Kitty rescue stories....

A rescuer went to heroic lengths to rescue a tiny kitten from a drain pipe as rain fell and water was rising.

Lexi Browning/Gazette-Mail
Dorella Tuckwiller, the founder of Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue group in Charleston, West Virginia, crawled head-first into a storm drain pipe, immersing herself in the water to save the weeks-old kitten from drowning.

Residents heard three kittens crying in the pipe. One was taken to safety by its mother, and one unfortunately drowned. Volunteers tried to coax the last kitten out but she continued evading rescuers and headed towards the other end of the pipe, which was covered by a gate.

Lexi Browning/Gazette-Mail
Firefighters helped pump water out of the ditch during the rescue.

As the water slowly receded, Tuckwiller dived into the drain pipe to retrieve the barely breathing kitten once there was enough of an air bubble.

Lexi Browning/Gazette-Mail
As a small group of people tried to pull her out of the drain, she handed the drenched furry kitten over to the crowd while half her torso was still inside the drain.

“My biggest fear was I was going to lose (her),” Tuckwiller said via Gazette Mail. “If I had dropped (her)… that was my biggest fear was not being able to hold (her) above the water and dropping (her).”

“I had about this much space between my head and the water,” Tuckwiller said, showing about six inches of space between her hands.

the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue group
“Everybody who came together has been amazing, if the fire department hadn’t been pumping the water out, I don’t think there would have been enough space in there to get to (her). Every single person standing right here who shared what I posted, who responded, everyone is a hero. It takes a little army to save one little life.”

They named the little kitten Stormy. She is a very beautiful little girl who is estimated to be around 5 weeks old.

“Although we are extremely thankful for the life we were able to save, we are heavy hearted for the lives that were lost before we arrived. This is the part of rescue that is the toughest,” Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue wrote. (Facebook)

the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue group
“On our way to the doctors office with her a huge rainbow crossed the interstate. We took it as a sign from those precious cats who crossed the rainbow bridge too soon, but also reminded us about beauty after a storm. Thank you to all of the volunteers who came to our aid.”

the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue group
“Stormy is doing great! She is eating well and is full of energy.”

the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee rescue group
“Stormy is currently residing with a wonderful foster family and is in the best of hands.”

A motorcyclist found a tiny injured kitten that needed a lot of help at a truck stop, he decided to help the little guy, tuck him in his vest and continue on his cross country trip while taking care of the kitten.

by Spurgeon Dunbar
Pat has been riding cross-country (from Nevada to New Jersey) with a little kitty snuggled up to him since he rescued him. His furry sidekick has quite an unbelievable story.

from Pat Doody
While he was in Nevada at a truck stop getting gas, he found the kitten who was crying for help. “He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest. We’re feeding him regularly now, so he’s doing better, even though he’s sort of living on the road until we get home,” he told Revzilla.

from Pat Doody
“His burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip… We’ve been keeping it clean and using neosporin. It looks a lot better and doesn’t seem to be bothering him.

He’s so chill. He just hangs out in my vest when we get on the road. I’ve never met a cat so calm.” They named the little buddy Party Cat.

After a long day of playing, Party Cat is all tuckered out on his monkey that they bought on the road.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat got to explore an abandoned airplane.

from Pat Doody
Enjoying some brunch with his human dad.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat is loving the scenery!

from Pat Doody
When he needs a break from all the playing and traveling, he goes inside Pat’s vest for some cuddles or a cat nap.

from Pat Doody
He’s a very happy cat now and has many people who love him to bits.

by Spurgeon Dunbar
This black and white rescue kitten who had never been held before coming to his foster home, now can’t stop cuddling his humans. He is the biggest snuggle bug they have ever had.

He was just 5 weeks old, hissy, sick and very scared.

Calvin, a polydactyl cat, was just 5 weeks old, hissy, sick, and scared when they brought him into their foster home. “I got him as a foster with his brothers. They were sick, semi feral, and too younger to be adopted,” enicknick wrote via reddit.

“They were so scared when we got them. They were taken from a hoarding house. I don’t think they had ever been held,” she added.

Then things began to change…

Slowly, the kittens started to open up to their foster family when they learned that their humans aren’t so bad. When Calvin was held for the first time, he was hooked and became a complete love bug.

They knew they couldn’t give up on him for adoption, so they decided to keep him and one of his brothers. “There were three brothers that we fostered. My brother wanted to adopt one when they were ready and we kept the other two. We named ours Calvin and Hobbes.”

Look at those thumbs! He loves cuddling with his human in their lap.

They couldn’t part with kitties so they adopted Calvin and Hobbes.

He’s come so far since the day he was found.

What a second chance can do… Share this story!
Clark Kent is a super kitty who walks and runs on a set of wheels. He doesn’t think he has any limitations. This kitty is too busy playing like any other kitten.

“Clark is a paraplegic kitten who was taken in by TAAG (Transylvania Animal Alliance Group), a group I volunteer with. He was taken in at four weeks old and cannot use his back legs. To prevent spinal damage, his awesome foster mom made him his first chair and has been making them ever since,” said Laura, a volunteer of TAAG, via reddit.

“Clark has a very good bill of health other than his legs, and will likely live a happy life in a cart. He will likely need a surgery later on but for now he is scooting all over town fast as he can playing like all kittens!

He doesn’t think he has any limitations at all and never lets his mobility issues stop him. The only thing he can’t do is climb but he still tries! To us he truly is Superkitty!” Follow TAAG on Facebook.

Clark is now in his fourth cart. “He normally has Superman emblems on his chair but they haven’t been put on this new chair yet.”

“His foster mom keeps making bigger carts for him as he grows and he gets around well… His chair gets adjusted to help him use his muscles so they don’t atrophy. His prognosis is great other than all that and he’s in good health, just will be a two legged kitty one day!”

“Clark doesn’t care a bit about having limitations, he really doesn’t. I’ve seen him come to adoption day and he acts like any other kitten. He chases the others and plays just the same. He likes to follow his foster mom through the aisles and see all the other animals.

I’ve not seen him act a bit afraid and we would never bring him if he was not okay. He handles it better than a lot of our four legged kitties actually… he’s always playing and interested in every little thing he sees.”

“He’s got all the heart and all the love of life of any other kitten and he can play with the best of them.”
A motorcyclist found a tiny injured kitten that needed a lot of help at a truck stop, he decided to help the little guy, tuck him in his vest and continue on his cross country trip while taking care of the kitten.

by Spurgeon Dunbar
Pat has been riding cross-country (from Nevada to New Jersey) with a little kitty snuggled up to him since he rescued him. His furry sidekick has quite an unbelievable story.

from Pat Doody
While he was in Nevada at a truck stop getting gas, he found the kitten who was crying for help. “He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest. We’re feeding him regularly now, so he’s doing better, even though he’s sort of living on the road until we get home,” he told Revzilla.

from Pat Doody
“His burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip… We’ve been keeping it clean and using neosporin. It looks a lot better and doesn’t seem to be bothering him.

He’s so chill. He just hangs out in my vest when we get on the road. I’ve never met a cat so calm.” They named the little buddy Party Cat.

After a long day of playing, Party Cat is all tuckered out on his monkey that they bought on the road.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat got to explore an abandoned airplane.

from Pat Doody
Enjoying some brunch with his human dad.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat is loving the scenery!

from Pat Doody
When he needs a break from all the playing and traveling, he goes inside Pat’s vest for some cuddles or a cat nap.

from Pat Doody
He’s a very happy cat now and has many people who love him to bits.

by Spurgeon Dunbar
I saw this but was beaten to posting it. Thank you!
A motorcyclist found a tiny injured kitten that needed a lot of help at a truck stop, he decided to help the little guy, tuck him in his vest and continue on his cross country trip while taking care of the kitten.

by Spurgeon Dunbar
Pat has been riding cross-country (from Nevada to New Jersey) with a little kitty snuggled up to him since he rescued him. His furry sidekick has quite an unbelievable story.

from Pat Doody
While he was in Nevada at a truck stop getting gas, he found the kitten who was crying for help. “He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest. We’re feeding him regularly now, so he’s doing better, even though he’s sort of living on the road until we get home,” he told Revzilla.

from Pat Doody
“His burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip… We’ve been keeping it clean and using neosporin. It looks a lot better and doesn’t seem to be bothering him.

He’s so chill. He just hangs out in my vest when we get on the road. I’ve never met a cat so calm.” They named the little buddy Party Cat.

After a long day of playing, Party Cat is all tuckered out on his monkey that they bought on the road.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat got to explore an abandoned airplane.

from Pat Doody
Enjoying some brunch with his human dad.

from Pat Doody
Party Cat is loving the scenery!

from Pat Doody
When he needs a break from all the playing and traveling, he goes inside Pat’s vest for some cuddles or a cat nap.

from Pat Doody
He’s a very happy cat now and has many people who love him to bits.

by Spurgeon Dunbar

That is so awesome that a guy who looks all scary and looks as if he might step on a kitten would care for and love a kitten like that! I would love to see him pull up, get off his bike, open his vest and see a kitten face pop out! :lol: Very enjoyable story.
Her name is Stitch who was found abandoned along with her siblings by a factory worker. Now she’s become a vet nurse to other rescue animals, helping and caring for them each and every day.

Stitch was found at an industrial warehouse where she and her siblings were rescued by the good folks from Edgar’s Mission, a farm sanctuary that currently provides life-long love and care to over 250 rescued animals.

They nursed her and her siblings back to health and reunited them with their cat mama.

Now Stitch has become a vet nurse at the sanctuary, providing love and care to other rescue animals. She’s still getting daily treatment for her eyes, but nothing slows her down from helping other animals in need. “She is one of the sweetest, kindest and unassuming creatures you could ever meet,” Edgar’s Mission wrote. Follow them on Facebook.

Stitch is always happy and smiley!

Nurse Stitch is a lovely compassionate encourager to all her babies. Her tail says it all!

Stitch saying good morning to Remy the rescue lamb.

Nurse Stitch checking on Arabesque, giving her lots of purrs and love.

Stitch is in charge of this secret meeting!

Because of Stitch’s caring and loving nature, she’s friends with everyone no matter their species.

Before bedtime, nurse Stitch checks on everyone, purring them to sleep.

She was just a few days old when they found her on the driveway along with her brother. Their cat mother was nowhere to be found. The cold little kittens weren’t ready to give up…

A couple of hours after Link was found on the driveway.

Emmy brought the little babies into her home, trying everything she could to keep them warm. Link was so tiny that her eyes were still closed.

“They were left without being able to eat for so long,” Emmy told Love Meow. “They weren’t able to regulate their temperature on their own, so they got too cold.”

She used towels and socks to make a warm bed for the kittens and began to bottle feed them around the clock.

“I bottle-fed them every two hours. I also had to stimulate them to go to the bathroom, as they couldn’t do that on their own. They were only a couple days old when we found them,” Emmy added.

When she found out that Link’s tail was broken, she rushed the little tux to the emergency vet. “(The vet) was amazing. She glued the tail back together, told me that Link was young enough it wouldn’t matter, and gave me antibiotic eye ointment to put on the wound. She waived the (exam) fee and only charged me for the medicine. She also made sure both of them were healthy and weighed them for me.”

Link got a full belly after dinner.

“They hit all of their milestones at least a week late. They didn’t start eating solid food until 7 weeks. I had to feed it to them on my fingers, because they couldn’t figure out how to take it from a dish. Hagrid (Link’s brother) is still drinking from a bottle, but Link has been drinking from a bowl for a couple of weeks.”

“My aunt has adopted Hagrid, but I’m keeping Link. They are both very happy. Hagrid has a bunch of other animals to play with, and Link and Zelda (my one year old cat) have been very close since I first brought the kittens home.”

Zelda has become Link’s new mom. They are inseparable. “They cuddle together, play together, and eat together. The only thing they don’t do together is use the litter box.

Link sleeps with me every night, and never stops purring. She’s even gotten Zelda to cuddle more with me, since Zelda doesn’t like to sleep far from her.”

Zelda mothering her babies.

Link is growing so fast. She tells Emmy how happy she is every day by purrs, play time and endless snuggles.

“I’m really glad I found her, and I wouldn’t trade my sleepless nights for anything. I am so proud of how she’s turned out.”

A tiny grey kitten found herself floating in a sea of filth in quite a deep hole. She was was stuck in a small drain pipe, meowing desperately for help.

“We came out and used our resources, and we were luckily able to get her out,” Javier Corrales, of Miami Fire Rescue said via WPLG Local 10 News.

“It was kind of tough because of how the manholes were built, but we were able to get (her) out and save the little cat’s life,” Miami Fire Rescue Lt. Gerry Rodriguez said to WSVN.

“She looks like she hasn’t eaten in a while, so I have kitten formula that I keep at the station and I actually gave her formula with a syringe by the mouth,” firefighter/paramedic Kris Gurucharri said.

“She ate it and perked up a bit. I did give her a bath, (because) she was in the storm drain and she was disgusting.”

They took her back to the Miami Fire Rescue and kept her in foster care until she got adopted. They have kitten formula on hand because they deal with similar situations like this all the time.

They named the little grey kitty Storm.

On Friday, Maren S. shared the news about adopting the cat on Facebook: “I’m so blessed and happy to be able to be the new adopted parent of Storm; I’ll be picking her up this weekend! …huge thanks to City of Miami Fire Rescue Dept for finding and rescuing Storm! This little ball of fur has found her forever home.”

Happy ending for a little rescue kitty!

Two tiny kittens were rescued from drowning by a kind young man after they were caught by a deadly oil spill in Russia.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
Anatoly Tuptey, a local resident, who was working on fighting the spread of the oil, heard faint cries of the kittens near a country house that was affected by the pollution.

“My soul could not stand the cries, I went to see,” he said via The Siberian Times. “You never know what is going on, I had to check.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“I waded as far as possible in big boots and discovered a terrible sight. In the flooded house a wooden board was floating, with these two kittens clinging on for their lives with their paws. One was up to its neck in the oil.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“Without hesitation I went after them. I was up to my waist in the oil. The ground was giving way, my wading boots were full of water mixed with oil, but I didn’t care.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“I was rushing to save the kittens. I picked them up, hugged them, and carried them to the shore, where I wrapped them in a T-shirt to warm them up,” he said.

The affected river by the oil spill
The kittens were covered in thick black gunk but were very lucky to be saved. They are now recovering and are doing well. They have even befriended Anatoly’s dog who helps take care of the fur babies.

“A few days earlier I rescued people and equipment when a boat overturned, this day it was kittens,” he said.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
Happy to be safe!

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
The kitties have bonded with Anatoly’s dog.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“Everything is going to be ok now.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
A young woman rescued a tiny abandoned kitten from pouring rain. The little fur baby was very frightened and didn’t want to be near her rescuer until she experienced what it was like to be loved for the first time…

Meet Kitty!

“In 2012 I was sitting in a coffee shop in Korea during monsoon season and it was pouring down rain. I kept hearing faint kitten crying but I assumed it was someone’s cat in their home. After a few hours I realized I was still hearing a kitten so I walked outside in the rain and found this pitiful little thing in a cardboard box out in the rain… so I scooped up the box and ran home.” (Also seen on imgur | reddit)

Tiny baby was terrified but still wanted to be loved

“She was pretty skeptical of us for the first 6 – 8 months after we found her, even after feeding and attempting to play with her every day,” reddit user blacknumberone told Love Meow.

But they never gave up trying to win her heart over…

“I convinced one of my co workers to give me a ride to the vet the next day to get her checked out. I bought some formula and a human baby bottle (they didn’t have baby animal bottles) and fed the little thing.”

“She was so hungry and would drink the entire bottle in less than 5 minutes.”

Kitty was still a bit unsure about her new human friend, but the food definitely helped.

“Just under 2 months after I found her. Feeling much better and much more playful!”

Around 6 months. She was a lot more relaxed around people.

“She would still hiss and play rough. When winter started to set in though she literally started to warm up (i.e. finding the warmest place in the house, i.e. my lap/chest).”

When she realized how much her humans love her, she came out of her shell and loved them back in spades.

Now she wouldn’t be anywhere without her human mom.

They brought Kitty back to the States so she could enjoy her life with the person whom now she claims as her forever human.

Two tiny kittens were rescued from drowning by a kind young man after they were caught by a deadly oil spill in Russia.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
Anatoly Tuptey, a local resident, who was working on fighting the spread of the oil, heard faint cries of the kittens near a country house that was affected by the pollution.

“My soul could not stand the cries, I went to see,” he said via The Siberian Times. “You never know what is going on, I had to check.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“I waded as far as possible in big boots and discovered a terrible sight. In the flooded house a wooden board was floating, with these two kittens clinging on for their lives with their paws. One was up to its neck in the oil.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“Without hesitation I went after them. I was up to my waist in the oil. The ground was giving way, my wading boots were full of water mixed with oil, but I didn’t care.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“I was rushing to save the kittens. I picked them up, hugged them, and carried them to the shore, where I wrapped them in a T-shirt to warm them up,” he said.

The affected river by the oil spill
The kittens were covered in thick black gunk but were very lucky to be saved. They are now recovering and are doing well. They have even befriended Anatoly’s dog who helps take care of the fur babies.

“A few days earlier I rescued people and equipment when a boat overturned, this day it was kittens,” he said.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
Happy to be safe!

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
The kitties have bonded with Anatoly’s dog.

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
“Everything is going to be ok now.”

Photo: Anatoly Tuptey
Given the sheer number of YouTube and other videos posted by Russians, they must have an amazing affinity with cats.
Keep up your good work! These stories are so heartwarming, and being someone who loves cats and has "saved" a few, I fully appreciate your efforts. Thank you!
This little kitty came from a junk yard and was barely hanging on. The moment she started cuddling with her rescuers, she couldn’t stop. This is what a second chance can do.

“She was with a group of 11 cats. All of their ears nipped. The rest of them eat well, but don’t let her get any. She was in horrible shaped compared to the rest,” reddit user CassieD21 wrote.

“The others are well taken care of. Their bellies full and nice coats. This one was barely hanging on.” (More info: reddit)

When they spotted the emaciated kitty, they went into rescue. Once the kitten was coaxed into the box with a large blanket, they got on their way to bring the kitty to their home.

The little calico was drenched in oil. “I did bathe her. Twice! Her coat went from dark gray clumpy to a soft white calico. I would have never guessed. I’ve checked inside her ears several times. That is dried oil in her ears,” they wrote.

“She was very light sensitive due to the fact her eyes kept closing shut. But now she sees perfectly fine. Her pupils were highly dilated for the first couple days. ”

They wrapped her up in a sweater to keep her warm and cuddled with her all night. The kitty named Lulu started to perk up while she was snuggling in their arms.

“She can’t stop purring and wants to be loved. Either in your lap, while you sleep, or rubbing your leg. She’s too cute!”

“After my 25 year old tabby passed I didn’t get another. I decided to adopt her because she NEEDED a good home. She was severely malnourished, covered in oil, eyes constantly closed shut, etc. She needed someone to take care of her and give her some love. Now she has my SO, my lab-Miles, and I. A perfect home. (Oh and an aquarium to stare at)”

Her favorite spot to nap at night.

When Lulu is not snuggling with her humans, she cuddles with their laundry.

She can’t get enough of the softness.

She would take any chance for a cuddle.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same cat from the junk yard. Lulu has come so far and is now loving every bit of her new life.

Every cat deserves a second chance.
This little kitty came from a junk yard and was barely hanging on. The moment she started cuddling with her rescuers, she couldn’t stop. This is what a second chance can do.

“She was with a group of 11 cats. All of their ears nipped. The rest of them eat well, but don’t let her get any. She was in horrible shaped compared to the rest,” reddit user CassieD21 wrote.

“The others are well taken care of. Their bellies full and nice coats. This one was barely hanging on.” (More info: reddit)

When they spotted the emaciated kitty, they went into rescue. Once the kitten was coaxed into the box with a large blanket, they got on their way to bring the kitty to their home.

The little calico was drenched in oil. “I did bathe her. Twice! Her coat went from dark gray clumpy to a soft white calico. I would have never guessed. I’ve checked inside her ears several times. That is dried oil in her ears,” they wrote.

“She was very light sensitive due to the fact her eyes kept closing shut. But now she sees perfectly fine. Her pupils were highly dilated for the first couple days. ”

They wrapped her up in a sweater to keep her warm and cuddled with her all night. The kitty named Lulu started to perk up while she was snuggling in their arms.

“She can’t stop purring and wants to be loved. Either in your lap, while you sleep, or rubbing your leg. She’s too cute!”

“After my 25 year old tabby passed I didn’t get another. I decided to adopt her because she NEEDED a good home. She was severely malnourished, covered in oil, eyes constantly closed shut, etc. She needed someone to take care of her and give her some love. Now she has my SO, my lab-Miles, and I. A perfect home. (Oh and an aquarium to stare at)”

Her favorite spot to nap at night.

When Lulu is not snuggling with her humans, she cuddles with their laundry.

She can’t get enough of the softness.

She would take any chance for a cuddle.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same cat from the junk yard. Lulu has come so far and is now loving every bit of her new life.

Every cat deserves a second chance.
FACT! Cats have such a bad rep.
This little kitty came from a junk yard and was barely hanging on. The moment she started cuddling with her rescuers, she couldn’t stop. This is what a second chance can do.

“She was with a group of 11 cats. All of their ears nipped. The rest of them eat well, but don’t let her get any. She was in horrible shaped compared to the rest,” reddit user CassieD21 wrote.

“The others are well taken care of. Their bellies full and nice coats. This one was barely hanging on.” (More info: reddit)

When they spotted the emaciated kitty, they went into rescue. Once the kitten was coaxed into the box with a large blanket, they got on their way to bring the kitty to their home.

The little calico was drenched in oil. “I did bathe her. Twice! Her coat went from dark gray clumpy to a soft white calico. I would have never guessed. I’ve checked inside her ears several times. That is dried oil in her ears,” they wrote.

“She was very light sensitive due to the fact her eyes kept closing shut. But now she sees perfectly fine. Her pupils were highly dilated for the first couple days. ”

They wrapped her up in a sweater to keep her warm and cuddled with her all night. The kitty named Lulu started to perk up while she was snuggling in their arms.

“She can’t stop purring and wants to be loved. Either in your lap, while you sleep, or rubbing your leg. She’s too cute!”

“After my 25 year old tabby passed I didn’t get another. I decided to adopt her because she NEEDED a good home. She was severely malnourished, covered in oil, eyes constantly closed shut, etc. She needed someone to take care of her and give her some love. Now she has my SO, my lab-Miles, and I. A perfect home. (Oh and an aquarium to stare at)”

Her favorite spot to nap at night.

When Lulu is not snuggling with her humans, she cuddles with their laundry.

She can’t get enough of the softness.

She would take any chance for a cuddle.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same cat from the junk yard. Lulu has come so far and is now loving every bit of her new life.

Every cat deserves a second chance.
FACT! Cats have such a bad rep.
I got a little guy now with a cast on his shattered right rear leg cuddled up in my lap...wouldn't want it any other way...he KNOWS his life has just been saved.
This little kitty came from a junk yard and was barely hanging on. The moment she started cuddling with her rescuers, she couldn’t stop. This is what a second chance can do.

“She was with a group of 11 cats. All of their ears nipped. The rest of them eat well, but don’t let her get any. She was in horrible shaped compared to the rest,” reddit user CassieD21 wrote.

“The others are well taken care of. Their bellies full and nice coats. This one was barely hanging on.” (More info: reddit)

When they spotted the emaciated kitty, they went into rescue. Once the kitten was coaxed into the box with a large blanket, they got on their way to bring the kitty to their home.

The little calico was drenched in oil. “I did bathe her. Twice! Her coat went from dark gray clumpy to a soft white calico. I would have never guessed. I’ve checked inside her ears several times. That is dried oil in her ears,” they wrote.

“She was very light sensitive due to the fact her eyes kept closing shut. But now she sees perfectly fine. Her pupils were highly dilated for the first couple days. ”

They wrapped her up in a sweater to keep her warm and cuddled with her all night. The kitty named Lulu started to perk up while she was snuggling in their arms.

“She can’t stop purring and wants to be loved. Either in your lap, while you sleep, or rubbing your leg. She’s too cute!”

“After my 25 year old tabby passed I didn’t get another. I decided to adopt her because she NEEDED a good home. She was severely malnourished, covered in oil, eyes constantly closed shut, etc. She needed someone to take care of her and give her some love. Now she has my SO, my lab-Miles, and I. A perfect home. (Oh and an aquarium to stare at)”

Her favorite spot to nap at night.

When Lulu is not snuggling with her humans, she cuddles with their laundry.

She can’t get enough of the softness.

She would take any chance for a cuddle.

It’s hard to believe that this is the same cat from the junk yard. Lulu has come so far and is now loving every bit of her new life.

Every cat deserves a second chance.
FACT! Cats have such a bad rep.
I got a little guy now with a cast on his shattered right rear leg cuddled up in my lap...wouldn't want it any other way...he KNOWS his life has just been saved.
When I get out here full time, I hope to establish a refuge for those unable to speak/fend for themselves. Bless you, Vigilante!

I have one old guy now, must be 10-12 that we rescued as he was in HOT pursuit of a female that happened to come to the house for lunch. He had a clipped ear, so someone had done the right thing for him, but picking him up noticed his eyes were FOGGY and knew he couldn't last long on the outside. Unfortunately, he tested positive for AIDS, and was 90% blind, so we had to keep him in one of the bedrooms, most of the time. We do let him out twice a day for a few hours, he sits by the table where my wife prepares all their food on, and eats like there is no tomorrow (he's 18 lbs. but what the hell, he's happy and the odds are he only has a few more years, so EAT HE MUST!). he doesn't associate with the other cats, and they aren't curious about him, so it makes it easier to take care of him. Just makes my heart smile that we could save him, he's just a sweetheart and loves to have his head and throat scratched!

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