Kitty rescue stories....

Even after Elvira the Itty Bitty kitty has found her forever loving home, she never forgets the person that rescued her and nursed her back to health.
“Found her and her brothers literally under cow poop in an old barn. She nearly died a handful of times. I took care of her for about a month and found her a home with a very lonely friend of mine. I drop off food once a month for her,” she wrote.
Every time she visits Elvira. The kitty knows and jumps on her to give her kisses and a lot of play time.
“She is fully grown and slightly fluffy. I walked in, she pounced on me, then gave me kisses. She also likes to suck on fingers, lips, necks and hands-cat sweater planned for the reunion.”
This is Elvira the Itty bitty kitty after she was rescued from an old barn. She just wanted some love.​

Her rescuer nursed her back to health and found her a forever loving home where she visits every month to drop off some food. Here’s a typical visit where Elvira welcomes her with kisses then play.​

Elvira has all grown up now, but she always loves it when her rescuer comes to see her. “I walked in, she pounced on me, then gave me kisses. She also likes to suck on fingers, lips, necks and hands-cat sweater planned for the reunion.”​
A woman from San Francisco has saved thousands of kittens’ lives. It’s a labor of love and her passion to give these deserving little fur balls a second chance at life.
Her name is Toni Sestak, the founder of Tonis Kitty Rescue. She says she was just a normal volunteer at an animal shelter before someone asked her to foster a mother cat and her kittens.
It’s been 20 years since the day she became a fosterer and Toni has rescued and homed nearly 10,000 kittens. She’s not paid in any currency for what she does other than cuteness. “I just love it,” she said.
Toni Sestak has saved close to 10,000 kittens over the last 20 years in San Francisco area.​

It’s a labor of love and her passion to give these deserving little fur balls a second chance at life.​

Watch video:

Toni started as a fosterer for an animal shelter. It went so well that she did it again and again.​

Every day during kitten season, Toni goes to rescue kittens. Sometimes she takes in dozens in a day.​

She takes care of them and make sure they all gets loving homes.​

She’s not paid in any currency for what she does other than cuteness. “I just love it,” she said.​

Another kitty that awaits his forever home at Tonis.​

These little furballs just came in not too long ago. Already they are doing much better.​

“Will you take us home?”​

All these kitties will be up for adoption soon. You can help them find their loving homes at Tonis Kitty Rescue. Follow them on Facebook.
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Isis the tortie cat has a nanny, Haku the dog, whom she shares a very special friendship. She was born to a rescue cat mama named Sunshine. When Haku started cat-sitting for Sunshine, he fell in love with the little tortie girl and wouldn’t let her out of eyeshot.
Isis not only won Haku’s heart, but also the hearts of her foster family. They adopted her and Haku couldn’t be happier. He watched her grow from a tiny baby to a beautiful cat.
Even though Isis is fully grown now, Haku will forever be her canine nanny, looking out for her wherever she goes.
Isis the tortie was born to a rescue cat mama, one of the smallest in her litter.​

She has a nanny, Haku the dog who fell in love with the little ball of fur when he started cat-sitting the kittens.​

Haku wouldn’t let her out of eye-shot.​

He watched her grow…​

Isis 5 months old.​

Isis is fully grown now, but Haku will forever be her canine nanny, looking out for her wherever she goes.​
A fire and rescue crew from Forest Grove Fire saved a tiny kitten that was buried in a large pile of yard debris, but the story didn’t just end there.
Crews received a call on Wednesday from a resident who believed she heard meows coming from the 20-by-20 foot pile.
They worked for about 45 minutes of searching and cutting through vines, hedge trimmings and a Christmas tree before finding the kitten that had likely been abandoned and managed to pull the kitten out to safety.
Captain Tony Carter took the frightened kitten to a local vet for evaluation. After Carter told his wife about the rescue and showed her a photo of the little furry one, they knew right then that they were going to adopt the kitty.
“I wasn’t really looking for another cat,” he said. “But it was a hard thing to pass up.”
A tiny 4 week old kitten was rescued from a pile of yard debris.​

Captain Tony Carter and his crew worked for about 45 minutes to find the kitten and got the little one out to safety.​

He took the kitten to a local vet for evaluation. When he shared the rescue story with his family, they knew right then that they were going to adopt him.​
This tuxedo cat was born and lived most of her life in the wild and had never been socialized until she met a lady who became her best friend. Slowly, she began to open up to her.
“This video took place over the course of a year. She was originally trapped and neutered. They said she was too wild to be brought indoors.”
“I didn’t really know what I was doing when I took cutie petutie in. I could not stand for her to be out in the cold any longer. They told me she was too wild to bring inside. I put an cat bed outside my door for a year. I air pet her and talked to her while she was still outside. Finally one day when she had walked inside, I closed the door, and her life as an inside cat began.”
She was said to be too wild to be brought indoors… But the kind lady in this video never gave up hope. She fed and played with the kitty every day.

Here’s the kitty visiting her human at her door.​


It took about a year for her to finally feel comfortable enough to enter the house, but it was such a milestone for the kitty!​

She continued to socialize the cat, gave her a lot of food, play and love.​

One day, this happened. It’s hard to believe she has lived most of her life outdoors and now she’s sitting on her human’s lap, enjoying to be petted and loved.​
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Pippin the kitten showed up at the front porch a couple of weeks ago. He met Tazz the dog. “We’re pretty sure he thinks Tazz is his momma,” said Hannah.
“This is our new kitten Pippin and our dog Tazz!”​
Pippin showed up at the front porch, and Tazz the dog took him into her care and the two became inseparable.​
Pippin thinks Tazz is the mom he never had.​
He wouldn’t be anywhere other than being with his best friend.​
Pippin found a new home and a forever buddy to cuddle with.​
Justin the fire survivor cat may just touch your heart today. He had a very rough start in life, but was saved by people that love him. Now he fosters rescue kittens so that they can feel love too.
Justin was 5 weeks old, when he was burned, but this brave little guy never gave up on life. The Animal Alliance of New Jersey took in little Justin and gave him all the love and care he needed to get better. Now he’s healed from all his injuries and living in a wonderful home.
Justin has a kind heart for little rescues that are in need of homes. He is helping his human mom foster rescue kittens they brought home from the shelter. He cleans them and watches over them like his own. He makes sure that each of them can get as much love as he does from people who gave him the second chance at life.

Watch this heart warming video:

[ame=]The Arms of an Angel - YouTube[/ame]

Justin the fire survivor cat fosters rescue kittens so that they can feel love too.​

Foster kittens napping with their big brother.​

Justin keeping little foster Paulie warm and comfy.​

He is the kitties’ favorite pillow to sleep on.​

They rescued a ginger kitten, hoping he would get along with their other pets. When they came home from dinner, this is what they saw… (reddit)
The little guy is welcomed with a hug.​
The ginger kitty loves to be cuddled after he discovered hugs. Now he and their Doberman often sleep like this together.​
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When Matilda the rescue kitten came to her foster home, she became instantly obsessed with their rescue pit bulls. “She tries to nurse off Spike which is funny since he’s our only male dog,” said Lisa Revella Morabito of BARCS, Baltimore animal shelter. (Huffington Post)
Matilda was found as a stray about two weeks ago. “Her cuddling with all of the animals is adorable. Matilda usually runs around in the morning and plays with Fiona (a rescue cat from BARCS Morabito adopted) because the dogs sleep in as late as we’ll let them. Once the afternoon hits and the dogs have been fed and walked, they retreat for more napping and Matilda joins them then for cuddling,” Morabito added.
Matilda the foster kitten is obsessed with the dogs at her foster home. She thinks Spike is her mom and nurses off him.​

Though Matilda doesn’t get any milk out of Spike, she gets plenty of love from him.​

Betty White comes to give love to the foster kitten too.

Matilda: “Are you my mommy?” Betty White: “Sure I am!”​
They found a little kitten in their backyard who looks like the mini version of their adopted cat. “We found our new cat’s kitten twin in our backyard..Meant to be,” the human wrote via reddit.
“We lost our cat of 18 years on Thanksgiving… knew we wanted to save another life and knew there were so many cats around here that needed it…. Samson (on the left) was rescued about 20 miles from where we live a few months ago.” He was found with injuries but they adopted him anyway.
Samson is now all healed and settled in with his new family. “Flash forward two weeks ago we are outside, hear crying, move our garbage pail and what do you know… baby samson, 2-3 weeks old, abandoned all alone and scared. We bottle feed him for past couple of weeks. He’s all settled in now. They are now officially best friends. We couldn’t be happier, and everything was strangely, coincidentally, and insanely meant to be. Samson and Dennis are our two miracle boys.” (via)
They found their new cat’s kitten twin in their backyard. It was meant to be… Samson (left) is a rescue they adopted a few months ago, and Dennis (right) was found in their backyard.​
While Ralphee’s owner says she is happy, loves affection and causes trouble wherever she goes, Max the dog is protective over his feline friend.

‘Ever since Ralphee was brought home, Max is never far away. He appears to be forever curious and watches over Ralphee wherever she goes,’ according to the Wakaleo YouTube channel.

‘Ralphee is growing more mischievous by the day and loves to see what Max is doing as well. She will often get excited when he is nearby and leap in the air before playfully charging in his direction.’



Symptoms of the disorder include: falling over for no apparent reason, a prancing, or high stepping walk and a general lack of balance, which can make it difficult for cats like Ralphee (pictured) to climb stairs. Cats with the syndrome usually form close bonds with humans and animal companions like Max (also pictured)


Ralphee's owner says she is happy, loves affection and causes trouble wherever she goes, Max the dog is protective over his feline friend

While some people might be worried that animals with the condition are in pain - because they can appear to be walking gingerly and jerk around – they are not and their life expectancy is the same as an average cat’s, according to the CH Cat Community.

The cats also have normal levels of intelligence, although they are often more dependent on humans and other animals, like Max, with whom they build strong bonds.

The condition is non-progressive and some owners of cats with CH have said it appears to improve as they get older, because the cats learn to deal with symptoms over time.
The photographer who filmed Ralphee told MailOnline that she does everything a normal cat does with a few minor differences.

'She has a room that has blankets and anything pointy or hard softened with pillows so when she stumbles out of her bed she is surrounded by soft items to keep her safe. This is more a precaution than anything.'



Kittens with 'wobbly cat syndrome' have normal levels of intelligence, although they are often more dependent on humans and other animals, like Max (pictured), with whom they build strong bonds

Mealtimes can be messy but the kitten manages better if her food is elevated. She is allowed to play outside if she is supervised by Max.

'There is a definite connection between Max and Ralphee. Max seems bothered when Ralphee wanders too far and will often remain at her side wherever she goes.

'I think he may be aware that Ralphee is different as he seems to look much like a concerned father observing his kids as they play in the pool. It's quite surreal.

'Ralphee, will sometimes chase Max and give him a playful swipe and play tough before giving him a nuzzle or rubbing along his legs. Max seems happy to entertain this behaviour,' he said.

While the kitten loves to pounce on leaves and enjoys chasing nuts around, her favourite playmate is Max, who doesn't seem to tire of her antics.

'People often feel sorry for cats with disabilities but for Ralphee and many others they seem to get along without even realising they are any different,' he said.
Tazia the tuxedo cat is quite a miracle kitty. She was stuck in a drain hole of a dumpster, crying for help. A kind man named Jim spotted the kitty’s head poking out of the drain hole and climbed in to rescue her.
After he investigated the situation, he applied soap and oil to gently pull the kitten out to safety. He then took her to a vet to have her examined and vaccinated. But he didn’t just stop there. He knew the kitten would need continuous care from people who are familiar with raising kittens, so he found Cat’s Cradle, a no-kill, foster-home-based cat rescue, for help. “This story is amazing, because very seldom do people do that – actually spend the money to take the animal to a vet – and he didn’t ask to be reimbursed or any of that,” said Julie McGee, the kitten’s foster mom.
Jim brought the tiny kitten to Cat’s Cradle adoption event at Petco with paperwork from the vet. Tazia was just one pound and three ounces at the time, estimated to be about six weeks old.
Before Jim handed over his little rescue, he even offered to donate money for her care.
Now Tazia has settled into her foster home and has two other foster kittens to keep her company. “The minute she saw those two little kittens was like Christmas morning,” McGee added.
A kind man spotted a tiny kitten’s head poking out of the drain hole of a dumpster. He climbed in to rescue her.​

Jim who safely freed the kitten from the drain hole, took her to a vet to get examined and vaccinated. Knowing the kitten would need continuous care from people who have experience raising kittens, he found Cat’s Cradle for help. Before he handed over the kitten, he even offered to donate money for her care.​

Tazia is now in good hands.​

She has two other kittens to keep her company at her foster home. “The minute she saw those two little kittens was like Christmas morning,”​
Staff from an auto repair shop in New Jersey are now bottle feeding three little kittens that they rescued from an abandoned car towed to the garage from somewhere in New York State.
Technician Mohamad Tanta heard a small sound coming from the car and found the kittens in the back seat. Once he notified others in shop, they all started to help.
The kittens probably hadn’t eaten for a day or so, so they began to feed the babies around the clock. “They were very weak, they couldn’t even stand. They were very limp and lifeless,” said office manager Karen Rideg via nbcnewyork.
Rideg quickly went to a local pet supply store to gather whatever needed to hand rear the kittens. With feeding every two hours, they have nursed the kittens back to health.
Many people have called the shop to offer their interest in adopting the little ones, but Bashar Orfali, the owner of the shop doesn’t want to separate the kittens, so trio will most likely make the auto shop their forever home.
Staff from an auto repair shop in New Jersey are now bottle feeding three little kittens that they rescued from an abandoned car towed to the garage.​

With feeding every 2 hours, they have nursed them back to health.​

Many have called in to offer their interest in adopting the kittens, but the owner of the auto shop doesn’t want to separate them…​

They will likely adopt all three together and make the auto shop their forever home.​
A tiny abandoned kitten strayed into the hearts of a group of climbers. “Meet Red, a stray we found in a gravel parking lot at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge, Kentucky. He adopted us by following us for half a mile through the woods,” said Eric C.​

“He followed us the whole way from the parking lot at Muir down the trail to Tectonic Wall, and stayed at the crag with us all day. We couldn’t leave him,” Jennifer S. said.
Red is quite a hiker. He tagged along with his human friends he just met when they were hiking up the hill. When the kitty didn’t feel like walking, he wasn’t shy to ask for assistance. “He rode on my shoulders or backpack, but insisted I hunch over. He’d sleep in my helmet, but didn’t like being carried in it as much. What worked best was letting him sleep in our jackets, with a strap around the bottom so he wouldn’t fall out,” Eric added.

They fell in love with the little unexpected furry friend. When they were leaving that day, they went home with a new addition. “I may have adopted a kitten or a kitten may have adopted me,” Eric wrote.

A tiny abandoned kitten found a group of climbers at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. “He adopted us by following us for half a mile through the woods.” They named him Red.​

When Red wanted some rest, he wasn’t shy to ask for assistance. “He rode on my shoulders or backpack, but insisted I hunch over.”​

“You are my human now!”​

He discovered their helmet. It’s a perfect fit!​

Red snuggled into Eric’s jacket, ready for a nap.​

They fell in love with the little unexpected furry friend.​

“I may have adopted a kitten or a kitten may have adopted me.”​
Smokey, a 6 week old kitten, used one of his nine lives last Friday when he survived a house fire in Nowra, NSW Australia. Paramedic Kim Saunders brought him back to life with an oxygen mask.
When the firefight walked out of the house with the kitten in his arms, the kitten wasn’t breathing. “The fire officer gave the kitten some rescue breaths before signaling to us and placing the kitten on the ground. He then ran back into the building,” Paramedic Saunders said.
“At first, we didn’t know what to do. I thought, ‘I’ll give it some oxygen and see what happens.’ So we put on a pediatric mask with some oxygen, dried the kitten off and wrapped him up. After about 15 minutes he came to and actually started purring. At one stage his head popped off the mask but he put it back in so he must have been enjoying it,” she added via South Coast Register.
“When we first saw Smokey he was covered in black sludge, he looks and smells so much better now.” (Daily Telegraph)
Smokey’s owner Marianne Hense, who was not home at the time, said she was “so relieved.” “We took the kitten over to her. You could still feel it purring through the towel. She gave it a little kiss,” Paramedic Saunders said.
“I don’t care about anything inside the house, only that my cats were safe,” Hense said.
Smokey the tiny 6 week old kitten survived a house fire and was brought back to life by Paramedic Kim Saunders.​

He was lifeless when firefighter brought him out of the house. They performed CPR on him, but smokey still wasn’t moving. Kim brought out an oxygen mask meant for a baby and applied it on Smokey.​

“We put on a pediatric mask with some oxygen, dried the kitten off and wrapped him up. After about 15 minutes he came to and actually started purring. At one stage his head popped off the mask but he put it back in so he must have been enjoying it.”​

Smokey was later reunited with his owner. “We took the kitten over to her. You could still feel it purring through the towel. She gave it a little kiss,”​

“I don’t care about anything inside the house, only that my cats were safe,” the owner said.​
A stray cat came into a person’s life on a cold winter day. When she found her human, she clung to him like family.
Jonny wrote via imgur:
“Gracie came into my life on a cold November evening, 2013.
On my way home at 2am from an agriculture event after a long 2 hour drive I made a stop for gas at a gas station on Hiway 21, near Looma, Alberta. It was a cold night. After paying for gas and chatting with the store clerk for a while, I headed out to continue on my way, when I noticed a dark furry lump on my tire. …as I got close the mass moved and it revealed itself as a young cat.
At that very moment I picked her up, she clinged to me tight, and rode that way the remaining 10 minutes of the drive. I brought her in the house with me, she was shivering, she was sick, she was in need of help bad.
I have never owned a cat before, but I raise chickens and feed the local neighbour hood cats that frequent my coops to catch mice.
That night I was unsure if she would survive, but she spent the night cuddled up beside me. I didn’t sleep much.
The next day I took her to the vet, my first time ever going to a vet. I was told she was about 5 months old and only 4lbs, underweight and in need of treatment and she should be spayed later on.
Being a student I had a small minimal budget, I had no idea how I could pay for this all. I told them that I couldn’t afford the bill, told them that I would like to see her find a good home.
It was right then that Gracie suddenly jumped up on my shoulder and dug her claws in and started purring….. she wouldn’t let go I began to pet her and she started to fall asleep.
I was taken back I had never connected with a cat before, heck I was even allergic. The vet and assistant left the room and mentioned they would be right back.
10 minutes later I had a sleeping cat in my arms, the vet and two staff members came in the room and said they decided to waive the fees, and sent us home with a warm feeling in our hearts and the chance to become bonded. They gave me a cat bed and a cat carrier, and treated her for free, I couldn’t believe it.
They asked that in return I consider giving her a chance to at least recover before rehoming her.
I posted Cat-Found posters and got a call from an employee who saw someone dropping off two dogs and a kitten out behind the Esso gas station that same day. Found out the RCMP came out and picked up the dogs, but they couldn’t find the scared grey kitten.
So in way she choose me…
Gracie then spent a few weeks recovering, that was back in November. Gracie, is now a member of the family so to say.
Gracie, first night of her rescue.​

Gracie in recovery.​

Her very own comfy bed.​

All healthy now. “She has started the ‘What can I fit into?’ Phase.”​

She often tries to sneak in the fridge.​

Gracie is now the manager of the house. “Hey, where is my food?”​

“Love this cat, she has brought much joy and happiness to my life,” said Jonny.​
i have 5 cats I am trying to get rid of--a mother and her 4 kittens. The shelter will kill them so I just have to hope they wander off or a guest sees one and decides to take it home.
Try some of the shelters mentioned in these stories.

There aren't any real no kill shelters in my area. Ours supposedly has a no kill wing, but unless they are 100% adoptable when they come in and there is a vacancy, they just gas them.

I'll check around with people and in the meantime get them somewhat acclimated to humans so if they get picked up they will have a theoretical chance. There are some ferals that have been around a few years in my neighborhood that have managed to be people friendly and cage avoiding. If the wander off, someone will likely help them or else they will show back up. If they are here by fall, I will see if I can get a lady who comes back every year for homecoming to take them to a no-kill shelter she works with in the northeast.

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