Kitty rescue stories....

A tiny stray kitten walked up to a young man when he was out with his dog. “As I was petting my husky this little guy walked up to me and is now my new pet. Everyone meet onion,” Will said. (reddit)
“He is a kitten from one of the strays that live around here.” They couldn’t find the cat mama, so Will took little Onion to the vet right away. “I took him to the vet today to get his shots but they said he is only 5 weeks old and would need to come back when he is 8 weeks old… He is weaned and eating moist kitten food.”
The kitten has become very attached to Will and follows him wherever he goes. “This little guy will follow me around the house if I let him loose. He just won’t leave me alone now. He purrs every time I pick him up now.”
A tiny stray kitten walked up to a young man when he was out with his dog.​

The kitten was all alone.​

“Will you be my human?”​

The little one stole the young man’s heart. Will named him Onion, took him to the vet and then to his forever home.​

“This little guy will follow me around the house if I let him loose. He just won’t leave me alone now.”​

“He purrs every time I pick him up now.”​
Here is Molly. I got her when she was about 3 weeks old, some crack heads had been abusing her and her siblings, and mama. She is the only one that made it out alive. She used to be filled with fear and angst, now she is just filled with happiness.

I really love this kitty


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Cali was saved by a vet when a private shelter brought her to the clinic and said they couldn’t keep her.
“The private shelter brought us 2 very young kitties to be euthanize, cause they don’t keep so young babies (they have a lot of contagious disease going on and not enough place…). I decided to keep them, just because I couldn’t do it,” the vet said via instagram.
Cali the rescue kitten. “Her eyes are still not open but we feel that she can’t wait to see us.”​

4 days later… They have put on 40 grams.​

Cali opening her eyes, seeing the world for the first time.​

The little calico grows leaps and bounds. Serious baby face.​

Cali exploring the garden.​

Little calico on her way to her forever home.​
Meet Peeps the kitty. She may wobble a little bit when she walks, but it doesn’t stop her. Peeps weighed just 9 ounces when she was saved by a kind woman from a shelter that couldn’t keep her.
“This is a kitten I rescued 4 weeks ago, she was 3 weeks old. She was at a shelter where they were going to put her down the day I got her. They said she was un-adoptable due to her birth defect. Her back legs aren’t straight, and they point outwards which made her walking very awkward, like a wobble,” said Samantha.
“Our vet said she was healthy otherwise and might outgrow her birth defects with water therapy, exercises, stretching, etc.. So I do this with her everyday. She now weighs 2.7 lbs and is getting around amazingly, runs and plays with the other kitties, can jump up on couch and bed, etc. One of the legs is almost normal,” she added.
“Adopting a Special Needs Kitty has been such a huge blessing and I’d do it again! They have the biggest hearts and appreciate you saving them. They really know. It’s a bond like you’ve never felt before.”
Meet Peeps the kitty. She weighed just 9 ounces when she was saved by a kind woman from a shelter that couldn’t keep her.​

She may wobble a little bit when she walks, but it doesn’t stop her.​

She gets water therapy for her legs and exercise every day. Now she can get around amazingly, run, play and jump on the couch and bed.​

Now Peeps weights 2.7 lbs, happy and loved. “Adopting a Special Needs Kitty has been such a huge blessing and I’d do it again! They have the biggest hearts and appreciate you saving them. They really know. It’s a bond like you’ve never felt before.”​
Meet Sparrow the odd eyed cat. It’s hard to believe that this little cutie was the last to be adopted from his litter.
“I got him from the SPCA and he was the only one who didn’t get adopted from his litter. I was so surprised. He’s also the sweetest cat I’ve ever met… I’m lucky to have such a great cat. I was always curious what his parents and siblings looked like. He is one of a kind,” said Brittinea via reddit.
Sparrow the odd eyed cat, first day at his new home​

When he first saw a suitcase…​


Sparrow is growing fast.​

He’s grown into a handsome cat.​
Four tiny rescue kittens now have a new surrogate dad, a Golden Retriever dog named Ponzu who wouldn’t let them out of sight.
Ponzu has fostered many kittens. (See Ichimi the rescue cat). His fatherly instinct kicked in when they brought back the kittens. He stayed by the box the kittens came in, watching them sleep.
He cleans the kittens after feeding and keeps them warm. The kitties love their new dad and follow him around.
Ponzu the dog is caring for four tiny rescue kittens like a father​

The kittens adore their new dad.​

He wouldn’t let them out of his sight.​

He cleans the kittens after feeding and keeps them warm.​

The kitties love their new dad and follow him around.​
[ame=]Newborn rescue kitten - YouTube[/ame]
Back in the early ought-70's we found a cat in an old house we were going to rent. That deal fell through, but as we scoured the house we found that kitten and named it Biscuit because it kneaded it's paws on our laps like it was making biscuits. So the cat lived to 20 years or so. It was a Main Coon job. Over the years I put that cat in the dryer and also dropped it out the second story window. But it was cool with that shit.

Later my lil' sis had him when it was dying. She called the vet at 2 am and she gave him injection after injection and they were both in tears. Then it died.

The end.
This feral family of six were rescued together, given shelter, food and a lot of love.
“It took us a few hours to catch them. One thing that helped was that we had been feeding the mother for months before this happened so she was already comfortable with us,” said the rescuer from Philadelphia, PA via reddit. “She most certainly was wild. She wouldn’t come near anyone. But over the course of several months we kept her fed. She slowly became more comfortable with people. Then one day she had the kittens and I knew we had to get them out of there. The kittens had people around right away so they didn’t have time to get too skittish…. the mother put up a bit of a fight when we tried to bring her in but she is very friendly now.”
“We held onto the whole family for a few weeks until the kittens were ready and were eating solid food. We got them all adopted except the mother. Still trying to find someone to take her.”
“These pictures are from when I found them and the night I rounded them up and took them home.”
A feral family of six were rescued together, given shelter, food and a lot of love.​

They have been feeding a feral cat over the winter. When they found out that she had kittens, they knew they had to get them out of there.​

“The kittens had people around right away so they didn’t have time to get too skittish…. the mother put up a bit of a fight when we tried to bring her in but she is very friendly now.”​

“We held onto the whole family for a few weeks until the kittens were ready and were eating solid food. We got them all adopted except the mother. Still trying to find someone to take her.”​
Maggie the little tuxedo girl knows exactly how to melt our hearts.
She was rescued by the Tonis Kitty Rescue in San Francisco and is now being cared for by Josh Norem of The Furrtographer. What she needs next is a forever loving home.

Maggie the little tuxedo girl knows exactly how to melt our hearts.​

That cute belly!​

Too cute for words!​

With a face like this, she will end up getting everything she has ever wanted.​

Maggie loves to sit on magazines.​
Adopting an animal is very rewarding. Making it two animals, it’s double the joy.
“After seeing this face on the rescue centre’s web site we had to adopt them both,” kitties’ human wrote via reddit. “And they really are the sweetest gals, and so close too!”
“After seeing this face on the rescue centre’s web site we had to adopt them both.”​

They’re now 6 months old in their forever loving home.​
Tiny Miso was a stray, wandering around an apartment building. She was all alone when Nick H. spotted her. As an animal lover who has a cat of his own, Nick rescued the little tabby and took her into his home. (Kitty Army)
Now Miso has a new home and she is loving every minute with her new human dad. She likes to climb on his shoulder to be close to him. They share a very special bond.
Tiny Miso was a stray, wandering around an apartment building until Nick rescued her and took her into his home.​

After a very needed bath, Miso climbed onto Nick’s shoulder for some extra TLC.​

Feeding time is a happy time.​

After a big meal, Miso loves to snuggle with her human for a nap.​

The two share a very special bond.​
This tiny tortie cat was born with a sweet little frowny face. With a face like that, she will end up getting everything she has ever wanted.
“(She) is very healthy and well taken care of. She lives the life of luxury, attacking my toes from under the bed, chewing on fingertips, following my dog around… My little nugget, unlike her facial expression, does not have a purrmanent name yet! If you can think of any good suggestions, I would love to hear them,” kitty’s human wrote via reddit.
She was born with a sweet little frowny face. Despite how much she’s loved and spoiled, she happens to look displeased all the time.​

You just want to give her a cuddle.​

“So much to think about…”​


With a face like that, she will end up getting everything she has ever wanted.​

“My little nugget does not have a purrmanent name yet! If you can think of any good suggestions, I would love to hear them,” kitty’s human wrote.​
A tiny kitten was found on the road by a kind young man who nursed him back to health despite he was told that the kitten wouldn’t survive. “He doesn’t know how to meow but spends 80% of his time to purr. I don’t know if that makes me the real Batman, but one thing is sure, it makes me a super buddy,” kitty’s human wrote.​
“One day of summer two years ago, I was playing video games with one of my bros. We decided to go to the shopping center, chilling around. On the road, I found a little dude, starved to death, completely blind and sick. I was searching for his mom, but she was nowhere… I took him with me,” kitty’s human wrote.​

“The veterinary told me that he’ll probably die because he was maybe two weeks old and was so sick… Challenge accepted.” He named the kitty Gotham.​

“He started to open his little eyes after a long care, eyedrops, warm towels, antibiotics, etc.”​

He gave him a stuffed animal to cuddle with.​

Gotham developed a huge appetite.​

He used one of his nine lives.​

He grew leaps and bounds.​

And finally became a healthy cat, making cat things, living the happy life.​

“He doesn’t know how to meow but spends 80% of his time to purr. I don’t know if that makes me the real Batman, but one thing is sure, it makes me a super buddy.”​
I was working as a real estate agent at the time, and one afternoon I was driving into the car park at the office when I almost ran over what I thought at the time was an over sized rat. I didn’t take much notice, but as I got out of the car I saw this tiny little ball of fluff run down into the drain pipe in the gutter.
I walked over to the drain hole and noticed that it was in fact a tiny 4 week old kitten covered in mud and sewerage. My heart instantly broke… somehow this poor little kitten had been abandoned and left to fend for himself.
He was a complete and utter stray, quite feral actually. But that didn’t matter, I went and bought him kitten milk, and sachets of food for what was the next 2 weeks.

Every morning when I arrived to work I would sing out “Puss Puss” and he would stick his head out of the gutter to see where I was. Over the next two weeks I fed him twice daily and built up a bit of trust with him. Still in saying that he would never come within 2 meters of me.
I ended up resigning from my job, but before I packed my office- I was told that I needed to do something about the feral cat that I’d been feeding. My boss at the time said that he would call the pound to come and get it. I knew the fate that would meet that little kitten should he end up in the hands of the city pound.
On my last day at the office, I brought along a cat cage and plenty of towels. It took just under seven hours but finally he poked his head out of the gutter and I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. He tore chunks off my wrist and bit me pretty hard, but I knew the poor thing must have been terrified.
I wrapped him in towels and put him gently in the cage, taking him immediately to the vet.
He was still a very aggressive kitten, hissing and biting everyone that came into contact with him. But I just couldn’t give him up, knowing what would have happened to him if I did. So over several weeks and between many cuts and cuddles later, my mother and I raised this little fella into what I would now quite literally consider to be my best friend in the world.
I have had a pretty hard run over the past 2 years, moving house 5 times and even at one stage I had no where for Puss to live- I scratched every cent I had together to pay for a kitten kennel so that he would have somewhere to stay until I found my own self somewhere to live! Puss was definitely no stranger to facing change. But Puss always stuck by me. From car rides to visit mum in the country side, to dvd marathons on the couch. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my little Puss.
He is now a completely house trained and domesticated part of the family. Every day I wake up, I honestly feel like my life is enriched by having him in it. Our bond is pretty tight and I am glad that I never gave him up!
I was never thought to be a cat man, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
Benjamin had been feeding this tabby kitten he found near an office he worked at. On his last day at the office, he knew he had to rescue the kitten before others took him to the pound. So he did.​

He named the kitten Puss. It took a while for Puss who was very feral at the beginning, to finally start trusting. “He was still a very aggressive kitten, hissing and biting everyone that came into contact with him. But I just couldn’t give him up, knowing what would have happened to him if I did.”​

“So over several weeks and between many cuts and cuddles later, my mother and I raised this little fella into what I would now quite literally consider to be my best friend in the world…. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my little Puss.”​

“He is now a completely house trained and domesticated part of the family. Every day I wake up, I honestly feel like my life is enriched by having him in it. Our bond is pretty tight and I am glad that I never gave him up!”​

“I was never thought to be a cat man, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way!”​
A tiny calico kitten Schmoo was blind when she came to Saving Grace Rescue.With a lot of care and love, Schmoo regained some of her vision and found her forever home.

Her sight doesn’t hinder her from being a happy and loving kitty that she is. Schmoo now is living happily with her humans Nick and Sarah and another kitty named Jethro also adopted from Saving Grace Rescue.
Schmoo was blind when she came to Saving Grace Rescue Inc. They gave her food, warmth and a lot of love. Her eyes started to heal and she began to regain her vision.

Then this happened one day. Schmoo found her human Nick who was her foster dad at the time.​

Soon Nick realized that they couldn’t part with their little calico and decided to adopt her.​

“Wake up now!”​

Happy Schmoo.​

Schmoo all grown now, happy and healthy at her forever home.​
A tiny grey kitten was wandering on the road near a vacant house. “I’m a home inspector, and I drive over 100 miles a day. I don’t normally pick up hitchhikers, but today I found one I couldn’t say no to,” said redditor zdaytonaroadster.
“Found him at house that was vacant, just wandering around by the road. I was sure he’d get hit by a car. I didn’t see his mom, and it was about 90 (degrees F) out today, he was panting.”
“Stopped at a local run down gas station and got him a little water.” He found the kitten a good home and they named him Ash.
“He’s got a puppy to play with. He’s already getting spoiled.”
“I’m a home inspector, and I drive over 100 miles a day. I don’t normally pick up hitchhikers, but today I found one I couldn’t say no to.”​

Morning belly rub request.​

Ash and his new BFF Roxy.​

Ash’s new human’s father came by to meet his new grand-kitty and brought him a little kitty milk.​

After a long day…​

Bridget the cat with one of her rescuers

SOMERS POINT – A black and white long-haired kitten stranded on a small island underneath the Route 52 causeway bridge was rescued last week.
It is unknown how long the young female cat had been on Elbow Island, or how she got there. But the cat, now named Bridget, apparently survived torrential rains and furious winds while stranded.​
Two Somers Point women, some friends and Shamrock Towing were involved in the rescue.
Suzanne Kepner and a friend were walking the Route 52 causeway Sunday, April 27 when they heard the sound of a bird squawking coming from underneath the bridge in the vicinity of the “watch your speed” and 45 miles per hour speed limit signs.
They looked over the side of the bridge and were shocked when they spotted the kitten below on the small uninhabited island.
On their way back from their walk, Kepner stopped by Pet Pros in Somers Point to discuss what to do about the cat. She spoke with two of the employees, who suggested that she contact the Ocean City and or Somers Point police departments, one of the local boat towing companies and the cat rescue groups and the Ocean City Humane Society. One of the Pet Pros employees reached out to Peggy Thompson of Life Improvement for Cats and Kittens, or LICK.
Suzanne Fenton of Wildlife Aid, Somers Point Mayor Jack Glasser and Somers Point Police Officer Mark McElwee all offered to lend their help.
When the stranded kitten's plight was posted on social media, Shamrock Green Towing/Towboat US offered to help.
On Thursday morning, Kepner and several Pet Pros employees returned to the spot on the bridge where they had seen the kitten and heard it mewing.
Kepner stayed on the bridge, keeping the cat in her view, while Shamrock Green towboat with Thompson on board headed to the Elbow Island location. They found the kitten and brought it ashore.
The black and white long-haired cat has been examined by the veterinary staff at the Ocean City Humane Society, and other than being hungry and dehydrated, the animal was given a clean bill of health.
Thompson said Bridget is receiving IV fluids and is doing well. She said the veterinarian told the cat is quite young and does not have her 5-month teeth yet.
The rescuers said they have no idea the kittne wound up on Elbow Island, which is accessible only by water. Speculation includes the possibility that someone brought the cat out there and left it, or that it may have fallen or been thrown off the bridge.
Brownie the rescue cat gives her kittens unconditional love. When she and her babies were rescued by an animal clinic in France, she was partially paralyzed and unable to stand up and walk, but that didn’t stop her from caring for her little babies.
“She was abandoned in a box with her babies. Her pelvis is badly injured, her two hip joins were broken and one her leg was paralyzed,” malilex wrote via instagram. Brownie stayed by her kittens the entire time while she was recovering. “She managed to move a little to take care of her babies. She needed a little motivation to eat so at first I put the food on her kitty (she couldn’t resist to clean it off).” Malilex was able to feed her with her hand eventually.
Brownie learned to stand up and regained enough strength to use the litter box. After two months of recovering, Brownie can finally walk on her four paws. This lovely cat mama has been there for her kittens every step of the way.
When Brownie and her babies were rescued, she was partially paralyzed and unable to move her hindquarters, but that didn’t stop her from caring for her little babies.​

Brownie stayed by her kittens the entire time while she was recovering.​

“She managed to move a little to take care of her babies. She needed a little motivation to eat so at first I put the food on her kitty (she couldn’t resist to clean it off).”

Brownie learned to stand up and regained enough strength to use the litter box.​

After two months of recovering, Brownie can finally walk on her four paws.​

Happy furry family!​

“I love you, mommy!”​

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