Knock Down The Wall Around Hillary's House

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Democrats are total hypocrites.

Now the idiotic libtardos are calling the wall Trump's "vanity wall". This is meant to create a pejorative in reference to the wall. So the way I see it, Hillary can tear down her "vanity wall". And so can all the rest of these elitist jackasses who have walls around their houses while telling us we don't need a wall for national security.

The reason they build walls is it's the most effective and least expensive way to secure their property. And the same applies to the border wall. It costs less and forces those trying to enter our country illegally to look for an easier way to cross the border.

So remember, when some jackass tells you we don't need a wall, tell them to get their checkbook out to pay for more border police, and every other expense illegal immigration costs. They build walls for the same reason. It's the cheapest and most effective way to secure their property.
Apparently all the libtardos are OK with their obvious hypocrisy. Of course Obama likes to have a wall around his digs too.



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