Kim Davis Is Winning

Here is a good scorecard.


With that that said. The only Democrat I see supporting Kim Davis is Kim Davis. There is no major support from her in the Democrats, it's all coming from religious conservative wingnuts.

*takes Chris Christie off list of potential canditates to vote for*
Oh, like you would have voted for him in the first place. :rofl:
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1

She has to follow the laws of the land not her bible which has no legal standing
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.

Davis' name was affixed to her own eternal death certificate every single time she endorsed a wedding or divorce that wasn't Biblically sanctioned. Spare us the melodrama.
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
She is not personally sanctioning these marriages that she personally finds repugnant... she's certifying that licensees have met the legal requirements (of the government she freely chose to be the agent of) for obtaining said license.

If she wishes, she can personally approve or disapprove of any marriage she chooses. She can issue or deny (legally meaningless) marriage licenses of her own devising as she wishes.

Her job--her legally and morally binding obligation--is to issue those licenses. PERIOD.
She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.

Let me get this straight, the Davis nut has a secular career, issuing secular documents according to secular law but she doesn't have to give up her secular career if she doesn't want to do her secular job because a bronze age, religious book says she'll go to hell if her name is on a secular document that allows members of "the homosexual cult" to have a secular marriage?


Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

We stand around degrading illegals for coming to this country illegally by breaking our immigration LAWS. We pounce on every dead nigga who dies at the hands of cops, for not being LAW ABIDING CITIZENS AND DOING WHAT THE COP ASK..We've all but crucified Obama for breaking every law known to mankind, save for sex with a 9 year old....Now however that its cloaked in PINK SKIN, ie a white mop, its now okay to break laws....because?????????

One thing is show certain about conservatives, as long as its you guys and your so called God, breaking laws is just fine and dandy.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Your guess would be wrong, Birther....all those people, gay and straight, live in that county and have the right to get services from their county. However, Huckabee and Cruz are NOT from that county...what are THEY doing there?

If the June 2105 Decision was in error, which it was, the KY law still applies to its own citizens. Same goes with every other state.

Besides the SCOTUS designating a new class of people to add to the Constitution's special protections (just some deviant sex behaviors but not others), and the fact that this is outside their scope of power, we have the fact that Ginsburg and Kagan were in vilation of Massey Coal 2009's finding that no judge, none, zero, may manifest undeniable bias on a case that is pending before them.

Kagan and Ginsburg while the question of "should the fed preside over states on the question of legality of gay marriage" presided publicly over gay marriages. Ergo displaying their clear and undeniable slant on the question before it was Heard. Which is a violation of law.
The SCOTUS decision was not in error. Sorry, but you lose. We are also citizens on an equal footing with you. I sucks to have to recognize that we aren't somehow less. But suck it up, Buttercup.

The SCOTUS ruling was in error. They made law instead of law being made in the states. They didn't even make law they just made an edict and now everyone, even democrat's like Davis, have to live with their edict. Several states had already amended their laws to allow for gay marriage, that tells me that even in progressive states they realize there were no laws allowing for gay marriage. Until the SCOTUS ruled otherwise.

Now, do you want to talk about how corporations are people?

Federal law will always trump States' rights. That's why blacks cannot be considered property anymore... anywhere... & can use the same water fountains, bathrooms AND sit in the front of the bus; & women have the right to vote in all 50 of 'em... & the ADA is valid & must be adhered to throughout the land... Praise the Lord!
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She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.

Let me get this straight, the Davis nut has a secular career, issuing secular documents according to secular law but she doesn't have to give up her secular career if she doesn't want to do her secular job because a bronze age, religious book says she'll go to hell if her name is on a secular document that allows members of "the homosexual cult" to have a secular marriage?



Don't forget that she took an oath, in a secular way, to uphold the laws of a secular document as part of that secular job, but her religious doctrine states she is not to take secular oaths & is reenforced by religious verses in a religious book she is suppose to be a literal follower of. But THAT didn't seem to matter because all she saw was that $80K a year salary.
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I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.

just ignoring it.

She ran as Democrat. That doesn't mean she is. Do you consider Caitlin Jenner to be a Republican?
She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.

Let me get this straight, the Davis nut has a secular career, issuing secular documents according to secular law but she doesn't have to give up her secular career if she doesn't want to do her secular job because a bronze age, religious book says she'll go to hell if her name is on a secular document that allows members of "the homosexual cult" to have a secular marriage?


There is 80 k a year salary and benefits involved plus her son works at that office...its a family thing..
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1

She has to follow the laws of the land not her bible which has no legal standing

You don't mean law, you mean edict from the SCOTUS. The same SCOTUS that said corporation are people?
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1

She has to follow the laws of the land not her bible which has no legal standing

You don't mean law, you mean edict from the SCOTUS. The same SCOTUS that said corporation are people?
We have a manner of resolving conflicts in our society....its called "the legal system" ......the SCOTUS is the last venue in that system to resolve conflicts...we sure as shit are not going to use any Biblical shit to resolve conflict....NO CAN DO
I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.

just ignoring it.

She ran as Democrat. That doesn't mean she is. Do you consider Caitlin Jenner to be a Republican?

Why not? People, I assume, make choices based on who represents their views. Maybe not 100 percent but mostly.
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1

She has to follow the laws of the land not her bible which has no legal standing

You don't mean law, you mean edict from the SCOTUS. The same SCOTUS that said corporation are people?
We have a manner of resolving conflicts in our society....its called "the legal system" ......the SCOTUS is the last venue in that system to resolve conflicts...we sure as shit are not going to use any Biblical shit to resolve conflict....NO CAN DO

Correct, the SCOTUS should have voided all marriage laws, except those already changed, if they indeed thought them discriminatory. That would have been the solutions. Then the states would have been required to amend their laws. You know, how it is suppose to work not law by edict of the SCOTUS.

And this BS about religion not effecting thought is just the left wing trying to restrict freedom on thought, as they always do. As if they have some sort of connection with a mystical dispenser of knowledge.

The point being, the majority of America was not for Gay marriage but the left wing claimed it as a "right." What made it a right? Nothing. Nothing at all it was just invented by the left wing. I mean if all decisions are not based on a person's moral code, whatever that code maybe, then it has to be truly majority rule. Which this decision, speaking for the country, was not done.
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Correct, the SCOTUS should have voided all marriage laws, except those already changed, if they indeed thought them discriminatory. That would have been the solutions. Then the states would have been required to amend their laws. You know, how it is suppose to work not law by edict of the SCOTUS.

There was no need for SCOTUS to void "all marriage laws". They very narrowly voided only the law that violated the Constitution, which is exactly how it's supposed to work.

Look folks, I don't like this woman Davis. She is a religious nut. But she still has the right in this country to practice her beliefs and to deal with the consequences of her actions. Thats the issue here.

Not within the walls of a Government Institution, in the official capacity of a Government employee.

you are missing the point. She has the right to practice her religious beliefs, BUT in so doing she has to expect to be punished if practicing her beliefs violates any law.

Now, why don't those same principles apply to sanctuary cities?
Void all marriage laws on account Kim Davis converted four years ago to the Apostolic Church....what if she had converted to Islam....can she then run the clerks office according to Sharia............
Look folks, I don't like this woman Davis. She is a religious nut. But she still has the right in this country to practice her beliefs and to deal with the consequences of her actions. Thats the issue here.

Not within the walls of a Government Institution, in the official capacity of a Government employee.

you are missing the point. She has the right to practice her religious beliefs, BUT in so doing she has to expect to be punished if practicing her beliefs violates any law.

Now, why don't those same principles apply to sanctuary cities?
she is not being punished...she has to do the job or not...if she does not do her job ...she loses the job...happens in the US many times each cannot expect to hold down a job that requires you to do things you do not want to can expect to lose the job.......
Correct, the SCOTUS should have voided all marriage laws, except those already changed, if they indeed thought them discriminatory. That would have been the solutions. Then the states would have been required to amend their laws. You know, how it is suppose to work not law by edict of the SCOTUS.

There was no need for SCOTUS to void "all marriage laws". They very narrowly voided only the law that violated the Constitution, which is exactly how it's supposed to work.


What law makes gay marriage legal in most states? If the SCOTUS didn't make law then they certainly changed the legal and traditional definition of marriage. No, they went far beyond just making a law invalid they made an edict making law.

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