exactly how do you get the parents involved?

Do you mandate it by law?

You do it by showing the parents the school is more than a babysitter.

You make the schools able to teach by giving enough to each school to actually teach the kids instead of just enough to turn them into mini prisons where the principle has no idea who most the kids are.
Truthmatters thinks that America becoming a Hispanic country wouldn't change a thing.
Truthmatters thinks that America becoming a Hispanic country wouldn't change a thing.

And you think your white skin makes you somehow a better human being.

You are a virus on this system and its you and your cohorts who will be put in the trashheap of history.

Why would we listen to someone who hates half of the American people because they have different skin?

You are a dying breed thankfully
Truthmatters thinks that America becoming a Hispanic country wouldn't change a thing.
And you think your white skin makes you somehow a better human being.
So you did think that America becoming Hispanic wouldn't change a thing :lol:

You are a virus on this system and its you and your cohorts who will be put in the trashheap of history.
America is being put in the trashheap of history.

Why would we listen to someone who hates half of the American people because they have different skin?
Skin color means nothing, the way they think and behave is what's important.
You are a dying breed thankfully
American's are the breed that is dying.
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How do Hispanic countries fare in science and education overall?
This is the fact that TM (and alot of Americans) don't want to face. That children of legal immigrants do better in class not illegal alien children.

where in the hell did I refuse any well documented fact?

Go get your conclusive studies that pin point if and why these claimed numbers exsist.
If you have no understanding of the burden Hispanics are putting on the American school system, there is no link that can help you.
In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. for 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In 1990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today’s students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40 % of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In 1983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation.
Could it be that the gap between the US and the rest of world is more to do with changes abroad than changes at home. The world abroad was a pretty crappy place in 1950. Europe was deep into recovering from the war. Half the world was communist. Countries today that sport good educational systems were wallowing in illiteracy.
Could it be that the gap between the US and the rest of world is more to do with changes abroad than changes at home. The world abroad was a pretty crappy place in 1950. Europe was deep into recovering from the war. Half the world was communist. Countries today that sport good educational systems were wallowing in illiteracy.
You make a good point, but the fact still is how far students in America have fallen, just look how much the dropout has increased.
In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. for 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In 1990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today’s students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40 % of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In 1983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation.
Could it be that the gap between the US and the rest of world is more to do with changes abroad than changes at home. The world abroad was a pretty crappy place in 1950. Europe was deep into recovering from the war. Half the world was communist. Countries today that sport good educational systems were wallowing in illiteracy.
I certainly don't believe that education is just a matter of money but the percent of a country's GNP that they spend on education gives you a hint as to how important education is in that country. The US is #37 in the world tied with Austria and Estonia.

The US is number one in the world for the number of years of school we give our kids. In comparing the US to countries with higher test scores, keep in mind we do not weed out kids with lower abilities and send them off to trade schools or factories. In the US, as long a kid can pass a grade, the kid get's to move on to the next grade. If he fails he get's to repeat it. This is not the case in many countries. Tests are given at the completion of elementary school to determine if the student is allowed to continue on to high school. In a country like China that scores high compared to the US, elementary students go to school 11 months out of year and spend an average of 2 hours a day longer in school than in the US. The majority of student upon completion of elementary school are not allowed to advance to higher grades because they don't score high enough on their exams. So when comparing scores of different countries, often it is not a fair comparison.

Education spending (% of GDP) statistics - Countries Compared - NationMaster

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