Kim Davis Is Winning

I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.

just ignoring it.
I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.

just ignoring it.

Does it matter?
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?
True specially after all the Democratic candidates came to support her release ...oh wait...
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?

I don't know, almost all the GOP candidates agree with Kim Davis, two of them flew down just to see her and get some of that Kim dust on them.
Kim Davis is sick....:ack-1:

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.” Homophobia could be partially linked by “pathologic trait of personality,” meaning that various disorders of relationship and thought could be predictive of homophobia.

Immature defense mechanisms similarly predicted homophobic attitudes. These are coping mechanisms activated during states of distress and anxiety and include behaviors like projection, acting out, isolation, denial, passive aggressiveness, and displacement. “Our data revealed that immature defense mechanisms predict homophobia, highlighting that a negative attitude toward homosexuals is influenced once again by dysfunctional aspects of personality.”

Psychoticism, Immature Defense Mechanisms and a Fearful Attachment Style are Associated with a Higher Homophobic Attitude - Ciocca - 2015 - The Journal of Sexual Medicine - Wiley Online Library
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?

I don't know, almost all the GOP candidates agree with Kim Davis, two of them flew down just to see her and get some of that Kim dust on them.

Care to post some links?
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?

I don't know, almost all the GOP candidates agree with Kim Davis, two of them flew down just to see her and get some of that Kim dust on them.

Care to post some links?

Are you saying a plurality of GOP candidates are for gay marriage?
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?

I don't know, almost all the GOP candidates agree with Kim Davis, two of them flew down just to see her and get some of that Kim dust on them.

Care to post some links?

Are you saying a plurality of GOP candidates are for gay marriage?

never polled them and that isn't the issue.


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A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?

I don't know, almost all the GOP candidates agree with Kim Davis, two of them flew down just to see her and get some of that Kim dust on them.

Care to post some links?

Are you saying a plurality of GOP candidates are for gay marriage?

never polled them and that isn't the issue.

They are pretty much all against gay marriage. Many of them outright support Kim Davis, some are skirting the issue saying ridiculous things like there should be a way to accommodate her views even though she wasn't letting anyone in her office issue licenses.

Here is a good scorecard.


With that that said. The only Democrat I see supporting Kim Davis is Kim Davis. There is no major support from her in the Democrats, it's all coming from religious conservative wingnuts.
The gay couples are getting their marriage licenses- Yep but you fail to realize these licenses are illegal and void when her signature isn't on them which they weren't and even if they are it was fraud that put them there as she never consented so licenses are void just as the thug in the robe acknowledged.

You know that Ms. Davis's own marriage license doesn't have the signature of the previous County Clerk on it right? (That clerk being her own mother.)

Look folks, I don't like this woman Davis. She is a religious nut. But she still has the right in this country to practice her beliefs and to deal with the consequences of her actions. Thats the issue here.
She has NO RIGHT as an agent of the government to impose her religious beliefs upon others. She is in NO WAY empowered as an agent of the government to impose her religious beliefs upon others. She is quite literally prohibited from doing so.

No one--literally NO ONE--is abridging her right to find gay marriage abhorrent, or telling her to personally sanction, or agree with, the practice.

She is not personally sanctioning these marriages that she personally finds repugnant... she's certifying that licensees have met the legal requirements (of the government she freely chose to be the agent of) for obtaining said license.

If she wishes, she can personally approve or disapprove of any marriage she chooses. She can issue or deny (legally meaningless) marriage licenses of her own devising as she wishes.

Her job--her legally and morally binding obligation--is to issue those licenses. PERIOD.

Requiring Kim Davis to do the job she earnestly sought to do and freely chose to accept, is NO ABRIDGMENT of her rights, religious or otherwise.

But when acting as an agent of the government, she refuses to issue any license (for reasons other than those proscribed by law), she is simply not doing her job, and is in fact denying law abiding folks exercise of their rights and/or legal privileges, and certainly the benefits thereof.

Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.
Here is a good scorecard.


With that that said. The only Democrat I see supporting Kim Davis is Kim Davis. There is no major support from her in the Democrats, it's all coming from religious conservative wingnuts.

*takes Chris Christie off list of potential canditates to vote for*
Using her office to impose her bullshit religion upon others is illegal--this is not a theocracy--no matter how badly the superstitious retards in this country demand that this is a Christian nation--and Kim Davis is not the Grand Priestess of any religion that this country is allegedly founded upon. When she interposed her bullshit religion into the bullshit state licensing machine, she did not make things better for anyone. She did not do the right thing.

She is just wrong on every level. She is a criminal.

She had the office before June's illegal ruling. She doesn't have to give up her career because of a secular law that tries to force her into disobeying the warning in Jude 1 of the mortal sin of abetting the spread of the homosexual cult into normal society using God's sacred hub of society (marriage). She literally had a choice "Follow the new secular "law" and go to hell for eternity or don't follow the brand new (illegally gotten) law and go to jail". She made the right choice. She did not want her name affixed to her own eternal death certificate.
I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.

just ignoring it.
Not at post proves that, doesn't it? Or will you ignore my not ignoring it?
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"

What the hell does the GOP have to do with a democrat? Don't you mean that Davis needs sent back to the democrat re-education camp?
Is that what you think should be done? Do the Democrats have re-education camps? Republicans?
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
More than the black girl who climbed that flagpole. She's a right wing darling. Hypocrite poster child.
That n!gger is a terrorist and should be treated and charged as such.
She's way more athletic and more daring and braver and willing to stand up to her beliefs. Yeah, I can see why you'd hate her.

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