Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

...God is a fiction by definition his "laws"are also fiction. Besides his most ardent belivers break his "laws" with impunity when it suits them.
Completely irrelevant to the question of whether or not Davis was acting hypocritically...
...God is a fiction by definition his "laws"are also fiction. Besides his most ardent belivers break his "laws" with impunity when it suits them.
Completely irrelevant to the question of whether or not Davis was acting hypocritically...
Again false. It has everything to do with it.
Her belief in the giant sky farie is the cause her actions are effect.
Metaphor isn't defined as "made-up piece of shit". Just FYI.
Obviously you don't like the comparison, but it is a metaphor whether you agree with the comparison or not. LOL All you showed by your post is your ignorance of rhetorical techniques. Pathetic.

Yeah, I'm funny about wanting English to be used properly, and things people say making sense. It's a quirk.

Just for future reference, you should never assume people are telling you you're a dumbass because they're angry at how right you are. In your case, it's far more likely that you're just a dumbass.
Using metaphorical languague and rhetorical techniques IS using English properly. That you don't understand figurative languge and rhetoric seems to be the problem. As far as who is the "dumbass," your assertion is quintessentially ironic. LOL

That you think you're being brilliant and profound is the actual problem.

Let me reiterate: you're a dumbass.
The only problem is that you embody the dumbassedness you ascribe to others as a projection of your true self.

Ahh, leftist irony. Never gets old.

Well, actually it does. What I should have said is, "Never stops happening."
She issued and signed Divorce Certificates and divorce is ALSO against her claimed " religion ".

And just because you say " I'm born again and believe Jesus died for my sins " doesn't make what you did hunky dory. Especially when you harmed other people.

And now it's time for you to join the Legion of Ignorant Ignored.

You aren't worth wasting any more electrons with.



It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

"It's hypocritical to practice your religion differently than I think you should!"

Thanks for sharing, Reverend Dipshit. I'll call you when I decide to join your church.

I'm sure being called a hypocrite by the authors of the textbook on how to live a double standard is right up there on Ms. Davis's list of things to worry about.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Yeah, if Rosa Parks was white, drove the bus, and wouldn't let black people on at all.


Personally, I have resigned myself to the fact that leftists will never understand the concept of freedom of conscience, simply because they don't have any.

So go right on with your "It's good when WE ignore laws, because we're wonderful. Everyone else must shut up and do as told." Hypocrisy is only a sin when you don't like it, right?
...How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping?...
And how many times - up until then - had somebody asked the question, about the timing for any of her so-called 'sins', and how many times was that answered?

I got sick-and-tired of the Light-in-the-Loafers-Brigade calling the woman a hypocrite, when pointing to things she supposedly did BEFORE her conversion.

It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

So, I asked questions about (1) timing and (2) denominational membership.

...I don't make claims I can't back up...
What claims would those be?

Unless you are claiming that she was a hypocrite, and that she committed those transgressions AFTER she came under the jurisdiction or fiat of that denomination she belongs to.

Is that what you're claiming?

...I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me...
How nice for you.

...AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something...
Indeed. A characteristic that is quite widespread in these environs. Including yours truly.

...That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.
Or so your limited and biased observations have led you to believe, Princess.

I said she was a hypocrite for signing off on divorce decrees & issuing marriage licenses to those same people when her beliefs include that divorce persons are committing adultery if they marry again... but that doesn't seem to dissuade her & she hasn't refused to do that based on her so called religious beliefs, because those decrees/licenses are for hetero couples.. ie... HYPOCRISY.... or that her religion dictates that one shouldn't take any oaths & to respect governmental authority.... neither of which she obeys... ie... MORE HYPOCRISY.

Any thoughts on that since I've enlightened you to those hard facts or will you still be closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears while muttering la-la-la ?

Sources stating she is an Apostolic Christian:

Kim Davis' lawyer files new appeal to free jailed Kentucky clerk - Religion News Service

The Many Faces of "Kim Davis"

Federal judge: Apostolic Christian clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses | Christian Examiner Newspapers

is that enough for ya?

Do people have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom to their own beliefs, or do they have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom of the beliefs you think they should have, and which they have cleared through your approval?

I don't actually recall anyone saying that rights were contingent on you endorsing them, but I haven't checked the "living" Constitution today to see if it's suddenly grown any new penumbras and interpretations, so . . .
...How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping?...
And how many times - up until then - had somebody asked the question, about the timing for any of her so-called 'sins', and how many times was that answered?

I got sick-and-tired of the Light-in-the-Loafers-Brigade calling the woman a hypocrite, when pointing to things she supposedly did BEFORE her conversion.

It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

So, I asked questions about (1) timing and (2) denominational membership.

...I don't make claims I can't back up...
What claims would those be?

Unless you are claiming that she was a hypocrite, and that she committed those transgressions AFTER she came under the jurisdiction or fiat of that denomination she belongs to.

Is that what you're claiming?

...I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me...
How nice for you.

...AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something...
Indeed. A characteristic that is quite widespread in these environs. Including yours truly.

...That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.
Or so your limited and biased observations have led you to believe, Princess.

I said she was a hypocrite for signing off on divorce decrees & issuing marriage licenses to those same people when her beliefs include that divorce persons are committing adultery if they marry again... but that doesn't seem to dissuade her & she hasn't refused to do that based on her so called religious beliefs, because those decrees/licenses are for hetero couples.. ie... HYPOCRISY.... or that her religion dictates that one shouldn't take any oaths & to respect governmental authority.... neither of which she obeys... ie... MORE HYPOCRISY.

Any thoughts on that since I've enlightened you to those hard facts or will you still be closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears while muttering la-la-la ?

Sources stating she is an Apostolic Christian:

Kim Davis' lawyer files new appeal to free jailed Kentucky clerk - Religion News Service

The Many Faces of "Kim Davis"

Federal judge: Apostolic Christian clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses | Christian Examiner Newspapers

is that enough for ya?

Do people have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom to their own beliefs, or do they have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom of the beliefs you think they should have, and which they have cleared through your approval?

I don't actually recall anyone saying that rights were contingent on you endorsing them, but I haven't checked the "living" Constitution today to see if it's suddenly grown any new penumbras and interpretations, so . . .

I don't actually recall saying anything that comes close to the bullshit you just spewed.

The Constitution is a living document which means amendments can be added such as the 14th amendment, which gives equal (NOT special) protection under the law. At one time blacks were not included. At one time women were not included. At one time gays were not included. That is not the case anymore.

Bigots have a problem accepting that, but it doesn't change anything.
Misogynists have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.
Homophobes have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.

Davis cannot hold her religious beliefs above the laws of the Constitution when she is acting as an agent & performing duties within the scope of the Constitution. It's that simple. Outside the walls of a Government building +/or outside the hours that she is being paid as a Government employee, she is as free as anybody else to belief what she wants & practice those beliefs to her heart's desire.

BUT, when she is on the clock, being paid by the taxpayer- & some of those taxpayers are gay, then she is to perform her duties in a secular fashion.

There, understand now? Were you able to follow that very, very simple explanation?
...How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping?...
And how many times - up until then - had somebody asked the question, about the timing for any of her so-called 'sins', and how many times was that answered?

I got sick-and-tired of the Light-in-the-Loafers-Brigade calling the woman a hypocrite, when pointing to things she supposedly did BEFORE her conversion.

It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

So, I asked questions about (1) timing and (2) denominational membership.

...I don't make claims I can't back up...
What claims would those be?

Unless you are claiming that she was a hypocrite, and that she committed those transgressions AFTER she came under the jurisdiction or fiat of that denomination she belongs to.

Is that what you're claiming?

...I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me...
How nice for you.

...AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something...
Indeed. A characteristic that is quite widespread in these environs. Including yours truly.

...That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.
Or so your limited and biased observations have led you to believe, Princess.

I said she was a hypocrite for signing off on divorce decrees & issuing marriage licenses to those same people when her beliefs include that divorce persons are committing adultery if they marry again... but that doesn't seem to dissuade her & she hasn't refused to do that based on her so called religious beliefs, because those decrees/licenses are for hetero couples.. ie... HYPOCRISY.... or that her religion dictates that one shouldn't take any oaths & to respect governmental authority.... neither of which she obeys... ie... MORE HYPOCRISY.

Any thoughts on that since I've enlightened you to those hard facts or will you still be closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears while muttering la-la-la ?

Sources stating she is an Apostolic Christian:

Kim Davis' lawyer files new appeal to free jailed Kentucky clerk - Religion News Service

The Many Faces of "Kim Davis"

Federal judge: Apostolic Christian clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses | Christian Examiner Newspapers

is that enough for ya?

Do people have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom to their own beliefs, or do they have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom of the beliefs you think they should have, and which they have cleared through your approval?

I don't actually recall anyone saying that rights were contingent on you endorsing them, but I haven't checked the "living" Constitution today to see if it's suddenly grown any new penumbras and interpretations, so . . .
those right's end when they hinder the right of others.
you can go back to yelling at the TV now.
...How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping?...
And how many times - up until then - had somebody asked the question, about the timing for any of her so-called 'sins', and how many times was that answered?

I got sick-and-tired of the Light-in-the-Loafers-Brigade calling the woman a hypocrite, when pointing to things she supposedly did BEFORE her conversion.

It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

So, I asked questions about (1) timing and (2) denominational membership.

...I don't make claims I can't back up...
What claims would those be?

Unless you are claiming that she was a hypocrite, and that she committed those transgressions AFTER she came under the jurisdiction or fiat of that denomination she belongs to.

Is that what you're claiming?

...I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me...
How nice for you.

...AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something...
Indeed. A characteristic that is quite widespread in these environs. Including yours truly.

...That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.
Or so your limited and biased observations have led you to believe, Princess.

I said she was a hypocrite for signing off on divorce decrees & issuing marriage licenses to those same people when her beliefs include that divorce persons are committing adultery if they marry again... but that doesn't seem to dissuade her & she hasn't refused to do that based on her so called religious beliefs, because those decrees/licenses are for hetero couples.. ie... HYPOCRISY.... or that her religion dictates that one shouldn't take any oaths & to respect governmental authority.... neither of which she obeys... ie... MORE HYPOCRISY.

Any thoughts on that since I've enlightened you to those hard facts or will you still be closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears while muttering la-la-la ?

Sources stating she is an Apostolic Christian:

Kim Davis' lawyer files new appeal to free jailed Kentucky clerk - Religion News Service

The Many Faces of "Kim Davis"

Federal judge: Apostolic Christian clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses | Christian Examiner Newspapers

is that enough for ya?

Do people have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom to their own beliefs, or do they have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom of the beliefs you think they should have, and which they have cleared through your approval?

I don't actually recall anyone saying that rights were contingent on you endorsing them, but I haven't checked the "living" Constitution today to see if it's suddenly grown any new penumbras and interpretations, so . . .

I don't actually recall saying anything that comes close to the bullshit you just spewed.

The Constitution is a living document which means amendments can be added such as the 14th amendment, which gives equal (NOT special) protection under the law. At one time blacks were not included. At one time women were not included. At one time gays were not included. That is not the case anymore.

Bigots have a problem accepting that, but it doesn't change anything.
Misogynists have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.
Homophobes have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.

Davis cannot hold her religious beliefs above the laws of the Constitution when she is acting as an agent & performing duties within the scope of the Constitution. It's that simple. Outside the walls of a Government building +/or outside the hours that she is being paid as a Government employee, she is as free as anybody else to belief what she wants & practice those beliefs to her heart's desire.

BUT, when she is on the clock, being paid by the taxpayer- & some of those taxpayers are gay, then she is to perform her duties in a secular fashion.

There, understand now? Were you able to follow that very, very simple explanation?
don't worry about cecllie this happens when her meds run out.
Kim Davis represents what the Framers sought to prevent when they created our Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – Davis' refusal to obey the rule of law as she swore to do as an officer of the state is proof of that.

Kim Davis represents those who are ignorant of, or hold contempt for, the rule of law, by seeking to propagate the lie that Article VI of the Constitution and its jurisprudence 'violates' her religious beliefs, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And Kim Davis represents those who would seek to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists for some perceived partisan gain.

Kim Davis represents much of what's wrong with the American right: the ignorance, the unwarranted fear of change and diversity, and the contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Kim Davis represents what the Framers sought to prevent when they created our Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – Davis' refusal to obey the rule of law as she swore to do as an officer of the state is proof of that.

Kim Davis represents those who are ignorant of, or hold contempt for, the rule of law, by seeking to propagate the lie that Article VI of the Constitution and its jurisprudence 'violates' her religious beliefs, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And Kim Davis represents those who would seek to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists for some perceived partisan gain.

Kim Davis represents much of what's wrong with the American right: the ignorance, the unwarranted fear of change and diversity, and the contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

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