"Knockout"... Tell me why these aren't Hate Crimes?...

I have never understood the whole "hate crime" thing.

Why is it worse if I kill you because of your skin color than if I kill you to steal your money?

either way you are dead and I have committed murder.

Why is one worse?

I guess the answer is that hate crime legislation is the left's attempt at thought control.

It is about state of mind, the same as state of mind, or mens rea, making murder worse if it was premeditated.

not the same.

I'm not arguing that point. I don't think it is the same either. But the fact that mental state was considered in one crime is what was used to bring about this legislation.
That has been proven to be false. No one want to have someone with a bad 'tude building a monument with secrets.

What??? :cuckoo: did you wash down your paxil with vodka this morning? Slave labor was not used to build the pyramids??????? WTF? Were they all members of the carpenters and stone masons unions?

You ass-u-me to much.

Slaves Didn't Build the Pyramids - Bing Videos

LOl, interesting theory, but fails a basic logic test. So they buried dead pyramid builders near the pyramids? probably because it was easier to bury them where they fell than to carry them off somewhere else. It does not in any way prove that they were paid workers and not slaves.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOABBn5Tnm0]Holder Admits No Equality Under Hate Crime Bill - YouTube[/ame]
this thread is a perfect example of the current liberal "get even" philosophy. No one alive today had slaves or was a slave, but they are determined to punish people today for what was done 200 years ago.

I guess we should destroy the pyramids because the Egyptians used slave labor to build them.

The purpose of Affirmative Action was 'to right past wrongs.'

i.e. punish people who had nothing to do with it, and reward other people who had nothing to do with it. typical liberal "logic".
allow me to correct a previous post:

what I should have said is: should I be put in jail today because my great grandfather was a horse thief?

Geez, grow up and understand that there is just a thing as a generic "you" and "your". and that using those terms is not a personal attack.

Failed lit did we?
this thread is a perfect example of the current liberal "get even" philosophy. No one alive today had slaves or was a slave, but they are determined to punish people today for what was done 200 years ago.

I guess we should destroy the pyramids because the Egyptians used slave labor to build them.

The purpose of Affirmative Action was 'to right past wrongs.'

i.e. punish people who had nothing to do with it, and reward other people who had nothing to do with it. typical liberal "logic".

Short sighted by far.
allow me to correct a previous post:

what I should have said is: should I be put in jail today because my great grandfather was a horse thief?

Geez, grow up and understand that there is just a thing as a generic "you" and "your". and that using those terms is not a personal attack.

Failed lit did we?

not at all, I got scolded by a mod for using the generic "your" as a "personal attack on a fellow poster" :cuckoo:
allow me to correct a previous post:

what I should have said is: should I be put in jail today because my great grandfather was a horse thief?

Geez, grow up and understand that there is just a thing as a generic "you" and "your". and that using those terms is not a personal attack.

Failed lit did we?

Is that a generic "we" or are you making a personal attack on my school record? :lol:
I have really never understood the idea of a "hate crime." Any crime is a hate crime.

I don't like that a person can be tried and acquitted for murder in a local court, then the system gets a second bite of the apple by trying him again for a hate crime in a federal court. Wreaks of double jeopardy to me.
Eric Holder has said hate crimes are only "White on black" not "Black on white." So it goes in 'Holder's America.'

Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

In hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder settled Hackel's question of whether hate crime laws protect whites: they don't.

Holder repeatedly claimed that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups that were targeted for violence on a "historic basis," such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays.

Holder's repeated charge that blacks were "historically" targeted for violence betrays the fact that in modern times they rarely are. In fact, according to the Justice Department's own statistics, in only 10% of the 650,000 violent interracial crimes that occur each year in this country are white offenders attacking black victims

In 90% of interracial violent crimes, whites are being attacked by blacks. Attacks on white individuals and couples by mobs of black youths are all too common in this country.

Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, June 25. Holder said that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups such that have been targeted on a "historical basis" such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays.

Read more at LiveLeak.com - Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

Holder did say "historic basis," but the rest is interpretation by the author of this article.
Eric Holder has said hate crimes are only "White on black" not "Black on white." So it goes in 'Holder's America.'

Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

In hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder settled Hackel's question of whether hate crime laws protect whites: they don't.

Holder repeatedly claimed that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups that were targeted for violence on a "historic basis," such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays.

Holder's repeated charge that blacks were "historically" targeted for violence betrays the fact that in modern times they rarely are. In fact, according to the Justice Department's own statistics, in only 10% of the 650,000 violent interracial crimes that occur each year in this country are white offenders attacking black victims

In 90% of interracial violent crimes, whites are being attacked by blacks. Attacks on white individuals and couples by mobs of black youths are all too common in this country.

Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, June 25. Holder said that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups such that have been targeted on a "historical basis" such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays.

Read more at LiveLeak.com - Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

Holder did say "historic basis," but the rest is interpretation by the author of this article.

Holder is the Attorney General and is explaining his application of the Hate Crimes Issue. He does not apply the law to benefit whites. When it comes to race, it to benefit blacks only.
I have really never understood the idea of a "hate crime." Any crime is a hate crime.

I don't like that a person can be tried and acquitted for murder in a local court, then the system gets a second bite of the apple by trying him again for a hate crime in a federal court. Wreaks of double jeopardy to me.

They are using dual sovereignty to get around double jeopardy. Two sovereigns: State. Federal.

Blow goats much?... :dunno:

If the Misplaced Guilt-ridden White Liberal Media could have found ONE Instance of this they would have made IT the Story and Ignored it happening with Black Youth from Coast to Coast.

This is a Distinctly Black Culture thing... Why?



They didn't have youtube in the 1930's, when packs whites played hangman with blacks.

Backed and supported by Democrats

Democrats who would be Republicans today.
Truthseeker, this is Holders statement:

"Holder repeatedly claimed that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups that were targeted for violence on a "historic basis," such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays."

That is his interpretation of the Hate Crimes Law. That isn't really written in the law, but it is his interpretation of it and how he runs his office and sends out information. As a result, whites are not being protected by law as the blacks or other minorities are.
Eric Holder has said hate crimes are only "White on black" not "Black on white." So it goes in 'Holder's America.'

Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

Read more at LiveLeak.com - Attorney General Holder: Whites Not Protected by Hate Crime Laws!

Holder did say "historic basis," but the rest is interpretation by the author of this article.

Holder is the Attorney General and is explaining his application of the Hate Crimes Issue. He does not apply the law to benefit whites. When it comes to race, it to benefit blacks only.

I do not recall the herring but if Holder said he would not use the law to protect whites that would be a problem.
Holder did say "historic basis," but the rest is interpretation by the author of this article.

Holder is the Attorney General and is explaining his application of the Hate Crimes Issue. He does not apply the law to benefit whites. When it comes to race, it to benefit blacks only.

I do not recall the herring but if Holder said he would not use the law to protect whites that would be a problem.

Not for him, but I am with you. I have a problem with it as well.
I have not read the law, but what I understand generally it did not include whites. Since whites were the perps.

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