Kim Davis loses again...

It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; measures seeking to deny same-sex couples their right to due process and equal protection of the law are proof of that.

The fundamental rights of citizens are not subject to 'majority rule,' nor the 'will of the people' – because those rights are inalienable, they can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

The Supreme Court functions in the context of the rule of law, authorized by the rule of law, by the Constitution, its case law, and the will of the people who created our Constitutional Republic to safeguard citizens' rights from subjective and capricious attacks, including attacks by religious extremists and zealots such as you and Davis.
She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.
And here is the proof, per settled and accepted case law, that there are no First Amendment issues at stake:

“The Court therefore has the ability to grant Davis’ Motion, but only to the extent that she seeks to compel enforcement of her free exercise and free speech rights under the First Amendment. However, Davis has failed to convince the Court that such relief is appropriate.”

read pending appeal again........ thank you.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.
She was targeted for her faith as a Christian. It's called persecution and it should not be happening, Dante.

She is NOT being targeted for her faith. This is a lie and should be treated as one by people who profess a moral superiority based on their individual faith(s). Christian Clerks are issuing licenses. I believe she is also only 1 of 3 Clerks in her whole state out of 116/117, who have initially refused to fulfill their sworn duty.

Please examine the links and material the proves otherwise, Dante. Thank you in advance for reading - I'd like to hear your thoughts - afterwards..

Her office is being targeted. She herself is not being targeted BECAUSE of her religious faith, as there are gay Christians demanding licenses. She is being targeted in her position as a public servant. She could step aside and if a Jew or Muslim took over and refused to issue the licenses in question, nothing would change but the name of the Clerk. The state has no concern for their religious faith.
The fat that Kim is a hideous monster coupled with how many men the floozy's been with.....

Ill bet she gives great top.
The same as all of us before Christ. A sinner.

Nate, You are not a low info buffoon. You're just not seeing this as God sees it and therein you cannot understand how a Christian would view this nor how our founding fathers - who were Christians viewed marriage. There has been much distortion over these interpretations and it is very troubling.

Unfortunately, God has changed his cell phone number and I can't any longer find out exactly how he/she/it "sees it".....

and when you state, "..... as all of us before Christ. A sinner....." know that you're labeling 2 billion Jews, Hindu, Buddhists, and Muslims, a bunch of sinners........

You AND Davis have a lot of work ahead of you.
'Here, let me tell you about the love of Christ. But first, I gotta hate on those fags over there. And just cuz I let myself get popped in the pussy by 4 or 5 different men and have affairs and children out of wedlock, it's still my holy deeeyuuuuty to hate those fags. Hallelujah, amen.'

There is no reason to hate any human being, Stat. Telling someone the truth about what the Bible says, what God has to say about the sin of sodomy is not hatred. It is Calvary love. Why would anyone not tell someone who is perishing in a certain sin - the truth about it? Only a coward would hold back the truth while knowing it! No coward will inherit the kingdom of heaven either.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

Yes, because once you get "saved", it's like the best etch-a-sketch moment that Mitt Romney didn't get to enjoy.


Serial-killer? Did you dismember people? Eat some vital organs? But you're now saved, you say? Well, then, what's a little cannibalism among friends?!?!?

Damn, this saved stuff is an outstanding racket.

Free from sin and free from all past responsibilities.

Heavenly, just heavenly.
'Here, let me tell you about the love of Christ. But first, I gotta hate on those fags over there. And just cuz I let myself get popped in the pussy by 4 or 5 different men and have affairs and children out of wedlock, it's still my holy deeeyuuuuty to hate those fags. Hallelujah, amen.'

There is no reason to hate any human being, Stat. Telling someone the truth about what the Bible says, what God has to say about the sin of sodomy is not hatred. It is Calvary love. Why would anyone not tell someone who is perishing in a certain sin - the truth about it? Only a coward would hold back the truth while knowing it! No coward will inherit the kingdom of heaven either.

Oh, I hate no one. The quote is not of me.

"Kim Davis is the new face of the religious right: Angry, marginalized and increasingly desperate

As their numbers dwindle and their cultural influence wanes, Evangelicals are seizing power any way they can"

And as a consequence they are extremely dangerous – they will only become more aggressive, more desperate, and more of a threat to the freedom and liberty of all Americans, by seeking to contrive and propagate heinous lies, such as their 'religious liberty' is being 'violated' by just, proper, and Constitutional laws.
The same as all of us before Christ. A sinner.

Nate, You are not a low info buffoon. You're just not seeing this as God sees it and therein you cannot understand how a Christian would view this nor how our founding fathers - who were Christians viewed marriage. There has been much distortion over these interpretations and it is very troubling.

Unfortunately, God has changed his cell phone number and I can't any longer find out exactly how he/she/it "sees it".....

and when you state, "..... as all of us before Christ. A sinner....." know that you're labeling 2 billion Jews, Hindu, Buddhists, and Muslims, a bunch of sinners........

You AND Davis have a lot of work ahead of you.

Read the King James Bible and you will learn about God. God loves you, Nate. He sent His only begotten Son to redeem you not to condemn you. Read John Chapter 3 and you will see that for yourself! I'm not labeling anyone. The Word of God speaks for itself. It does not require my opinion nor yours. Neither does it ask for it.
Try reading one before making yourself look even more stupid than you already do.

Well, actually I have (or were forced to) read the Bible.....I have placed my copy on the same bookshelf where I have Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and my various Dr. Seuss books.
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She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

The same as all of us before Christ. A sinner.

Nate, You are not a low info buffoon. You're just not seeing this as God sees it and therein you cannot understand how a Christian would view this nor how our founding fathers - many who were Christians viewed marriage. There has been much distortion over these interpretations and it is very troubling.
Nate, You are not a low info buffoon.

Oh the irony!!
Try reading one before making yourself look even more stupid than you already do.

Well, actually I have (or were forced) to read the Bible.....I have placed my copy on the same bookshelf where I have Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and my various Dr. Seuss books.

Obviously you didn't understand what you were reading, I doubt you understood Dr Seuss either.
'Here, let me tell you about the love of Christ. But first, I gotta hate on those fags over there. And just cuz I let myself get popped in the pussy by 4 or 5 different men and have affairs and children out of wedlock, it's still my holy deeeyuuuuty to hate those fags. Hallelujah, amen.'

There is no reason to hate any human being, Stat. Telling someone the truth about what the Bible says, what God has to say about the sin of sodomy is not hatred. It is Calvary love. Why would anyone not tell someone who is perishing in a certain sin - the truth about it? Only a coward would hold back the truth while knowing it! No coward will inherit the kingdom of heaven either.

Oh, I hate no one. The quote is not of me.


The Hebrew prophets spoke the oracles of God and would you have stoned them to death as some did? For speaking the truth? Isaiah was sawn in half, it is said that Jeremiah was stoned to death.. someone was hating them for speaking out against the sin in the land.
Try reading one before making yourself look even more stupid than you already do.

Well, actually I have (or were forced) to read the Bible.....I have placed my copy on the same bookshelf where I have Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and my various Dr. Seuss books.

Yes, this thread is going to do well.

We just need some more troglidytes (no, Sassy, not troglidykes) screaming "pervert" or something really jarring like that.
God loves you, Nate. He sent His only begotten Son to redeem you not to condemn you

I actually love the persona of Christ......and based on what you wrote above, you're actually deriding him for failing to "redeem" me of my skepticism........Christ was just a nice Rabbi with a very good moral compass who is probably really pissed off at what you zealots have been doing for centuries under his name.

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