Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.

It's really irrelevant, since all religion, essentially, is made up.

She definitely qualifies as a fundamentalist Christian. I wonder if her defenders have the same enthusiasm for defending fundamentalist Mormons (Mormonism being a Christian denomination)

who do not agree with the church's rejection of polygamy?
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.

Apostolic Christianity fuels Kentucky clerk's gay marriage fight
Here is another reason why secularist, liberals and all those who believe in preserving our constitutional republic should be freaked out about Davis and her supporters. It's not just about the marriage issue. Given the chance, many of these same people would seek to gain control over all aspects of our lives:

Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane?

Here is more:

Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots. At the same time, legitimate questions have been raised about whether or not potential Republican presidential nominees Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, or Sarah Palin have moved from a generic form of Christian Right Dominionism toward the more totalitarian form know as Dominion Theology.

  1. Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe the United States once was, and should again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.
  2. Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.
  3. Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, believing that the Ten Commandments, or “biblical law,” should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.

Source: Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That's Undermining Democracy
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Here is another reason why secularist, liberals and all those who believe in preserving our constitutional republic should be freaked out about Davis and her supporters. It's not just about the marriage issue. Given the chance, many of these same people would seek to gain control over all aspects of our lives:

Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane?

Here is more:

Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots. At the same time, legitimate questions have been raised about whether or not potential Republican presidential nominees Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, or Sarah Palin have moved from a generic form of Christian Right Dominionism toward the more totalitarian form know as Dominion Theology.

  1. Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe the United States once was, and should again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.
  2. Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.
  3. Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, believing that the Ten Commandments, or “biblical law,” should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.

Source: Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That's Undermining Democracy
...Apparently the "unfair law" requiring her to do the job she was elected to.
Apparently, the "unfair law" requiring her to participate in the despicable legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviants (homosexuals).
Still not seeing anything unfair about it.
Yes. And it that difference in perception (there, not there) that forms the foundation for debate in this context.
There is no debate she was not doing her job and hindering the law.

Just like the Mayors and City Councils of Sanctuary Cities are not doing their job and hindering the law.

But we don't hear Liberals screaming for their hides at the top of their lungs.
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith
All of which presupposes that the Government is acting in a righteous fashion.

What does the dogma of the Apostolic Church say about disobeying Government when it violates God's Laws?
...Apparently the "unfair law" requiring her to do the job she was elected to.
Apparently, the "unfair law" requiring her to participate in the despicable legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviants (homosexuals).
Still not seeing anything unfair about it.
Yes. And it that difference in perception (there, not there) that forms the foundation for debate in this context.
There is no debate she was not doing her job and hindering the law.

Just like the Mayors and City Councils of Sanctuary Cities are not doing their job and hindering the law.

But we don't hear Liberals screaming for their hides at the top of their lungs.
they should be held accountable
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith
All of which presupposes that the Government is acting in a righteous fashion.

What does the dogma of the Apostolic Church say about disobeying Government when it violates God's Laws?
Who the fuck cares what they say? The government cannot enforce or break laws based on personal religious beliefs.

She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.

It's really irrelevant, since all religion, essentially, is made up.

She definitely qualifies as a fundamentalist Christian. I wonder if her defenders have the same enthusiasm for defending fundamentalist Mormons (Mormonism being a Christian denomination)

who do not agree with the church's rejection of polygamy?

Who do you think voted for Mitten's last time around? There was no problems with his special brand of Christianity & somehow that was ummmm different.....
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.

It's really irrelevant, since all religion, essentially, is made up.

She definitely qualifies as a fundamentalist Christian. I wonder if her defenders have the same enthusiasm for defending fundamentalist Mormons (Mormonism being a Christian denomination)

who do not agree with the church's rejection of polygamy?

Who do you think voted for Mitten's last time around? There was no problems with his special brand of Christianity & somehow that was ummmm different.....

Yeah but he's a new wave Mormon, the monogamy kind.
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith
All of which presupposes that the Government is acting in a righteous fashion.

What does the dogma of the Apostolic Church say about disobeying Government when it violates God's Laws?

The fact that she isn't even suppose to take oaths to begin with, but DID anyway when she was elected into a government office, so she can collect a paycheck, kinda negates anything that come after that, wouldn't you say?
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith

Do you suppose whichever Foxnews softball pitcher gets the plum interview with her will ask her about this?

Doubtful the particulars have ever been mentioned regarding Kim Davis' religion. My sister is a rabid FOX viewer & she didn't know about her faith other than she was a Christian, let alone the tenets of her faith. But to her credit, she knows the Constitution rules in this case.

It's really irrelevant, since all religion, essentially, is made up.

She definitely qualifies as a fundamentalist Christian. I wonder if her defenders have the same enthusiasm for defending fundamentalist Mormons (Mormonism being a Christian denomination)

who do not agree with the church's rejection of polygamy?

Who do you think voted for Mitten's last time around? There was no problems with his special brand of Christianity & somehow that was ummmm different.....

Yeah but he's a new wave Mormon, the monogamy kind.

Only 'cause he has to be... his gramps fled to Mexico so he can have his harem of sister wives... me thinx if all Mormon men could get away with polygamy, I believe they would run out TODAY & find some sister wives.
...Apparently the "unfair law" requiring her to do the job she was elected to.
Apparently, the "unfair law" requiring her to participate in the despicable legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviants (homosexuals).
Still not seeing anything unfair about it.
Yes. And it that difference in perception (there, not there) that forms the foundation for debate in this context.
There is no debate she was not doing her job and hindering the law.

Just like the Mayors and City Councils of Sanctuary Cities are not doing their job and hindering the law.

But we don't hear Liberals screaming for their hides at the top of their lungs.
Classic false comparison.
She claims to be an Apostolic Christian?

Let me show you what the Apostolic Christian Church says in its Statement of Faith:

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

Matthew 22:21
Luke 3:14
Romans 13:1-10
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Hebrews 12:14
James 5:12
1 Peter 2:12-14

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Statement of Faith
All of which presupposes that the Government is acting in a righteous fashion.

What does the dogma of the Apostolic Church say about disobeying Government when it violates God's Laws?
God is a fiction by definition his "laws"are also fiction.
Besides his most ardent belivers break his "laws" with impunity when it suits them.
...Apparently the "unfair law" requiring her to do the job she was elected to.
Apparently, the "unfair law" requiring her to participate in the despicable legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviants (homosexuals).
Still not seeing anything unfair about it.
Yes. And it that difference in perception (there, not there) that forms the foundation for debate in this context.
There is no debate she was not doing her job and hindering the law.

Just like the Mayors and City Councils of Sanctuary Cities are not doing their job and hindering the law.

But we don't hear Liberals screaming for their hides at the top of their lungs.

Straw man
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.[1]

The so-called typical "attacking a straw man" argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e., "stand up a straw man") and then to refute or defeat that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the original proposition.[2][3]

This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged emotional issues where a fiery, entertaining "battle" and the defeat of an "enemy" may be more valued than critical thinking or understanding both sides of the issue.

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