Kim Davis Is Winning

She was not jailed for speech, idiot. Goddam how is it possible at this point in this topic that you don't know that?

she was jailed for refusing to do her job. she should have been fired. thats my point.
How many times does this have to be said?

You can't fire an elected official.

In this case she could have been fired by the county supervisors or whatever they call the county legislative body.

Only way to remove her is to impeach, then hold a Senate trial

Not likely to get the needed votes for that either.

To add, the legislature doesn't meet again till next year.

is she a state or county employee? if county, you are wrong.
No, you are wrong...this has been discussed and discussed and and on FOX and pretty much everywhere. You can't be a Johnny Come Lately and pretend that things can be done that we already know cannot.
You think wrong.

NO. For the hundredth time now: You can't fire an elected official.

Anywhere in this country.

And I just fucking told you - in the post you just quoted from me *why* "that process hasn't been started."

are you a lawyer authorized to practice in Kentucky?
No, I exceed their IQ requirements.

Accept what I am saying, idiot. If you think an elected official anywhere can be fired, you have more than a couple screws loose.

So you know the laws of Kentucky? can you give us a statute number or reference? or are you just talking out of your ass like all liberals?

Can you name the statute in Kentucky that ended miscegenation laws in 1967?

no, can you? I never claimed to be a KY lawyer. the state, not the jelly.

Exactly. The Supreme Court struck those laws down. Just like now so why are you asking for a statute number that doesn't exist and is irrelevant?
she was jailed for refusing to do her job. she should have been fired. thats my point.

She was jailed for contempt of court. Are you trying to claim that Supreme Court rulings are unenforceable?

lol, good one

I have said from the beginning that she should have complied with the law. She cannot ignore laws any more than obama can ignore laws----------------------------ooops, forgot that obama does not have to follow any laws he does not like.

So she refused to comply and the judge with legal authority in this case dealt with her accordingly.

1. She was hit with an injunction in Miller v Davis. 2. She appealed that and lost. 3. The Supreme Court further refused a stay of that ruling.

4. She went ahead and violated the injunction anyhow and that is what earned her contempt of court.

You really need to learn what happened.
And she's going to disobey the judge again and interfere.

Mark my words.

She's going back to jail.

She (and her lawyers) want that.

She's all in as a Gawd Warrior.

Bigot bucks will come raining down from the heabens.

your attack on Christianity is noted. So much for the tolerance of liberalism. you liberals are the most intolerant humans on earth. in the same category as radical muslims.
"Attacks on Christianity"? And now you're gonna go all persecuted on us. Just like Kim Davis.
And she's going to disobey the judge again and interfere.

Mark my words.

She's going back to jail.

She (and her lawyers) want that.

She's all in as a Gawd Warrior.

Bigot bucks will come raining down from the heabens.

I've got $5 down on Tuesday. I think that's the day she'll be going back to jail. You're right, her lawyer made some statements after her release, implying that Davis will not abide by the court's instructions.

Anyhoot, her people are a strong people....the moment she said that I knew she was addicted to her new fame.

MLK went to jail for his beliefs. So did Jesus Christ.

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

Oppression is the prevention, not the delay, of one's rights. If this were a case of oppression, then that would definitely apply to the IRS making conservative groups wait years to get their tax-free status approved.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

How many times has the left done this in the past?

Too many times to count.
The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the state from depriving ANY PERSON of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or equal protection under the law. Due process means that states may not arbitrarily deprive people of their liberty interests. The Constitution doesn't mention hats or bedtimes, but the government doesn't have the power to arbitrarily deprive people of the right to wear a hat or the right to decide for themselves what time to go to bed. Insisting that the entire universe of rights must be listed in a constitution before it can be protected against government deprivations is foolish. We are not a pure democracy. A group of people cannot abuse the power of the state to impose their morals on the rest of society. No one cares that you personally think the private sexual practices of two consenting adults is deviant. We are not ruled by missionaries who command the natives engage only in missionary style sex.

You make some valid points. But on counter point. Society as a whole should decide what is to be considered right and wrong and moral and immoral. Those decisions should be made by everyone based on votes, not by 5 unelected old farts in black robes.

the SC decision on gay marriage WILL be used as a valid precedent for multiple marriage, polygamy, sibling marriage, and all other forms of human grouping.

Moral disapproval alone is not a legitimate government basis for restricting rights or doling them out to special groups while denying those same rights to others. The people don't want the morality police nosing about in every intimate corner of their lives.

Talk about hypocrisy. you say that but support mandating that people accept gay marriage as normal. YOU are the ones intruding on people's lives.

I agree, I don't give a shit what you and your partner or partners do in private. But I don't want the government telling me that I must condone it.

You don't have to "accept" anything. You can believe other people's sex lives are perverted. They might believe your sex life is perverted. All of you can just keep your noses out of other people's bedrooms. Minding your own private business isn't the same thing as condoning someone else's private business. If you're a government official standing behind a counter serving the public, do your job. Hand out the marriage licenses, the driver licenses, the fishing licenses, etc., to people who are entitled to them in accordance with the law.

bedroom privacy and government sanctionin gay marriage are two totally different things.

The government is telling all americans that the MUST accept gay marriage as a normal human activity.

That is no different than the government telling all americans that they MUST accept that homosexuality is a mental disease.

The point, which you seem to dense to get, is that the government should not be telling us what we must believe.

According to you, the government "forced" interracial marriage on an unwilling populace. All Americans were told they must accept interracial marriage? Funny...they didn't and many still don't.

Do you think that interracial marriage should be legal or illegal?
Legal ............................................................... 67%
Illegal .............................................................. 21%
Not sure ...........................................................12%

And no, this poll was not conducted 30, 20 or even 10 years was conducted three years ago in Mississippi.
She wants that $80K salary & doesn't mind taking tax dollars from the homogays as she's denying their rights under the 14th Amendment after pledging to uphold the Constitution & its laws, while taking oaths is against her religion & respecting the government's authority is what her religion dictates.

She's a wolf in sheep's clothing, plain & simple.

Her issue was that she did not feel right about putting her signature on a gay marriage license. That was not an offence mandating jail and refusing bail.

a compromise was reached and everyone needs to STFU about it. She keeps her job and her clerks will sign the gay licenses that she objects to on religious grounds.

Why have we heard nothing from you libs about the muslim flight attendent who refused to serve alcohol even though it was part of her job when she accepted employment with the airline? you're okay with a religious accommodation for Kim (doesn't have to sign or issue licenses, a major tenant of her job), but you think the Muslim flight attendant who won't serve alcohol (not a major function of her job) should not be religiously accommodated?

Somebody give it a bump so the pussyfish will see it.
Look folks, I don't like this woman Davis. She is a religious nut. But she still has the right in this country to practice her beliefs and to deal with the consequences of her actions. Thats the issue here.

She can practice her beliefs, and she will deal with the consequences of her actions. If she thinks she's above the law of the land, she'll go back to jail and it will be from her own doing. God doesn't pay her salary, and the Bible isn't our Constitution, otherwise Kim would have already been stoned.
Last edited:
No, I exceed their IQ requirements.

Accept what I am saying, idiot. If you think an elected official anywhere can be fired, you have more than a couple screws loose.

So you know the laws of Kentucky? can you give us a statute number or reference? or are you just talking out of your ass like all liberals?
Fucknut: You can't fire her.

She's an elected official.

Jesus Christ.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you.

Do it.

you are making the claim, the burden of proof is on you
I'd rather watch you make a fool of yourself.

Keep thinking an elected official can be fired.

Most anyone with half a brain will point and laugh.

so you can't prove what you have claimed--------------got it.
You think wrong.

NO. For the hundredth time now: You can't fire an elected official.

Anywhere in this country.

And I just fucking told you - in the post you just quoted from me *why* "that process hasn't been started."

are you a lawyer authorized to practice in Kentucky?
No, I exceed their IQ requirements.

Accept what I am saying, idiot. If you think an elected official anywhere can be fired, you have more than a couple screws loose.

So you know the laws of Kentucky? can you give us a statute number or reference? or are you just talking out of your ass like all liberals?
Fucknut: You can't fire her.

She's an elected official.

Jesus Christ.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you.

Do it.

you are making the claim, the burden of proof is on you

No, you made the claim repeatedly. You said she should be fired.
You think wrong.

NO. For the hundredth time now: You can't fire an elected official.

Anywhere in this country.

And I just fucking told you - in the post you just quoted from me *why* "that process hasn't been started."

are you a lawyer authorized to practice in Kentucky?
No, I exceed their IQ requirements.

Accept what I am saying, idiot. If you think an elected official anywhere can be fired, you have more than a couple screws loose.

So you know the laws of Kentucky? can you give us a statute number or reference? or are you just talking out of your ass like all liberals?

Can you name the statute in Kentucky that ended miscegenation laws in 1967?

no, can you? I never claimed to be a KY lawyer. the state, not the jelly.

You claimed she should have been fired.
I've got $5 down on Tuesday. I think that's the day she'll be going back to jail. You're right, her lawyer made some statements after her release, implying that Davis will not abide by the court's instructions.

Anyhoot, her people are a strong people....the moment she said that I knew she was addicted to her new fame.

MLK went to jail for his beliefs. So did Jesus Christ.

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
MLK went to jail for his beliefs. So did Jesus Christ.

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.
she was jailed for refusing to do her job. she should have been fired. thats my point.
How many times does this have to be said?

You can't fire an elected official.

In this case she could have been fired by the county supervisors or whatever they call the county legislative body.

Only way to remove her is to impeach, then hold a Senate trial

Not likely to get the needed votes for that either.

To add, the legislature doesn't meet again till next year.

I have said from the beginning that she should have complied with the law. She cannot ignore laws any more than obama can ignore laws----------------------------ooops, forgot that obama does not have to follow any laws he does not like.

So she refused to comply and the judge with legal authority in this case dealt with her accordingly.

1. She was hit with an injunction in Miller v Davis. 2. She appealed that and lost. 3. The Supreme Court further refused a stay of that ruling.

4. She went ahead and violated the injunction anyhow and that is what earned her contempt of court.

You really need to learn what happened.
And she's going to disobey the judge again and interfere.

Mark my words.

She's going back to jail.

She (and her lawyers) want that.

She's all in as a Gawd Warrior.

Bigot bucks will come raining down from the heabens.

your attack on Christianity is noted. So much for the tolerance of liberalism. you liberals are the most intolerant humans on earth. in the same category as radical muslims.

You call us intolerant and yet you agree she was wrong. Weird.

Intolerance and refusal to comply with laws is wrong no matter who does it. Intolerance of the beliefs of others is wrong no matter who does it.

You libs are intolerant of any views that differ from yours. You want to dictate what people are allowed to believe and how they should live their lives.

you say nothing when obama fails to obey laws, but want to ream this clerk for doing it.
And yet...Kim Davis was the Religiously Intolerant one.
MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.
MLK went to jail for his beliefs. So did Jesus Christ.

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
What does where that big eared asshole was born have to do with any of this?

Are you gonna bring up WMDs in the discussion as well.

"Yeah....we may be pathetic assholes but you invaded a country over lies!!!!"
I guess the left found another democrat that they don't like. Funny isn't it, that a democrat is alledgedly abusing her governmental power and the left hates on her. Pretty well blows away the southern strategy BS. The democrat statists stayed exactly where they belong, in the democrat party.

BTW, Zimmerman was a democrat also.
MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.

It wasn't liberals or gays that caused Miss Davis's woes, it was Miss Davis. She is the one that would not work with people. Despite there being people in her office willing to issue licenses to gay couples, she would not allow that to happen. She would not allow any religious accommodation to be made for her.

She is the one who is being radical and trying to impose her religion on her secular government office.
MLK went to jail for his beliefs. So did Jesus Christ.

MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
You get what you voted for. You voted for a religious zealot who doesn't believe in gay marriage.
MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.
MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
What does where that big eared asshole was born have to do with any of this?

Are you gonna bring up WMDs in the discussion as well.

"Yeah....we may be pathetic assholes but you invaded a country over lies!!!!"

We did invade a country that posed no threat based on cherry picked and known to be wrong intelligence. This is proven fact at this point. Thanks for adding to your list of wrong "guesses" though.

Your "guess" on Kim Davis is as wrong as all your other "guesses".

Meet the 1st Same-Sex Couple to Get Marriage License in Rowan County, Ky.
James Yates and William Smith Jr. were the first same-sex couple to receive a marriage license in Rowan County, Kentucky, this morning, while clerk Kim Davis remains in jail for failing to follow a judge’s orders to issue the licenses.

Smith and Yates, of Morehead, Kentucky, have been together for nearly a decade. They arrived at 8:05 a.m., five minutes after the office opened, and became the first same-sex couple to get their marriage license in Rowan County's history. (if you click on the Morehead link, you'll see it's in Rowan County)​
MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
It's pure hyperbole.....and I believe that extremism that we've seen on display will cause a backlash.

Instead of working with people, liberals like stomping them into the ground.

This simple fact is what is turning the issue against you, unfortunately. You may have the upper-hand now, but down the road, it may blow up in your faces, which is a shame. Too bad the radicals just can't learn to get along with those they hate.

It wasn't liberals or gays that caused Miss Davis's woes, it was Miss Davis. She is the one that would not work with people. Despite there being people in her office willing to issue licenses to gay couples, she would not allow that to happen. She would not allow any religious accommodation to be made for her.

She is the one who is being radical and trying to impose her religion on her secular government office.
Throwing someone in jail for something that the WhiteHouse has been doing for years isn't radical?

Give me a break.
MLK was fighting hate and bigotry. Kim Davis is using her religion to spread hate and bigotry.

MLK was fighting for Christian principles, so is Davis. MLK would not have condoned gay marriage.
“Martin Luther King was actually in opposition to the church’s unwillingness to support the oppressed,”
“Kim Davis, on the other hand, is using her church to oppress people even more.”

Larry said it best ^
If you think OPPRESSION is telling someone to go to the 3rd street office instead of this one to get the license, I think you're using hyperbole.

It's not hyperbolic to expect the clerk of the county in which you pay taxes to provide the goods and services you pay taxes for. I pay taxes in the county where I was born, raised and live and work again. I wanted to be married in that same county. I should not have to travel to a neighboring county than the one where I live and PAY TAXES.

My guess is these assholes picked her office because opposition research proved that Kim Davis held this belief. I think the whole thing was a bloody setup from the beginning.

Yeah, you also guess that the President wasn't born in this country. Your guesses are ridiculous.
You get what you voted for. You voted for a religious zealot who doesn't believe in gay marriage.
And Democrats voted for a closet Muslim/homosexual, community-agitator, communist the result was predicted long before big ears won the nomination in 2008.

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