Killers For Christ

I'm not a Muslim, but you are lying here, Sir/Ma'am...the "'Christian' Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" were TERRORIZING Blacks in the Southern USA only 50 years ago, and who said they ever really went anywhere:

Brutal racial attacks on Blacks are on the increase in America s post-racial era

Comrade, weren't those KKK scum 100% democrats?

Why sure they were - democrats loved terrorism then just like you democrats love terrorism now. Your embrace of ISIS is just more of the same!
Using brush strokes as wide as a seven lane freeway fundamentally Christianity is every man for themselves while Islam is all for one and one for all.
I really try and not buy into liberals are mental cases,but with you,it plain as the sun sets in the west.
Puddly Pillowbite is desperate to support his ISIS buddies. He was told by George Soros that if he attacks Christians, Allah will be pleased and bless the democratic party with raw power...

If I had a buck for every time Luddy refered to "RW", I would be retired by now. This is just the most simple-minded way of approaching politics at work where one's political identification acts like joining a big club, and all they know is that if anything is identified as "RW" , they are required to support the opposite. If liking dogs was described a "RW:", Luddy would kick a few puppies to the curb just to make sure. If liking apple pie were considered "RW", Luddy would head to the nearest orchard with a chain saw.

It's just all so silly and childish. These people have no freaking idea what they stand FOR, as they only know what they are required to be against.
At least you are faithful - to ISIS and Al Qaeda - you're a democrat - you serve Allah in the fight to crush those who would desire individual liberty.

Difference between an American democrat and a Jihadist in Kabul?

I got nothing.... :dunno:

LOL...I see, you misunderstood my post. Go figure.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

YOU ARE BOTH FULL OF SHIT, not to mention your minds have become equally, completely, and religiously addled to the point of insanity that passes for normalcy here as much as it passes for normalcy there..

For as long as Christians teach and learn to believe the Bible is the literal word of God that means exactly what it plainly says, its only a matter of time before another Hitler comes along, reads Luke 19:27, and convinces the faithful that it is their religious duty to slaughter Jews. Such atrocities from the beginning, way before 1050, have always been based on beliefs that you support in 2015 and because of this the blood of the innocent past present and future will be on your head even if you spent your entire life praying to Jesus, working in soup kitchens, never lifted your hand against anyone, or never even killed a fly..

If scripture is true, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
At least you are faithful - to ISIS and Al Qaeda - you're a democrat - you serve Allah in the fight to crush those who would desire individual liberty.

Difference between an American democrat and a Jihadist in Kabul?

I got nothing.... :dunno:

LOL...I see, you misunderstood my post. Go figure.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

YOU ARE BOTH FULL OF SHIT, not to mention your minds have become equally, completely, and religiously addled to the point of insanity that passes for normalcy here as much as it passes for normalcy there..

For as long as Christians teach and learn to believe the Bible is the literal word of God that means exactly what it plainly says, its only a matter of time before another Hitler comes along, reads Luke 19:27, and convinces the faithful that it is their religious duty to slaughter Jews. Such atrocities from the beginning, way before 1050, have always been based on beliefs that you support in 2015 and because of this the blood of the innocent past present and future will be on your head even if you spent your entire life praying to Jesus, working in soup kitchens, never lifted your hand against anyone, or never even killed a fly..

If scripture is true, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
LOL you must be kidding wait your not,you will not find one passage in the new testament that preaches anything like your attempting to lead to,fact the bible vs. you quote has nothing to do with what you think it does.
LOL...I see, you misunderstood my post. Go figure.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

YOU ARE BOTH FULL OF SHIT, not to mention your minds have become equally, completely, and religiously addled to the point of insanity that passes for normalcy here as much as it passes for normalcy there..

You seek to claim that because a thousand years ago, Christians went on a Crusade to drive the Muslim invaders out of Europe, somehow that means Christians are exactly like the Muslims are. Granted, you fail to grasp that who "thousand year" thingy.

Basically, you spew moronic shit because you seek to justify your terrorist allies.

For as long as Christians teach and learn to believe the Bible is the literal word of God that means exactly what it plainly says, its only a matter of time before another Hitler comes along, reads Luke 19:27, and convinces the faithful that it is their religious duty to slaughter Jews. Such atrocities from the beginning, way before 1050, have always been based on beliefs that you support in 2015 and because of this the blood of the innocent past present and future will be on your head even if you spent your entire life praying to Jesus, working in soup kitchens, never lifted your hand against anyone, or never even killed a fly..

If scripture is true, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

No doubt a Christian teaching that the Bible is the word of god is FAR worse than your Muslim buddies lighting a man in a cage on fire and watching him die in agony.

No doubt a Medieval Knight in Jerusalem fighting a Moore is no different than your Muslim allies cutting the head off a journalist yesterday.

See, the problem I have with you leftists is that you're not just stupid - you're evil.
You do realize that the crusades we a reaction to Islamic aggression right?
The point that you have completely missed was that Obama showed no characteristics of a leader and all the characteristics of an academic apologist at the Prayer breakfast. The world is confronting a psychopathic enemy and our idiot President takes the opportunity to take a snarky slap at Christians? That is what AMERICANS including non-Christians like myself are outraged about.
At least you are faithful - to ISIS and Al Qaeda - you're a democrat - you serve Allah in the fight to crush those who would desire individual liberty.

Difference between an American democrat and a Jihadist in Kabul?

I got nothing.... :dunno:

LOL...I see, you misunderstood my post. Go figure.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

YOU ARE BOTH FULL OF SHIT, not to mention your minds have become equally, completely, and religiously addled to the point of insanity that passes for normalcy here as much as it passes for normalcy there..

For as long as Christians teach and learn to believe the Bible is the literal word of God that means exactly what it plainly says, its only a matter of time before another Hitler comes along, reads Luke 19:27, and convinces the faithful that it is their religious duty to slaughter Jews. Such atrocities from the beginning, way before 1050, have always been based on beliefs that you support in 2015 and because of this the blood of the innocent past present and future will be on your head even if you spent your entire life praying to Jesus, working in soup kitchens, never lifted your hand against anyone, or never even killed a fly..

If scripture is true, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
LOL you must be kidding wait your not,you will not find one passage in the new testament that preaches anything like your attempting to lead to,fact the bible vs. you quote has nothing to do with what you think it does.

"But as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence." Luke 19:27

Do the math. If this is what Jesus is going to say to believers when he returns, and the command to "slaughter them who would not have me for their king" is to be taken literally, as many Christians teach, then any mentally ill person with a messianic complex who has auditory and visual hallucinations and preaches hatred and incites antisemitism with a twist of genocide, is a potential candidate for being the returning Jesus and fulfilling the second coming in the minds of people already thoroughly deluded..

If the bible is the very word of God and the words are to be taken at face value, what it plainly says, as many Christians openly teach, then what does this passage mean if it is not a command to slaughter Jews, those who would not have him for their king?

If it is not to be taken literally what did Jesus mean by saying "slaughter them"? And, by the way, I am not saying that the passage is a command to kill Jews, I already know what he meant and it has absolutely nothing whatever to do with killing Jews anymore than the commands of ritual slaughter are about killing farm animals..

Do you really think this passage was not discussed in secret and used as a moral basis for the many Christian persecutions, pogroms, and attempts and continuing antisemitic threats of genocide, perpetrated by Christians in living memory, just like your Muslim buddies continue to threaten??

Were not talking about the year 1050 either. This is happening now.
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At least you are faithful - to ISIS and Al Qaeda - you're a democrat - you serve Allah in the fight to crush those who would desire individual liberty.

Difference between an American democrat and a Jihadist in Kabul?

I got nothing.... :dunno:

LOL...I see, you misunderstood my post. Go figure.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

YOU ARE BOTH FULL OF SHIT, not to mention your minds have become equally, completely, and religiously addled to the point of insanity that passes for normalcy here as much as it passes for normalcy there..

For as long as Christians teach and learn to believe the Bible is the literal word of God that means exactly what it plainly says, its only a matter of time before another Hitler comes along, reads Luke 19:27, and convinces the faithful that it is their religious duty to slaughter Jews. Such atrocities from the beginning, way before 1050, have always been based on beliefs that you support in 2015 and because of this the blood of the innocent past present and future will be on your head even if you spent your entire life praying to Jesus, working in soup kitchens, never lifted your hand against anyone, or never even killed a fly..

If scripture is true, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
LOL you must be kidding wait your not,you will not find one passage in the new testament that preaches anything like your attempting to lead to,fact the bible vs. you quote has nothing to do with what you think it does.

"But as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence." Luke 19:27

Do the math. If this is what Jesus is going to say to believers when he returns, and the command to "slaughter them who would not have me for their king" is to be taken literally, as many Christians teach, then any mentally ill person with a messianic complex who has auditory and visual hallucinations and preaches hatred and incites antisemitism with a twist of genocide, is a potential candidate for being the returning Jesus and fulfilling the second coming in the minds of people already thoroughly deluded..

If the bible is the very word of God and the words are to be taken at face value, what it plainly says, as many Christians openly teach, then what does this passage mean if it is not a command to slaughter Jews, those who would not have him for their king?

If it is not to be taken literally what did Jesus mean by saying "slaughter them"? And, by the way, I am not saying that the passage is a command to kill Jews, I already know what he meant and it has absolutely nothing whatever to do with killing Jews anymore than the commands of ritual slaughter are about killing farm animals..

Do you really think this passage was not discussed in secret and used as a moral basis for the many Christian persecutions, pogroms, and attempts and continuing antisemitic threats of genocide, perpetrated by Christians in living memory, just like your Muslim buddies continue to threaten??

Were not talking about the year 1050 either. This is happening now.
So, as a nonbeliever, you choose one verse (out of context since, if you read the entire chapter, it's labeled as a parable) and presume to translate it for us Christians? Thanks anyway
I'm not a Muslim, but you are lying here, Sir/Ma'am...the "'Christian' Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" were TERRORIZING Blacks in the Southern USA only 50 years ago, and who said they ever really went anywhere:

Brutal racial attacks on Blacks are on the increase in America s post-racial era

Comrade, weren't those KKK scum 100% democrats?

Why sure they were - democrats loved terrorism then just like you democrats love terrorism now. Your embrace of ISIS is just more of the same!
They were. And were Christians too.

Another radical Islam apologist thread
To point out that Christianity had its dark, violent moments doesn't apologize for radical Islam now, does it?
Then be fair-sided and acknowledge the atrocities of Islam.
But all you Dembulbs can do is follow lockstep behind The Obama and start dozens of threads defending the stupid shit he had to say

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