Kim Davis Is Winning

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.
Hyperbole, Birther? Good description of your post right there.
I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
Yes, she's a Democrat. No one is denying that.
if Kim Davis's Marital license was a Driver's License it would have been suspended....too many points against...
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“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.

It wasn't liberals or gays that caused Miss Davis's woes, it was Miss Davis. She is the one that would not work with people. Despite there being people in her office willing to issue licenses to gay couples, she would not allow that to happen. She would not allow any religious accommodation to be made for her.

She is the one who is being radical and trying to impose her religion on her secular government office.
Throwing someone in jail for something that the WhiteHouse has been doing for years isn't radical?

Give me a break.
The WH has been refusing to issue marriage licenses for years, Birther?
I smell a LOT of purple states turning bright ass red again. Poor Hillary, thwarted twice by the gays now...

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
You get what you voted for. You voted for a religious zealot who doesn't believe in gay marriage.
And Democrats voted for a closet Muslim/homosexual, community-agitator, communist the result was predicted long before big ears won the nomination in 2008.
Yes, yes...we know you are a Birther and Birthers are cray cray.
We've seen plenty of evidence....and the guilty parties have claimed the 5th.

As it is, nothing will be truly investigated till that criminal goes back to being a full-time community-organizer.

Obama will be giving full time speeches after his retirement, pays much better.

But how many Benghazi/email hearings have you guys done? And you weren't even serious because the true "investigations" will start after the selections?

I don't think president Hillary will be amused....

Throwing someone in jail for something that the WhiteHouse has been doing for years isn't radical?

Give me a break.

The white house refuses to issue marriage licenses to gay people?

They refused to issue tax-free status to conservatives.....refuse to enforce immigration laws....refused to prosecute for various crimes they feel weren't crimes.

Obvious double-standards are in play here.
What a load of dingos' kidneys, Birther. Got anymore good stories?
They refused to issue tax-free status to conservatives.....refuse to enforce immigration laws....refused to prosecute for various crimes they feel weren't crimes.

Obvious double-standards are in play here.

Obviously you guys should impeach the illegal, kenyan, commie, muslim without a birth certificate.

Obviously you also haven't got any evidence

Obviously you'll just have to live with it

Strawman argument.

He didn't produce his original BC for a reason.

But it's irrelevant, because his mother is a United States at the very least, he would have dual-citizenship....and the most he is a US citizen.

I think you're too stupid to realize this.....cuz you keep bringing up this drivel.
You've run to your ODS Happy Place, Birther?
Your guess would be wrong, Birther....all those people, gay and straight, live in that county and have the right to get services from their county. However, Huckabee and Cruz are NOT from that county...what are THEY doing there?

If the June 2105 Decision was in error, which it was, the KY law still applies to its own citizens. Same goes with every other state.

Besides the SCOTUS designating a new class of people to add to the Constitution's special protections (just some deviant sex behaviors but not others), and the fact that this is outside their scope of power, we have the fact that Ginsburg and Kagan were in vilation of Massey Coal 2009's finding that no judge, none, zero, may manifest undeniable bias on a case that is pending before them.

Kagan and Ginsburg while the question of "should the fed preside over states on the question of legality of gay marriage" presided publicly over gay marriages. Ergo displaying their clear and undeniable slant on the question before it was Heard. Which is a violation of law.
The SCOTUS decision was not in error. Sorry, but you lose. We are also citizens on an equal footing with you. I sucks to have to recognize that we aren't somehow less. But suck it up, Buttercup.
A new compromise solution for the Kim Davis issue has been proposed by the GOP and it is to build a wall between gays and access to Constitutional Rights with the wall paid for by gays... the Tea Party denounced this as "caving in to the Gay mafia"
Your guess would be wrong, Birther....all those people, gay and straight, live in that county and have the right to get services from their county. However, Huckabee and Cruz are NOT from that county...what are THEY doing there?

If the June 2105 Decision was in error, which it was, the KY law still applies to its own citizens. Same goes with every other state.

Besides the SCOTUS designating a new class of people to add to the Constitution's special protections (just some deviant sex behaviors but not others), and the fact that this is outside their scope of power, we have the fact that Ginsburg and Kagan were in vilation of Massey Coal 2009's finding that no judge, none, zero, may manifest undeniable bias on a case that is pending before them.

Kagan and Ginsburg while the question of "should the fed preside over states on the question of legality of gay marriage" presided publicly over gay marriages. Ergo displaying their clear and undeniable slant on the question before it was Heard. Which is a violation of law.
The SCOTUS decision was not in error. Sorry, but you lose. We are also citizens on an equal footing with you. I sucks to have to recognize that we aren't somehow less. But suck it up, Buttercup.

The SCOTUS ruling was in error. They made law instead of law being made in the states. They didn't even make law they just made an edict and now everyone, even democrat's like Davis, have to live with their edict. Several states had already amended their laws to allow for gay marriage, that tells me that even in progressive states they realize there were no laws allowing for gay marriage. Until the SCOTUS ruled otherwise.

Now, do you want to talk about how corporations are people?

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