Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law.

It's a metaphor, stupid. And it is very appropriate, if you can 'get' the metaphor. Which, limited as you are, seems unlikely.

Metaphor isn't defined as "made-up piece of shit". Just FYI.
Obviously you don't like the comparison, but it is a metaphor whether you agree with the comparison or not. LOL All you showed by your post is your ignorance of rhetorical techniques. Pathetic.

Yeah, I'm funny about wanting English to be used properly, and things people say making sense. It's a quirk.

Just for future reference, you should never assume people are telling you you're a dumbass because they're angry at how right you are. In your case, it's far more likely that you're just a dumbass.
Using metaphorical languague and rhetorical techniques IS using English properly. That you don't understand figurative languge and rhetoric seems to be the problem. As far as who is the "dumbass," your assertion is quintessentially ironic. LOL

That you think you're being brilliant and profound is the actual problem.

Let me reiterate: you're a dumbass.
,,,I coined the term Christaria. I originated it...

Ah here you are inflicting yourself on another Kim Davis thread instead of doing your homework assignment that I gave you. (#11300 ) Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court | Page 113 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum What's the matter, is this all that you can manage with the brain cells that you have you have ?
Calm yourself, Princess...

I'm quite calm bubba. I take that response as your acceptance of a failing grade for your assignment. It's apparent to all who are paying attention that you are an intellectual lightweight who can do nothing more than make idiotic assertions that you can't back up. Do you even have the slightest idea of how foolish you appear?
Oh, dear-me, are you operating under the delusion that you are in someway my schoolmaster, or my superior, intellectually or otherwise?

Yer a funny wee little boggit, aren't you?

Nope, I don't think that I'm your schoolmaster. Can't be. I'm not certified for special ed.

I have you have proven, beyond a doubt that you are a mental midget who just spews stupidity and insanity that has no basis in reality and that you can't back up. You have nothing but hateful and delusional horseshit to offer.
...He had clue none what denomination fundie type Christian she even was...
That is correct.

So I asked an honest question; reserving judgment on her so-called 'hypocrisy' until someone had weighed-in with that answer, and some feedback on how that particular denomination stereotypically views divorce, and, finally, whether her divorce and/or other so-called un-Christian acts were committed prior-to or after her conversion.

All part-and-parcel of the Discovery Process.

It's called gathering-in as much fact and truth as is practicable before making any judgment(s).

You're so all a-quiver over the possibility of 'making your bones' around here and baiting people, that you failed to recognize an honest question by a contributor.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff.

Out the door you go, Queenie... no soup for you tonight.

I'm calling you out on that bullshit. If you are so eager to defend somebody, do a little research before you do it... it took several posts of yours ignorantly defending her & you just assumed I didn't know wtf I was talking about. Anybody smart enough would have used the google machine & simply put in a few key words & would have found out for themselves b4 making such a stupid assumption.

NOW, ... after all that pissing on my leg, the very least YOU could have done after I provided you with an easy enough search ... links included...because you were too fucking lazy to do it yourself, would have been a simple 'thanks'... but your bruised ego couldn't handle another simple job like that either.

That's the fact jack. & I know enough not to trust taking any food from you, bubba.
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Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
If you cannot tell the difference between Rosa Parks and Kim Davis you are an idiot.
If you are saying they are the same because of the way Democrats (some Democrats) react to them you are a bigger idiot. There are democrats on the wrong and right side of bot issues.
Rosa stood up on a simple issue, does the color of your skin mean you should have different rights in the US. She wins people can sit where ever they want on a bus no matter the color of their skin.
Kim Davis took a job where she took an oath to uphold the laws of the USA. She decided that one of the laws was counter to her religious beliefs. She wins then every government worker can refuse to do their job if it requires a duty contrary to their religious beliefs. Think of the number of religions and the many different beliefs. Think of the implications.
Kim Davis is standing up to have the US government changed to a Christian Caliphate.
Rosa Parks stood up for equal rights for all regardless the color of their skin.
It's a metaphor, stupid. And it is very appropriate, if you can 'get' the metaphor. Which, limited as you are, seems unlikely.

Metaphor isn't defined as "made-up piece of shit". Just FYI.
Obviously you don't like the comparison, but it is a metaphor whether you agree with the comparison or not. LOL All you showed by your post is your ignorance of rhetorical techniques. Pathetic.

Yeah, I'm funny about wanting English to be used properly, and things people say making sense. It's a quirk.

Just for future reference, you should never assume people are telling you you're a dumbass because they're angry at how right you are. In your case, it's far more likely that you're just a dumbass.
Using metaphorical language and rhetorical techniques IS using English properly. That you don't understand figurative language and rhetoric seems to be the problem. As far as who is the "dumbass," your assertion is quintessentially ironic. LOL

That you think you're being brilliant and profound is the actual problem.

Let me reiterate: you're a dumbass.
I'm not trying to be either brilliant or profound. I am speaking about basic things any moderately educated person would be familiar with. You are only showing your ignorance when you attack basic language fundamentals. Knuckle dragging ignorance it seems.
Interesting take. A woman standing by her convictions is hounded by an unfair law. Good spot.
You guys have to stop listening to these whacko birds- they are rotting your brains out....

Pat Robertson: The Gays Won't Rest Until We're All In Jail Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 9/3/2015 11:10 am

Pat Robertson has emerged as one of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ staunchest defenders, even warning that orders for Davis to do her job as a public official by respecting the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling may lead to divine retribution in the form of a massive financial collapse. Today, the “700 Club” host continued to defend Davis, claiming that she has no responsibility to follow the court’s decision to strike down bans on same-sex marriage. The televangelist explained that “the gays’” ultimate goal is to put Davis and other gay rights opponents in prison for their stance. - See more at: Pat Robertson: The Gays Won't Rest Until We're All In Jail

I want you to know right now, you’ve heard it here, the gays do not just want to be recognized, they do not want to be accepted, they do not want to have just freedom, they want everybody to agree with them and everybody who doesn’t agree with them and does not comport with their way of thinking, they want to be punished, put in jail, or fined. - See more at: Pat Robertson: The Gays Won't Rest Until We're All In Jail
Ah here you are inflicting yourself on another Kim Davis thread instead of doing your homework assignment that I gave you. (#11300 ) Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court | Page 113 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum What's the matter, is this all that you can manage with the brain cells that you have you have ?
Calm yourself, Princess...

I'm quite calm bubba. I take that response as your acceptance of a failing grade for your assignment. It's apparent to all who are paying attention that you are an intellectual lightweight who can do nothing more than make idiotic assertions that you can't back up. Do you even have the slightest idea of how foolish you appear?
Oh, dear-me, are you operating under the delusion that you are in someway my schoolmaster, or my superior, intellectually or otherwise?

Yer a funny wee little boggit, aren't you?

Nope, I don't think that I'm your schoolmaster. Can't be. I'm not certified for special ed.

I have you have proven, beyond a doubt that you are a mental midget who just spews stupidity and insanity that has no basis in reality and that you can't back up. You have nothing but hateful and delusional horseshit to offer.
Mind your manners, new meat.

I saw your so-called 'homework assignment' yesterday, but we had friends coming over, and I had to sign off the computer, and engage elsewhere for the day.

It wasn't a matter of "couldn't", my aggressive-regressive little Toilet Turd - it was a matter of "don't want to".

But I waste time, explaining myself to a myopic, agenda-driven little fart-in-the-wind such as yourself.

Time to go that second cup of coffee... a task far more important than indulging you.
Ah here you are inflicting yourself on another Kim Davis thread instead of doing your homework assignment that I gave you. (#11300 ) Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court | Page 113 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum What's the matter, is this all that you can manage with the brain cells that you have you have ?
Calm yourself, Princess...

I'm quite calm bubba. I take that response as your acceptance of a failing grade for your assignment. It's apparent to all who are paying attention that you are an intellectual lightweight who can do nothing more than make idiotic assertions that you can't back up. Do you even have the slightest idea of how foolish you appear?
Oh, dear-me, are you operating under the delusion that you are in someway my schoolmaster, or my superior, intellectually or otherwise?

Yer a funny wee little boggit, aren't you?

Nope, I don't think that I'm your schoolmaster. Can't be. I'm not certified for special ed.

I have you have proven, beyond a doubt that you are a mental midget who just spews stupidity and insanity that has no basis in reality and that you can't back up. You have nothing but hateful and delusional horseshit to offer.
Mind your manners, new meat.

I saw your so-called 'homework assignment' yesterday, but we had friends coming over, and I had to sign off the computer, and engage elsewhere for the day.

It wasn't a matter of "couldn't", my aggressive-regressive little Toilet Turd - it was a matter of "don't want to".

But I waste time, explaining myself to a myopic, agenda-driven little fart-in-the-wind such as yourself.

Time to go that second cup of coffee... a task far more important than indulging you.
I don't know about anybody else, but you fooled me with that excuse.
...I'm calling you out on that bullshit. ...
You can if you like... doesn't mean shit... but you can, if you like... have a field-day with that, skippy.

...If you are so eager to defend somebody, do a little research before you do it...
None of the several online news articles that I'd read, had any details whatsoever, concerning the denomination of Christianity that she belonged to.

And, I don't ordinarily retain, in memory, the attitude on divorce, amongst the multitude of denominations from which one might choose.

So I asked the questions, thinking that one of my colleagues might have run across information that I had not, and that it would be convenient for them to post something that would improve my knowledge of the religious confession and practical beliefs of the woman in question. took several posts of yours ignorantly defending her ...
I asked very pointed questions, such as: What 'confession' is she? What does that 'confession' believe about divorce, adultery, etc.? Did she commit those so-called offenses before or after her so-called 'conversion'? All designed to obliged her detractors to provide the audience with details to substantiate their allegations of hypocrisy. If she 'sinned' (divorce, adultery) AFTER her so-called 'conversion', then she is, indeed, a hypocrite. If she 'sinned' BEFORE her 'conversion', then, charges of hypocrisy in this context are moot.

That isn't ignorance, Princess, it's logic. just assumed I didn't know wtf I was talking about. Anybody smart enough would have used the google machine & simply put in a few key words & would have found out for themselves b4 making such a stupid assumption ...
Junior, you barely even register on my scope. I wasn't assuming you didn't know what you were talking about. I wasn't assuming anything about you at all. I wasn't even thinking about you. But, it is the fate of self-centered overgrown children that they retain this sense that it's all about them, and not the topic. We see that premise in operation, here.

...NOW, ... after all that pissing on my leg, the very least YOU could have done after I provided you with an easy enough search ... links included...because you were too fucking lazy to do it yourself, would have been a simple 'thanks'... but your bruised ego couldn't handle another simple job like that either. ...
Did you give me a link that told me, authoritatively, (1) what denomination she belonged to, (2) what that particular denomination believes, concerning divorce and adultery, and (3) whether those 'sins'were committed before or after that 'conversion'?

If so, I must have missed it.

If you already had the knowledge, would it not have been far simpler to say: "She's Episcopalian, they consider those sorts of things to be fairly fatal 'sins', she experienced her conversion 4 years ago, and she committed those sins before/after her conversion'." ???

We could have avoided pages of your Drama Queen Bullshit, and you could have avoided soiling your panties, Princess.

Now... phukk off, little one.
Ah here you are inflicting yourself on another Kim Davis thread instead of doing your homework assignment that I gave you. (#11300 ) Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court | Page 113 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum What's the matter, is this all that you can manage with the brain cells that you have you have ?
Calm yourself, Princess...

I'm quite calm bubba. I take that response as your acceptance of a failing grade for your assignment. It's apparent to all who are paying attention that you are an intellectual lightweight who can do nothing more than make idiotic assertions that you can't back up. Do you even have the slightest idea of how foolish you appear?
Oh, dear-me, are you operating under the delusion that you are in someway my schoolmaster, or my superior, intellectually or otherwise?

Yer a funny wee little boggit, aren't you?

Nope, I don't think that I'm your schoolmaster. Can't be. I'm not certified for special ed.

I have you have proven, beyond a doubt that you are a mental midget who just spews stupidity and insanity that has no basis in reality and that you can't back up. You have nothing but hateful and delusional horseshit to offer.
Mind your manners, new meat.

I saw your so-called 'homework assignment' yesterday, but we had friends coming over, and I had to sign off the computer, and engage elsewhere for the day.

It wasn't a matter of "couldn't", my aggressive-regressive little Toilet Turd - it was a matter of "don't want to".

But I waste time, explaining myself to a myopic, agenda-driven little fart-in-the-wind such as yourself.

Time to go that second cup of coffee... a task far more important than indulging you.

The fact that you have to continually ridicule and belittle people speaks volumes- not only about your abysmal knowledge level and lack of intellectual acumen but also your level of maturity and emotional stability.

You "don't want to do it"? Bullshit. You can't even begin to do it- to formulate a logical and coherent argument about anything. Pathetic!
...You "don't want to do it"? Bullshit. You can't even begin to do it- to formulate a logical and coherent argument about anything. Pathetic!
You tell 'em Tiger!

My-oh-my, you've certainly developed a Hard-On for me, in the very brief time you've been here, haven't you, Princess?

Calm yourself, little one.
Notice how Kondor3 starts with the homosexual innuendo / slurs when it can't refute your arguments?

Starts calling people " Princess " etc. etc. insinuating they are homosexuals.

I think it's time for Kondor to join the Honor Roll of Ignorant Ignored.
...I'm calling you out on that bullshit. ...
You can if you like... doesn't mean shit... but you can, if you like... have a field-day with that, skippy.

...If you are so eager to defend somebody, do a little research before you do it...
None of the several online news articles that I'd read, had any details whatsoever, concerning the denomination of Christianity that she belonged to.

And, I don't ordinarily retain, in memory, the attitude on divorce, amongst the multitude of denominations from which one might choose.

So I asked the questions, thinking that one of my colleagues might have run across information that I had not, and that it would be convenient for them to post something that would improve my knowledge of the religious confession and practical beliefs of the woman in question. took several posts of yours ignorantly defending her ...
I asked very pointed questions, such as: What 'confession' is she? What does that 'confession' believe about divorce, adultery, etc.? Did she commit those so-called offenses before or after her so-called 'conversion'? All designed to obliged her detractors to provide the audience with details to substantiate their allegations of hypocrisy. If she 'sinned' (divorce, adultery) AFTER her so-called 'conversion', then she is, indeed, a hypocrite. If she 'sinned' BEFORE her 'conversion', then, charges of hypocrisy in this context are moot.

That isn't ignorance, Princess, it's logic. just assumed I didn't know wtf I was talking about. Anybody smart enough would have used the google machine & simply put in a few key words & would have found out for themselves b4 making such a stupid assumption ...
Junior, you barely even register on my scope. I wasn't assuming you didn't know what you were talking about. I wasn't assuming anything about you at all. I wasn't even thinking about you. But, it is the fate of self-centered overgrown children that they retain this sense that it's all about them, and not the topic. We see that premise in operation, here.

...NOW, ... after all that pissing on my leg, the very least YOU could have done after I provided you with an easy enough search ... links included...because you were too fucking lazy to do it yourself, would have been a simple 'thanks'... but your bruised ego couldn't handle another simple job like that either. ...
Did you give me a link that told me, authoritatively, (1) what denomination she belonged to, (2) what that particular denomination believes, concerning divorce and adultery, and (3) whether those 'sins'were committed before or after that 'conversion'?

If so, I must have missed it.

If you already had the knowledge, would it not have been far simpler to say: "She's Episcopalian, they consider those sorts of things to be fairly fatal 'sins', she experienced her conversion 4 years ago, and she committed those sins before/after her conversion'." ???

We could have avoided pages of your Drama Queen Bullshit, and you could have avoided soiling your panties, Princess.

Now... phukk off, little one.

LOL, this ain't my first rodeo on a message board & I know your type quite well. How many times have you read on various threads that she was hypocritical in her pick & choose bible thumping? I am sure I wasn't the first. I don't make claims I can't back up, & I don't take the word of anybody left or right as fact or bullshit without checking it out first b4 I reply... that much you will come to know about me. AND if I am shown to be wrong about something, or someone goes thru the process of showing me some FACTS, I am not above saying thanks, or at least clicking that little 'i' button to show I've learned something.

That, Babette, is definitely a difference I've noticed about you.

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