Know Why Democrat Precincts Are The Last To Count Votes?

'Cause they need to know how many votes to "find" to win, silly.

NJ Dem leader refuses to concede to GOP truck driver, says ... › politics › new-jersey-dem-leader-steve-sweeney-refuses-concede-ballots-found
Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney says thousands of "recently found" ballots supports his refusal to concede to a Republican challenger ... for instance there were 12,000 ...

Sweeney Claims '12,000 Ballots' Have Been 'Recently Found ... › news-and-politics › rick-moran › 2021 › 11 › 06 › defeated-new-jersey-senate-president-claims-12000-ballots-have-been-recently-found-n1530242
The New Jersey senate speaker, Steve Sweeney, who lost to GOP political novice Ed Durr on Tuesday by 3,000 votes, is refusing to concede the race, citing "12,000 ballots" that were "recently ...

Powerful New Jersey Senate Democrat says '12,000 ballots ... › news › campaigns › powerful-new-jersey-senate-democrat-says-12-000-ballots-recently-found-support-refusal-to-concede-to-truck-driver
Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, who is projected to lose his bid for reelection against a little-known truck driver, is talking about "recently found" ballots to support his ...

NJ State Senator Says 12,000 Votes 'recently found ... › 12000-votes-recently-found
New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney suffered a crushing blow on Tuesday night. Edward Durr, a truck driver who only spent $153 on his total campaign, was leading in the election. The race was so close, it was not officially called until Thursday morning, with Durr holding about a 2,000-vote advantage.

Anyone remember when we were a real country????
You mean before that knuckle dragger Trump came along & destroyed it?

Btw, just because absentee or mail in ballots come in late that doesn't means there's fraud. And since when do only Dems count votes, you moron.

Move to another country if you don't like our election process & peddle your lame brain conspiracy bullshit over there.
It used to be a question as to whether you are really this stupid, or you simply lie as often as you breath.

It's no longer a question.

Everyone knows how the game is played.

Stalin let the cat out of the bag.

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
In case you didn't know, this ain't Russia you twit.

Fuck off & peddle your bullshit in a foreign country, assclown.
You mean before that knuckle dragger Trump came along & destroyed it?

Btw, just because absentee or mail in ballots come in late that doesn't means there's fraud. And since when do only Dems count votes, you moron.

Move to another country if you don't like our election process & peddle your lame brain conspiracy bullshit over there.

Here is your remedial:

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”


. The Democrat plot was to use the Wuhan pretense, that citizens needed to mail in votes due to the ‘danger’ of personal voting. They knew they could use the same scheme as they tried in Palm Beach 2000 to keep counting until they won.
That was the same plan used successfully to steal the Norm Coleman election by Al Franken.

To be effective, they needed Democrat state courts and election commissions to make deadlines and schedules malleable.

And, they did.

Here's why any ballot not received by close of business on election day should be tossed.
There is no basis for that extension in state law. The state supreme court made that up, and it is not allowed by the Constitution of the United States.

A state court authorized it, and it does not have the authority under the US Constitution.

Take notes, so you look a tad less stupid.
In case you didn't know, this ain't Russia you twit.

Fuck off & peddle your bullshit in a foreign country, assclown.

Is that the language you were brought up with?

How sad, how vulgar. It's nothing less than child abuse.
This has been happening for decades.

'Cause they need to know how many votes to "find" to win, silly.

NJ Dem leader refuses to concede to GOP truck driver, says ... › politics › new-jersey-dem-leader-steve-sweeney-refuses-concede-ballots-found
Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney says thousands of "recently found" ballots supports his refusal to concede to a Republican challenger ... for instance there were 12,000 ...

Sweeney Claims '12,000 Ballots' Have Been 'Recently Found ... › news-and-politics › rick-moran › 2021 › 11 › 06 › defeated-new-jersey-senate-president-claims-12000-ballots-have-been-recently-found-n1530242
The New Jersey senate speaker, Steve Sweeney, who lost to GOP political novice Ed Durr on Tuesday by 3,000 votes, is refusing to concede the race, citing "12,000 ballots" that were "recently ...

Powerful New Jersey Senate Democrat says '12,000 ballots ... › news › campaigns › powerful-new-jersey-senate-democrat-says-12-000-ballots-recently-found-support-refusal-to-concede-to-truck-driver
Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, who is projected to lose his bid for reelection against a little-known truck driver, is talking about "recently found" ballots to support his ...

NJ State Senator Says 12,000 Votes 'recently found ... › 12000-votes-recently-found
New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney suffered a crushing blow on Tuesday night. Edward Durr, a truck driver who only spent $153 on his total campaign, was leading in the election. The race was so close, it was not officially called until Thursday morning, with Durr holding about a 2,000-vote advantage.

Anyone remember when we were a real country????
This is why most deep blue states have a law that they can accept any ballot up to five days after the polls close.

In New Jersey, they will count every ballot turned in by Nov 7th. A full five days after the polls close.

They need five days to figure out how many ballots need to be added to the count because you know, math. It doesn't come easy to those retards.
Here is your remedial:

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”


. The Democrat plot was to use the Wuhan pretense, that citizens needed to mail in votes due to the ‘danger’ of personal voting. They knew they could use the same scheme as they tried in Palm Beach 2000 to keep counting until they won.
That was the same plan used successfully to steal the Norm Coleman election by Al Franken.

To be effective, they needed Democrat state courts and election commissions to make deadlines and schedules malleable.

And, they did.

Here's why any ballot not received by close of business on election day should be tossed.
There is no basis for that extension in state law. The state supreme court made that up, and it is not allowed by the Constitution of the United States.

A state court authorized it, and it does not have the authority under the US Constitution.

Take notes, so you look a tad less stupid.
I don't take notes from a bold faced liar like you.

"The Wuhan Pretense". Yea, sure.
Any state is fine with me. I want election integrity, you do not. want to reverse the trend of the GOP/conservatives losing 7 of the last 8 popular votes by any means possible....which is why you latch on to every lie, conspiracy theory, and half-baked explanation for your blob's loss. Its also why you're bitter and can't answer the most basic questions...

For example...
There are hundreds of jurisdictions in every one of the states where you've alleged massive voter fraud. City, County, State, Federal, precinct constables, etc... Any one of these cops in any one of these jurisdictions could have arrested someone on probable cause of massive voter fraud. Much like your IQ...the grand total of arrest is zero.

Care to explain why that is? Is every cop in Georgia "in on it". Care to explain? Of course you don't.

The months of absolute idiocy you've exhibited have done nothing except provide a target rich environment for anyone who can think straight and you've made yourself into a laughing stock...which is why now you're throwing around the words "slut" and fantasizing about oral sex...sheer frustration.
Bullshit....we all know what they're trying to pull
We're pulling the chain that rattles your cage because you & your cult won't accept the fact that Trump was thrown out of office in a free & fair election whether you like it or not.

And all your crying won't change a thing. want to reverse the trend of the GOP/conservatives losing 7 of the last 8 popular votes by any means possible....which is why you latch on to every lie, conspiracy theory, and half-baked explanation for your blob's loss. Its also why you're bitter and can't answer the most basic questions...

For example...
There are hundreds of jurisdictions in every one of the states where you've alleged massive voter fraud. City, County, State, Federal, precinct constables, etc... Any one of these cops in any one of these jurisdictions could have arrested someone on probable cause of massive voter fraud. Much like your IQ...the grand total of arrest is zero.

Care to explain why that is? Is every cop in Georgia "in on it". Care to explain? Of course you don't.

The months of absolute idiocy you've exhibited have done nothing except provide a target rich environment for anyone who can think straight and you've made yourself into a laughing stock...which is why now you're throwing around the words "slut" and fantasizing about oral sex...sheer frustration.
All that and you say nothing about forensic audits. You do not want election integrity,
We're pulling the chain that rattles your cage because you & your cult won't accept the fact that Trump was thrown out of office in a free & fair election whether you like it or not.

And all your crying won't change a thing.
Free and fair is a ridiculous claim. You are just plain stupid.
Free and fair is a ridiculous claim. You are just plain stupid.
Prove the election was stolen. You've been asked this before but you have nothing. Nothing at all except some bullshit conspiracy theory.

Explain why out of the thousands of people who would have to be engaged in pulling off the steal of a presidential election, not one has come forward. Not a single one in a year.

Let's have it, big guy. We're waiting.
We could go a long way toward limiting the number of votes that Democrats “find” late into the night, or the morning after, if we:

a) require all mail-in ballots to arrive by 7 pm on Election Day, since this idea of allowing votes to come in days after the count is known is ridiculous

b) mail-in ballots will be counted first, at 7 pm, and after all those votes are counted, then count the in-person votes
We're pulling the chain that rattles your cage because you & your cult won't accept the fact that Trump was thrown out of office in a free & fair election whether you like it or not.

And all your crying won't change a thing.
Nah.... You're trying to pull a repeat
Election theft but the is a time it's being watched.
We could go a long way toward limiting the number of votes that Democrats “find” late into the night, or the morning after, if we:

a) require all mail-in ballots to arrive by 7 pm on Election Day, since this idea of allowing votes to come in days after the count is known is ridiculous

b) mail-in ballots will be counted first, at 7 pm, and after all those votes are counted, then count the in-person votes
And just how do you propose to require the USPS to get those ballots in the hands of election officials by 7 pm on Election Day? Hmmmm?

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