Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks


Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER she was married for the fourth time?

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER having child(ren) out of wedlock?

Prior to her refusal to grant marriage licenses to homosexuals...

What "immoral" and "un-Christian" acts and cherry-picking of the Bible would you say that Davis has engaged in, SINCE experiencing that 'conversion'?'

You know... the sort of mischief, POST-conversion, that would justify your observation, above, in a 'Christian' context?

< this ought to be good >
...Just admit your claim doesn't hold water and it makes no difference who answered your question...
Translation: I can identify no substantive "facts" or "information" that would warrant such a change of mind. got answered...
No, it didn't.

...It is ridiculous to assume all those state Supreme Court rulings and legislative actions would not come without new and different opinions and viewpoints on the subject that persons with interest in the topic would not examine and analyse...
I did not ask about new articulations of opinion.

I asked for our colleague to back up his claim about new "facts" and "information" coming Obama's way, that he was not already aware of, in 2008.

Our colleague said that thinking men can change their minds, when new facts and information come their way.

I agree, in priniciple.

I then merely asked WHAT new "fact" and "information" came Obama's way, that were sufficiently substantive, to warrant a sincere change of mind, versus 2008.

Given how much material you have at your disposal with all of those cases and opinions, surely you (or whatshizname) can come up with something substantive.

And, given that we have no readily identifiable "fact" or "information" that easily springs to your mind, to insert into the discussion, we must assume, therefore, that none is now forthcoming.

And, if none is forthcoming, then, the challenge has not been met, and the rock-solid theory or premise does not apply in this particular instance.

Translation: Obama lied about his position in 2008, and bided his time, until more favorable conditions began to prevail, to make it safe, to articulate his true opinion in public.

...Your contention that nothing happened to changed Obama's outlook is just silly...
Oh, something happened, alright.

The wind changed, and Fearless Lader changed with the wind.

Moral Relativism, at the very top.

Scary stuff.

...If nothing else he saw which way the wind was blowing. That doesn't take a weatherman.
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.
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...He did exactly that...

Feel free to serve-up a Time-Index on the video, and to identify and articulate which "facts" and "information" Obama has now, that he did not have in 2008, in support of yhour claim.

You like to play semantics don'tcha big guy? The FACTS & INFO is exactly what he said that his STAFF, & the MILITARY under his command somehow are lessened by not having exactly what other Americans have simply because they have the same private parts as the one they love. That alone is enough, but here.... the time line is 3 years ago. You don't remember when Biden forced Obama's hand in revealing his change of beliefs? What he thought was still held private, & he abided with the status quo, until the SC decided otherwise.

obama changed mind same sex marriage - YouTube

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER she was married for the fourth time?

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER having child(ren) out of wedlock?

Prior to her refusal to grant marriage licenses to homosexuals...

What "immoral" and "un-Christian" acts and cherry-picking of the Bible would you say that Davis has engaged in, SINCE experiencing that 'conversion'?'

You know... the sort of mischief, POST-conversion, that would justify your observation, above, in a 'Christian' context?

< this ought to be good >

Divorce decrees ( you know the certificate of future ADULTERY) are recorded in the county clerk's office & has her name on them.... she has issued marriage licenses to divorced couples... which equates to her condoning that sinful immoral behavior.
...You like to play semantics don'tcha big guy?...
Nope. You have failed to articulate the requisite substance to reinforce your claim.

...The FACTS & INFO is exactly what he said that his STAFF, & the MILITARY under his command somehow are lessened...
How is this different in 2015 than it was in 2008? How did Obama come into this knowledge in 2015 when he could not surmise as much in 2008? Fail.

...he abided with the status quo, until the SC decided otherwise.
That is a state of mind, and a wind-tossed one, too boot, not new "fact" and "information", unknown in 2008.

Convictions can evolve given new data and new perceptions.

But when you sway and bend with the wind, that's not leadership, and that's not conviction... that's political expediency... a toxic substance.
The authorities better crack down on these religious nut cases and crack down hard and fast or we are going to have another civil war.

They are trying to instill Christaria ( Christian Sharia ) Law on the U.S. and I, for one, will NOT have it.

If they don't get this shit stopped and damn quick --- bullets are going to fly.

I'm sick and tired of the religious nut jobs forcing their religion on everyone else whether they are believers or not.

If one of those queers had pulled a gun and shot the bitch and I was on the Jury I would NEVER vote to convict.

She had it coming.


Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
The authorities better crack down on these religious nut cases and crack down hard and fast or we are going to have another civil war.

They are trying to instill Christaria ( Christian Sharia ) Law on the U.S. and I, for one, will NOT have it.

If they don't get this shit stopped and damn quick --- bullets are going to fly.

I'm sick and tired of the religious nut jobs forcing their religion on everyone else whether they are believers or not.

If one of those queers had pulled a gun and shot the bitch and I was on the Jury I would NEVER vote to convict.

She had it coming.


Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Alright whose troll account is this!?

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER she was married for the fourth time?

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER having child(ren) out of wedlock?

Prior to her refusal to grant marriage licenses to homosexuals...

What "immoral" and "un-Christian" acts and cherry-picking of the Bible would you say that Davis has engaged in, SINCE experiencing that 'conversion'?'

You know... the sort of mischief, POST-conversion, that would justify your observation, above, in a 'Christian' context?

< this ought to be good >

Divorce decrees ( you know the certificate of future ADULTERY) are recorded in the county clerk's office & has her name on them.... she has issued marriage licenses to divorced couples... which equates to her condoning that sinful immoral behavior.
Ahhhhhh... heading for the juicier rationalizations - the low-hanging fruit, are we?

Various Christian denominations (1) treat divorce as a sin, (2) treat divorce as a misfortune to be avoided, but not sinful (or fatally) so, or (3) don't care.

Which flavor of Christianity does Davis belong to?
...You like to play semantics don'tcha big guy?...
Nope. You have failed to articulate the requisite substance to reinforce your claim.

...The FACTS & INFO is exactly what he said that his STAFF, & the MILITARY under his command somehow are lessened...
How is this different in 2015 than it was in 2008? How did Obama come into this knowledge in 2015 when he could not surmise as much in 2008? Fail.

...he abided with the status quo, until the SC decided otherwise.
That is a state of mind, and a wind-tossed one, too boot, not new "fact" and "information", unknown in 2008.

Convictions can evolve given new data and new perceptions.

But when you sway and bend with the wind, that's not leadership, and that's not conviction... that's political expediency... a toxic substance.

EXACTLY... PERCEPTIONS. LOL, just because you don't like Obama, (& I am sure it has to do with much more than this single issue) does not make for a good debate, since when I HAVE given you a perfectly reasonable answer. You fail in recognizing that.
...( Christian Sharia ) Law ...
Ahhhhh... another pissant, looking to drive more Normal Folk into the Opposition Camp, by insulting their religious beliefs, with phrases such as "Christian Sharia Law" and "Christian Taliban".





Keep up the good work.


Oh, by the way...

The Gay Mafia called, realized they'd missed you, and left a message...

It reads: "Fer Crissakes, stay off of our side. Please! Yer killing us!"

End message.
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The religious right is pushing Christaria Law on the U.S.

If the authorities don't come down on this hard and fast there is going to be another civil war.

Use to be we could laugh at people like Davis but they have propagated and spread and now they are threatening the very foundations of America. They believe their BELIEFS trump the Supreme Court.


This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.
But in the case of Subway the court ruled other non muslims could handle the pork products. Would a muslim give out the permit to homo's? I think not.

Businesses will make reasonable accommodations for their employees when it comes to their faith, as they should. Davis was offered such an accommodation when the judge asked if she would allow the other employees in to office to issue the licenses. Five of the six said they would but Davis still wouldn't allow them to do so.

If a Muslim didn't issue the licences they would be in the same boat as Ms. Davis and the same people now supporting Davis would be gassing on about Sharia Law. Neither get a pass in my eyes.
Problem is that the Christaria Law people think their BELIEFS TRUMP THE SUPREME COURT.

They believe they can IGNORE laws because they don't like them and claim their " religion " allows them to disregard the law.

If the authorities don't crack down on this hard and fast there is going to be another civil war.



she is appealing the unconstitutional opinion of the judge

A judge should not have the right to undo elections, which is what he did in this case.

If everybody is anxious to put an elected official in jail for not doing what the law says they should start with Obama for not enforcing the immigration laws of this country.

The Supreme Court the highest court in the land decided that this needed to go back to the District Court for reconsideration, they refused to hear it or change their already decided opinion. It was not going to happen. The district court decided that she needed to abide by the law and she refused so she is now in jail, where she will stay until she changes her mind or until the legislature impeaches her. It is done, there is nothing further to add unless you think that a minority is suddenly going to amend the constitution and that is a pipe dream and nothing more.

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER she was married for the fourth time?

Did she not experience a 'conversion' to Christianity AFTER having child(ren) out of wedlock?

Prior to her refusal to grant marriage licenses to homosexuals...

What "immoral" and "un-Christian" acts and cherry-picking of the Bible would you say that Davis has engaged in, SINCE experiencing that 'conversion'?'

You know... the sort of mischief, POST-conversion, that would justify your observation, above, in a 'Christian' context?

< this ought to be good >

Divorce decrees ( you know the certificate of future ADULTERY) are recorded in the county clerk's office & has her name on them.... she has issued marriage licenses to divorced couples... which equates to her condoning that sinful immoral behavior.
Ahhhhhh... heading for the juicier rationalizations - the low-hanging fruit, are we?

Various Christian denominations (1) treat divorce as a sin, (2) treat divorce as a misfortune to be avoided, but not sinful (or fatally) so, or (3) don't care.

Which flavor of Christianity does Davis belong to?

Holy cow- you are defending her without even knowing jack shit & you think you are debating on a knowledgeable level?

Kim Davis is an Apostolic Christian who adheres to literal Bible teachings, even down to the way she looks.

Apostolic Christian Church of America
First is a summary of our doctrine. Following that is our Statement of Faith, which provides specific details and references.

The doctrine of the church is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, which is recognized as God-inspired, infallible, and inerrant. New Testament teachings are carefully followed, and counsel and advice are sought from examples found in the Old Testament.

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Doctrine


...Women are encouraged to have their long hair modestly arranged and refrain from use of makeup. Jewelry is discouraged.5

Members are taught to exercise discernment in use of media and avoid unedifying worldly entertainments. The goal is to be good stewards of our hearts and time.6

...The Bible provides much instruction about family relationships, and strong homes are highly valued in the church. Divorce is rare. Children are plentiful. Many Apostolic Christian women choose to stay at home while the children are young.9 Fathers are instructed to be the spiritual leaders of the home.10

Apostolic Christian Church of America: Lifestyle

17. Governmental authority is respected and obeyed. Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military. Oaths are not taken, but truth is affirmed.

18. Marriage is a lifelong union ordained of God in which a man and a woman of like mind, faith, and fellowship are united in the Lord in Holy Matrimony. (oopsie, I guess she forgot that part when signing off on those divorces decrees coming into her office)

She not only took an oath to abide by the Constitution, she blatantly has disregarded it's authority. That's a hypocritical 2-fer.
...Thinking educated minds will change ideology as facts & new information warrants...

But there is no new 'fact' and 'information' pertaining to homosexuality and its relationship to interests of The People and the Republic, in 2008, versus 2015.

Not one iota.

Perhaps I'm wrong.

It will be easy to prove me wrong, if that's the case.

Simply tell us: What new "fact" and/or what new "information" did Barack Obama become aware-of, in connection with homosexuality, in 2015, that he did not already know in 2008?

We're all waiting with rapt attention, eager to receive this revelation.

And, of course, if no substantive argument-changing "fact" or "information" can be brought to bear in this context, then, it will be safe to assume that you're just playing the Partisan, and serving-up a smokescreen to cover Obumble's waffling and deceiving of the American People in this regard.

The floor is yours.

So either he lied about his faith, or he just lied to get elected.
The religious right is pushing Christaria Law on the U.S.

If the authorities don't come down on this hard and fast there is going to be another civil war.

Use to be we could laugh at people like Davis but they have propagated and spread and now they are threatening the very foundations of America. They believe their BELIEFS trump the Supreme Court.


Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.
But in the case of Subway the court ruled other non muslims could handle the pork products. Would a muslim give out the permit to homo's? I think not.

Businesses will make reasonable accommodations for their employees when it comes to their faith, as they should. Davis was offered such an accommodation when the judge asked if she would allow the other employees in to office to issue the licenses. Five of the six said they would but Davis still wouldn't allow them to do so.

If a Muslim didn't issue the licences they would be in the same boat as Ms. Davis and the same people now supporting Davis would be gassing on about Sharia Law. Neither get a pass in my eyes.

This sock has learned a word "Christaria" from one of these liberal conspiracy nutjob sites and dammit he's going to use it in every single thing he posts. :lmao:

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