Klobuchar surges after being the only Dem with the balls to say they dont want a Commie as Dem nom


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points. It’s no coincidence.

Dumb fucking Dimms are finally realizing the leg the far left crazies hijack their party, because they are nutless and feckless sheep with no sack. Utter wusses.

Dimm morons, please please please nominate a commie for POTUS....OH PLEASE!

Klobuchar Lone Dem to Raise Hand when Asked About Socialism Concerns
Yea, so Amy is the only one running for the Dimm nomination with any balls.

Maybe she is the first transgendered candidate to ever run for POTUS.
Don't fall for it....She's every bit as batty and Lieawatha and Batshit Bernie....She voted in favor of nearly everything Barry Oboingo wanted.
Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points. It’s no coincidence.

Dumb fucking Dimms are finally realizing the leg the far left crazies hijack their party, because they are nutless and feckless sheep with no sack. Utter wusses.

Dimm morons, please please please nominate a commie for POTUS....OH PLEASE!

Klobuchar Lone Dem to Raise Hand when Asked About Socialism Concerns
She is another commie pretending to NOT be a commie.

Commie Chameleons. All of them.

Don't fall for it....She's every bit as batty and Lieawatha and Batshit Bernie....She voted in favor of nearly everything Barry Oboingo wanted.

I am not falling for anything, just saying many of the Dimm voters are aware that Bernie is a commie.
Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points.

Buttigieg spiked even more...ooops there goes your half-baked theory.

Since Friday? Buttplug won Iowa, you jackass.

Jackass, Socialist Bernie got 26%, Amy got 20% and you think you are making a good case that Democrats are en-mass realizing something about socialism?

It is as if you never even heard of 2016 Democrat primary.
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Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points. It’s no coincidence.

Dumb fucking Dimms are finally realizing the leg the far left crazies hijack their party, because they are nutless and feckless sheep with no sack. Utter wusses.

Dimm morons, please please please nominate a commie for POTUS....OH PLEASE!

Klobuchar Lone Dem to Raise Hand when Asked About Socialism Concerns
She will say whatever it takes to get delegates on her side. If she's a Dim - she's a commie.
Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points.

Buttigieg spiked even more...ooops there goes your half-baked theory.

Since Friday? Buttplug won Iowa, you jackass.

Jackass, Socialist Bernie got 26%, Amy got 20% and you think you are making a good case that Democrats are en-mass realizing something about socialism?

It is as if you never even heard of 2016 Democrat primary.

Fuckstick, don’t be so fucking obtuse. Klobuchar spiked since Friday because of the debate.

Don’t be a tard
'Klobuchar surges after being the only Dimm with the balls to say they dont want a Commie as Dimm nom'

Who the hell does she think she is fooling?! She is still pushing for Medicare for all, the same Single-Payer system Obama, Reid and the Democrats wanted to FORCE onto all Americans.

After ramming the minority piece of liberal legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who did NOT want it, Reid publicly declared OBAMACARE WAS MEANT TO FAIL - IT WAS MEANT TO BE A STEPPING STONE TO SINGLE-PAYER'!

Where Barry f*ed up was leaving 'escape clauses' in Obamacare. Yes, yes, yes - he lied to ignorant sheep who bought his lies about 'if you like your plan / doctor you can keep them', but his TAX that could be and finally was eliminated pretty much killed the thing. Democrats know what has to be done and even Klobuchar is ready and willing to do it - MAKE ALL PRIVATLEY -OWNED HEALTHCARE ILLEGAL, FORCING ALL AMERICANS ONTO A HEALTH CARE PROGRAM RUN BYTHE DEMOCRATS.....THE SAME INCOMPETENT CRIMINAL ASSHOLES WHO PROVED RECENTLY THEY CAN'T EVEN SUCCESSFULLY RUN AN IOWA CAUCUSS.

She may be wrapped in a more moderate package, but underneath she is still one of the self-appointed elite ruler wanna-bes who has vowed to undo all the successful policies Trump has enacted, forcing Americans to return to their Economic Plantation and their policy of economic slavery.
Amy was the only one who raised her hand, and then she spiked like 10 points. It’s no coincidence.

Dumb fucking Dimms are finally realizing the leg the far left crazies hijack their party, because they are nutless and feckless sheep with no sack. Utter wusses.

Dimm morons, please please please nominate a commie for POTUS....OH PLEASE!

Klobuchar Lone Dem to Raise Hand when Asked About Socialism Concerns
That's her only real standout moment
Smart move to aim it at normies , indies ,and swing voters
Don't trust her. You saw her at the Kavanaugh hearings. She has a self serving spoiled reputation with her staff and others. We do not need this. All that talking nice crap is just that.

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