Kitty rescue stories....

This little kitty came from a junk yard and was barely hanging on. The moment she started cuddling with her rescuers, she couldn’t stop. This is what a second chance can do.

“She was with a group of 11 cats. All of their ears nipped. The rest of them eat well, but don’t let her get any. She was in horrible shaped compared to the rest,” reddit user CassieD21 wrote.

“The others are well taken care of. Their bellies full and nice coats. This one was barely hanging on.” (More info: reddit)

When they spotted the emaciated kitty, they went into rescue. Once the kitten was coaxed into the box with a large blanket, they got on their way to bring the kitty to their home.

The little calico was drenched in oil. “I did bathe her. Twice! Her coat went from dark gray clumpy to a soft white calico. I would have never guessed. I’ve checked inside her ears several times. That is dried oil in her ears,” they wrote.

“She was very light sensitive due to the fact her eyes kept closing shut. But now she sees perfectly fine. Her pupils were highly dilated for the first couple days. ”

They wrapped her up in a sweater to keep her warm and cuddled with her all night. The kitty named Lulu started to perk up while she was snuggling in their arms.

“She can’t stop purring and wants to be loved. Either in your lap, while you sleep, or rubbing your leg. She’s too cute!”

“After my 25 year old tabby passed I didn’t get another. I decided to adopt her because she NEEDED a good home. She was severely malnourished, covered in oil, eyes constantly closed shut, etc. She needed someone to take care of her and give her some love. Now she has my SO, my lab-Miles, and I. A perfect home. (Oh and an aquarium to stare at)”

Her favorite spot to nap at night.

When Lulu is not snuggling with her humans, she cuddles with their laundry.

She can’t get enough of the softness.

She would take any chance for a cuddle.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same cat from the junk yard. Lulu has come so far and is now loving every bit of her new life.

Every cat deserves a second chance.
Sweet, our cats someone dumped here or nearby and they find their way here. They live in the old dog house outside and are fanatics about checking out anything or anyone they do not know that comes here. So they are the guard cats.
This tiny kitten has an unbelievable fighting spirit. She was covered in glue when she was found at just a few days old. The little fur baby wasn’t willing to go down without a fight.

Photo by Lisa Vallez
North Brooklyn Cats shared the story on Facebook: “We got a call from animal control to take in this one-week old kitten… She was rescued by a good Samaritan from some abusive kids who were covering her with glue. Some had been cleaned or shaved off when she arrived, but she’s still a mess.”

Photo by Lisa Vallez
Lisa Vallez, a passionate animal rescuer, took the little kitten in, spent hours cleaning out the glue and gave the kitten a warm bath, plenty of food and all the love she could supply. The brave little kitten soon turned around.

“She was christened ‘Aveline‘ by Tim S who noticed her face is the Assassin’s Creed logo in kitten fur!” Lisa said. (Follow them on Facebook)

She’s a survivor and nursing on her bottle of kitten milk replacer like a champ!

Brushing that beautiful coat.

Kitty’s foster mom is patiently and carefully removing all the glue residue.

It’s hard to believe how this little girl looked when she was found. Just look at her now!

They found a tiny kitten alone in the lawn, meowing pathetically for help. When they picked up the orphan baby, they knew they had to help.

Kitten is finally in a safe home. After a very needed bath, he fell asleep in the blanket.

“We found him crying all alone in the grass. He was only two weeks old and malnourished,” reddit user Brinjers wrote.

“We couldn’t leave him there, he was lying in the grass a few feet away from the pavement where his mom was run over…. This is him the first night, he was so little!” (More on reddit)

They kept him warm in a scarf and cared for him around the clock.

At one month old! He perked up and his personality started to shine.

He loves clinging to his humans like glue.

Whenever they are on the computer, he wants to be there too.

Cleaning those happy feetz in his human’s arms.

It was their one year anniversary 3 days ago… “I always get emotional thinking about how helpless he used to be…” Look at him now!

A dog mom lost her only puppy and was saddened by the tragedy, but she turned around when five orphan kittens came to her, meowing for some very needed motherly love.

The acceptance was instant and the love was immediate.

Penny the Chihuahua who lost her only puppy adopts five orphan kittens. Photo by Jeff and Dale.
“You’ve heard it said that blood is thicker than water, well love is thicker than blood,” Dale Fulk said.

After Penny the Chihuahua gave birth to a single stillborn puppy, she was heartbroken. “She pretty much cried all night and needed to stay with somebody and you could see the tears, literally she had tears coming down her eyes,” Fulk added. (More info:

Photo by Jeff and Dale
They contacted Cats Cradle in Harrisonburg, Virginia the next day. “Jeff called us with grave concern for his dog because of how upset she was and asked if we had any newborn kittens who needed a mother to suckle on,” the rescue shared the story via Facebook.

“It turned out we did! Jeff and Dale became official fosters for us and picked up the kittens, who bonded immediately with Penny, whose grief has been overcome with happiness!”

“It gave her what she was looking for; it was almost immediate that she turned around 100 percent,” Jeffery Mullins said.

They told Cats Cradle: “(Penny) took all of them and couldn’t be any happier! …she has only left her babies to get water, use the bathroom and a quick snack… then it’s right back!”

Photo by Jeff and Dale.
“It’s gratifying to see, because it shows that you know humans aren’t the only ones with compassion. Other animals have it. Dogs have it. Cats have it,” said Matt Chan of Cats Cradle.

Now Penny has 5 new babies that she loves like her own. Share this heart warming story!
Three teenagers jumped into action to save a kitten from drowning in a river and walked miles up hill to get help.

Photo by Kitten Inn
The teenagers were skimming stones at the Hutt River in Lower Hutt, New Zealand on Wednesday when they spotted a tiny two-week-old kitten hanging onto a floating log, traveling downstream. Sarah, Lilly and David sprung into action where David waded into the water to retrieve the kitten and the girls wrapped the little kitten in a hoody.

“It does your heart good to know that there are young people out there that will continue on after us…,” Kitten Inn, a rescue group in Lower Hutt, shares the story with Love Meow.

“(They) turned up at my place with this little tot wrapped up in one of their hoodies. They had been down at the River and saw this poor little soul floating past on top of a log.”

Kitten saved from the river by three teenagers now cuddling with his new siblings at Kitten Inn. Photo by Kitten Inn
“Not only did they jump into the river to rescue the little kitten but they also then walked over 4km (2.5miles) to bring it to me. When they arrived at my door they said ‘We knew this was where you take all the kittens no one else wants’

How it came to be on a log floating down the river we will never know, what we do know is that it is now safe,warm and its little tummy is full and for him at least life is looking good.”

Photo by Kitten Inn
“I congratulate the parents, they brought up some really good kids.”

They named the kitten Woody. “Obviously we’re not handling him too much as he’s got a new mum now.”

Photo by Kitten Inn
Everyone likes to feel loved and accepted! Now Woody (third from left) has a furry family to snuggle with.

Photo by Kitten Inn
This little buddy was born with water on the brain and twisted legs, but he has a big heart and an incredible will to survive! A woman saved him from across the country when the shelter had given up on him.

Zeke the tuxedo kitten was just 13 weeks old when Lisa Jones of Super Heros Animal Hydrocephalus Society rescued him from euthanization by a local rescue.

They got the little one on a plane and he was on his way to a new life. “He flew from Texas to La Guardia airport in New York City,” and only weighed about 14 ounces at the time.

This tiny brave kitten was born with a medical condition called Hydrocephalus (commonly known as water on the brain. The “fluid in his head does not flow properly and collects beneath the skull, putting extreme pressure on his brain.”) and a host of other skeletal disorders including being a Twisty Cat.

Despite those disabilities, Zeke has developed a way of getting around that involves walking on his elbow or hopping like Kanga the cat.

“Zeke is hysterical, behaving as any normal kitten should, and despite all of his disabilities, he has a heck of A LOT OF ABILITIES!!!” Lisa wrote on Facebook.

“He romps, rolls, plays and unsuccessfully tried to climb (but it was a good try) and believes his litter box is actually a sand box and digs and somersaults all around in the litter. How do you correct a behavior that is just beyond adorable??? You don’t, you just make sure it’s constantly clean!”

“Zeke is such a smart little guy for all his issues. He knows his name, comes when you call and you can see how frustrated he actually gets with both of his front legs when he cannot do something. It is amazing the amount of higher intelligence that he possesses.”

“(Medically), he has a lot of issues that complicate one another and it’s taking time to figure out how best to tackle each one. Eventually we’ll get the whole puzzle put together so for now, one step at a time.”

“But despite all of his challenges, he’s still a kitten at heart and loves exploring, being silly and he’s even trying to climb. He’s figured out that he can climb the mesh laundry basket or screen door and has managed to get all 4 feet off the floor but does not have the strength to climb yet. But I know he’ll get it eventually as he grows.”

Zeke has bonded with Super Hero, his brother from another mother, who also was born with hydrocephalus.

“Super Hero has taken Zeke under his wing and watches out for him like a little brother. If Zeke is going somewhere he isn’t supposed to be, Hero herds him back into the room or redirects his attention by gently tapping him with his paw.”

Now, Zeke tells his humans every day how happy he is for having a second chance at life.

Share this story and help special needs cats find their forever loving homes.
Speedo was born with Swimmers Syndrome. He was put on death row because he is special… He waited in the shelter until a fosterer came to him and gave him a second chance he so deserved. Now a year later…

“This is Speedo, our foster kitten who was born with a disability. He is the most loving and sweetest kitten in the world,” said Katz via YouTube.

“However, because of nerve damage, he is incontinent. This incontinence has led the shelter to decide to go through with euthanasia as the predicted adopter pool would be too small for a shelter to take him in, unless we can find him his forever home.”

“Speedo is not in any pain, has no current or expected suffering and could live a long and healthy life. Euthanasia was decided simply because of a predicted small adopter pool. Additionally, there is no expected medical care that he will require, so his medical costs would be $0.00! The only extra costs would come from buying puppy pads/puppy diapers if his new family would choose to utilize them,” she added.

“He is mobile, and besides his incontinence, he is very healthy. Ultimately, he deserves a chance at life in a loving home. And we know there is someone out there who can provide him with the time, care and love that he needs to have his fair chance at a long, healthy and loving life.”

Watch video: Speedo the Cat – An inspiring, cute and funny kitten who just wants a chance at life

After Katz shared Speedo’s story on YouTube and Facebook, many messages came in from all over the country, wanting to help in some way and especially being interested in adopting Speedo.

“We were incredibly fortunate to get in contact with an absolutely wonderful couple that actually lives in our area. They were able to see Speedo, and he seemingly captured their hearts immediately, just as he captured ours.”

Speedo and his human dad!

“And we now have the comfort of knowing that he will have that fair shot, and will indeed live a long, healthy life full of the care and love he deserves, with two incredible parents and a new, older step-brother :).”

This brave little kitty lost his back feet shortly after birth, but he never lost his remarkable will to survive. Born to a feral mom, Cassidy the kitten spent his first nine weeks fighting to survive in the forest.

The little black and white kitten was found scrambling around on his two front paws at a rural property in the Otter-Aldergrove area of Langley. His little body had just about given out from starvation and infection by the time he was rescued, but he never gave up!

Photo by Matthew Claxton/Langley Advance
Tiny Kittens shared the story on Facebook: “(The Property Owner) was alarmed to see Cassidy only had two feet! He immediately contacted me, and we spent the next two days devising various schemes to capture the pair. He put in many hours trying to catch the boys, and was finally successful yesterday evening.”

Photo by Tiny Kittens
To have survived without his back paws this long is a testament to what a little miracle Cassidy truly is.

“Cassidy’s brother Topper is thin too, but not nearly as emaciated as Cassidy. Topper is very protective of his brother, and as the only two surviving kittens from their litter they clearly have a strong bond.” (More info: Tiny Kittens)

Everyone from the shelter and the veterinary clinic is determined to do everything in their power to get him all fixed up.

“The odds have been stacked against this little fighter since day one, but he fought his way to us and we are going to make sure he gets every chance to get back on his two adorable feet,” Tiny Kittens said.

Vet tech Natalie (of Mr. Magoo The Cat) finger-feeding him in this photo and he’s loving it.

Photo by Tiny Kittens
“He manages to get around pretty well, walking on his front feet and lifting his back end into the air.” With a lot of help from the team at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital and Andrew at Handicapped Pets Canada, Cassidy now can run around in the tiniest wheelchair they have ever made.

Watch video: Cassidy’s first steps in his tiny wheelchair! Totally unassisted. Just amazing!

Whatever solution is adopted, they make sure Cassidy has a good quality of life.

“With each passing day, our Cassidy is showing the world just how remarkable he is, and that even the most broken ‘throwaway’ feral kitten still deserves a chance to know happiness and love.”

Photo by Natalie of Mr Magoo The Cat
This man found a kitten on a loading dock that was barely hanging on. When he took the kitten into his arms, the tiny fur ball started purring aloud…

Kitten with a little heart on his chest found on a loading dock is now purring nonstop with the person who rescued him.

Photo by Duncan Cameron
Duncan Cameron shares the story with Love Meow: “He wandered onto the loading dock at my job last week, completely starved and in rough shape. When he wandered in, I knew the little guy desperately needed a home. So I called my wife, got her blessing and immediately took him home.

Later that afternoon we took him to the vet. He was so starved that he had no poop in his system to get a stool sample, and so anemic that he passed out during his exam.

Photo by Duncan Cameron
We brought him home and have been feeding him all he’ll eat, lavished him with much-needed love and affection. He is eating like crazy, craving attention and love, which is being freely given, and we WILL bring this little warrior back from the brink.

Took him back to the vet early this week, he was up from a sickly 1 lb, 4 oz to a whopping 1 lb, 8 oz.

Photo by Duncan Cameron
We took in another rescue kitty last year and named her Freya. So of course we had to name this little fella Loki! He is a joy. He is very affectionate, and loves to give us kisses, licks and love.

Young Loki is a polydactyl, having an extra toe on each paw. However, on his front paws he has an EXTRA extra toe, for a total of seven toes on each!

Photo by Duncan Cameron
Loki has been a great joy to us, and we hope he continues to be so for a long time to come.”
possum thinks even if ya rescue a kitty...

... an' ya thinks ya's buddy...

... dey'll smack ya onna nose.
Because they make you feel good!

Meet Finn the ginger, who was found living under a cement step of an apartment building on a freezing old day.
Sheri received a frantic text about the kitten, and immediately went to the rescue. “He was a little ginger kitten, with the cutest face and the cutest little squeak of a meow. I brought him home, without knowing whether or not I was going to keep him, or give him to one of the amazing rescue organizations in my area,” she said.
She stayed up through many sleepless nights looking after the little ginger kitten, feeding him round the clock while taking care of her own furry gang. “My dog just absolutely loved him. She was so excited to have a new little friend that she could play with and protect. Soon after that, I named the little ginger kitten Finn. I guess keep down I knew that we were going to be keeping him.”
A tiny ginger furball was found living under a cement step of an apartment building on a freezing cold day. Sheri took him in. He was so hungry that he finished the whole bottle.​
Sheri started fostering Finn while taking care of her own furry friends.​
“My dog just absolutely loved him. She was so excited to have a new little friend that she could play with and protect.”​
Soon after that she knew that they couldn’t part with him, so decided to adopt him.​
Finn stays by Sheri’s side when she is on the computer.​
He gives her a paw when she does laundry.​
The bed now belongs to Finn and he shares it with his human.​
Josie the dog watched Finn grow. They are now best of friends.​
He loved his human who gave him a second chance at life.​
All grown up now, Finn still cuddles his human everyday.​

Was a great series on Animal Planet there for a bit about cat rescues in trees. Saw a few episodes then it disappeared.
Rescued an adopted cat myself way back. Probably commiting a serious federal crime in the process come to think of it. :) My cat wnadered off and when I found it was on a wood pile opposite a chain link fence. Quite a high one too but I scaled up and over, got "Schwarz" my black cat (not very creative with names hehe) and climbed back. Walking off some guy in his front yard who was watching said something of like how ballsy that was and I thought he meant because of the high fence but it turns out it was a Nation Guard Armory whose perimeter I'd just penetrated. :) Oops.
A 5 month old stray kitten was rescued and brought into a home of five boy ferrets. She grew up with them and they became the family she never had. Now this kitty thinks she’s part ferret.

Her name is Komari. She was found abandoned at five months old. They took her home and nursed her back to health. She was a sickly little kitten when she arrived in her new home, but soon that changed.

Komari now has many brothers. They are all ferrets.

The family had five ferrets at the time, and they were all boys. After proper introduction, what the kitten received from her polecat friends was acceptance. They started snuggling together, playing and cuddling.

Follow them on twitter!

One of them can’t stay still.

It’s a cuddle puddle.

They eat together but they don’t share food :).

As time passed, one of them shot up in size. The family also grew in numbers.

When they are not playing or eating, they are snuggling.

and cuddling…

Sharing a hammock with her brother.

A smile on Komari’s face. She loves being part of the ferret gang.

Komari never sleeps in her own beds, and it’s easy to know why.

A group of 911 operators stepped in to save a litter of abandoned kittens. They went out of their way to get them help and find them homes.

A man called 911 for help after he found a litter of 5 abandoned kittens. from q13fox
Shauna Rogers, a 911 operator at Valley Communications Center, told that she received a call from a man who found a box with five abandoned kittens.

She quickly dispatched police to pick up the kittens, but she was thinking about them the whole time knowing that their animal control officers weren’t on duty. “I was wondering what the officer is going to do with all these kittens. I could hear them crying in the background; you could tell they were very little.”

911 operators stepped in to help when they received the call. from q13fox
She then offered to help the kittens and find them homes. But once they saw the kittens, they couldn’t resist.

One of Shauna’s co-workers, Sarah Campbell, adopted two of the kittens according to Q13 Fox News. “They cried, and I couldn’t say no to them,” she said.

Once they saw the kittens, they fell in love. from q13fox
“If you know people that have responded to a call that you’ve taken, sometimes you get to hear what happened. You get to hear the happy ending. But a lot of times, we hang up and we never know what happens.”

All the kittens found homes with the 911 operators. from q13fox
They are thrilled to know that they will get to see the kitties and their pictures as they grow up.

The 911 operators gave credit to the person who called and the officer who picked up the kittens and brought them back to the communications center.
A 5 month old stray kitten was rescued and brought into a home of five boy ferrets. She grew up with them and they became the family she never had. Now this kitty thinks she’s part ferret.

Her name is Komari. She was found abandoned at five months old. They took her home and nursed her back to health. She was a sickly little kitten when she arrived in her new home, but soon that changed.

Komari now has many brothers. They are all ferrets.

The family had five ferrets at the time, and they were all boys. After proper introduction, what the kitten received from her polecat friends was acceptance. They started snuggling together, playing and cuddling.

Follow them on twitter!

One of them can’t stay still.

It’s a cuddle puddle.

They eat together but they don’t share food :).

As time passed, one of them shot up in size. The family also grew in numbers.

When they are not playing or eating, they are snuggling.

and cuddling…

Sharing a hammock with her brother.

A smile on Komari’s face. She loves being part of the ferret gang.

Komari never sleeps in her own beds, and it’s easy to know why.


Love this one! :)
A tiny ginger kitten was meowing outside a house, lost and crying for help. He was skin and bones and all alone. A kind young woman heard the crying and started investigating.

“This is Cat. He was meowing in the bushes outside of our house. We have a cat now,” Andrew shares the story.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
“He was heard meowing in the bushes by my wife,” he adds. As Kate was tracing the source of the cries, she spotted a little fur ball in the bushes whose ribs were showing. It was apparent that the kitten hadn’t had much food. They took him in, fed him and gave him shelter.

“He was so skinny the day I found him that I don’t think he’d have lasted too much longer. I had heard a meow about 3 days before I found him but couldn’t figure out where it came from. I suspect it was him though,” Kate wrote via reddit.

More info: reddit | imgur

The kitten settled into his new home very quickly.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
As soon as the kitten stepped into his new home, his personality came out and he claimed their living room like it belongs to him.

The next morning, they took the kitten to the vet who determined his age to be around 4-6 weeks, and they couldn’t find a microchip.

Look at those big paws! They are so big that Cat is using them as pillows.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
Soon they discovered that Cat has more toes than most kitties. He has opposable thumbs and a total of 24 digits. “The cutest part, he grabs you like a hooman with those thumbs.”

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
Their family dog took to the little kitten and decided she would be his sister.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
The love is mutual.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
It didn’t take long for Cat to start demanding food, attention and love. He knows he’s the boss!

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
He’s become a lap or leg kitty. When the humans watch TV, he hops on their legs to keep them company.

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
Now when he naps, he snuggles. He doesn’t want to be alone any more. “Cat climbed his way up my desk chair to catch a nap.”

Photo by Andrew and Kate K
A feral calico kitten and her ginger brother were found without a mom. They were frightened, hiding in the bushes and wouldn’t want to be near any humans. Now a few months later, they can’t get enough of love.

Meet Luna who was rescued as a feral along with her brother Neville.

Photo by Tania Hennessy
“Luna Lovegood, a kitten whose name comes from the world of Harry Potter, is no stranger to unpleasant living conditions. Like the boy wizard who lived in a cupboard under the stairs, Luna and her brother, Neville Longbottom, were spotted in the bushes between a Vancouver costume store and a construction site,” Tania Hennessy, a VOKRA foster and Vancouver-based artist specializing in cat and kitten photography told Love Meow.

When they found her, she was a grumpy little feral kitten.

Photo by Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association
“At just two months old, the kittens were exposed to the many dangers that homeless animals face. Staff at Watts Costume Rentals spotted the wilderness-dwelling kittens and called the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA).

Luna and Neville received medical attention, flea removal, and an awful lot of bathing, and then a fortuitous foster home was found.”

Photo by Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association
Tania took them into her foster home and started taming the kittens one step at a time. “Although they expressed their extreme displeasure at first, they were young enough to be tamed and slowly came around,” she said.

Photo by Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association
A few months later… What a stunner she’s become!

Luna’s attractive ‘Picasso-esque’ brushstroke markings. Photo by Tania Hennessy
She and her brother have found their forever loving home together!

Photo by Tania Hennessy
Luna and her brother went from feral to semi-feral to now! Today they are big lovebugs!

Photo by Tania Hennessy
Once they experience love, they will love you back in spades.
They said she only had 5-10% chance of survival, but this brave kitty with bent front legs surprised everyone with her incredible fighting spirit.

Meet Lilo the miracle cat!

Photo by Tenth Life
In September, a litter of 5 kittens came to Tenth Life after being left behind by a feral stray. They were born with front legs that weren’t properly formed. Though little Lilo has permanently bent front legs, this fur baby doesn’t think she’s any different.

Little did the rescue group know that the kittens’ lives were challenged by panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper with a survival rate of only 5-10% for kittens under two months of age. Four of the kittens didn’t make it, but Lilo wasn’t willing to go down without a fight.

More info: Tenth Life (St Louis, MO) | Facebook | YouTube | How you can help

After a very needed bath first day in her foster home.

Photo by Tenth Life
Miraculously, Lilo was one of the 5-10% who survived!

“(At the ER) she had a very high fever for 24 hours that they fought to get under control and luckily her system finally responded and joined the fight. Even when her foster mom was holding Lilo, waiting for the doctor, she purred heartily and rubbed her face all over in a display of affection,” Tenth Life told Love Meow.

Photo by Tenth Life
“Her foster mom felt like ‘that was her letting me know (as a representative of the whole litter) that they felt loved and really loved me back as their Mommy.’ Bobbi continues, ‘we had a pep talk that I needed her to hold down the fort and be okay.’ Luckily, Lilo fought and did just that!”

Photo by Tenth Life
“As spunky and playful as she is, she’s still super cuddly and has purry trills that she makes when snuggled. She loves rubbing her nose against (and UP) her foster mom’s and lays her head on her shoulder with eyes closed when having her cheeks kissed, soaking it all in. She’s so little but sooo special!”

Photo by Tenth Life
“Not only did this darling survive, she is now thriving in her foster home, and we couldn’t be happier. In fact, she has even mastered the stairs! Every day, we are grateful for this little lady’s strength, and we send her all the positive, healing energy we can.”

Photo by Tenth Life
“Two weeks out of the ER and Lilo is doing wonderful. She has mastered climbing the stairs of our home, loves supervised playtime with the resident cats and is full of spunk while still loving to cuddle,” Bobbi, Lilo’s foster mom, said.

Lilo has kicked feline distemper’s butt and she never cares that her front legs are bent. This miracle kitty loves her life to the fullest!

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