Kim Davis loses again...

She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.

Her faith demands of her to discriminate against other people in a job that is a SECULAR job? Really?

No. The Constitution protects her from discrimination and being targeted for persecution at her workplace. The same sex couple were not put in jail. Kim Davis was, Stat.

The idea that her name on the licenses is tantamount to an endorsement is folly as well. Using that silliness, Davis has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that has come through her office, whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She a charlatan and nothing more.
Jesus Christ is the Word in Genesis 1:26, Huggy.

You're a religious zealot, then........Just like any member of ISIS and sharia-law.
noun: zealot; plural noun: zealots
a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, young Turk, diehard, true believer, activist, militant;

bigot, dogmatist, sectarian, partisan;
informalfiend, maniac, ultra, nut;
eager beaver
"York was too much of a zealot for the party to endorse seriously"

a member of an ancient Jewish sect aiming at a world Jewish theocracy and resisting the Romans until AD 70.
A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented

Very, very convenient......Emperor Constantine told his mother (a Christian convert) that he would continue to kill, torture, rape and pillage until he was in his death bed....THEN, he would convert and.....voila', he'd be all forgiven. Cute (according to religious morons)......
The idea that her name on the licenses is tantamount to an endorsement is folly as well. Using that silliness, Davis has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that has come through her office, whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She a charlatan and nothing more.
She's using religion for an identity and her new found victimhood salves her wounded ego
She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.

Really? Where in the bible does Jesus say that the gays can't marry? She's NOT following the christian faith. She and some so called christians just made up what she is following.

The part where she claims she talks with god just proves she is bat shit crazy. If it is true that she talks with god then where are the audio recordings? Where are the video recordings? Unless she is lying of course. Would a christian lie about such a thing? That's all they do is lie.

Jesus Christ is the Word in Genesis 1:26, Huggy.

The Hebrew bible has nothing to do with the goyim man god
As I had mentioned on a previous thread, the judge made a mistake in jailing Davis instead of fining her thousands of dollars every day she did not perform her duties....THEN, we would see for how long all the "good evangelicals" who chipped in to pay for the fines, would keep up this little media-grabbing charade.
I disagree.
A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented

Very, very convenient......Emperor Constantine told his mother (a Christian convert) that he would continue to kill, torture, rape and pillage until he was in his death bed....THEN, he would convert and.....voila', he'd be all forgiven. Cute (according to religious morons)......

Doesn't work that way and you're entirely too stupid to grasp it.
A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented

Very, very convenient......Emperor Constantine told his mother (a Christian convert) that he would continue to kill, torture, rape and pillage until he was in his death bed....THEN, he would convert and.....voila', he'd be all forgiven. Cute (according to religious morons)......

The dude had a good racket going...
A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented

Very, very convenient......Emperor Constantine told his mother (a Christian convert) that he would continue to kill, torture, rape and pillage until he was in his death bed....THEN, he would convert and.....voila', he'd be all forgiven. Cute (according to religious morons)......

Doesn't work that way and you're entirely too stupid to grasp it.

Isn't this the moment where you get all huffy and insulting and then take your toys and go somewhere else to munch some carpet?

No Kim Davis thread is complete without this video. :lol:
She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

The same as all of us before Christ. A sinner.

Nate, You are not a low info buffoon. You're just not seeing this as God sees it and therein you cannot understand how a Christian would view this nor how our founding fathers - many who were Christians viewed marriage. There has been much distortion over these interpretations and it is very troubling.

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