Kim Davis loses again...

How is it surprising that Democrats, whose only God was a community organizer, find it incredible that some folks have principles that aren't negotiable?

...and here chimes in yet ANOTHER moron who confuses "duties of an elected official" with the "principles of a religious zealot".......
Exactly WHERE were Davis' religious principles when she DIVORCED 3 times before???

She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon
What was she then? Why can't you people tell us if this is so important?
"Kim Davis is the new face of the religious right: Angry, marginalized and increasingly desperate

As their numbers dwindle and their cultural influence wanes, Evangelicals are seizing power any way they can"

And as a consequence they are extremely dangerous – they will only become more aggressive, more desperate, and more of a threat to the freedom and liberty of all Americans, by seeking to contrive and propagate heinous lies, such as their 'religious liberty' is being 'violated' by just, proper, and Constitutional laws.

The hatred against Christians in America is increasing. No question about it. Christians are not trying to seize power any way they can but Christians most certainly have an obligation to endure until the end, to hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ and to not be intimidated by wicked rulers in the land.
'Here, let me tell you about the love of Christ. But first, I gotta hate on those fags over there. And just cuz I let myself get popped in the pussy by 4 or 5 different men and have affairs and children out of wedlock, it's still my holy deeeyuuuuty to hate those fags. Hallelujah, amen.'

There is no reason to hate any human being, Stat. Telling someone the truth about what the Bible says, what God has to say about the sin of sodomy is not hatred. It is Calvary love. Why would anyone not tell someone who is perishing in a certain sin - the truth about it? Only a coward would hold back the truth while knowing it! No coward will inherit the kingdom of heaven either.

Oh, I hate no one. The quote is not of me.


The Hebrew prophets spoke the oracles of God and would you have stoned them to death as some did? For speaking the truth? Isaiah was sawn in half, it is said that Jeremiah was stoned to death.. someone was hating them for speaking out against the sin in the land.

Do you advocate stoning people?

Oh, and back then, there were no saws.
At least not much outside of China, where they were invented.

Just saying.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

Yes, because once you get "saved", it's like the best etch-a-sketch moment that Mitt Romney didn't get to enjoy.


Serial-killer? Did you dismember people? Eat some vital organs? But you're now saved, you say? Well, then, what's a little cannibalism among friends?!?!?

Damn, this saved stuff is an outstanding racket.

Free from sin and free from all past responsibilities.

Heavenly, just heavenly.

I think her legal reasoning is faulty and foolish but she found redemption. I'll attack the shit out her legally position but I think it is untoward to attack the past of a woman that is trying to atone for her past. Just my two cents on that matter.
How is it surprising that Democrats, whose only God was a community organizer, find it incredible that some folks have principles that aren't negotiable?

...and here chimes in yet ANOTHER moron who confuses "duties of an elected official" with the "principles of a religious zealot".......
Exactly WHERE were Davis' religious principles when she DIVORCED 3 times before???

She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon
What was she then? Why can't you people tell us if this is so important?

Asked and answered.
She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.

Really? Where in the bible does Jesus say that the gays can't marry? She's NOT following the christian faith. She and some so called christians just made up what she is following.

The part where she claims she talks with god just proves she is bat shit crazy. If it is true that she talks with god then where are the audio recordings? Where are the video recordings? Unless she is lying of course. Would a christian lie about such a thing? That's all they do is lie.

Jesus Christ is the Word in Genesis 1:26, Huggy.

It is written:

Genesis 1:26 - 28:

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
What does this mean? It means that Jesus Christ - the Word was with God in the beginning and that they made man in God's image and after God's likeness. He created them male and female. And God blessed Adam and Eve and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it...........
God created a woman for man. Not a man for man. Not a woman for a woman. He created one man and then he created one woman for that man. He created Adam and Eve. A man and a woman.

A man and a man cannot be fruitful and multiply.
A woman and a woman cannot be fruitful and multiply.
Only a man and a woman can be fruitful and multiply.
Why? Because God never intended for a man to lie with a man or a woman with a woman. It is an abomination unto God, Huggy.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

.....and I disagree with your assessment. ALL OF US are (or should be) judged by our own life's actions and choices that we've made.
God loves you, Nate. He sent His only begotten Son to redeem you not to condemn you

I actually love the persona of Christ......and based on what you wrote above, you're actually deriding him for failing to "redeem" me of my skepticism........Christ was just a nice Rabbi with a very good moral compass who is probably really pissed off at what you zealots have been doing for centuries under his name.

Nate, I cannot redeem you of your skepticism. That is something I have to pray to God for you about because I cannot convince you by reasoning of the mind. The problem is not with your mind! You are an intelligent man. There is no trouble with your mind. The matter is with your heart. I can tell you now that my prayer for you is God's very best for your life! I want to see you in heaven one day! God knows my heart! That is the truth! I feel the same about Dante, Stat, all of you!
She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented
...has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Davis violated her oath of office, Article VI of the Constitution, and a just and proper ruling by the Supreme Court.

I answered his question. I didn't ask for your nonsense nor do I care
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

Yes, because once you get "saved", it's like the best etch-a-sketch moment that Mitt Romney didn't get to enjoy.


Serial-killer? Did you dismember people? Eat some vital organs? But you're now saved, you say? Well, then, what's a little cannibalism among friends?!?!?

Damn, this saved stuff is an outstanding racket.

Free from sin and free from all past responsibilities.

Heavenly, just heavenly.

I think her legal reasoning is faulty and foolish but she found redemption. I'll attack the shit out her legally position but I think it is untoward to attack the past of a woman that is trying to atone for her past. Just my two cents on that matter.

Ok, I can buy that, kind of.

Exactly HOW is she trying to atone?

She reminds me a lot of the US HOR stenographer who literally flipped out during a session of the HOR, went all Michele Bachmann crazy eyed and all that shit, started talking in tongues, yadayadayada.......
She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented
...has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Davis violated her oath of office, Article VI of the Constitution, and a just and proper ruling by the Supreme Court.

I answered his question. I didn't ask for your nonsense nor do I care

You are so unbelievably powerful. Can you move mountains with your halitosis?
"Kim Davis is the new face of the religious right: Angry, marginalized and increasingly desperate

As their numbers dwindle and their cultural influence wanes, Evangelicals are seizing power any way they can"

And as a consequence they are extremely dangerous – they will only become more aggressive, more desperate, and more of a threat to the freedom and liberty of all Americans, by seeking to contrive and propagate heinous lies, such as their 'religious liberty' is being 'violated' by just, proper, and Constitutional laws.

The hatred against Christians in America is increasing. No question about it. Christians are not trying to seize power any way they can but Christians most certainly have an obligation to endure until the end, to hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ and to not be intimidated by wicked rulers in the land.
If only most people in the US were Christian....if only.....
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

Yes, because once you get "saved", it's like the best etch-a-sketch moment that Mitt Romney didn't get to enjoy.


Serial-killer? Did you dismember people? Eat some vital organs? But you're now saved, you say? Well, then, what's a little cannibalism among friends?!?!?

Damn, this saved stuff is an outstanding racket.

Free from sin and free from all past responsibilities.

Heavenly, just heavenly.

I think her legal reasoning is faulty and foolish but she found redemption. I'll attack the shit out her legally position but I think it is untoward to attack the past of a woman that is trying to atone for her past. Just my two cents on that matter.
Shes not atoning, shes going from one form of douchenaggery to another...

Serial divorcee to digging her heels in the dirt bigot.

All evil like her should be shunned. Salami and bacon, mdk.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

Yes, because once you get "saved", it's like the best etch-a-sketch moment that Mitt Romney didn't get to enjoy.


Serial-killer? Did you dismember people? Eat some vital organs? But you're now saved, you say? Well, then, what's a little cannibalism among friends?!?!?

Damn, this saved stuff is an outstanding racket.

Free from sin and free from all past responsibilities.

Heavenly, just heavenly.

I think her legal reasoning is faulty and foolish but she found redemption. I'll attack the shit out her legally position but I think it is untoward to attack the past of a woman that is trying to atone for her past. Just my two cents on that matter.

Ok, I can buy that, kind of.

Exactly HOW is she trying to atone?

She reminds me a lot of the US HOR stenographer who literally flipped out during a session of the HOR, went all Michele Bachmann crazy eyed and all that shit, started talking in tongues, yadayadayada.......

You would have to ask Davis that question. I am not familiar with the inner workings of the Apostolic Church and it's doctrine.
She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented
...has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Davis violated her oath of office, Article VI of the Constitution, and a just and proper ruling by the Supreme Court.

I answered his question. I didn't ask for your nonsense nor do I care

You are so unbelievably powerful. Can you move mountains with your halitosis?

I'm not powerful it's just you're so weak I seem that way to you, Herr Idiot
Davis has no leg to stand on, but she's a useful tool for folks like Huckabee to promote his quest for theocracy.
She wasn't a Christian when she divorced you low info buffoon

In other words she got ALL her "morality" after she became a Christian??? What was she before?

A sinner who didn't believe and hadn't repented
You can't answer,can you?

Given religious nut jobs' (like Sassy) new-found "morality" any murderer who simply "REPENTS" his actions before his peers.....should be freed....I mean, after all, if we're a nation of religious zealots and NOT of laws all that one has to do is "repent" and be on his merry way.......(look at the money we'd save in closing down all those prisons. LOL)
MLK got thrown in jail for violating perfectly valid laws, too. The point is whether those laws are ethical or moral, or benefit society. Marriage equality? No. Gays may need protection, but this is over reach and then some.
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