Kiss the Ground- Everything you thought you knew about climate change is wrong!

Yeah, waving your dick at them does nothing. I just ran out and double checked. There are always weeds unless you spray enough to kill practically everything. Herbicide use destroys the topsoil. It's literally poisoning your RE because you demand something for nothing. Healthy soil discourages weeds and makes pulling them much easier. Densely planting complementary species also helps tremendously. Good soil is highly productive. If you don't really want to farm it Mother Nature will.

Healthy soil discourages weeds and makes pulling them much easier.

On 12 acres this is doable ... do you think it will work on 120 acres ... 1,200 acres ...

My grandfather was the oldest of 15 ... none of them went to school ... they pulled weeds ...
Leave your family alone. Quit beating around the bush. Just state your point. Lazy, bad farming techniques have been mainstreamed by the commercial farming cartels to make family farmers dependent on them for their special seeds and other supplies, then quickly drive them into bankruptcy and take their land. Nonetheless, independent technology and understanding has inevitably advanced. In some ways we now know better how to use cattle (better than the ancients even) to help us work the land sustainably and with greater yields per acre and zero use of destructive chemicals. Different crop priorities will obviously require entirely different approaches to farming. We still have much to learn.
On 12 acres this is doable ... do you think it will work on 120 acres ... 1,200 acres ...
Yes, of course I think it's doable. Already being done, especially in conjunction with grazing. Has naturally been done to some degree with far less of a knowledge base since antiquity. Makes no sense to simply be cynical in regard to this.
  • never believe corporate owners / controllers aren't just out to use you up and steal all of your stuff. They feel about and treat the country, the planet,.. exactly the same way.
  • use your head to save your money and your back. If it takes more time, money, and effort than it appears worth, then you're probably approaching the problem all wrong. Don't just give up. Research it. The internet now brings vast knowledge to everyone cheaply.
  • join or start a local group (non-profit) to maximize community effort and efficiency.
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Yes, of course I think it's doable. Already being done, especially in conjunction with grazing.

Right ... hand weeding 1,200 acres is doable ... that's stupid ... and you know it ... your solution, don't, use the land as pasture, let the cows belch all the methane they need to, no sense going second rate with our carbon pollution ... how about giving the land back to the forest ... let nature have her course ...

Have you ever walked a section of beans? ... with a machete? ... that's actually half the price of using herbicide ... that's just one example of your methods being cheaper for the farmer, thus more profitable ... good luck getting anyone to do that hard-ass back-breaking boiling-sun manual labor ...

hand weeding 1,200 acres is doable ... talk about pie-in-the-sky, go-to-heaven-when-we-die ... you city folk are funny ...
I get asked a lot about how organic farmers control weeds without the use of herbicides. (And with the rise and spread of herbicide-resistant weeds, the issue is on the mind of many conventional farmers, too.) Some naturally assume that in the absence of herbicides, hand-weeding or deep tillage, along with all the drawbacks of each of those methods, are the only remaining options.
Some of those people being born idiots, of course. Others who apparently must work at it,.. every day!
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Right ... hand weeding
Okay, enough of your nonsense. GFY
"city folk" - HAHAHA!

Well ... you're the one claiming weeds don't grow in fertile soil ... you know that's wrong ...

So I ask ... how do you keep the weeds down on your 12 acres and you said you pulled them by hand ...

Sure .. not answering is an answer in itself ...

ETA: Above you said "turning the soil" was a bad thing, now you're saying "deep tillage" is fine ... make up your mind ...
I encourage all climate concerned posters to watch this movie and post your comments. But be careful. Think back about all your previous post on the subject of global warming, and you may realize you were wrong. The movie is available on Netflix. Here is the link for the movie’s web site where you can watch the trailer.
Daryl Hunt,

What is your definition of “within reason” in respect to gun ownership?

Background Checks with no loopholes. This is not gun registration. The only record of this check kept on file by the Fire Arms Dealer who will destroy the record after X number of years depending on the State Laws. You want to buy a gun privately, both the buyer and seller heads over to the nearest gun dealer and gets the background check done. If you want to buy a gun at a gun show, there are enough FFL dealers there that can do instant background checks. In my state, the price for the check is regulated at 7 bucks.

If you don't follow the above method and obtain your gun anyway, you just committed a class 4 felony. Plus, the person that you either illegally bought it from or borrowed it from should be held accountable for any illegal act that you perform using that gun exactly as if they held that weapon. I didn't know should not be a defense. Actively pursue conviction of these people and give them nice long jail sentences even if no one was killed.

Make the min age to purchase guns 21 years old. Simple as that.

Stop with the Open Carry crap. I support the CCW all the way. But it's just too easy to get one these days. One of the classes is 4 hours long and you only dry fire your weapon. Hardly anyone fails that one. But many should have. The one I support is 3 days long and includes 100 rounds at an Active Target Range. This one has a high failure rate because MOST should not be carrying anything including a toaster. They leave the class that they failed and go to one of the milk toast classes and, poof, they are qualified with a CCW.

When transporting a long gun, have a reason like you are going hunting, taking to the gun shop, over to the neighbors, or to the target range or skeet or trap range. You can have it in your Gun Rack, in a Carrying Case or in your Trunk. But you should NEVER be walking down the street with a locked and loaded long gun of any kind. This makes the general public very nervous and doesn't do a thing to the bad guys when you are openly displaying locked and loaded long gun. To believe otherwise is just a sick fantasy.

Notice, I have not said a thing about having a gun in the Home for Home and Family defense. That is where you should be able to have a completely serviceable handgun on tap. How you store it is up to you. It's your home and your right.

And start getting the NRA and the other Organization (yes, Dorathy, there are only two) to stop with the frivilous law suits. I will admit that Heller V DC was not a frivolous lawsuit since it upheld your right to have a fully serviceable handgun in your home. But I watched the NRA go hog wild around here, spending Millions and lose their cases, sue to get 3 state reps recalled (2 stayed and 1 did not but was put back in the next election) and cost the Tax Pay millions we could have spent on Roads or Education. Make the loser pay.

We need to allow the states to exercise the 2nd and 10th amendment without fear of those frivilous lawsuits and being beaten up about it.

Common sense laws should do it. Otherwise, it if gets too bad, the gun grabbers start grabbing guns.
With Covid, I am having to spend a lot more solitary time doing things. Since mid-March, I’ve been working from home, and for eight weeks I was furloughed. I spent that time doing a lot of hiking, with my dogs. In fact, I’ve logged 300 miles of walking since the end of May when I was furloughed. I am blessed to live in WV, near beautiful hiking areas,rivers and the mountains. With the incredible cameras on cell phones now, I took a lot of pictures.

And got in touch with my inner and dormant, amateur naturalist.

All of us are impacted by the pandemic....what do you see when you are out walking?
I believe the article was about the UK, not the US. BTW, you can actually have more snow at a slightly warmer temperature, as long as it's still below 0 C, because warmer air can hold more water vapor.
* On March 20, 2000, The Independent, a British newspaper, reported that “Snowfalls are just a thing of the past.” Global warming was simply making the UK too warm for heavy snowfalls.

October snowstorm set to smash early-season records

Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?

This post and subsequent posts in this thread you made, makes clear you can't address post one at all, your dishonest deflections are noted for what they are, avoidance of the TOPIC:

Snowfalls Are Now Just A Thing Of The Past*
Evidently those folks didn't wake up in Montana USA this am.
Harvest 2020


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Yeah, waving your dick at them does nothing. I just ran out and double checked. There are always weeds unless you spray enough to kill practically everything. Herbicide use destroys the topsoil. It's literally poisoning your RE because you demand something for nothing. Healthy soil discourages weeds and makes pulling them much easier. Densely planting complementary species also helps tremendously. Good soil is highly productive. If you don't really want to farm it Mother Nature will.

Healthy soil discourages weeds and makes pulling them much easier.

On 12 acres this is doable ... do you think it will work on 120 acres ... 1,200 acres ...

My grandfather was the oldest of 15 ... none of them went to school ... they pulled weeds ...


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I encourage all climate concerned posters to watch this movie and post your comments. But be careful. Think back about all your previous post on the subject of global warming, and you may realize you were wrong. The movie is available on Netflix. Here is the link for the movie’s web site where you can watch the trailer.

As a person who spent many years studying and doing organic gardening, herbs and horticulture, as well as having some family in the commercial farming business, I don't have any trouble believing the damage of modern agriculture designed to artificially stimulate an abnormally high productivity to keep up with an over-populated planet.

The chemical agriculture of today runs 180° counter to natural biology.

There is nothing healthier than a rich black loam full of worms and things. If living things can't live in your soil then how can you expect to live off it either?
There is nothing healthier than a rich black loam full of worms and things. If living things can't live in your soil then how can you expect to live off it either?

I rented a farm house in Iowa ... my landlord used commercial farming practices on his 1,200 acres ... all animal fodder ... the neighbor across the gravel used no-till techniques and minimized the chemicals, and flat struggled to make any money ... the fella a couple sections away was strictly organic and he was losing his ass except for some felony crops ... his main complain was a lack of market for organic beef and pork, had to dump 3/4's his yield on the regular market ...

Very little corn is grown in Iowa for human consumption ... that corn in your grocery store was grown in California ...

My landlord (the commercial farmer) approached me in early summer and explained it would cost him four months rent to wipe his bean field ... he offered me two months free rent if I would go out and walk his beans with a machete ... I had three women, couple teenage girls and three pre-teen boys in hand and we finished in time ... two months rent in my pocket, two months rent in my landlord's pocket ... massive violations of labor law on many different levels ... no way does a US citizen work that damn hard for half minimum wage ... not to mention the fines for giving a gaggle of 10-year-old boys machetes and working them eight hours a day ...

Health soils are inflationary ... even using undocumented workers from Mexico ... the poor go hungry ...
There is nothing healthier than a rich black loam full of worms and things. If living things can't live in your soil then how can you expect to live off it either?

I rented a farm house in Iowa ... my landlord used commercial farming practices on his 1,200 acres ... all animal fodder ... the neighbor across the gravel used no-till techniques and minimized the chemicals, and flat struggled to make any money ... the fella a couple sections away was strictly organic and he was losing his ass except for some felony crops ... his main complain was a lack of market for organic beef and pork, had to dump 3/4's his yield on the regular market ...

Very little corn is grown in Iowa for human consumption ... that corn in your grocery store was grown in California ...

My landlord (the commercial farmer) approached me in early summer and explained it would cost him four months rent to wipe his bean field ... he offered me two months free rent if I would go out and walk his beans with a machete ... I had three women, couple teenage girls and three pre-teen boys in hand and we finished in time ... two months rent in my pocket, two months rent in my landlord's pocket ... massive violations of labor law on many different levels ... no way does a US citizen work that damn hard for half minimum wage ... not to mention the fines for giving a gaggle of 10-year-old boys machetes and working them eight hours a day ...

Health soils are inflationary ... even using undocumented workers from Mexico ... the poor go hungry ...

Can't say I agree with the regulations and fines making it a crime for the kids on a family farm to go out and work. If they were playing football that would be fine! I think one of our problems might be this: I get the INTENT of the law, but it is probably GOOD for a kid to go out at an early age (willingly, not being exploited) to get his hands dirty doing a little hard farm work.

AT ANY RATE, no reason much of this can't be done profitably with automation and still do so with organic methods avoiding toxic chemicals and pesticides. Like I said, the REAL problem is too many mouths to feed.
Can't say I agree with the regulations and fines making it a crime for the kids on a family farm to go out and work. If they were playing football that would be fine! I think one of our problems might be this: I get the INTENT of the law, but it is probably GOOD for a kid to go out at an early age (willingly, not being exploited) to get his hands dirty doing a little hard farm work.

AT ANY RATE, no reason much of this can't be done profitably with automation and still do so with organic methods avoiding toxic chemicals and pesticides. Like I said, the REAL problem is too many mouths to feed.

Great latitude is given for parents to work their children in their business ... no worker's comp ... and fathers aren't allowed to fire their sons ... his name on the child's birth certification precludes such ...

Morbid obesity is supposed to kill us ... we dose on warfarin and continue living ... and eating ... [ka'ching] ... if we demand two servings of meat all four meals a day, then we're not thinking about the environment ... [ka'ching ka'ching] ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...

Robotics sounds cool ... we get them to explore the surface of Mars for us ... seems weeding would be easy peasy ... don't know how you're going to get them cheaper than anhydrous ammonia and Roundup (not without bigger government) ... autonomous combines should be a reality now, off-the-shelf technology ... so hopefully someone will be able to use existing technology and adapt it to the weeding problem ... a fella could operate a full township by himself ...
Your faux concern for hijacking stuff after posting this whopper duly noted:
The CO2 angle here is complete nonsense ... fossil fuel burning adds 35 gigatonnes to the atmosphere every year according to Alarmists ... yet the 2.2 ppm increase every year is only 17 gigatonnes ... that's one hell of a lot of missing matter, foolish to be looking for more missing matter ... so if depleted soils are belching more CO2, where does it go? ...

Math is difficult, especially for liberals ...
When one can't control their biting sarcasm enough for anyone to tell how serious they're being they cease being coherent enough to bother with. Friend or foe, those determined to be unpleasant suck. Thus back to ignore with you..
When one can't control their biting sarcasm enough for anyone to tell how serious they're being they cease being coherent enough to bother with. Friend or foe, those determined to be unpleasant suck. Thus back to ignore with you..

Thank you ... why the hell did you take me off ignore in the first place? ...

I know exactly why you're bragging about putting me back on ignore ... maybe seek treatment ...
On the off chance that Reiny truly imagines her above argues a serious point, then the answer is she's just confused. The film is offering hope in that we may well be able to more than sequester or recapture the damaging excess carbon that we've polluted our biosphere with since the industrial revolution by working to improve our already vastly depleted soils everywhere. Quitting our stupid fossil extraction and release of carbon habit would be a great help to begin with. Logically though, the notion that the soil is somehow to blame for us negligently polluting the biosphere is absurd. The excess CO2 (causing our AGW) comes from nowhere but the extraction and burning (un-sequestering) of long buried fossil fuels. Continuing stupid farming methods utilizing extracted fossil fuel products will just continue to destroy the soil, only adding insult to injury, but that additional CO2 from the soil is clearly insignificant and to be considered already part of the biosphere carbon total in any case.
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