Kitty rescue stories....

Blinkin the cat has no eyes, but he has found a person that he loves to snuggle with every day. “He was born of a barn cat and taken in by me when I found him separated from his mom and siblings, across the road, soaking wet and muddy… he had gotten lost,” Allison wrote via her blog. “He was only about five weeks old at the time and should have stayed with his mother but I couldn’t risk him getting hit or eaten or just lost outside.” She took him in and started raising him.
“Every day he makes sure to get as close to my face as he possibly can. Maybe he just feels safer when he is in someone’s arms, but most of the time he likes to be touching me somewhere – laying in my lap, around my head, over my neck, or on my shoulder – anywhere as long as he’s close.”​

“I think that this has to do with him only knowing me as my voice. I have to say, though, I usually don’t mind.”​

Though Blinkin can’t see, he is very vocal. “If I’m the only one home, I’m usually upstairs in my room. Most mornings, when my roommate leaves, I can hear Blinkin downstairs, frantic.” She calls his name. “Thump, thump, thump I hear him run to the staircase… he runs up the staircase to the door of my room…. and runs in and snuggles up.”​

Blinkin has so much love for his human. “I’ve had a few cats in my day, and a couple of dogs too, but none of them could ever cheer me up like this little guy.”​

He always has to get as close to his human’s voice as possible.​

When he naps…​

…he is always with the person he loves the most.​
Meet Pixel who was rescued from the highway when her eyes weren’t even opened.
“While biking with a friend we found this little girl screaming on the side of a busy highway. We took her to the shelter but they didn’t have the resources to care for her and warned me that she might not make it because she was so little,” said vexingvixen of imgur.
“This picture was taken the first night I brought her home.”​

“A few days later and she was still alive. Eating well and growing. I was afraid to name her because I didn’t want to get too attached.”​

“About ten days after I found it looked like her ears and face were getting darker like a siamese kitten.”​

They couldn’t part with her so adopted her and named her Pixel.​

“This was after she finished her first can of kitten food.”​
“After four weeks it became clear that her ears and tail were turning a dark grey/black, and her body a light grey, but her nose and feet were staying pure white like a snowshoe.”​

Her very own cat condo.​

Pixel all grown up sharing the sink with her best kitty friend.​
I'll post this pic here too. We rescued the mama on Easter. Can't believe someone dumped her just because she was pregnant.

Two rescue cat mamas are raising their eight kittens and five adopted orphans together, making it a happy family of 15.
“Sapphire and Turquoise were rescued from an animal hoarder while they were still pregnant. They went into foster together where they had their kittens 4 days apart,” Save-A-Pet told Love Meow.
“Both had 4 kittens but they were raised together as one family with Sapphire and Turquoise both nursing whichever kitten needed feeding. A bit later SAP received a litter of 5 stray 4 week old orphan black kittens who were just in the process of transitioning to solid food. They were added to Sapphire and Turquoise’s group for socialization and some motherly love. They were accepted into the family by the mommas and the kittens making one big happy family of 15.”
Sapphire and Turquoise were rescued by Save-A-Pet from an animal hoarder while they were still pregnant.​

Both had 4 kittens but they were raised together as one family with Sapphire and Turquoise both nursing whichever kitten needed feeding.​

They feed their babies together…​

…groom them together…​

…and cuddle together for naps.​

Their babies grew.​

A bit later they received a litter of 5 stray 4 week old orphan black kittens. They were added to Sapphire and Turquoise’s group for socialization and some motherly love.​

They were accepted into the family by the mommas and the kittens making one big happy family of 15.​
One has to wonder why someone would deliberately try to kill this big boy, when they could have just let him go miles away if they didn't want him..... Like to meet that SOB!

In the right place, at the right time, Matthew Guidarelli was out for a run and came across a shocking find when he heard crying coming from the Normans Kill, a 45-mile-long (73 km) creek in New York state. “He stopped, listened some more, and then spotted a pet carrier sinking beneath the water,” The Great Animal Rescue Chase & Harmony Fund wrote via Facebook.
“Matthew jumped in and crossed the current quickly. As he hoisted the crate, it seemed unusually heavy. He was stunned to find not only a large tabby inside but also a heavy rock…”
“There’s an absolute storm of serendipity surrounding this case. First, our hero ran across the bridge exactly at the time that the perpetrator must have been running in the opposite direction. Second, Matthew heard the cries only because he wasn’t listening to music at the time of his jog. And third, Matthew didn’t hesitate or wait for help. Had he waited for authorities, it would have been too late.”
The carrier does bear a neon pink sticker that might help identify the cats past owner and possibly help lead to answers.
The tabby has been given the name Chance and “is an absolute delight to be around. His new ‘parents’ report that he loves to be brushed and to roll on his back. In just a few days, he has already stolen their hearts and they can’t get enough of him.”
A tabby was rescued by a jogger, Matthew Guidarelli from drowning in a carrier.​

Matthew heard crying from the creek. Risking his own safety, he jumped into the Normans Kill and swam to save the cat.​

He discovered a large tabby cat inside, but also a heavy rock.​

The tabby’s been given the name Chance and “is an absolute delight to be around. His new ‘parents’ report that he loves to be brushed and to roll on his back. In just a few days, he has already stolen their hearts and they can’t get enough of him.”​
Meet Munchkin the cutie pie from Saving Grace Rescue. She has a pair of twisted hind legs but she doesn’t mind. Just like Kanga the cat, Munchkin was born with a deformity in her legs, but it doesn’t bother her a bit. She plays and does everything other cats do.
Today, Munchkin has found a forever loving home.
Munchkin the cutie pie was born with twisted hind legs but she doesn’t mind.​

She plays and does everything other cats do.​

And she loves to show off her belly :).​

Sometimes she thinks deeply about kitty matters…​

Other times she entertains with her natural talents.​

She’s a happy kitty who moves around a bit different but it doesn’t bother her at all. Today, Munchkin is ruling the roost at her forever loving home.​
A kitten trapped in a truck was saved in an unusual way. The 50-year-old truck owner cut open his truck to help free the kitten.
Errand Frazier heard meowing coming from his Chevy pickup outside his house. He couldn’t see anything, so he decided to leave a can of cat food under one of the tires and set up a camera to help him find out what was going on.
When he came back to check on the truck, the food was gone, but he couldn’t find anything on the camera, thinking he had lost his mind. But when he went on an impromptu fishing trip, he heard meowing again.
This time he decided to take the matters to his own hands and took out some tools from his toolbox and started cutting back the metal on the side of the truck bed. When he had his truck cut open, it revealed the kitten lodged in the frame under the bed of the truck.
“I seen his little rascal peeking at me. I said, ‘What in the world? You hitched a ride!’”
Unable to reach the kitten, he approached the Humane Society of Vero Beach for help. Two staff members Tonya Martinez and Maria Valencia worked together with Frazier to coax the kitten out of the truck and into a carrier.
The kitten is about 8 weeks old and they named her Megan. A week after the rescue, Frazier reunited with the kitten at the shelter. She immediately started purring again in his arms as if she was saying “Thank you for saving me!”
Megan has been adopted and is now living happily at her forever home.
Frazier and his family are all animal lovers. They have a dog and two cats and have rescued stray kittens in the past.
Many people who learned about Frazier’s story offered to pay for the cost to repair his truck. The family was touched by the outpouring support as they never thought about repairing the truck since they knew they couldn’t afford the cost.
“We really never expected all of this, to be honest, but God does blessings every day. That’s the reason that little kitten just showed up here – because God knew we would do whatever we needed to do to make sure the kitten was safe.”
Errand Frazier saved this tiny kitten by cutting open his own truck.​

This is a heroic rescue of a young man who spotted a kitten that fell into a roadside canal and used an umbrella to quickly retrieve the kitten to safety.
Yuusuke Mieno from Japan was waiting for a traffic light when a stray kitten fell into a roadside canal after the kitty was nearly hit by a car.
The man didn’t hesitate to climb over the canal wall. By using an umbrella, he was able to scoop the distressed kitten out of the water and bring it to dry land.
“The kitten rescue was a success,” he wrote on twitter.
“Even as a future firefighter, I couldn’t overlook any life whatever that might be,” he said.

A little stray cat snuck into a house and decided she would make it her home.
“This little lady snuck in through an open door during a party I had this weekend,” the human wrote via reddit.
“(This is) when I got her or she got me, rather.”

“This is my life now.”​

Update: “Her name is Catherine.”
A tornado survivor from Stanton, Nebraska found their missing cat in the debris of Monday’s devastating twin tornadoes.
While Lori Webster was talking to a new reporter, her cat suddenly emerged from the rubble of a destroyed house. It was an emotional reunion.
A family’s cat emerged from the wreckage of a house destroyed by Monday’s devastating twin tornadoes in Nebraska.​

Lori who survived the tornadoes was reunited with their cat.​

Watch the reunion:

[ame=]Stanton Nebraska Tornado Incredible Moment a Twin Tornado Survivor Is Reunited With Her Cat Caught - YouTube[/ame]​
A ginger cat mama and her two ginger babies are now in good hands of the volunteers at Wonder Cat Rescue and are looking for their forever loving homes!
“Bali (the mother cat) was taken to an animal shelter as a stray. She had a litter of 6 but sadly 4 didn’t make it before we could get out to pick them up possibly due to the same congenital medical condition that Butternut has. He goes in for his surgery this Thursday and we are hopeful it will be a success. Biscuit is super healthy and is ready for her home now,” said Stephanie of Wonder Cat Rescue.
Butternut and Biscuit.​


Look at those beans :).​



The belly!​
Bali the sweet cat mama.​

The ginger ones never run out of fun.​
A good Samaritan gave a tiny kitten a fighting chance to live a happy life. Taylor McLucas heard a kitten crying when he was taking out trash. What he discovered was a tiny ginger kitten wrapped in three plastic grocery bags inside a dumpster according to KREM.
Immediately Taylor freed the kitten from the bags and took her home to care for her. He spent the entire night cleaning her up and nursing her back to health. The kitten was much better the next morning.
“She’s a pretty good little kitty,” he said.
Taylor McLucas heard a kitten crying from inside a dumpster, climbed in and saved her.​

Taylor spent the entire night cleaning her up and nursing her back to health.​

This is where the kitten was found.​

Now she clings to her rescuer.​

“She’s a pretty good little kitty,” McLucas said.​
Sonny the cat has spent most of her life in the shelter or foster care until September, 2013, at the age of 16 she found Becca who fell in love with this beautiful ginger cat. “She cost $10 at the shelter and I plan on getting my money’s worth,” Becca said via reddit
Now at 17, Sonny hasn’t slowed down at all. “She has tell-tale age signs (the worn teeth, the cloudy eyes, the earwax and those cute little brown splotches) but she plays and runs like a younger cat,” she added.
“I can’t imagine my life without her. I think she’s pretty happy in her forever home.”​
Sonny was 16 when she came to her forever home. “The day I brought her home! She jumped right out of the cardboard carrier and began to sniff around and make herself at home.”​

Sonny’s first selfie. “She is so loyal and cuddly and gentle.”​
“I nabbed her most mornings for photos in bed. She wasn’t as thrilled as me.”​

“My Saturdays consisted of Netflix, wine and my little peanut.”​

Becca brought her kitty steps to use.​

She may not have all her front teeth, but Sonny is a happy drooler.​

Look at those beans!​

“I really really love her little paws,” said Becca.​

“I can’t imagine my life without her. I think she’s pretty happy in her forever home.”​
Oliver was rejected by his feral mother and found in a wood pile by employees that worked there. “All four litter mates now have homes,” said one of the employees via reddit.
“This is where I work. We make compost and have our share of cats and birds running about. My grinder operator luckily had his hearing protection off while walking back from lunch and heard these little guys crying,” he added.
“We pulled the litter out of our green waste pile, put them in a safe location, and put them in a box where we saw the momma often. We were hoping she would take them back. After a cold night and the following day, she did not want anything to do with them. Placing them back in the wood pile was not an option as the waste was already ground into mulch. We couldn’t capture the mother as our yard is a literal maze of green waste. We brought them in and cleaned them up and started bottle feeding them. All four were adopted by employees.”
Oliver and his three siblings were rejected by their feral mother and found in a wood pile by the employees that worked there.​

This is where the kittens were found.​

“We brought them in and cleaned them up and started bottle feeding them. All four were adopted by employees.” (reddit)​

Oliver at his forever home, cleaning his paws.​

Oliver all grown up now, still loves cleaning his paws :).​
Meet Drogo, who was found as a tiny orphan, but now he’s a fierce hunter of socks.
“I rescued him as an adorable orphan kitten, and now he’s a fierce hunter of socks and insects,” the human wrote via reddit.
“I named him Drogo because it was funny back when he was a tiny harmless kitten, but now that he’s big and likes to play rough, it fits him really well.”
Meet Drogo. They rescued him as a tiny little orphan kitten.​

They gave him a comfortable home and plenty of love.​

Drogo is always curious and playful.​

Here he’s demanding attention from his human.​

Drogo’s all grown up now. What a handsome boy.​

He’s a fierce hunter of socks and insects.​
Because they make you feel good!

Meet Finn the ginger, who was found living under a cement step of an apartment building on a freezing old day.
Sheri received a frantic text about the kitten, and immediately went to the rescue. “He was a little ginger kitten, with the cutest face and the cutest little squeak of a meow. I brought him home, without knowing whether or not I was going to keep him, or give him to one of the amazing rescue organizations in my area,” she said.
She stayed up through many sleepless nights looking after the little ginger kitten, feeding him round the clock while taking care of her own furry gang. “My dog just absolutely loved him. She was so excited to have a new little friend that she could play with and protect. Soon after that, I named the little ginger kitten Finn. I guess keep down I knew that we were going to be keeping him.”
A tiny ginger furball was found living under a cement step of an apartment building on a freezing cold day. Sheri took him in. He was so hungry that he finished the whole bottle.​
Sheri started fostering Finn while taking care of her own furry friends.​
“My dog just absolutely loved him. She was so excited to have a new little friend that she could play with and protect.”​
Soon after that she knew that they couldn’t part with him, so decided to adopt him.​
Finn stays by Sheri’s side when she is on the computer.​
He gives her a paw when she does laundry.​
The bed now belongs to Finn and he shares it with his human.​
Josie the dog watched Finn grow. They are now best of friends.​
He loved his human who gave him a second chance at life.​
All grown up now, Finn still cuddles his human everyday.​

***Outstanding*** OP, Vigilante. Thanks for all the looks of love. :smiliehug:
Little Gaston was born to a rescue cat mama taken in by the Good Karma Pet Rescue in Florida. This tiny kitten was just adopted by someone who is going to love him to bits.
Gaston when he was a tiny new born.​

Anabelle the rescue mama cat cuddling with her beloved new born kittens. Gaston is the one with that cute white belly.​

Gaston quickly grew bigger and his ears got perkier.​

He found his favorite toy.​
I can't match some of the stories, but...

This morning, I heard a yowling on the front porch. I opened the door, & there were Maya & Vierna. Maya was sitting & making as much noise as possible (lots), while Vierna was busily grooming a tiny kitten, which appeared to be sleeping. Oh, boy. I looked at the kitten (an orange tabby), & saw no collar & the slightly bedraggled appearance of a neglected animal. About now, the kitten opened its eyes, looked at me, and...well..."meowed" is a stretch. More like a squeak. Hmm. I let Vierna go back to grooming.

I left the cats on the porch & went inside to the phone. First call was to Liz's cell voice mail (she was jogging), then I flipped through the Rolodex until I found the vet's home number. I called him & explained the situation, & he said that if I could, to bring the kitten to his office later & he'd take a look at him/her. Sounds like a plan! I put the cat carrier on the porch, prompting Vierna to stop grooming & run away at full speed (she hates the carrirer). As Maya took over the grooming (quite a sight--she's easily six times the size of this kitten), Liz called back. I explained the situation to her, & she said not to let the kitten in the house (thank you, Ms Obvious!). It's cold outside, so I got the Quartz heater from the basement & plugged it in on the porch to keep the kitten warm.

Curently, Maya & the kitten are curled up on the porch next to the carrier & seem to be sleeping. Vierna is still hiding, Liz is showering, & I'm waiting for the vet to call.

Later that day:


Maya still refuses to allow herself more than about ten feet from the kitten--to the point of riding to the vet in the same carrier (kitten slept the whole way).

Marmaduke & the kitten have ignored each other so far.

Vierna did not like the anti-hairball stuff I gave her. However, I'd rather deal with a sulking cat than a hairball on my rug.

The vet pronounced the kitten about 8-10 weeks old, flea-free (YAY!), & healthy apart from being slightly underfed. I didn't think to ask whether I have a "him" or a "her" (duh).

Working on names now. So far I have:

Zaknafein (Zak)

Triel (tree-EL)
Briza (BREE-za)


The next day:

The trio is complete. The kitten is confirmed as a "she", named Briza. maybe it's a coincidence, but she's currently sleeping on my bookshelf, curled up against a bookend, which is holding the boxed set of Robert Salvatore's "Dark Elf Trilogy" in place.

So far, she & Maya (one shelf up, keeping "Star Trek: INVASION" warm) are inseparable.

Vierna has just taken up residence on my lap.

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