Knowing is better than believing.

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Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
I had a near death experience that confirmed everything for me. Not having any specific beliefs about the "so-called" afterlife I actually experienced what really exists. And I asked questions, which were all answered.
I had a near death experience that confirmed everything for me. Not having any specific beliefs about the "so-called" afterlife I actually experienced what really exists. And I asked questions, which were all answered.
Did it suck so bad, you decided to come back and mend your ways with your new knowledge. That would be quite a gift, to have all your questions answered and be given the time to use that knowledge.
I had a near death experience that confirmed everything for me. Not having any specific beliefs about the "so-called" afterlife I actually experienced what really exists. And I asked questions, which were all answered.
What did you ask and what were the answers?
I had a near death experience that confirmed everything for me. Not having any specific beliefs about the "so-called" afterlife I actually experienced what really exists. And I asked questions, which were all answered.

Who did you ask the questions to?
How long where you there?
Who else was there?
Did you see God or who?

How do you know it wasn't pure hallucinations?
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Did it suck so bad, you decided to come back and mend your ways with your new knowledge. That would be quite a gift, to have all your questions answered and be given the time to use that knowledge.
Actually I was so glad to be there I raise up my hands to say oh my God this beautiful, it was then I noticed I did not have any hands I question my reality and I ended up back here, because I look down saw them working on me. I did nothing wrong, I will know better next time, not to question, but you remain exalted in the glory.
Actually I was so glad to be there I raise up my hands to say oh my God this beautiful, it was then I noticed I did not have any hands I question my reality and I ended up back here, because I look down saw them working on me. I did nothing wrong, I will know better next time, not to question, but you remain exalted in the glory.
My words often fall on deaf ears.
Knowledge is technically a "feeling" whereas faith is something that is held to be true.

In Finnish "knowledge" is about knowing one's way.
tuntea = to feel, literally to familiarize oneself or to become familiar, (as to know the way without even so much as opening one's eyes,) related to tulla, "to come" and tuoda, "to bring."
tietää = to know a fact, to know the way, literally: tie = "way" in the sense of "wayfinding" like the wise men who found their way from a distant country in the East to worship Jesus, and departed by a different way.
Who did you ask the questions to?
How long where you there?
Who else was there?
Did you see God or who?

How do you know it wasn't pure hallucinations?

Because I believe you never went anywhere and saw nothing but it sounds good.
When I finally woke up the nurse asked me as to what I saw when I look down, when I told her what I saw she confirmed everything what's correct. So the real question is who are we, or what are we. And I have the answers. No it was no hallucination. As for time, there is no comparison in the universe of light, it doesn't exist. I assumed time exist in the physical universe but not one of pure energy without substance. We are all apart of God, we are not separate from God. I have answered some of the questions, not all; mankind is not ready for all the answers.
I had a near death experience that confirmed everything for me. Not having any specific beliefs about the "so-called" afterlife I actually experienced what really exists. And I asked questions, which were all answered.
.oldschool supposedly had an out of body experience once. I assume it was a NDE but I don't know because he won't talk about it either.

Why is it that you guys are so tight lipped about the details of the experience?
.oldschool supposedly had an out of body experience once. I assume it was a NDE but I don't know because he won't talk about it either.

Why is it that you guys are so tight lipped about the details of the experience?
I have 10-12 lucid dreams a year....Though they're neither OBEs or NDEs, I can tell you that there is a whole lot more going on in the universe of things, than the sliver of consciousness we experience in waking awareness.
I have 10-12 lucid dreams a year....Though they're neither OBEs or NDEs, I can tell you that there is a whole lot more going on in the universe of things, than the sliver of consciousness we experience in waking awareness.
I would assume that most people have had those. I know I have. I agree that there is a whole lot more going on in the universe of things, than the sliver of consciousness we experience in waking awareness.
There are thousands of case NDEs and past life regressions from people under hypnosis recorded and written by a bunch of people. Is it all a load of crap? Maybe, the brain can be a mysterious thing, telling you what is real when it really isn't. My wife suffers from mental illness, she sometimes thinks Barack Obama's son Mark wants her sexually, but the problem is that Obama doesn't have a son, right? But she believes it, heart and soul. So, you know what your brain tells you what to know.

That said, I do not know of any case where somebody came forward and said that any of this NDE and past life stuff was all a made-up fiction. Anyone who has not experienced it would have a hard time accepting it as true, and I think that is reasonable. BUT - that doesn't mean it ain't true either. It might be just as unreasonable to dismiss the possibility that there could be an afterlife of some sort, as it is to say it can't happen.
Why is it that you guys are so tight lipped about the details of the experience?
NDE = Attempted Murder. Someone was observing you, got too close to you, under your skin, messing with your brain. They wanted you dead. You weren't supposed to make it alive, because now there’s hell to pay for them.
@.oldschool supposedly had an out of body experience once. I assume it was a NDE but I don't know because he won't talk about it either.
I do not talk about it for obvious reasons. Disussing OOBE is futile. I have however contributed to doctoral research.
NDE = Attempted Murder. Someone was observing you, got too close to you, under your skin, messing with your brain. They wanted you dead. You weren't supposed to make it alive, because now there’s hell to pay for them.
Interesting. :brb9:
I do not talk about it for obvious reasons. Disussing OOBE is futile. I have however contributed to doctoral research.
What reasons would that be? It doesn't seem so obvious to me.

Sharing information is never futile. Having a reference for an outcome is. Besides that seems like fatalistic thinking.
What reasons would that be? It doesn't seem so obvious to me.

Sharing information is never futile. Having a reference for an outcome is. Besides that seems like fatalistic thinking.
Ah, it starts already.
Argumentative poeople like you are the reason ding.
I would assume that most people have had those. I know I have. I agree that there is a whole lot more going on in the universe of things, than the sliver of consciousness we experience in waking awareness.
Actually very few have them......You're either a natural at it (a very small number of "gifted" people) or have to work at it like a workout routine....I fall into the latter group.
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