Kids With Two Moms Do Quite Better Than Mom-Dad Parents According To Study!

Is that a "scientific" study? If so, then it carries no weight.

As a Conservative, I do not believe in science.
Why suuuuure! It was SO scientific and un-biased that the homos decided to just use homo scientists to verify their bullshit!
Ironically, another poll by heteros showed just the opposite. Homos and dykes who are allowed to raise kids encourage the kid to be a freak 100% of the time just like them!
This stupid study already has plenty of threads, can you not read? Or do you think you are the only idiot with access to left wing sites?
Kids with two mom's do the same as and have the same dysfunctions as kids raised by one mom.
This stupid study already has plenty of threads, can you not read? Or do you think you are the only idiot with access to left wing sites?
Actually, right-wing idiots like yourself deserve to have this Continuously Right In Their Face.

Right wing idiot? I am not the one that uses sexuality as an insult, you are. I think that makes you a lot more in need of having the facts in your face than I am.
In another study conducted by the American Zoological Society, human children raised by wolves are more well-adjusted and successful in life that human children raised by two human lesbians.

In another study conducted by the Vatican, boys who were molested by Catholic priests are more well-adjusted and successful in life than boys raised by two lesbians.
How cool would it be to be a boy and be adopted by two hot lesbians. Gay marriage does has its upsides.
You will NEVER convince me in a million studies, that two parents of the same gender are BETTER parents than parents of one of each.

It makes zero sense that children could ever be better balanced by NOT having a parent of each gender.

The OP is utterly full of shit.
This should come as no surprise actually since Lesbians are women afterall, many of whom also have a strong desire to be Moms and they can be by becoming pregnant or by adopting.

Study: Children from Intact Two-Mom Families Have Higher Self-esteem, Fewer Conduct Problems than Those from Intact Mom-Dad ones ? Mombian

".. higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of conduct problems...".

So. They are obedient little automatons who think they are better than everyone else? :eek:


Good on them and more power to 'em. Two parents are better than one. Loving stable families are a good thing and far from me to tell anyone else how to live.
More propaganda for ignorant, low-info lefties.
The vast majority of those two-mom families are white which means they are being raised among mostly whites which means they are largely influenced by peers being raised by structured families.
Put those two-mom kids in a black neighborhood where the majority are being raised devoid of structured families and the result will be the reverse.
This should come as no surprise actually since Lesbians are women afterall, many of whom also have a strong desire to be Moms and they can be by becoming pregnant or by adopting.

Study: Children from Intact Two-Mom Families Have Higher Self-esteem, Fewer Conduct Problems than Those from Intact Mom-Dad ones ? Mombian

So, wait. The people who did the study were all lesbians and members of a lesbian organization, used children from their organization ( which they highly promote, and is a for profit organization) and then published this study? I've got nothing against lesbians, but it seems the study just may be a teeny, tiny bit biased....

Henny Bos, Ph.D

Henny Bos - NLLFS - National Lesbian Longitudinal Family Study

Nanette Gartrell

Nanette Gartrell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Loes van Gelderen

This is the second time they have published a similar study.

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