Killing free speech


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
It is more than discouraging to witness the fact that the younger generation does not value free speech nearly as much as we all should.

What is the problem?

Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Or, do they not care whether we remain a free society or not?

Perhaps they are just so wrapped up in their own agenda that their perception of reality is not what it should be?

Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.


Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Does President Trump or any of his supporters?
Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Does President Trump or any of his supporters?

neither do you dumb CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCS

To chip away at the First Amendment now is to hand a unified Republican government the power to regulate speech. And if that happens, the vision of the activist left—one where hateful words are banned and no one is made to feel uncomfortable by dissenting opinions—will not be the reality that greets us. Instead, what we'll get will look an awful lot like the beginning of the end for free speech.


The End of Free Speech

you idiots are so stupid the truth is document and low IQ's still don't get it.
Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Does President Trump or any of his supporters?

Do you believe it is ok for antifa to violently attack Trump Supporters?

Beyond that particular, do you believe there is no problem with inserting violence into the political process in America?
It is more than discouraging to witness the fact that the younger generation does not value free speech nearly as much as we all should.

What is the problem?

Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Or, do they not care whether we remain a free society or not?

Perhaps they are just so wrapped up in their own agenda that their perception of reality is not what it should be?

It is disturbing. They want the govt to take away freedoms and they want social media to subjectively monitor their content and speech. Its unbelievable but its happening.
Do they not understand how critical free speech is to a free people?

Does President Trump or any of his supporters?
when has trump complained about free speech? he's complained about lack of patriotism. now, post one link trump complaining about free speech!!! go!! Canadian girl.
Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.


Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.
Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.

Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.


Though of course many liberals and politically correct republicans believe your nonsense. Such thoughts as you and other misquided folk have is nothing less than a harbinger of disaster that by chance or purpose opens the door for totalitarians/liberals,marxists/socialists to silence the American People.

Speech is God‟s gift to mankind. Through speech and expression a human being conveys his
thoughts, sentiments and feeling to others. Freedom of speech and expression is thus a natural
right, which a human being acquires on birth. It is, therefore, a basic right. The freedom of
speech and expression is regarded as the first condition of liberty. It occupies a preferred and
important position in the hierarchy of the liberty, it is truly said about the freedom of speech
that it is the mother of all other liberties. Freedom of speech and expression means the right
to express one‟s own convictions and opinions freely by words of mouth, writing, printing,
pictures or any other mode. It thus includes the expression of one‟s ideas through any
communicable medium or visible representation, such as, gesture, sighs and the like. In
modern time it is widely accepted that the right to freedom of speech is the essence of free
society and it must be safeguarded at all time. The first principle of a free society is an
untrammelled flow of words in an open forum.

Thus freedom of speech is a Natural and God given right to all mankind and supercedes any doucument of human origin.
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Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.


Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.
When the government provides legal cover for web sites that defame their members, it certainly does have to with so-called "private enterprise." That's more properly called "crony capitalism" than private enterprise.
Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.


Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.
When the government provides legal cover for web sites that defame their members, it certainly does have to with so-called "private enterprise." That's more properly called "crony capitalism" than private enterprise.

Any government, any person, any institution, any website or any other group that would deny freedom of speech is in violation of Natural Law and thus our creator.
Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.

Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.


Though of course many liberals and politically correct republicans believe your nonsense. Such thoughts as you and other misquided folk have is nothing less than a harbinger of disaster that by chance or purpose opens the door for totalitarians/liberals,marxists/socialists to silence the American People.

Speech is God‟s gift to mankind. Through speech and expression a human being conveys his
thoughts, sentiments and feeling to others. Freedom of speech and expression is thus a natural
right, which a human being acquires on birth. It is, therefore, a basic right. The freedom of
speech and expression is regarded as the first condition of liberty. It occupies a preferred and
important position in the hierarchy of the liberty, it is truly said about the freedom of speech
that it is the mother of all other liberties. Freedom of speech and expression means the right
to express one‟s own convictions and opinions freely by words of mouth, writing, printing,
pictures or any other mode. It thus includes the expression of one‟s ideas through any
communicable medium or visible representation, such as, gesture, sighs and the like. In
modern time it is widely accepted that the right to freedom of speech is the essence of free
society and it must be safeguarded at all time. The first principle of a free society is an
untrammelled flow of words in an open forum.

Thus freedom of speech is a Natural and God given right to all mankind and supercedes any doucument of human origin.

you are free to go out into nature and speak all you want. You can talk the the deer come around, nobody gives a fuck.

You are not free to force someone else to let you do so on their dime or on their website or their place of business.
Frees speech is gone and idiot america let it all happen Europe's warning and all.

If you get banned for saying fk u to a c..t like Omar that's not ok for them you get banned that is not free speech

Alex Jones has the right to say he's known this for deadheads oh but he was a conspiracy theorist man nppl wake the fk up your SPEECH HAS BEEN GONE it was called OBAMA started it all dumbasses.


Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.
When the government provides legal cover for web sites that defame their members, it certainly does have to with so-called "private enterprise." That's more properly called "crony capitalism" than private enterprise.

Any government, any person, any institution, any website or any other group that would deny freedom of speech is in violation of Natural Law and thus our creator.

this site limits free speech, why are you here on such a site that is in violation of the creator?

Besides, I do not think that Odin gives a fuck what you say.
Private social media sites and forums have nothing to do with free speech.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private enterprise.

Try reading the 1st Amendment and see who it applies to.

I don't believe he was trying to make a 1st amendment argument. I believe his point is that much of American society is opposed to the expression of alternative ideas.

I will add that, as much as the left preaches about tolerance, inclusion and diversity, they sure don't apply those principles to themselves.
Historically speaking, the left has always opposed freedom of speech and expression
Historically speaking, the left has always opposed freedom of speech and expression

You see them on here constantly revealing they have no concept of the necessity of free speech for any liberty loving people.

All this hyperbole or nonsense regarding people not having freedom of speech in certain places underscores their basic lack of appreciation of freedom of speech as well as its absolutely necessity for any free people to survive.

Freedom of speech transcends any human law, document or theory that would restrict freedom of speech. Those who would deny that are absolutely clueless regarding liberty.

Now of course most if not all of us understand and know of the restrictions that have been placed and are increasingly being put in place to deny freedom of speech....which does not mean that makes it o.k. Tyrants will be tyrants and those who stand by and do nothing wind up as slaves or worse.

Some do not understand that just because something is legal does not mean it is good or moral or desireable.

We have moral laws and we have immoral laws. It is the duty of human beings to refrain as so much is possible, not to submit to any immorality , be it legal or otherwise.

America would never have gained its freedom if our founders had just stood around and mumbled about how the English occupation was legal, that to fight against the King of England was absolutely unthinkable etc. Those who thought that fled to Canada to escape the wrath of freedom loving Americans.

No doubt our founders turn over in their graves when they see modern day idiots mumbling that freedom of speech only applies to the government.
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