Kleibold and Harris vs. The West.

Basically, the capabilities of ISIS are on par with Dylan Kleibold and Eric Harris who shot up Columbine HS in Colorado 16 years ago.

The hysteria on the right about the rather pedestrian capabilities of these folks is disheartening.
I usually agree with you 99% of the time but your way off course ... I live in littleton not more the 5 miles away from the school here's and example of kids being bullied that took revenge on a school the did nothing to stop bulling ... in their insane mines this was the answer....

here we have terrorist ....who feel that our way of life is wrong ...who feel we should all be killed if we don't convert to their insane view of their of god they aren't any where near

So both parties are insane--D&K and the muslims. The weapons are the same; small arms fire and bombs. Their numbers relative to the opposition are pretty much the same (if you just take in the US military).

I will say that there is no negotiating a war based on religion since there is only one criterion for victory. Theoretically, an army of D&K disciples would be open to alternative solutions.

But our reactions are night and day. This is what is disheartening.
It was the same event in Paris 6 days ago as it was in Colorado 16 years ago. Yet somehow this is the end of the world as we know it to some.

Columbine didn't have the implications of whats transpiring in europe ie muslims immigrating to europe and affecting culture, transposing english and european law with sharia law. As russia pushes them into a choke hold, from the northeast to the southwest, the repercussions are going to be dire. Mixed in are neo-nazi fascists who are sympathizing with russia and are joining the fight against muslims. There is no correlation between columbing and muslim terrorism.

The muslim terrorists used small arms and bombs.
D&K used small arms and bombs.

It's exactly the same attack. The reactions are totally different.
Now did the COlumbine shooters have the ability to perp more of the same........btw dont libs freak after every shooting......go on the annual teabagger hunt only to find a drug addled lib

No. They are dead. Just like the perps in Paris.

Liberals do say that we should do something. Conservatives are happy with the monthly bloodbaths.
Yes libs say give tyranny a chance,,,,,,,,,ISIS isnt dead

That sad argument again; you guys need to get some new material.... People around the world live in countries with strict gun control laws. They have prosperous economies, vibrant night lives, high standards of living, etc... Everything we have in America except the monthly bloodbaths.
Capabilities? What kind of hand grenades did the Columbine shooters have?
home made ones.

Did they have international safe houses,
No, they had 2 in their home town.

a magazine,
No. :rofl: I guess they'll be able to use them to swat puppy dogs on the nose from time to time?

an international organization with a blog site?
A blog. Oooh., I'm scared. <sarcasm>

Did they claim a jihadist mission to destroy the infidels?
No. Claiming a jihad does zilch to your capabilities.

What kind of suicide vests did those kids construct?
Oh, you mean they strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up? Scary. Except that they are outnumbered about a 10 to 1 in this nation alone.

And the most important thing is what idiot faction on the left their actions like the left seems to justify muslem killers? What an idiotic post.

Not sure what you're trying to say but then again, I speak only English. The fact of the matter is that their capabilities remain pedestrian and present very little in the way of a true threat to our nation.

Except that they are outnumbered about a 10 to 1 in this nation alone.

and the boys in Columbine were outnumbered 200-300 to 1.

Didn't; stop them, did it?

Precisely my point. You can't stop someone whose only barrier is walking from the living room to the kitchen and deciding to cook up a batch of explosives with material that is readily available at Wal Mart.

Put another way...

Did you fear for the sake of the nation when Kleibold and Harris pulled off their massacre? Or when it was repeated time and time again? Probably not.

Yet, the same act pulled off by muslims and you see posts stating that WW III has started, wanting to stop all immigration, deportations, etc...
I think I get your point here now... here we have school after school of people being gun down and the only response we get from the right is how sad that is ... they all shouldl be packing a gun ... ....
but when we have terrorist who basically does the same kind of act all we hear from the republicans is we need to bomb the hell out of them ... we need to send millions of our troops after them and wipe them off the face of the earth... we should turn the middle east to glass ... in other words what you are trying to compare is the act and not the reason ... I get it
Columbine didn't have the implications of whats transpiring in europe ie muslims immigrating to europe and affecting culture, transposing english and european law with sharia law. As russia pushes them into a choke hold, from the northeast to the southwest, the repercussions are going to be dire. Mixed in are neo-nazi fascists who are sympathizing with russia and are joining the fight against muslims. There is no correlation between columbing and muslim terrorism.

The muslim terrorists used small arms and bombs.
D&K used small arms and bombs.

It's exactly the same attack. The reactions are totally different.
Now did the COlumbine shooters have the ability to perp more of the same........btw dont libs freak after every shooting......go on the annual teabagger hunt only to find a drug addled lib

No. They are dead. Just like the perps in Paris.

Liberals do say that we should do something. Conservatives are happy with the monthly bloodbaths.
Yes libs say give tyranny a chance,,,,,,,,,ISIS isnt dead

That sad argument again; you guys need to get some new material.... People around the world live in countries with strict gun control laws. They have prosperous economies, vibrant night lives, high standards of living, etc... Everything we have in America except the monthly bloodbaths.
There is no justification for columbine or muslims killing innocent people. Equating the two is simply absurd and a journey into alice in wonderland.

It was the same event in Paris 6 days ago as it was in Colorado 16 years ago. Yet somehow this is the end of the world as we know it to some.

Columbine didn't have the implications of whats transpiring in europe ie muslims immigrating to europe and affecting culture, transposing english and european law with sharia law. As russia pushes them into a choke hold, from the northeast to the southwest, the repercussions are going to be dire. Mixed in are neo-nazi fascists who are sympathizing with russia and are joining the fight against muslims. There is no correlation between columbing and muslim terrorism.
its not a case of implication ... its a case of people being killed ...I believe what she is saying to us here is look, every mouth in this country we have people killed in the same manor, not reason but manor ... killed by automatic weapons and nobody is outraged here because of the killings that we have here, as much as they are enraged over what happen in france ... we have more killing here each mount then the entire killings that the terrorist commit there each year ... but when it happens you on the right go off the deep end and poo poo it when it happens here by the same method
There is no justification for columbine or muslims killing innocent people. Equating the two is simply absurd and a journey into alice in wonderland.

It was the same event in Paris 6 days ago as it was in Colorado 16 years ago. Yet somehow this is the end of the world as we know it to some.

Columbine didn't have the implications of whats transpiring in europe ie muslims immigrating to europe and affecting culture, transposing english and european law with sharia law. As russia pushes them into a choke hold, from the northeast to the southwest, the repercussions are going to be dire. Mixed in are neo-nazi fascists who are sympathizing with russia and are joining the fight against muslims. There is no correlation between columbing and muslim terrorism.

The muslim terrorists used small arms and bombs.
D&K used small arms and bombs.

It's exactly the same attack. The reactions are totally different.
they did they made pipe bombs and bombs out of propane any way you look at it bombs are bombs
Basically, the capabilities of ISIS are on par with Dylan Kleibold and Eric Harris who shot up Columbine HS in Colorado 16 years ago.

The hysteria on the right about the rather pedestrian capabilities of these folks is disheartening.
I usually agree with you 99% of the time but your way off course ... I live in littleton not more the 5 miles away from the school here's and example of kids being bullied that took revenge on a school the did nothing to stop bulling ... in their insane mines this was the answer....

here we have terrorist ....who feel that our way of life is wrong ...who feel we should all be killed if we don't convert to their insane view of their of god they aren't any where near

So both parties are insane--D&K and the muslims. The weapons are the same; small arms fire and bombs. Their numbers relative to the opposition are pretty much the same (if you just take in the US military).

I will say that there is no negotiating a war based on religion since there is only one criterion for victory. Theoretically, an army of D&K disciples would be open to alternative solutions.

But our reactions are night and day. This is what is disheartening.
it took me a few post to understand what you are trying to say ... I think I got it ... its the act of killing, not the reason that you were trying to get across ... here we have this type of killings each month here and nobody on the right is enraged about it ... they have come to believe that's americans exercising their 2nd amendment rights
Basically, the capabilities of ISIS are on par with Dylan Kleibold and Eric Harris who shot up Columbine HS in Colorado 16 years ago.

The hysteria on the right about the rather pedestrian capabilities of these folks is disheartening.
I usually agree with you 99% of the time but your way off course ... I live in littleton not more the 5 miles away from the school here's and example of kids being bullied that took revenge on a school the did nothing to stop bulling ... in their insane mines this was the answer....

here we have terrorist ....who feel that our way of life is wrong ...who feel we should all be killed if we don't convert to their insane view of their of god they aren't any where near

So both parties are insane--D&K and the muslims. The weapons are the same; small arms fire and bombs. Their numbers relative to the opposition are pretty much the same (if you just take in the US military).

I will say that there is no negotiating a war based on religion since there is only one criterion for victory. Theoretically, an army of D&K disciples would be open to alternative solutions.

But our reactions are night and day. This is what is disheartening.
it took me a few post to understand what you are trying to say ... I think I got it ... its the act of killing, not the reason that you were trying to get across ... here we have this type of killings each month here and nobody on the right is enraged about it ... they have come to believe that's americans exercising their 2nd amendment rights

Well yes and no. I don't think it's the right wing loons thinking people are exercising their rights. What I do think (as far as the right wing goes) is that they have some sort of fantasy about needing their guns for some attack that will never come, some war that will never be fought, and when/if it were to happen, they would be so disorganized that it wouldn't matter if they had guns or not.

What I am saying is this; plain and simple. What D&K did in 1999 and what whomever this guy/gal was in 2015 is no different. They didn't like persons X and they set out to kill as many as they could. Tomorrow, whatever D&K offshoot we have stateside and whatever ISIS/ISIL/AL Queda/ strain of virus shows up to do harm in whatever place are there for the same reasons; to do harm. Whether they yell "Die scum" or "Allah Akbar" during their commission is pretty irrelevant.

What isn't up for question is that both groups will fail. There isn't enough hate in the world to blot out the love and there isn't enough bullets or bombs they can make to change that. It would be helpful if we in the US could maintain some perspective rather than upping the ante of hate with more of it.

At the same time, there is hate and then there is prudence. I don't think we should be taking in refugees from the ME in these numbers. For one thing, the climate is 100% different; the culture may be a shock to their system, their presence here would be much like if you were to take some Japanese refugees who had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor and tried to settle them in the US in the Spring of '42.

Certainly, there are other ways America could contribute without causing what is, at best, a stressful situation for some Americans who are going to be living near these detainment camps, allowing persons who may have nefarious motives access to our liberal gun purchase requirements, and culturally obscuring the refugees.
Basically, the capabilities of ISIS are on par with Dylan Kleibold and Eric Harris who shot up Columbine HS in Colorado 16 years ago.

The hysteria on the right about the rather pedestrian capabilities of these folks is disheartening.

The reaction of the right to Columbine was to circle the wagons and make sure nothing was done about preventing future Kleibolds and Harris' from accessing the weapons of their choice
The muslim terrorists used small arms and bombs.
D&K used small arms and bombs.

It's exactly the same attack. The reactions are totally different.
Now did the COlumbine shooters have the ability to perp more of the same........btw dont libs freak after every shooting......go on the annual teabagger hunt only to find a drug addled lib

No. They are dead. Just like the perps in Paris.

Liberals do say that we should do something. Conservatives are happy with the monthly bloodbaths.
Yes libs say give tyranny a chance,,,,,,,,,ISIS isnt dead

That sad argument again; you guys need to get some new material.... People around the world live in countries with strict gun control laws. They have prosperous economies, vibrant night lives, high standards of living, etc... Everything we have in America except the monthly bloodbaths.

What a totally useles table
There is no justification for columbine or muslims killing innocent people. Equating the two is simply absurd and a journey into alice in wonderland.

It was the same event in Paris 6 days ago as it was in Colorado 16 years ago. Yet somehow this is the end of the world as we know it to some.

No....not the same.....you lefties can't see the truth, facts or reality can you.....

The Columbine shooters were 2 kids, and an isolated event.....the muslim terrorists are a dedicated enemy who will keep attacking us....and they are getting better at doing it.....

And obama just allowed Iran to get the bomb.....

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