Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?
Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?
Do you attend church?
Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?
Do you attend church?
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?
Do you attend church?
Do you believe in a god or a higher power?
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?
Do you attend church?
Do you believe in a god or a higher power?
I am a Christian -leaning Agnostic... at best, a Doubting Thomas... with heavy emphasis on the Doubt.
Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?

If you aren't a god fearing Christian, you sure fooled me, the way you have defended Kim Davis & her 'right' to thump her beliefs while in the position of a Government worker. Not one poster have I seen here, that is screaming bloody hell about FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!! & it's a WAR ON CHRISTIANS!!! & it's the godless LIBERALS!!!! who wanna persecute 'Rosa Parks, MLK and Jesus' incarnate.... have all been either claiming to be Christians, or vehemently defending Davis (such as you) or have their cute little psalms & proverbs in their siggys to prove how Christiany they are.

Based on that, I was merely pointing out the error of your ways., by breaking one of the Top 10, lke Kim Davis has done...hence my usage of the little 'neh eh eh wagging finger at you emoji...:eusa_naughty:
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Perhaps because the American Right has grown weary and alarmed over the slippery slope that the goddamned Left has contrived for us to slide down?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

oopsie, bubba. :nono:
Don't over-think it, Princess, or you'll blow a gasket...

Now, do you have anything topical to add, or are you just trolling?

Just pointing that out babette... after all you like defending a fellow Christian who picks & chooses what part of the Good Book to follow. :spinner:
Just pointing WHAT out, sweet-cheeks? And how does that relate to the topic? And, while we're at it, whatever leads you to believe that I'm a Christian?

If you aren't a god fearing Christian, you sure fooled me, the way you have defended Kim Davis & her 'right' to thump her beliefs while in the position of a Government worker. Not one poster have I seen here, that is screaming bloody hell about FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!! & it's a WAR ON CHRISTIANS!!! & it's the godless LIBERALS!!!! who wanna persecute 'Rosa Parks, MLK and Jesus' incarnate.... have all been either claiming to be Christians, or vehemently defending Davis (such as you) or have their cute little psalms & proverbs in their siggys to prove how Christiany they are.

Based on that, I was merely pointing out the error of your ways., by breaking one of the Top 10, lke Kim Davis has done...hence my usage of the little 'neh eh eh wagging finger at you emoji...:eusa_naughty:
I would defend her right to worship if she hadn't crossed the church and state line .
So if I believe that gun ownership is wrong, and my church preaches pacifist principles, I don't have to issue gun licenses to those legally qualified to own guns if I work for that government department?

Because I strongly believe owning a handgun is asking for trouble.

Can you make any sort of argument that the Second Amendment isn't Constitutional, or was somehow passed illegally, or has illegally changed the job you were initially elected to do? No? Then this is a shitty analogy, just like every other analogy you make.

DO try to incorporate some sense of continuity into your arguments, please.
...How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping?...
And how many times - up until then - had somebody asked the question, about the timing for any of her so-called 'sins', and how many times was that answered?

I got sick-and-tired of the Light-in-the-Loafers-Brigade calling the woman a hypocrite, when pointing to things she supposedly did BEFORE her conversion.

It is no hypocrisy to hold fast to a range of religiously-motivated beliefs that contrast with your own previous mistakes, if you were not operating under the jurisdiction or fiat of those religious beliefs at the time the transgressions were committed.

So, I asked questions about (1) timing and (2) denominational membership.

...I don't make claims I can't back up...
What claims would those be?

Unless you are claiming that she was a hypocrite, and that she committed those transgressions AFTER she came under the jurisdiction or fiat of that denomination she belongs to.

Is that what you're claiming?

...I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me...
How nice for you.

...AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something...
Indeed. A characteristic that is quite widespread in these environs. Including yours truly.

...That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.
Or so your limited and biased observations have led you to believe, Princess.

I said she was a hypocrite for signing off on divorce decrees & issuing marriage licenses to those same people when her beliefs include that divorce persons are committing adultery if they marry again... but that doesn't seem to dissuade her & she hasn't refused to do that based on her so called religious beliefs, because those decrees/licenses are for hetero couples.. ie... HYPOCRISY.... or that her religion dictates that one shouldn't take any oaths & to respect governmental authority.... neither of which she obeys... ie... MORE HYPOCRISY.

Any thoughts on that since I've enlightened you to those hard facts or will you still be closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears while muttering la-la-la ?

Sources stating she is an Apostolic Christian:

Kim Davis' lawyer files new appeal to free jailed Kentucky clerk - Religion News Service

The Many Faces of "Kim Davis"

Federal judge: Apostolic Christian clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses | Christian Examiner Newspapers

is that enough for ya?

Do people have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom to their own beliefs, or do they have a Constitutional right to exercise freedom of the beliefs you think they should have, and which they have cleared through your approval?

I don't actually recall anyone saying that rights were contingent on you endorsing them, but I haven't checked the "living" Constitution today to see if it's suddenly grown any new penumbras and interpretations, so . . .

I don't actually recall saying anything that comes close to the bullshit you just spewed.

The Constitution is a living document which means amendments can be added such as the 14th amendment, which gives equal (NOT special) protection under the law. At one time blacks were not included. At one time women were not included. At one time gays were not included. That is not the case anymore.

Bigots have a problem accepting that, but it doesn't change anything.
Misogynists have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.
Homophobes have a problem accepting that , but it doesn't change anything.

Davis cannot hold her religious beliefs above the laws of the Constitution when she is acting as an agent & performing duties within the scope of the Constitution. It's that simple. Outside the walls of a Government building +/or outside the hours that she is being paid as a Government employee, she is as free as anybody else to belief what she wants & practice those beliefs to her heart's desire.

BUT, when she is on the clock, being paid by the taxpayer- & some of those taxpayers are gay, then she is to perform her duties in a secular fashion.

There, understand now? Were you able to follow that very, very simple explanation?
don't worry about cecllie this happens when her meds run out.

In other words, you have no refutation other than personal attacks.

Your surrender is duly noted and totally unsurprising. Run along.
...Ignorance of, or contempt for, the law is not justification to violate the law.
Isn't Civil Disobedience fun?
what you claim as civil disobedience is analogous to spoiled over indulged children throwing tantrums after being taken in hand.
conservatives can't manage the real thing.

Riiiiight. Circumventing the proper legal procedures for enacting laws and dismissing the will of the people as expressed by the laws is "taking spoiled children in hand". I'd say the tantrums of spoiled children are more obvious in the left's "Well, if you won't do what we tell you to, we'll just override your rights as citizens" approach.
...Anyone defending Kim Davis deserves to be mocked, the lady is a bigoted idiot.
Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... thank you.
Oh, she's one butt-ugly woman, alright.

Now, if you're done throwing rocks at her with silly picture-memes...

Any new substance to add?

Yeah, this meme was crap when it started, and it hasn't gotten any more clever in the interim. The job she was elected to do was issuing marriage licenses to couples meeting the requirements of the laws ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF KENTUCKY, not some jackass ruling by an activist court setting itself above the legislatures.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Er.. um.. sorry but her "principled stand" is akin to a cop refusing to arrest criminals because his religion tells him crime is moral.

Kim's sorry @ss needs to get another job if she can't manage to do the one she was ELECTED to do....she needs to stop abusing her right to be a moron.Private citizen - full first amendment rights, elected gub'mint official - follow whatever idiotic laws the gub'mint @ssholes you work for see fit to pass... see how that works Kimmy ?
...Ignorance of, or contempt for, the law is not justification to violate the law.
Isn't Civil Disobedience fun?
what you claim as civil disobedience is analogous to spoiled over indulged children throwing tantrums after being taken in hand.
conservatives can't manage the real thing.

Riiiiight. Circumventing the proper legal procedures for enacting laws and dismissing the will of the people as expressed by the laws is "taking spoiled children in hand". I'd say the tantrums of spoiled children are more obvious in the left's "Well, if you won't do what we tell you to, we'll just override your rights as citizens" approach.

Polls show that the majority of Americans are in favour of gay marriage rights so the will of the people was not ignored.

And the only rights being ignored here are the rights of gays to get a marriage license.

Kim Davis has the right to believe gay marriage is wrong. But she doesn't have the right to deny them a marriage license based on that belief, or to interfere with other clerks issuing marriage licenses to gays. She has no right to impose her religion on others which is what she did.
Yeah, this meme was crap when it started, and it hasn't gotten any more clever in the interim. The job she was elected to do was issuing marriage licenses to couples meeting the requirements of the laws ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF KENTUCKY, not some jackass ruling by an activist court setting itself above the legislatures. people can ignore the Citizen's United, Heller or Hobby Lobby rulings if they feel like it too, huh?
...Polls show that the majority of Americans are in favour of gay marriage rights so the will of the people was not ignored...
The only 'poll' that really counts is at the ballot-box.

And in State after State, for the past two decades, The People have constantly voted FOR Defense-of-Marriage -type legislation and referenda.

Only to have them overridden by judges contravening the Will of the People, time and time and time again.

Eventually, your Average American will shrug it off, and forget about it, and figure that it isn't worth fighting about anymore, and, eventually, land on the 'In Favor Of' side of a poll, some years after voting for a Defense-of-Marriage sort of ballot.

Given some substantive and competent Anti-Gay-Mafia leadership, some backbone, and a way to neutralize Gunboat Social Re-Engineering looking down the barrel of a Supreme Court writ...

Very large numbers of those Sunshine Patriots currently showing-up on the "In-Favor-Of" side of the polls would abandon their lethargy and actively oppose such creatures again, in a heartbeat.

Nobody (sane) wants their kids and grandkids exposed to that filth and perversion, if it can be helped.

With any luck, such leadership will emerge, sometime shortly after January 20, 2017, and an as-yet-unimagined angle will be found, by which to pursue Remedial Legal Action against the Gay Mafia.

The 3% cannot hold the other 97% of America in thrall forever.

All power in this country ultimately rests with the American People.

Our political parties are in the early stages of a Remedial Lesson about this important fact.
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"During the second GOP presidential debate Wednesday night, Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) said they would be open to putting civil rights activist Rosa Parks on the $10 bill. But the Republican candidates might be surprised to learn that Parks sat on the national board of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, one of the GOP’s biggest political enemies."
...Ignorance of, or contempt for, the law is not justification to violate the law.
Isn't Civil Disobedience fun?
what you claim as civil disobedience is analogous to spoiled over indulged children throwing tantrums after being taken in hand.
conservatives can't manage the real thing.

Riiiiight. Circumventing the proper legal procedures for enacting laws and dismissing the will of the people as expressed by the laws is "taking spoiled children in hand". I'd say the tantrums of spoiled children are more obvious in the left's "Well, if you won't do what we tell you to, we'll just override your rights as citizens" approach.

Polls show that the majority of Americans are in favour of gay marriage rights so the will of the people was not ignored.

And the only rights being ignored here are the rights of gays to get a marriage license.

Kim Davis has the right to believe gay marriage is wrong. But she doesn't have the right to deny them a marriage license based on that belief, or to interfere with other clerks issuing marriage licenses to gays. She has no right to impose her religion on others which is what she did.

Yeah, right, "the polls show". Interesting how the only polls that ever really matter - ballot initiatives - always showed that the people WEREN'T in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, which is why you had to ram it down everyone's throats (pardon the pun) through an illegal judicial fiat.

I realize that you think the only rights being ignore are the faux rights of homosexuals to get a marriage license, but that would be because you think the only rights that exist are those of people who agree with you. I have never once seen you notice any right that involves people disagreeing with your received "wisdom". Funny, that.

She has the exact same right to disobey laws - legal and illegal - that she disagrees with as Obama does to ignore immigration laws in his administrative policies, as San Francisco and other sanctuary cities have to ignore immigration laws, as numerous mayors and clerks had to ignore marriage laws prior to the judicial coup . . . I can go on, but I think everyone gets the point of your double standard, and the way you only recognize the existence of rights and laws you like, you pathetic, hypocritical joke.
...Ignorance of, or contempt for, the law is not justification to violate the law.
Isn't Civil Disobedience fun?
what you claim as civil disobedience is analogous to spoiled over indulged children throwing tantrums after being taken in hand.
conservatives can't manage the real thing.

Riiiiight. Circumventing the proper legal procedures for enacting laws and dismissing the will of the people as expressed by the laws is "taking spoiled children in hand". I'd say the tantrums of spoiled children are more obvious in the left's "Well, if you won't do what we tell you to, we'll just override your rights as citizens" approach.

Polls show that the majority of Americans are in favour of gay marriage rights so the will of the people was not ignored.

And the only rights being ignored here are the rights of gays to get a marriage license.

Kim Davis has the right to believe gay marriage is wrong. But she doesn't have the right to deny them a marriage license based on that belief, or to interfere with other clerks issuing marriage licenses to gays. She has no right to impose her religion on others which is what she did.

Yeah, right, "the polls show". Interesting how the only polls that ever really matter - ballot initiatives - always showed that the people WEREN'T in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, which is why you had to ram it down everyone's throats (pardon the pun) through an illegal judicial fiat.

I realize that you think the only rights being ignore are the faux rights of homosexuals to get a marriage license, but that would be because you think the only rights that exist are those of people who agree with you. I have never once seen you notice any right that involves people disagreeing with your received "wisdom". Funny, that.

She has the exact same right to disobey laws - legal and illegal - that she disagrees with as Obama does to ignore immigration laws in his administrative policies, as San Francisco and other sanctuary cities have to ignore immigration laws, as numerous mayors and clerks had to ignore marriage laws prior to the judicial coup . . . I can go on, but I think everyone gets the point of your double standard, and the way you only recognize the existence of rights and laws you like, you pathetic, hypocritical joke.

I live in a country where gays have had the right to get married for more than 10 years. The sky hasn't fallen, we're not overrun with pedophiles, and God hadn't destroyed our country.

As a liberal, I believe in freedom. My rights as a heterosexual Christian are not infringed by gay marriage.

There are lots of laws I don't like, but I obey them anyway. I think strip clubs are odious, at best. Most of the women working as strippers were sexually abused as children. Their exploitation by strip club owners may be voluntary but only because of their conditioning as children.

That being said, in my job, I was required to work on the renewal of the liquor license for a well known Toronto strip club. Worse for me, the club in question was 3 blocks from my house and I would dearly loved to have seen it closed - permanently. I held my nose and did the work.
"During the second GOP presidential debate Wednesday night, Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) said they would be open to putting civil rights activist Rosa Parks on the $10 bill. But the Republican candidates might be surprised to learn that Parks sat on the national board of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, one of the GOP’s biggest political enemies."
OK. Never mind. Parks stays off The Ten. Thanks for the heads-up.

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