Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Even the taking of an oath by Kim Davis in order to assume her current office is prohibited by the doctrines of her Church come she gets to commit sins..........

But hey, for $80K, she was more than willing to throw her "beliefs" under the bus.
...Thinking educated minds will change ideology as facts & new information warrants...

But there is no new 'fact' and 'information' pertaining to homosexuality and its relationship to interests of The People and the Republic, in 2008, versus 2015.

Not one iota.

Perhaps I'm wrong.

It will be easy to prove me wrong, if that's the case.

Simply tell us: What new "fact" and/or what new "information" did Barack Obama become aware-of, in connection with homosexuality, in 2015, that he did not already know in 2008?

We're all waiting with rapt attention, eager to receive this revelation.

And, of course, if no substantive argument-changing "fact" or "information" can be brought to bear in this context, then, it will be safe to assume that you're just playing the Partisan, and serving-up a smokescreen to cover Obumble's waffling and deceiving of the American People in this regard.

The floor is yours.

So either he lied about his faith, or he just lied to get elected.

Because you say so? It doesn't have to be an either/or... I guess the Episcopal Church lied about their faith then too, right?
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

She looks like white trailer park trash.

If you get a chance, watch her (current) husband's statement. I sear, you could hear the banjos in the background. Utterly and completely ignorant.

Then there's her fat son, who she hired for the same office and who now has issued marriage cert's.

Trailer trash is right, except that her Baby Huey son couldn't get through the door of mom's trashy trailer.
...Thinking educated minds will change ideology as facts & new information warrants...

But there is no new 'fact' and 'information' pertaining to homosexuality and its relationship to interests of The People and the Republic, in 2008, versus 2015.

Not one iota.

Perhaps I'm wrong.

It will be easy to prove me wrong, if that's the case.

Simply tell us: What new "fact" and/or what new "information" did Barack Obama become aware-of, in connection with homosexuality, in 2015, that he did not already know in 2008?

We're all waiting with rapt attention, eager to receive this revelation.

And, of course, if no substantive argument-changing "fact" or "information" can be brought to bear in this context, then, it will be safe to assume that you're just playing the Partisan, and serving-up a smokescreen to cover Obumble's waffling and deceiving of the American People in this regard.

The floor is yours.

So either he lied about his faith, or he just lied to get elected.

Cracks me up. Every time one of the rabid RWs loses an argument, they start lying about President Obama.

Why don't you stay on topic? If you want to lie about the prez, go start a thread.
It gives me great pleasure to let you know that you are 100% WRONG again.

I coined the term Christaria. I originated it.


This sock has learned a word "Christaria" from one of these liberal conspiracy nutjob sites and dammit he's going to use it in every single thing he posts. :lmao:
Oh, yeah, I'm sure you're all kinds of worried about the well-being of the taxpayers in Kentucky, who voted for Kim Davis and did NOT vote for your crap-ass illegal law. And why is that, again? Oh, yeah, because you shitstains decided to just take the power out of the hands of the voters and give it to the courts in order to get your way.

Your faux concern is not impressive.

Have you even bothered to check into whether or not Ms. Davis's constituents feel that she's not representing them the way that they want, or are you too busy shitting your frillies because she's not representing them the way YOU want?
I live in Kentucky, maybe I should chime in as a kentucky tax payer. We're referring to one county in Kentucky, a employee refusing to give out marriage licenses, a clear violation.

Do you live in her county? Are you the only one who lives in her county? Have you actually bothered to find out what the people of that county think?

Stop wasting my time dodging around, trying to put a sheen of legitimacy on your tantrum.
Woah, first you refer to taxpayers in Kentucky and now it's the county. No, I don't, and of course I'm not the only one. However, your going down a really stupid path if you want to argue along this route. Assume a county wants to ban birth control pills because they believe it's murder, would that be ok?

Wow. Your comprehension of specific detail rivals your comprehension of law, separation of powers, and morality. Which is to say, you're a fucking moron across the board.

At least you're consistent.

Let me walk you through the phrases "taxpayers WHO VOTED FOR KIM DAVIS" and "Ms. Davis's constituents". Gosh, it's almost like I was ALWAYS talking about the specific group of people living in that county, rather than the whole fucking state. Try to keep up. I don't have time or interest in carrying you piggyback through this conversation.

No, you don't live in her county? Then you have nothing to "chime in about" on that score. Furthermore, it says it all that you consider the will of the voters to be "going down a really stupid path". I guess that answers the point you danced right past, ie. you don't give a fat rat's ass crack about what the people want. You just want to impose YOUR worldview on everyone else, and you're pitching a hissy fit because someone's challenging your "fuck the rule of law" approach to getting your way.

As to your false analogy attempt with birth control pills, are those controlled and regulated by counties, the way marriage always has been, up until you lefties decided those voters were too ignorant to be allowed to pass their own laws?

Let me know if I'm going too fast for you with this whole "proper jurisdiction" thing.
I'm a moron on morality and comprehension of law? Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, people have to give licenses, the bigoted idiot is arrested now, so it's not like it really matters.. Err, no, it's common sense so people in a county within a state can't suddenly decide to impose sharia law or some shit.

"We got our way, and you have to shut up and accept it! It doesn't matter how we got it, because the law is whatever we say it is!"


This is why I said you're a moron in comprehending the law. Morality is a lot harder to explain to someone who doesn't have any, so you'll excuse me if I don't volunteer to teach "Decent Human Being 101" for you.
,,,I coined the term Christaria. I originated it...


Don't quit your day-job !!!

But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.

Unfortunately the court order NOT being illegal is what throws a monkey wrench into your argument.

Really? Perhaps you could show me the place in the law that gives legislative power to the courts. Or maybe you could show me the spot where marriage has EVER been federal jurisdiction, or mentioned in the Constitution, or in any way treated as anything but subject to STATE law and administered by local governments.

You leftists have been insisting that judicial fiat is legal and acceptable for decades, and none of you has ever offered anything but "Because we WANT it to be, and you can't stop us!" as a justification.

Bottom line is, you couldn't get this "legal" through the correct channels, despite trying for years. Every single time you asked the voters to give you what you wanted, they told you to go fuck off. So you just decided those poor stupid bastards weren't as smart as you, and needed to have control taken away from them and their lives ordered according to your "superior" worldview for their own good.

And now your frillies are all rumpled because the people aren't grateful and rolling over to cooperate with you. Boo fucking hoo.
I live in Kentucky, maybe I should chime in as a kentucky tax payer. We're referring to one county in Kentucky, a employee refusing to give out marriage licenses, a clear violation.

Do you live in her county? Are you the only one who lives in her county? Have you actually bothered to find out what the people of that county think?

Stop wasting my time dodging around, trying to put a sheen of legitimacy on your tantrum.
Woah, first you refer to taxpayers in Kentucky and now it's the county. No, I don't, and of course I'm not the only one. However, your going down a really stupid path if you want to argue along this route. Assume a county wants to ban birth control pills because they believe it's murder, would that be ok?

Wow. Your comprehension of specific detail rivals your comprehension of law, separation of powers, and morality. Which is to say, you're a fucking moron across the board.

At least you're consistent.

Let me walk you through the phrases "taxpayers WHO VOTED FOR KIM DAVIS" and "Ms. Davis's constituents". Gosh, it's almost like I was ALWAYS talking about the specific group of people living in that county, rather than the whole fucking state. Try to keep up. I don't have time or interest in carrying you piggyback through this conversation.

No, you don't live in her county? Then you have nothing to "chime in about" on that score. Furthermore, it says it all that you consider the will of the voters to be "going down a really stupid path". I guess that answers the point you danced right past, ie. you don't give a fat rat's ass crack about what the people want. You just want to impose YOUR worldview on everyone else, and you're pitching a hissy fit because someone's challenging your "fuck the rule of law" approach to getting your way.

As to your false analogy attempt with birth control pills, are those controlled and regulated by counties, the way marriage always has been, up until you lefties decided those voters were too ignorant to be allowed to pass their own laws?

Let me know if I'm going too fast for you with this whole "proper jurisdiction" thing.
I'm a moron on morality and comprehension of law? Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, people have to give licenses, the bigoted idiot is arrested now, so it's not like it really matters.. Err, no, it's common sense so people in a county within a state can't suddenly decide to impose sharia law or some shit.

"We got our way, and you have to shut up and accept it! It doesn't matter how we got it, because the law is whatever we say it is!"


This is why I said you're a moron in comprehending the law. Morality is a lot harder to explain to someone who doesn't have any, so you'll excuse me if I don't volunteer to teach "Decent Human Being 101" for you.
What is moral to you? Is gay marriag immoral because the bible says so?
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Really? Perhaps you could show me the place in the law that gives legislative power to the courts. Or maybe you could show me the spot where marriage has EVER been federal jurisdiction, or mentioned in the Constitution, or in any way treated as anything but subject to STATE law and administered by local governments.


So you believe that the Court had no power to overturn Obamacare?
It gives me great pleasure to let you know that you are 100% WRONG again.

I coined the term Christaria. I originated it.


This sock has learned a word "Christaria" from one of these liberal conspiracy nutjob sites and dammit he's going to use it in every single thing he posts. :lmao:

So you're ridiculously proud of creating an idiotic nonsense sound? THIS is your big accomplishment in life.

If I were you, I wouldn't be talking in public. Seriously.
The Presbyterians, a CHRISTIAN denomination, have blessed same sex marriage.

Who among you are willing to make the argument that the Presbyterian Church is no longer a Christian church?
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.

Unfortunately the court order NOT being illegal is what throws a monkey wrench into your argument.
Don't try to bring facts into this, I was having so much fun with the bigoted idiots.

You and your girlfriend here need to review the definition of "facts". It doesn't mean what you clearly think it does.

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